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discord-bots's Introduction


This is where I will post my open-source Discord bots

Each bot has its own seperate document / terms so please do read them
I hope you enjoy!


If you find any issues with any bot, please do the following

  • Create an issue on the repo with the tag "bug"

How the issue should be formatted

Which bot contains the issue
What the issue is
If you know what's causing it, state that too
Which command the issue is in

For example,

BOT: CupOfJava
CMD: ping
ERR: link to a gist of the full traceback log goes here

NOTICE - that was an example, not a real issue. Also, extra merits if you take steps to ensure that the error is reproducible and not a one-time thing.

Feature requests

If you want to request a feature, please do the following

  • Create an issue on the repo with the tag "feature request"

What the issue should contain

Name of the bot
Name of the feature
A detailed description of what it will do
Arguments (if any)
Why it should be added to the bot

discord-bots's People


nytelife26 avatar


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