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This project forked from nbigaouette/acpi-eeepc-generic

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ACPI scripts to handle Asus EeePC line of netbook. Currently supports: 700, 701, 900, 900A, 901, 904HD, S101, 1000, 1000H, 1000HD, 1000HE, 1005HA, 1005-HA-H, 1005PE, 1008HA, 1201N, T91MT

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acpi-eeepc-generic's Introduction

Simple ACPI event handler for the EeePCs (700, 701, 900, 900A, 901, 904HD, S101, 1000, 1000H, 1000HD, 

    * Model agnostic
    * Many On Screen Display (OSD) options:
          o libnotify (GTK)
          o knotify (KDE)
          o dzen2
          o none 
    * Allow multiple commands to be executed for a single keypress
    * Depends only on vanilla kernel features ("eeepc_laptop" and "rfkill" kernel module): no need to use a 
custom kernel or hacked kernel module. Should be present in vanilla kernel (tested with 2.6.28.*)
    * Helper scripts for:
          o Suspend to ram
          o Wifi on/off
          o Bluetooth on/off (full support with 2.6.29 or patches, see here)
          o Synaptics touchpad on/off
          o Rotate screen
          o Change LVDS resolution (all supported resolution for your screen)
          o Change between LVDS, VGA or both (clone) 
    * When both bluetooth and wireless are disabled, the blue "wireless" led turns off.
    * Suspend is disable if:
          o desktop shortcut (.desktop) is used to toggle
          o some processes are running (can be changed in configuration file) 

Developed for ArchLinux, it should work on any distribution where ACPI works. It would need repackaging 
though which I can't provide. It sure is a simple task though: acpi-eeepc-generic is written in bash.


acpi-eeepc-generic's People


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