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Comments (20)

kjetilkjeka avatar kjetilkjeka commented on June 12, 2024 1

We're currently working on a system that will formalize stabilization, compatibility, deprecation and early experimentation with DSDL definitions together with other important changes to the protocol. We're a bit "all hands on deck" with this at the moment, so I believe non-critical changes to concrete types will probably be delayed. The comments you leave here will, of course, be highly appreciated when the right time comes.

Even though a lot of the changes to the core protocol has been accepted there are a few things related to how DSDL is namespaced, changed and deprecated remaining. If you can (if you want to) follow/participate in the protocol update effort by following here OpenCyphal/specification#2.

from public_regulated_data_types.

olliw42 avatar olliw42 commented on June 12, 2024
  • float16 for quaternions (often!? always!?) doesn't make sense
  • gnss.fix, gnss.fix2, ahrs.solution: 4th post of ArduPilot/ardupilot#6528
  • reconsider meta data for uavcan parameters. For instance, flag for "hidden" parameter (again Currently the concept is highly arbitrary and inconsistent. Either the proper parameter values should be done "at a higher level; for example, GUI tools", or not, but not some and some not. Either, or. The current meta data (default, min, max, type) is quite narrow/restrictive (e.g. setting a rate, using 0 o disable is convenient, but 1 might be too fast). In short, if meta data is send then something useful should be send.
  • clarification on priorities. It seems to me that this quickly gets out of control. Should every node provide the means to set the priorities of each message? General guidelines? Explicit specifications for some messages? Properly balancing the priorities can be critical for proper performance.
  • where needed, the specification should be explicit about transitional situations. For instance, gnss.fix: What gnss_timestamp should be send when there is no fix (zero, best guess, what the gnss provides, ...???). Is it allowed to change gnss_time_standard during operation (e.g. from gps to utc, as soon as a reliable leap_seconds is obtained)? Is it allowed to change value of leap_seconds during operation? Is the gnss_timestamp allowed to make jumps, or only jumps forward, or none? And so on. (it seems to me that the Zubaxx gnss isn't a good reference here, and that what it does is somewhat "flawed", a result of lack of specification)
  • general concept for adjusting the parameters in the node. I don't think it is really user friendly to use a SLCAN adapter, or other dedicated hardware just for handling the parameters. I rather would consider something which e.g allows one to set them from a GCS, with the flight controller as bridge. And so on.
  • some more variants of statistics messages could be helpful, especially on error sources. GetTransportStats is a bit too limited.

from public_regulated_data_types.

antoinealb avatar antoinealb commented on June 12, 2024

general concept for adjusting the parameters in the node. I don't think it is really user friendly to use a SLCAN adapter, or other dedicated hardware just for handling the parameters. I rather would consider something which e.g allows one to set them from a GCS, with the flight controller as bridge. And so on.

In my team we use a lot this feature, and I think it is very useful to have it as a standard in the UAVCAN protocol. What we did is that the parameters are stored in a key/value store to which UAVCAN is interfaced. This allows us to have several other interfaces (like a GCS, UART, etc) all working on the same set of parameters. (@jschall suggested to make the message timestamped, I agree;

Also agree, I am facing this issue right now while implementing a compass.

from public_regulated_data_types.

jschall avatar jschall commented on June 12, 2024

from public_regulated_data_types.

pavel-kirienko avatar pavel-kirienko commented on June 12, 2024

Why are magnetometer and IMU measurements under and
not under a and

Please do submit a fix! The new magnetic field message mentioned above should go into a separate namespace as you suggested. The old ones should be declared deprecated.

For the estimator use case, there
needs to be a way to detect missed delta-velocities and delta-angles, and
if a subscriber does miss any data, there should an interface for the
subscriber to attempt to retrieve the missed data from the publisher.

This would be over-engineering. The guarantees against data losses provided by CAN are likely sufficient for the task.

Currently, the message has no sensor_id field,
so there seems to be support for only one sensor on a network.

Lack of sensor_id means that we can support at most one IMU per node, not per network. However, it still might make sense to add the field.

It seems like we should be able to work out a way to do this
with far less than 56 bits

We had this discussion in the chat room already. Overflowing timestamps introduce undesirable corner cases, and given the future support for CAN FD, the saves doesn't seem to worth the extra complexity. I propose to keep the current method of timestamping for now.


I understand the efficiency argument, but the overall approach goes against the core design goals of UAVCAN, especially those concerning simplicity. Use of plain floats greatly simplifies handling of data on the side of application, and encourages designers to use SI rather than custom units. For example, we turned down a proposition of a status message for internal combustion engines a while back specifically because the developers were relying on fixed point too much.

My proposition is to avoid any numerical representations other than integers and IEEE754, at least until a much stronger case in their favor is built.

For the purposes of a communications protocol, I think we want to
avoid quaternions as the are overdetermined (and thus waste bits in order
to represent invalid quaternions), and instead use 3-2-1 intrinsic euler
angles with a fixed-point representation.

How do we handle the gimbal lock problem?

Would be nice to have "modified and not stored" and "requires reboot" flags
for parameters, for display purposes. Also, any reason why floating point
values in parameters are not represented by 64 bits?

The two flags you mentioned make sense. We can do that after #36 is implemented.

As for the lack of 64-bit floats: there's no strong reason why they are not supported. The reasoning was that parameters are mostly intended to be changed by humans, and a human would likely not benefit much from the high precision/resolution of 64-bit floats. Please describe your use case where you think 64-bit float parameters would be needed?

from public_regulated_data_types.

jschall avatar jschall commented on June 12, 2024

from public_regulated_data_types.

lthall avatar lthall commented on June 12, 2024

Hi all,
I understand that this is where I should be putting feedback on the CAN stuff. My only comment so far is about the ESC feedback.

The main feature I would like to ensure is present in the ESC communication is feedback of the maximum available throttle. It is important that this be in the similar precision as the commanded throttle but I would suggest we make it the same.

There are lots of reasons an ESC may limit the maximum throttle output. Some obvious ones are to protect against over current during recovery from low RPM or high loads, or to limit temperature build up.

If the autopilot can collect the maximum throttle available from each ESC it can account for this in the output mixer. If it can't collect this data it must wait until the limit causes a disturbance before it can correct for it via the control loops.

The other issue is the maximum throttle feedback may be needed at a much higher rate than voltage and current feedback. If the overhead of the additional data in the message is too much then we may need to have two messages for esc's.

Anyway, I hope this can be accommodated.

from public_regulated_data_types.

EShamaev avatar EShamaev commented on June 12, 2024

@lthall Can you please provide example for what autopilot should do if it knows that the maximum throttle is limited?

from public_regulated_data_types.

lthall avatar lthall commented on June 12, 2024

Hi EShamaev,

  • If maximum throttle is limited the motor mixer should reduce the output to the other motors to ensure the aircraft does not roll, pitch or yaw as a result of the limited throttle output.
  • If the aircraft is an hex or octo the motor mixers could adjust the output mix to maximise total thrust without inducing a roll, pitch, or yaw moment. (advanced feature)
  • The aircraft can warn the pilot of reduced motor function so that the pilot can land or fly conservatively.

from public_regulated_data_types.

EShamaev avatar EShamaev commented on June 12, 2024

1st and 2nd is done by autopilot's control loops without the need for feedback from ESC.
3rd is a good idea, however can be easily calculated from difference in demand and actual value and if such message is given it should be acknowldeged on GCS and taken in consideration.

But I agree that adding more data to Status of ESC is needed and maximum available throttle is not the only thing that needs to be added.

from public_regulated_data_types.

lthall avatar lthall commented on June 12, 2024

EShamaev, I would not have put points 1 and 2 if I thought they could be done effectively without feedback from the ESC.
The first point can be addressed by the control loops after the aircraft has rolled, pitched, or yawed. So an ESC limiting the output thrust will result in anything from a dip in an arm or a full flip of the aircraft before the control loops can take care of it.
2 can not be done by the control loops at all and would require quite a complex calculation that requires knowledge of the available thrust of each motor.

I get the feeling you think I am stupid and provide answers without thinking.

from public_regulated_data_types.

EShamaev avatar EShamaev commented on June 12, 2024

@lthall Please do not get that feeling. It's not true.

But I think that in order that control loops could behave that way they would need more parameters to be setup and if they are setup not correctly might lead to much more serious problems.
Also the control loops (if designed correctly) are able to cope with loss of thrust from one of the motors if there is a possible way to do so.
1st and 2nd are already implemented in Ardupilot's control loops for example if I remember correctly.

However I fully agree that Status of ESC should be extended.

from public_regulated_data_types.

lthall avatar lthall commented on June 12, 2024

As the primary author of the motor mixers and attitude controllers in ArduCopter since release 2.9 (something like 5 years now), I understand better than most what a well designed attitude controller can and can not do without ESC feedback and what it could do if it did have ESC feedback. I have been thinking about the implications of CAN based ESC's for well over two years and I have plans for what I can do to improve the performance of the attitude controllers, motor mixers and multi-rotors in general if given the required information.

None of the features above require any parameters to be set by the user or pose additional risk.

The current control loops can maintain attitude control without feedback from the ESC's if there is enough thrust from the lost motor or enough redundancy in the multi-rotor configuration. In the case of a hex or octo this is at the expense of reduced maximum thrust. Working from memory, the maximum thrust without ESC feedback in the event of total loss of a motor is something like 50% compared to 30% if there is feedback (point 2). I will get the exact figures when I get home tonight. However, this correction can only be done by the PID loops after the aircraft's attitude is compromised by the thrust loss. The magnitude of the thrust loss and the time over which that loss happens combined with the state of the aircraft at the time may mean the difference between a complete loss of the aircraft or personal injury or simply a small sag to one side. With fast feedback from the ESC I am able to correct for the issue at the motor mixer stage before any attitude disturbance is registered by the PID loops.

As I have said already, none of the features I mentioned above are possible without ESC feedback and therefore have not been implemented in Arducopter or any other flight controller without esc feedback. (A flight controller could take a reliable guess at 3 if all it ever did was hover in calm conditions).

Do I understand you correctly when you say "However I fully agree that Status of ESC should be extended." that you mean you can see why a separate small, efficient, high speed data packet is needed to provide near instantaneous output feedback from the ESC? If so, thank you for taking the time to talk this through with me!!

from public_regulated_data_types.

EShamaev avatar EShamaev commented on June 12, 2024

Yes, the feedback for thrust limit is not the only thing that I see should be added to ESC status.

from public_regulated_data_types.

kd0aij avatar kd0aij commented on June 12, 2024

I agree with @jschall that orientations should be specified using fixed point Euler angles.

from public_regulated_data_types.

EShamaev avatar EShamaev commented on June 12, 2024

The only advantage to have Euler angles is that they are easier to read by human.

However for camera's gimbal control quaternions give much more than can be seen from first.
When camera gets a new position to turn to, if all calculations are done in quaternions you will get a much more smooth and expected interpolation between positions.
Then the conversion from quaternion to Euler angle is more simple operation than from Euler angle to quaternion.
Also the quaternion heading for gimbal is natural because in most cases as the camera's line of sight needs to be stabilized respective to earth, all calculations are still going to be in quaternion to overcome gimbal lock.

from public_regulated_data_types.

kd0aij avatar kd0aij commented on June 12, 2024

As @jschall pointed out, floating point quaternions waste bits... and that is contrary to the objective of low latency and high throughput.
And what is the orientation precision of a float16 quaternion? I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the spec, and float16 is not a numerical format that I've ever seen used for quaternions.

from public_regulated_data_types.

EShamaev avatar EShamaev commented on June 12, 2024

I would agree that a fixed point quaternion would do better bitwise, but there is a balance between need to have custom types and having standard notation.

The precision is around 0.36 degree if float16 is used for quaternion.
It is nearly the same if the same data type is used to represent Euler angles.

However I agree that using 16 bit custom type we could have around 0.005 degree of precision with Euler angles.
The question is if it is really needed and if the overhead of converting from custom type to 32bit double quaternion is worth it for camera gimbal.

What can be done is a fixed point 16 bit type (0=0, 1=32767) to represent quaternion's values which will be converted to double after reception.

from public_regulated_data_types.

mjs513 avatar mjs513 commented on June 12, 2024

I am still getting into UAVcan but a couple of messages that I have been playing with are GNSS, IMU and now gimbal since I just picked up a SimpleBGC 2-axis gimbal. Just from some initial observations I would say that for the gimbal I would agree with olliw42. Over the next couple of days I will be experimenting with this and can probably feed you all more info. But what I see of the Mavlink message that looks about right - One thing that is missing is the ability just to send angles to the controller to control the gimbal.

As for the IMU data I have the Node due the raw imu data analysis and forward that data for action specifically is Roll, pitch, yaw and heading. Depending on the use case it would be in degrees and/or quaternions if I want to do something like Kalman filtering with GPS/IMU data combined.

As for the GNSS I see no problem so far with that message structure.


from public_regulated_data_types.

pavel-kirienko avatar pavel-kirienko commented on June 12, 2024

Done in the branch uavcan-v1.0, please review and open issues/PRs as necessary:


from public_regulated_data_types.

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