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MVCA - ultra lightweight MVC PHP framework

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mvca's Introduction

MVCA - ultra lightweight MVC PHP framework

MVCA is a lightweight PHP framework designed for web development. It follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture in a simple and user-friendly manner, providing essential features for building web applications.

Key Features

  1. Framework Foundation

MVCA serves as a foundation for your PHP projects, offering a streamlined approach to web development.

  1. Architecture - MVC

The framework is built on the MVC architecture, separating the application logic into Model, View, and Controller components.

  1. Routing

Define and manage your application's routes easily by configuring them in the routes.php file or use dynamic routing without losing functionality.

  1. Debugging Console

MVCA comes equipped with its own debugging console, allowing you to monitor and troubleshoot your application and database efficiently and fast.

  1. Multilingual Support

Internationalize your application effortlessly with MVCA's built-in support for multiple languages.

  1. Database Interaction

Easily manipulate data with MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL using the framework's database functionalities.

  1. Security Measures

MVCA incorporates robust security measures to safeguard your application against prevalent threats, ensuring a secure environment for your users. To enhance security, MVCA, by default, disables direct access to $_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER and $_COOKIES. Instead, it enforces disciplined data handling through a dedicated singleton with additional JSON wrapper. Notably, the framework ensures that all user input undergoes thorough filtering based on specified criteria, contributing to a disciplined approach in handling data.


  • Novoselskyi Dmytro

  • Voronenko Evhen

    • Frontend Development
    • Backend Development
    • Software Testing
    • Documentation
    • Collaborative Project Contribution

About Us

Thank you for exploring our pilot project! We are passionate individuals dedicated to creating innovative solutions in the realm of web development. Currently seeking exciting job opportunities or potential business collaborations to apply and expand our skills.

If you have compelling opportunities or business proposals, feel free to reach out to us through our LinkedIn profiles. We look forward to connecting with like-minded professionals and contributing our expertise to meaningful projects.

Let's create something extraordinary together!

Russian invasion of Ukraine

Novoselskyi Dmytro, presently without a stable home and job due to fleeing Ukraine amidst the Russian aggression, embodies resilience and dedication. Despite the immense challenges he faces, his passion for web development remains unwavering. Dmytro is committed to contributing his skills to innovative projects, striving to make a positive impact.

Voronenko Evhen, compelled to change his profession in the wake of the Russian aggression on Ukraine and facing daily risks to his life, stands as a testament to resilience. His expertise lies in frontend development, and he is now seeking opportunities to apply his skills in a new context.

Dmytro and Evhen are open to collaborations that extend beyond professional realms, aiming to contribute to projects that hold deep and meaningful significance.

Getting Started

Explore the framework's components and structure to kickstart your web development journey. Refer to the documentation for detailed information on usage, customization, and advanced features.


  1. Docker Container Download the repository files and use the Docker container via the terminal command docker compose up. Alternatively, run the provided .bat file (run-windows.bat) containing the same command. Ensure that Docker or Docker CLI is installed on your system.


  • Docker/Docker CLI
  1. Apache Server You can also run the framework on your own Apache server. Ensure that your system meets the following minimum requirements:


  • mod_rewrite
  • PHP 8.1 or highter
  • MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL for data manipulation


How this MVC works

This is MVC example with basic functionality, to access this code use URL http://localhost:2121/Products.Storage.main/1

Model: app/src/Products/M/StorageModel.php

namespace Products\M;
use Services\Database;
class StorageModel
    private Database $database;
    public function __construct(
        Database $database,
        $this->database = $database;
    public function getItemById($id): array|bool
            "SELECT * FROM mvca_example WHERE id=:id",
        return $query;

Controller: app/src/Products/C/StorageController.php

namespace Products\C;
use Products\M;
use Engine\Config;
use Engine\Output;
use Services\Request;
use Services\Cookies;
class StorageController
    private M\StorageModel $storageModel;
    private Config $config;
    private Output $output;
    private Cookies $cookies;
    public function __construct(M\StorageModel $storageModel, Config $config, Output $output, Cookies $cookies)
        $this->storageModel = $storageModel;
        $this->config = $config;
        $this->output = $output;
        $this->cookies = $cookies;
    public function main(): void
        $request = Request::init();
        $view['storage'] = $this->storageModel->getItemById($request->GET('var1', 'int'));
        $view['title'] = '{{Storage sample}} - MVCA';
        $view['config']['charset'] = $this->config->get('charset');
        $this->output->load("Products/Storage", $view, ['language' => $this->cookies->get('language')]);

View: app/src/Products/V/StorageView.php

 * @var string $title
 * @var array $storage
<h1><?= $title ?></h1>
<?php foreach ($storage as $key => $value) : ?>
    <?= $key ?> = <?= $value ?><br>
<?php endforeach ?>


MVCA has app/public/.htaccess that converts first 7 folders except exceptions into query params http://localhost:2121/route/var1/var2/var3/var4/var5/var6/ First folder is used by framework, rest is under your control. Also you can add any custom query params in traditional way like this: http://localhost:2121/route/var1/var2?something=123

In previous View example we visit code with url http://localhost:2121/Products.Storage.main/1 To make url looks better open app/system/routes.php and add this line in return array: "products" => "Products.Storage.main", Now you can wisit same script form http://localhost:2121/storage/1 Where 'storage' is alias to 'Products.Storage.main' and 1 is the variable from $request->GET('var1', 'int')

To setup index route just leave empty array's key "" => "Folder.Controller.method",

Products.Storage.main routes dinamicly Where: 'Products' is a folder app/src/Products/ 'Storage' is a part of target controller name app/src/Products/C/StorageController.php 'main' is a target conroller's method

If your conroller's name and folder equal, for example: app/src/Example/C/ExampleController.php You can use full dinamic url Example.Example.method and shortened version Example.method


MVCA has Translator class app/system/system/services/Translator.php To translate something you need this steps to do:

  1. Open app/system/config.php and configurate this parameters:
    'defaultLanguage' => 'uk',
    'allowedLanguages' => ['en','uk'],
  1. Open app/system/translations/ and create this files en.php, uk.php. File content example:
return [
    "CURLANG" => "English",
    "Translate me" => "Custom translation example",

Then in view, constructor, model, or database type {{Translate me}} and this will translates to: Custom translation example


You can edit app/system/bootstrap.php and add some custom functionality, this file executes before any request and has lot of congurations

Basic functionality


To send data from controller to view you need to use Output service. To wire output use container (add to __construct: Output $output)

string 'route',
array 'data',
array 'settings'
  • 'route' - is your view file route, for example: 'Folder/Example' for app/src/Folder/V/ExampleView.php
  • 'data' - is data array to send to view
  • 'settings' - not required, is settings array, that reads 'header', 'footer' and 'language' keys and redeclare config defaults if set.


By default, MVCA has disabled $_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER, $_COOKIE. Instead of them you need to use this singleton: Before use add this singleton init line: $request = Request::init(); Then you can use:

string 'key',
string 'filter',
string 'case'
  • 'key' - is your query key
  • 'filter' - not required, is one of this filters: 'int', 'dec', 'hex', 'email', 'latin', 'varchar', 'html'. Default is 'varchar'
  • 'case' - not required, is a case switcher, can be: 'low', 'up'

Same logic is used for: $request->POST, $request->SERVER, $request->JSON, $request->COOKIE

$request->JSON is used to catch JSON POST data


MVCA has simple cookies service that can set, get and delete some client's cookies. cookies use container (add to __construct: Cookies $cookies)

Set new cookie:

string 'key',
string 'value'

Get client's cookie:

string 'key'

Delete client's cookie:

string 'key'


Config class contains all configuration data. config use container (add to __construct: Config $config) You can add custom config variables by adding it to app/system/config.php Or you can set it somwhere in app/system/bootstrap.php

Set new config variable:

string 'key',
string 'value'

Get config variable:

string 'key'

Delete config variable:

string 'key'

Set new multiple variables by array:

array 'data'

Get all config variables in array:



Database class can work with PDO mysql, PDO mariadb and PDO postgresql. database use container (add to __construct: Database $database) Before use add DSN to: app/system/config.php Example configs: For mariadb and mysql: 'mysql://user:pass@host:3306/database?charset=UTF8' For postgresql: 'pgsql://user:pass@host:5432/database?charset=UTF8'

Sql query:

string 'sql',
array 'params',
string 'returnType'
  • 'sql' - is your sql query
  • 'params' - not required, array of params, that you used in sql query. Also it can contain array of arrays, in this case you will have multiple requests for each
  • 'returnType' - not required,
    • 'array' - will return array of rows,
    • 'row' - will return only first row,
    • 'lastInsertId' - will return last insert id. Default is 'array'

Get last insert id in another way:



Before use add this singleton init line: $debug=Debug::init(); To check if debug mode is enabled use: if($debug->enabled()){/*Your code here*/} To add debug report:

string|array 'data',
string 'source',
string 'type')
  • 'data' - is any data that you want to push to console
  • 'source' - class name or any name that will group your reports, can be anything but not null
  • 'type' - report type, by default 'Info', 'Warning', 'Notice', 'FatalError' or 'Unknown'. But you can write anything you want


This is simple WebSocket class which can handle almost any task.

$webSocket=new WebSocket(
string 'listenTime',
string 'lag'
  • 'listenTime' - is a socket lifetime in seconds, 0 is infinite
  • 'lag' - is a pause on each tick in microseconds

You can use this callbacks:

  • 'onConnect'
  • 'onMessage'
  • 'onTick'
  • 'onClose'
  • 'onStop'

You can use this methods:

Socket 'socket', 
string|array 'data', 
string 'id'
  • 'socket' - is a socket resource id
  • 'data' - is a custom optional data
  • 'id' - is a optional id, function will return actual id after add
string 'id',
string 'data'
  • 'id' - client's id, NOT A SOCKET RESOURCE ID
  • 'data' - data to send
string 'id'

Will return Socket resource id


Will return all Socket resource ids array


Will return client array with 'socket' and 'data'


Will return clients array

WebSocket mini chat example code:

    public function worker(): void
        // WebSocket('listenTime','lag') listenTime in seconds, lag in microseconds
        $webSocket=new WebSocket('60','100000');

        // Triggers when someone connected
        // $clientSocket is a socket resource id
        // $clientData is clients data array with headers,peer and cookies keys
        $webSocket->onConnect(function ($clientSocket, $clientData) use ($webSocket){
            //$clientSocket - socket resource id, $clientData - optional data, id is custom id, optional
            //Send message to new client
            $webSocket->send($newId, json_encode(['data' => 'Hello, ' . $clientData['peer'], 'type' => 'HELO']));
            //Broadcast message to rest clients
            foreach ($webSocket->getClients() as $id=>$client) {
                if ($id != $newId) {
                $webSocket->send($id, json_encode(['data' => 'Client ' . $clientData['peer'] . ' connected', 'type' => 'HELO']));//id data

        // Triggers when someone send message to socket
        $webSocket->onMessage(function ($clientId, $message) use ($webSocket) {
            $message = json_decode($message);
            $webSocket->send($clientId,json_encode(['data' => $message->name . '[OUT]: ' . $message->data, 'type' => 'DATA']));
            foreach ($webSocket->getClients() as $id=>$client) {
                if ($id != $clientId) {
                    $webSocket->send($id,json_encode(['data' => $message->name . '[IN]: ' . $message->data, 'type' => 'DATA']));

        // To avoid flood better to include some action before send (onTick will do something on each tick
        $webSocket->onTick(function () use ($webSocket) {
        // Your code

        // Triggers when someone exit
        $webSocket->onClose(function ($clientId) use ($webSocket) {
            foreach ($webSocket->getClients() as $id=>$client) {
                $webSocket->send($id,json_encode(['data' => 'See you '.$clientId, 'type' => 'EACH']));

        // Triggers before stop listening
        $webSocket->onStop(function () use ($webSocket) {
            foreach ($webSocket->getClients() as $id=>$client) {
                $webSocket->send($id,json_encode(['data' => 'Good bye everyone, socket is closing.', 'type' => 'EACH']));

        //Start listen loop
        $webSocket->listen(8080); //port host


To include another controller directly from view you can use Services\Controller

Just add


in any view, where Samples.Nested.main is route to some controller

mvca's People


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