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This project forked from julialang/julia

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The Julia Language: A fresh approach to technical computing.

Home Page:

License: Other

C++ 8.82% Makefile 0.77% Julia 66.27% Shell 0.33% AutoHotkey 0.05% GDB 0.01% AppleScript 0.01% C 18.72% Ruby 0.06% NSIS 0.05% Scheme 3.84% Pawn 0.07% Clojure 0.36% Objective-C 0.06% Assembly 0.07% MATLAB 0.20% Fortran 0.12% Python 0.05% Perl 0.03% Java 0.13%

julia's Introduction


My focus is AI/AGI research.

I'm working with some sharp minds to start up an open AGI lab (

ฯ€ Jan 2024

๐Ÿ”ธ Previous work

๐Ÿ”น Mar-Jun 2023
    I led AutoGPT from early on until it secured funding ($12M). By that time it had 150k stars on GitHub.
    I declined an offer to continue leading the project.

๐Ÿ”น 2017-2020 CTO
    I led a team to build UltraSound MODEM (C++ lib, iOS/Android wrappers)

julia's People


amitmurthy avatar andreasnoack avatar carlobaldassi avatar eschnett avatar ihnorton avatar ivarne avatar jakebolewski avatar jeffbezanson avatar jiahao avatar keno avatar kmsquire avatar kshyatt avatar lindahua avatar mbauman avatar michaelhatherly avatar mikeinnes avatar nalimilan avatar nolta avatar pao avatar quinnj avatar simonbyrne avatar simonster avatar staticfloat avatar stefankarpinski avatar stevengj avatar timholy avatar tkelman avatar viralbshah avatar vtjnash avatar yuyichao avatar



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