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Comments (4)

xuk3r avatar xuk3r commented on July 18, 2024

Meanwhile, if I change the frame of the MTKView (x 10, y 10) in Demo and background color to white. Will get unexpected border, which only show in display, not screenshot.


from imgui.

xuk3r avatar xuk3r commented on July 18, 2024

modify code of file

// Dear ImGui: standalone example application for OSX + Metal.
// If you are new to Dear ImGui, read documentation from the docs/ folder + read the top of imgui.cpp.
// Read online:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import <Metal/Metal.h>
#import <MetalKit/MetalKit.h>

#include "imgui.h"
#include "imgui_impl_metal.h"
#include "imgui_impl_osx.h"
@interface AppViewController : NSViewController<NSWindowDelegate>
@interface AppViewController : UIViewController

@interface AppViewController () <MTKViewDelegate>
//@property (nonatomic, readonly) MTKView *mtkView;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id <MTLDevice> device;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id <MTLCommandQueue> commandQueue;
@property (nonatomic, strong) MTKView *mtkView;

// AppViewController

@implementation AppViewController

-(instancetype)initWithNibName:(nullable NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(nullable NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil
    self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil];

    _device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice();
    _commandQueue = [_device newCommandQueue];

    if (!self.device)
        NSLog(@"Metal is not supported");

    // Setup Dear ImGui context
    // FIXME: This example doesn't have proper cleanup...
    ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); (void)io;
    //io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard;     // Enable Keyboard Controls
    //io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad;      // Enable Gamepad Controls

    // Setup Dear ImGui style

    // Setup Renderer backend

    // Load Fonts
    // - If no fonts are loaded, dear imgui will use the default font. You can also load multiple fonts and use ImGui::PushFont()/PopFont() to select them.
    // - AddFontFromFileTTF() will return the ImFont* so you can store it if you need to select the font among multiple.
    // - If the file cannot be loaded, the function will return NULL. Please handle those errors in your application (e.g. use an assertion, or display an error and quit).
    // - The fonts will be rasterized at a given size (w/ oversampling) and stored into a texture when calling ImFontAtlas::Build()/GetTexDataAsXXXX(), which ImGui_ImplXXXX_NewFrame below will call.
    // - Read 'docs/FONTS.txt' for more instructions and details.
    // - Remember that in C/C++ if you want to include a backslash \ in a string literal you need to write a double backslash \\ !
    //io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("../../misc/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf", 16.0f);
    //io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("../../misc/fonts/Cousine-Regular.ttf", 15.0f);
    //io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("../../misc/fonts/DroidSans.ttf", 16.0f);
    //io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("../../misc/fonts/ProggyTiny.ttf", 10.0f);
    //ImFont* font = io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF("c:\\Windows\\Fonts\\ArialUni.ttf", 18.0f, NULL, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese());
    //IM_ASSERT(font != NULL);

    return self;

//-(MTKView *)mtkView
//    return (MTKView *)self.view;

- (MTKView *)mtkView {
    if (!_mtkView) {
        _mtkView = [[MTKView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 10, 1200, 720)];
    return _mtkView;

    self.view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 1200, 720)];
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
//    [self.view addSubview:self.mtkView];

    [super viewDidLoad];

    [self.view addSubview:self.mtkView];
    self.mtkView.device = self.device;
    self.mtkView.delegate = self;

    [NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];

    ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
    io.DisplaySize.x = view.bounds.size.width;
    io.DisplaySize.y = view.bounds.size.height;

    CGFloat framebufferScale = view.window.screen.backingScaleFactor ?: NSScreen.mainScreen.backingScaleFactor;
    CGFloat framebufferScale = view.window.screen.scale ?: UIScreen.mainScreen.scale;
    io.DisplayFramebufferScale = ImVec2(framebufferScale, framebufferScale);

    id<MTLCommandBuffer> commandBuffer = [self.commandQueue commandBuffer];

    MTLRenderPassDescriptor* renderPassDescriptor = view.currentRenderPassDescriptor;
    if (renderPassDescriptor == nil)
        [commandBuffer commit];

    // Start the Dear ImGui frame

    // Our state (make them static = more or less global) as a convenience to keep the example terse.
    static bool show_demo_window = true;
    static bool show_another_window = false;
    static ImVec4 clear_color = ImVec4(0.45f, 0.55f, 0.60f, 1.00f);

    // 1. Show the big demo window (Most of the sample code is in ImGui::ShowDemoWindow()! You can browse its code to learn more about Dear ImGui!).
    if (show_demo_window)

    // 2. Show a simple window that we create ourselves. We use a Begin/End pair to created a named window.
        static float f = 0.0f;
        static int counter = 0;

        ImGui::Begin("Hello, world!");                          // Create a window called "Hello, world!" and append into it.

        ImGui::Text("This is some useful text.");               // Display some text (you can use a format strings too)
        ImGui::Checkbox("Demo Window", &show_demo_window);      // Edit bools storing our window open/close state
        ImGui::Checkbox("Another Window", &show_another_window);

        ImGui::SliderFloat("float", &f, 0.0f, 1.0f);            // Edit 1 float using a slider from 0.0f to 1.0f
        ImGui::ColorEdit3("clear color", (float*)&clear_color); // Edit 3 floats representing a color

        if (ImGui::Button("Button"))                            // Buttons return true when clicked (most widgets return true when edited/activated)
        ImGui::Text("counter = %d", counter);

        ImGui::Text("Application average %.3f ms/frame (%.1f FPS)", 1000.0f / ImGui::GetIO().Framerate, ImGui::GetIO().Framerate);

    // 3. Show another simple window.
    if (show_another_window)
        ImGui::Begin("Another Window", &show_another_window);   // Pass a pointer to our bool variable (the window will have a closing button that will clear the bool when clicked)
        ImGui::Text("Hello from another window!");
        if (ImGui::Button("Close Me"))
            show_another_window = false;

    // Rendering
    ImDrawData* draw_data = ImGui::GetDrawData();

    renderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].clearColor = MTLClearColorMake(clear_color.x * clear_color.w, clear_color.y * clear_color.w, clear_color.z * clear_color.w, clear_color.w);
    id <MTLRenderCommandEncoder> renderEncoder = [commandBuffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:renderPassDescriptor];
    [renderEncoder pushDebugGroup:@"Dear ImGui rendering"];
    ImGui_ImplMetal_RenderDrawData(draw_data, commandBuffer, renderEncoder);
    [renderEncoder popDebugGroup];
    [renderEncoder endEncoding];

	// Present
    [commandBuffer presentDrawable:view.currentDrawable];
    [commandBuffer commit];

-(void)mtkView:(MTKView*)view drawableSizeWillChange:(CGSize)size

// Input processing


- (void)viewWillAppear
    [super viewWillAppear];
    self.view.window.delegate = self;

- (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification


// This touch mapping is super cheesy/hacky. We treat any touch on the screen
// as if it were a depressed left mouse button, and we don't bother handling
// multitouch correctly at all. This causes the "cursor" to behave very erratically
// when there are multiple active touches. But for demo purposes, single-touch
// interaction actually works surprisingly well.
-(void)updateIOWithTouchEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    UITouch *anyTouch = event.allTouches.anyObject;
    CGPoint touchLocation = [anyTouch locationInView:self.view];
    ImGuiIO &io = ImGui::GetIO();
    io.AddMousePosEvent(touchLocation.x, touchLocation.y);

    BOOL hasActiveTouch = NO;
    for (UITouch *touch in event.allTouches)
        if (touch.phase != UITouchPhaseEnded && touch.phase != UITouchPhaseCancelled)
            hasActiveTouch = YES;
    io.AddMouseButtonEvent(0, hasActiveTouch);

-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet<UITouch *> *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event      { [self updateIOWithTouchEvent:event]; }
-(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet<UITouch *> *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event      { [self updateIOWithTouchEvent:event]; }
-(void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet<UITouch *> *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event  { [self updateIOWithTouchEvent:event]; }
-(void)touchesEnded:(NSSet<UITouch *> *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event      { [self updateIOWithTouchEvent:event]; }



// AppDelegate


@interface AppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSWindow *window;

@implementation AppDelegate

-(BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed:(NSApplication *)sender
    return YES;

    if (self = [super init])
        NSViewController *rootViewController = [[AppViewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
        self.window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSZeroRect
                                                  styleMask:NSWindowStyleMaskTitled | NSWindowStyleMaskClosable | NSWindowStyleMaskResizable | NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable
        self.window.contentViewController = rootViewController;
        [self.window center];
        [self.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
    return self;



@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate>
@property (strong, nonatomic) UIWindow *window;

@implementation AppDelegate

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
    didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey,id> *)launchOptions
    UIViewController *rootViewController = [[AppViewController alloc] init];
    self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds];
    self.window.rootViewController = rootViewController;
    [self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
    return YES;



// Application main() function


int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);


int main(int argc, char * argv[])
        return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));


from imgui.

xuk3r avatar xuk3r commented on July 18, 2024

if add code below, this bug will be fixed.

self.mtkView.layer.opaque = NO;

from imgui.

donangel avatar donangel commented on July 18, 2024

I see the same ASSERTion if I run the example in iOS mode on my MacBook M1 Pro.

I do not see the assertion if I run it on an emulator (I tried so far iPad 9th generation).

My guess is the problem lays with some kind of permissions there, because when I run it on the Mac, I see the following errors in the log too (these do not exist when running on emulator):

2022-09-24 17:25:00.814147+0300 example_apple_metal[89300:6472310] [default] capability properties: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x60000317dac0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/fm/vq5y5t0j5tg0tlkcm4q325g40000gn/X/5AED6313-C313-5E9B-8B2B-18A1D86D8CD1/d/Wrapper/' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"
2022-09-24 17:25:00.817949+0300 example_apple_metal[89300:6471778] [default] capability properties: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x60000317dac0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/fm/vq5y5t0j5tg0tlkcm4q325g40000gn/X/5AED6313-C313-5E9B-8B2B-18A1D86D8CD1/d/Wrapper/' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"
2022-09-24 17:25:00.820475+0300 example_apple_metal[89300:6471778] [default] LSPrefs: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x60000317dac0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/fm/vq5y5t0j5tg0tlkcm4q325g40000gn/X/5AED6313-C313-5E9B-8B2B-18A1D86D8CD1/d/Wrapper/' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"
2022-09-24 17:25:00.821978+0300 example_apple_metal[89300:6471778] [default] capability properties: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x60000317dac0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/fm/vq5y5t0j5tg0tlkcm4q325g40000gn/X/5AED6313-C313-5E9B-8B2B-18A1D86D8CD1/d/Wrapper/' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"
2022-09-24 17:25:00.823767+0300 example_apple_metal[89300:6471778] [default] LSPrefs: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x60000317dac0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/fm/vq5y5t0j5tg0tlkcm4q325g40000gn/X/5AED6313-C313-5E9B-8B2B-18A1D86D8CD1/d/Wrapper/' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"
2022-09-24 17:25:00.824838+0300 example_apple_metal[89300:6471778] [default] capability properties: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x60000317dac0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/fm/vq5y5t0j5tg0tlkcm4q325g40000gn/X/5AED6313-C313-5E9B-8B2B-18A1D86D8CD1/d/Wrapper/' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"
2022-09-24 17:25:00.826439+0300 example_apple_metal[89300:6471778] [default] LSPrefs: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x60000317dac0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/fm/vq5y5t0j5tg0tlkcm4q325g40000gn/X/5AED6313-C313-5E9B-8B2B-18A1D86D8CD1/d/Wrapper/' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"
2022-09-24 17:25:01.405353+0300 example_apple_metal[89300:6471778] [default] capability properties: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x60000317dac0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/fm/vq5y5t0j5tg0tlkcm4q325g40000gn/X/5AED6313-C313-5E9B-8B2B-18A1D86D8CD1/d/Wrapper/' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"
2022-09-24 17:25:01.407922+0300 example_apple_metal[89300:6471778] [default] LSPrefs: could not find untranslocated node for <FSNode 0x60000317dac0> { isDir = ?, path = '/private/var/folders/fm/vq5y5t0j5tg0tlkcm4q325g40000gn/X/5AED6313-C313-5E9B-8B2B-18A1D86D8CD1/d/Wrapper/' }, proceeding on the assumption it is not translocated: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

I suspect lack of permission flags when running natively on macOS, but here my competences end.

from imgui.

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