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nucypher-porter's Introduction



Porter can be described as the “Infura for TACo”. Porter is a web-based service that performs TACo-based protocol operations for applications.

Its goal is to simplify and abstract the complexities surrounding the TACo protocol to negate the need for applications to interact with the protocol directly. Porter introduces the TACo protocol to cross-platform functionality, including web and mobile applications.


You can utilize any publicly available Porter to interface with the Threshold Network. Alternatively, some application developers may choose to operate their own.

Running a Porter Instance

By default, Porter runs on port 9155.

Security Considerations

  • HTTPS: To run the Porter service over HTTPS, it will require a TLS key and a TLS certificate.
  • CORS: Allowed origins for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
  • Authentication: Usage restriction via authentication protocols, e.g. basic authentication etc.


Managing a Porter instance on mainnet requires solid server administration skills. This includes understanding how to provision and secure servers, applying security best practices, and maintaining consistent system performance. Key competencies like network configuration, SSL/TLS encryption, and CORS, are also essential to ensure the secure and efficient operation of your Porter instance.


By default, Porter runs over HTTP. However, Porter instances must be secured with a valid HTTPS certificate in order to be compatible with network applications. A Porter instance running without SSL/TLS is not only insecure but also browser-based apps and websites will be unable to connect.

To secure your Porter instance with HTTPS, use a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache for SSL processing, and potentially Let's Encrypt for automated SSL certificate issuance and renewal. Additionally, consider using cloud-based services like AWS/Digital Ocean load balancers or Cloudflare for SSL termination and enhanced security.

Configurable Operation Timeouts

Some Porter endpoints allow optional integer timeouts to be specified as a parameter. However, to prevent DDOS attacks, timeouts are capped. By default the /decrypt and /get_ursulas endpoints limit their timeouts at 15s. If the optional timeout parameter is not provided or the provided timeout parameter value is greater than the default timeout, the timeout used for the operation will be the default timeout.

If modifying the default timeout values is desirable, they can be configured via environment variables:

  • PORTER_MAX_DECRYPTION_TIMEOUT for /decrypt operations
  • PORTER_MAX_GET_URSULAS_TIMEOUT for /get_ursulas operations

Run via Docker

  1. Get the latest porter image:

    $ docker pull nucypher/porter:latest
  2. Run Porter HTTP Service on port 80

    $ docker run -d --rm \
       --name porter \
       -v ~/.local/share/nucypher/:/root/.local/share/nucypher \
       -p 80:9155 \
       --restart=unless-stopped \
       nucypher/porter:latest \
       nucypher-porter run \
       --eth-endpoint <YOUR ETH WEB3 PROVIDER URI> \
       --polygon-endpoint <YOUR POLYGON WEB3 PROVIDER URI> \
       --domain <TACO DOMAIN>

    The command above is for illustrative purposes and can be modified as necessary.

  3. Porter will be available on default port 80 (HTTP).

  4. View Porter logs

    $ docker logs -f porter
  5. Stop Porter service

    $ docker stop porter

Run via CLI

Acquire the nucypher-porter code base, and install using pip. Either:

$ pip3 install .


$ pip3 install -e .[dev]

For a full list of CLI options after installation nucypher-porter, run:

$ nucypher-porter run --help
  • Run Porter service via HTTP
$ nucypher-porter run --eth-endpoint <YOUR ETH WEB3 PROVIDER URI> --polygon-endpoint <YOUR POLYGON WEB3 PROVIDER URI> --domain <TACO DOMAIN>

(_____ \           _
_____) )__   ____| |_  ____  ____
|  ____/ _ \ / ___)  _)/ _  )/ ___)
| |   | |_| | |   | |_( (/ /| |
|_|    \___/|_|    \___)____)_|

the Pipe for TACo Application operations

ETH Endpoint URI: ...
Polygon Endpoint URI: ...
Running Porter Web Controller at


Status Codes

All documented API endpoints use JSON and are REST-like.

Some common returned status codes you may encounter are:

  • 200 OK -- The request has succeeded.
  • 400 BAD REQUEST -- The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error (e.g., malformed request syntax, invalid request message framing, or deceptive request routing).
  • 401 UNAUTHORIZED -- Authentication is required and the request has failed to provide valid authentication credentials.
  • 404 NOT FOUND -- Request could not be completed because requested resources could not be found.
  • 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR -- The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Typically, you will want to ensure that any given response results in a 200 status code. This indicates that the server successfully completed the call.

If a 400 status code is returned, double-check the request data being sent to the server. The text provided in the error response should describe the nature of the problem.

If a 401 status code is returned, ensure that valid authentication credentials are being used in the request e.g. if Basic authentication is enabled.

If a 500 status code, note the reason provided. If the error is ambiguous or unexpected, we'd like to know about it! The text provided in the error response should describe the nature of the problem.

For any bugs/un expected errors, please file GitHub issues with contextual information about the sequence of steps that caused the error.

URL Query Parameters

All parameters can be passed as either JSON data within the request or as query parameter strings in the URL. Query parameters used within the URL will need to be URL encoded e.g. / in a base64 string becomes %2F etc.

For List data types to be passed via a URL query parameter, the value should be provided as a comma-delimited String. For example, if a parameter is of type List[String] either a JSON list of strings can be provided e.g.

    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"parameter_with_list_of_values": ["value1", "value2", "value3"]}'

OR it can be provided via a URL query parameter

curl -X GET <PORTER URI>/<ENDPOINT>?parameter_with_list_of_values=value1,value2,value3

More examples shown below.


If URL query parameters are used and the URL becomes too long, the request will fail. There is no official limit and it is dependent on the tool being used.

POST /decrypt

Use TACo nodes to decrypt data that was encrypted with associated conditions.

Parameter Type Description
threshold Integer
Threshold of nodes needed to respond
encrypted_decryption_requests Dict[String, String]
Base64 encoded encrypted decryption requests
keyed by node staking provider address.
timeout (Optional) int
The timeout for the operation. Default value
is 15s unless the Porter instance is
configured to modify the default setting via
variable on startup. Timeouts provided that
are greater than this max default value are
capped at the default value

The result of the decryption operations performed:

  • decryption_results - The list of results from the decryption operations performed; contains a mapping of Node staking provider address/decryption fragment pairs. The decryption fragments are base64 encoded.
Example Request
curl -X POST <PORTER URI>/decrypt \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"threshold":5,
Example Response
Status: 200 OK
   "version": "3.3.0"


Only a threshold of responses are returned if the request is successful.

GET /get_ursulas

Sample available TACo nodes (Ursulas). Returns a list of TACo node staking provider and associated information.

Parameter Type Description
quantity Integer Number of total TACo nodes to return.
include_ursulas (Optional) List[String]
List of Ursula checksum addresses to
give preference to. If any of these Ursulas
are unavailable, they will not be included
in result.
exclude_ursulas (Optional) List[String]
List of Ursula checksum addresses to not
include in the result.
timeout (Optional) int
The timeout for the operation. Default value
is 15s unless the Porter instance is
configured to modify the default setting via
variable on startup. Timeouts provided that
are greater than this max default value are
capped at the default value
min_version (Optional) VersionString
Minimum acceptable version of Ursula.


List of Ursulas with associated information:

  • encrypting_key - Ursula's encrypting key encoded as hex
  • checksum_address - Ursula's checksum address
  • uri - Ursula's URI
Example Request
curl -X GET <PORTER URI>/get_ursulas \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"quantity": 5,
         "include_ursulas": ["0xB04FcDF9327f65AB0107Ea95b78BB200C07FA752"],
         "exclude_ursulas": ["0x5cF1703A1c99A4b42Eb056535840e93118177232", "0x9919C9f5CbBAA42CB3bEA153E14E16F85fEA5b5D"]}'


curl -X GET "<PORTER URI>/get_ursulas?quantity=5&include_ursulas=0xB04FcDF9327f65AB0107Ea95b78BB200C07FA752&exclude_ursulas=0x5cF1703A1c99A4b42Eb056535840e93118177232,0x9919C9f5CbBAA42CB3bEA153E14E16F85fEA5b5D"
Example Response
Status: 200 OK
   "result": {
      "ursulas": [
            "encrypting_key": "025a335eca37edce8191d43c156e7bc6b451b21e5258759966bbfe0e6ce44543cb",
            "checksum_address": "0x5cF1703A1c99A4b42Eb056535840e93118177232",
            "uri": ""
            "encrypting_key": "02b0a0099ee180b531b4937bd7446972296447b2479ca6259cb6357ed98b90da3a",
            "checksum_address": "0x7fff551249D223f723557a96a0e1a469C79cC934",
            "uri": ""
            "encrypting_key": "02761c765e2f101df39a5f680f3943d0d993ef9576de8a3e0e5fbc040d6f8c15a5",
            "checksum_address": "0x9C7C824239D3159327024459Ad69bB215859Bd25",
            "uri": ""
            "encrypting_key": "0258b7c79fe73f3499de91dd5a5341387184035d0555b10e6ac762d211a39684c0",
            "checksum_address": "0x9919C9f5CbBAA42CB3bEA153E14E16F85fEA5b5D",
            "uri": ""
            "encrypting_key": "02e43a623c24db4f62565f82b6081044c1968277edfdca494a81c8fd0826e0adf6",
            "checksum_address": "0xfBeb3368735B3F0A65d1F1E02bf1d188bb5F5BE6",
            "uri": ""
   "version": "3.3.0"


POST /retrieve_cfrags

Get data proxy re-encrypted by TACo nodes (Ursulas).

Parameter Type Description
treasure_map String
Unencrypted treasure map bytes
encoded as base64.
retrieval_kits List[String]
List of retrieval kit bytes encoded
as base64.
alice_verifying_key String Alice's verifying key encoded as hex.
bob_encrypting_key String Bob's encrypting key encoded as hex.
bob_verifying_key String Bob's verifying key encoded as hex.
context (Optional) String
Associated JSON dictionary required
during re-encryption e.g. data to
satisfy re-encryption conditions.
  • A single retrieval kit is an encapsulation of the information necessary to obtain cfrags from TACo nodes. It contains a capsule and the checksum addresses of the Ursulas from which the requester has already received cfrags, i.e. the Ursulas in the treasure map to skip.

    The format of a retrieval kit is:

    • base64(<capsule bytes>)

      if no cfrags were obtained from Ursulas in previous /retrieve_cfrags calls


    • base64(<capsule bytes><bytes of ursula_1 checksum address><bytes of ursula_2 checksum address>...)

      if some cfrags were already obtained from a subset of Ursulas for a retrieval kit in a previous /retrieve_cfrags call; for example, retrying after receiving less than a threshold of cfrags because some Ursulas may have experienced a blip in connectivity. This is an optional optimization that provides retry functionality that skips previously successful reencryption operations.

  • A context is an associated JSON dictionary of data required during re-encryption. One such example is when a condition for re-encryption requires proof of ownership of a wallet address; the context is used to provide the data and signature required for the proof.


The result of the re-encryption operations performed:

  • retrieval_results - The list of results from the re-encryption operations performed; contains a mapping of Ursula checksum address/cfrag pairs. The cfrags are base64 encoded. The list of results corresponds to the order of the retrieval_kits list provided. If there were issues obtaining cfrags for a particular retrieval kit, the corresponding list of cfrags could be empty or less than the expected threshold.
Example Request
curl -X POST <PORTER URI>/retrieve_cfrags \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"treasure_map": "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",
         "retrieval_kits": ["gANDYgMKitDPd/QttLGy+s7Oacnm8pfbl3Qs2UD3IS1d9wF3awJsXnjFq7OkRQE45DV4+Ma2lDSJ5SeKEBqJK5GdPMB6CRwJ1hX7Y5SYgzpZtr/Z5/S3DHgVKn+8fWX92FaqEXIGcQBjYnVpbHRpbnMKc2V0CnEBXXEChXEDUnEEhnEFLg=="],
         "alice_verifying_key": "02d3389864e9e7206ae1d18301bbd67ad8e0bdf257b3085c9aa13e9438ff9133f2",
         "bob_encrypting_key": "03d41cb7aa2df98cb9fb1591b5556363862a367faae6d0e4874a860321141788cb",
         "bob_verifying_key": "039c19e5d44b016af126d89488c4ae5599e0fde9ea30047754d1fe173d05eee468",
         "policy_encrypting_key": "02cdb2cec70b568c0624b72450c2043836aa831b06b196a50db461e87acddb791e"}'
Example Response
Status: 200 OK
   "result": {
      "retrieval_results": [
            "cfrags": {
               "0xd41c057fd1c78805AAC12B0A94a405c0461A6FBb": "Alvyx0r4IXvOWppw8jzbdx/8lIhL36ZAhbvNcTfo4KC6AqUxu6iP9gOVSaiehZAAQ89ho9MIGyDYdJIjg/dRkR1DuNX9qLnhAsg+qJvGcPpEXHNG0L2WHxe+AUNqtOSnwiEDegcnRTgUFyR4gfs6/M49/t8iXuXJcT6Szcwtx2JlZtACpa4KPLa5hFgI67rkiZQTqzn/aLPEzdD1zhhUyaHpJXoDfXLdpQmyEl8aI7ZOsBLh6PtPlx86/cvU0NOsR8wIoYUDe7BiAijbjo4VtcYrfvzu9CWRiWb0TQQJO6v47am/RPUD6NTr5+S/m+EvGK22L7XWtMHw7X2M380i4z2X1jxeYZaLmtuJJLAQL61kEIFv/1afCVDe+odbZ0Wivq3EiQzd0UcYRcvhIyGJdBksGv4GjfXSNNl6OCn1ny1Cn056juxGQs3yxzQZvfEN0UAOsI5IcTvOh3/kBNGfJGH+Qfv/CKc=",
               "0x68E527780872cda0216Ba0d8fBD58b67a5D5e351": "AvGBNjTE1WrgQLkDP0ViipGoSjlaq0Plge6szUOasYsnAnB7Q0OKN52h3kyEax8bTFA8uqQ1mg8/X+ccRnda7bjyQu3Oep16gNGkNItWo0Eb7XC8ZDnAJMe6VrQMeq4l6EQDegcnRTgUFyR4gfs6/M49/t8iXuXJcT6Szcwtx2JlZtADcS7sUWM293AkLyacmHcj/ohsWrhSTqyyV8oCzVeCR9ICLqSTeEjoYyBhRseKvU+OObMv+Vi9kW68SEbHJFZhpHgC1UsJjSTGH1hpBxYUpQcaFU4O+nafk1NIQcEfDY9xKLYD2FAkkVF0OcSaeSNCcgWmBnDYY1n9lnQbF4gvumFoO91+19DjGTa/lY0e/GWI0HrZ3D7Qe8uMUD5LZIth9RHdVgT8WFrVd7Wg47/ieMPbW/zNJ0jKgnlmgcUH4v+VSvvqWCL3cqm83psyABURpMntldLubCBgTrK8vCHP/C0Aduo="
   "version": "3.3.0"

nucypher-porter's People


cygnusv avatar derekpierre avatar kprasch avatar piotr-roslaniec avatar vzotova avatar




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nucypher-porter's Issues

Consider increasing learning timeout

Occasionally, I'm getting timeouts:

david@Davids-MacBook-Pro-2 nucypher-contracts % curl -X GET <redacted>/get_ursulas -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"quantity": 3}'
{"result": {"failure_message": "Execution stopped before completion - not enough available values (1 failures recorded)", "failures": [{"value": "0xb15d5A4e2be34f4bE154A1b08a94Ab920FfD8A41", "error": "HTTPSConnectionPool(host='<redacted>', port=9151): Read timed out. (read timeout=2)"}]}, "version": "3.1.1"}%  

It's possible that current default learning delay of 2 seconds is too short. See:


Bump Porter version

Should we bump Porter's version? It is already 1.0.0 on mainnet. If semver, then we aren't introducing breaking API changes for TACo 7.0.0 so technically it would be a 1.1.0, although using 2.0.0 would be refreshing for the TACo 7.0.0 release.

Properly validate network value provided to Porter via the CLI

Describe the Bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is, and what you expected to happen.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior

Traceback or Screenshots (Optional)
If applicable, add the full error message / Traceback or upload screenshots to help explain your problem.

System (please complete the following information):

  • OS Version: ubuntu 18.3
  • Nucypher Version: 6.0.0
  • Ethereum Node Version:

Implement Alice revoke functionality for Porter

Continuation of nucypher/nucypher#2703.

Implement /revoke once off-chain revoke is implemented; it is currently TBD after TMapConKFrags implementation (#2687 ) - see

Original potential implementation for /revoke can be found here - nucypher/nucypher#2666 (comment). However, this implementation may/may not need to be modified based on what is eventually done for TMapConKFrags off-chain revocation.

Error on `retrieve_cfrags` for multiple `retrieval_kits`

When making a call to the community testnet porter at with more than ~2-3 retrieval_kits I get a lot of the following errors:

RuntimeError: Ursula ((Ursula)⇀LightBlue Charlie LavenderBlush Mike↽ (0xcbE2F626d84c556AbA674FABBbBDdbED6B39d87b)) seems to be down while trying to complete ReencryptionRequest: <nucypher_core.ReencryptionRequest object at 0x7fc6cc11ac10>

Is this a limitation of the testnet porter?

Also it seems to work much better if I make parallel requests with a single retrieval_kit but not sure if that is intended behavior

Reduce dependency on nucypher/nucypher

There are constants, utilities, and cli option definitions being imported which can be handled locally. Consider the following modules:


from nucypher.config.constants import USER_LOG_DIR, DEFAULT_CONFIG_ROOT


from nucypher.cli.options import (
from nucypher.cli.types import NETWORK_PORT
from nucypher.cli.utils import setup_emitter, get_registry
from nucypher.config.constants import TEMPORARY_DOMAIN


from nucypher.config.constants import MAX_UPLOAD_CONTENT_LENGTH
from import get_static_resources
from nucypher.utilities.concurrency import WorkerPoolException
from nucypher.utilities.emitters import StdoutEmitter
from nucypher.utilities.logging import Logger, GlobalLoggerSettings

Think about better error categorization (error codes?) regarding whether a retry of failed request(s) may work

From @piotr-roslaniec :

Just a question: If the decryption request fails, it must be because one of the participants failed. In that case, what do we do on the client side? Do we retry once and then rest our case or is there any other action we could take based on errors contents? At this point, the ritual is complete and validated.

From @derekpierre :

Good question. This is a possible improvement to our error handling. I think we've chatted previously (perhaps there is an issue somewhere) about possibly having integer error codes or something like that as part of the error information returned, then the errors can be contextualized appropriately eg. blip on connectivity vs something more problematic (wrong encrypting key used etc.). A blip in connectivity would signal a retry would possibly be successful.

That is something we can perhaps build upon.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.