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onegrasshopper's Projects

ahkcommandpicker icon ahkcommandpicker

An AutoHotkey (AHK) script that allows you to easily run AHK functions. Instead of having to remember what shortcut key maps to each of your AHK scripts, this displays a list of all your AHK functions and allows you to easily run them.

altdrag icon altdrag

:file_folder: Easily drag windows when pressing the alt key. (Windows)

autocomplete icon autocomplete

Suggests and completes words as you type! Write faster and more efficiently.

cfiresim-open icon cfiresim-open

An attempt to re-write the popular retirement calculator ( in mainly javascript, and begin the journey toward open-source.

ddverpatch icon ddverpatch

Verpatch tool migrated from Codeplex. See the wiki.

dragdropconfirm icon dragdropconfirm

A simple shell extension for Windows to stop accidental drag and drop moves of folders.

dupeguru icon dupeguru

Find duplicate files. On Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.

encryptr icon encryptr

Encryptr is a zero-knowledge cloud-based password manager / e-wallet powered by Crypton

exifmeta icon exifmeta

Rob Cole's ExifMeta plugin for Adobe Lightroom

firewood icon firewood

Parses Kindle's "My Clippings.txt" and outputs text files, organized by title

helium_ab2tar icon helium_ab2tar

Utility for converting Helium Backup file into regular TAR file

js-search icon js-search

JS Search is an efficient, client-side search library for JavaScript and JSON objects

keys icon keys

Keys for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

komododrop icon komododrop

Komodo Drop is small, light weight application for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux that makes it easy and fast to upload images to SmugMug.

ln-win icon ln-win

JunctionPoint library and ln clone for Windows.

midi2lr icon midi2lr

An application and plugin to remotely control Lightroom with a MIDI controller

phpsmug icon phpsmug

:camera: phpSmug is a PHP wrapper class for the SmugMug API.

piex icon piex

Preview Image Extractor (PIEX)

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