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Comments (6)

gitlGl avatar gitlGl commented on June 4, 2024


from weibospider.

pxaklbe avatar pxaklbe commented on June 4, 2024



from weibospider.

nghuyong avatar nghuyong commented on June 4, 2024

@pxaklbe 通过文件获取关键词是没问题的



对于关键词:“一个”,时间: 2017-2-26,进行了测试,设置如下

keywords = ['一个']
start_time = datetime.datetime(year=2017, month=2, day=26, hour=0)
end_time = datetime.datetime(year=2017, month=2, day=27, hour=0)
is_split_by_hour = True


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{"_id": "4079432647823212", "mblogid": "ExkpawPaQ", "created_at": "2017-02-26 15:59:58", "geo": null, "ip_location": null, "reposts_count": 9, "comments_count": 9, "attitudes_count": 1, "source": "iPhone 6", "content": "#洛阳生活# 【二月二龙抬头一起来拔头彩】八三哥的御用理发师来(洗剪吹.造型.头发护理.蜡染等等)送2017新年第一波福利,二月二龙抬头**人的吉祥习俗,在这一天剪头寓意全年一切顺利!啥也不说,先上福利现在转发微博 @ 一个你想让TA新年抬头的人,并说出【角度造型】的位置,1.二月二当天剪头剪一送一,2.持本条微博二月二当天冲100元送100元,在加送一次剪头,3.还有机会获得100元任意消费现金卡,有3个名额呢[嘻嘻]坐标:南昌路与丽川路口向西20米(丹尼斯北隔壁)以下真实拍摄未经加工!", "pic_urls": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "pic_num": 9, "isLongText": true, "is_retweet": false, "user": {"_id": "1747263521", "avatar_hd": ",tva&Expires=1707849530&ssig=%2BcvisFjexq", "nick_name": "一米八三Mr", "verified": true, "mbrank": 7, "mbtype": 2, "verified_type": 0}, "url": "", "keyword": "一个", "crawl_time": 1707838731}
{"_id": "4079508154284339", "mblogid": "ExmmXhYyf", "created_at": "2017-02-26 21:00:00", "geo": null, "ip_location": null, "reposts_count": 1, "comments_count": 0, "attitudes_count": 1, "source": "药哥的Android", "content": "我家大阪城全特么枪爹[摊手]一个都没掉 我不会啥玩意没有就毕业吧[摊手][摊手][摊手] ", "pic_urls": [], "pic_num": 0, "isLongText": false, "is_retweet": false, "user": {"_id": "2116120665", "avatar_hd": ",tva&Expires=1707849532&ssig=LblD8OIFlk", "nick_name": "Cantus龄澜_", "verified": true, "mbrank": 7, "mbtype": 2, "verified_type": 0}, "url": "", "keyword": "一个", "crawl_time": 1707838732}
{"_id": "4079538353056258", "mblogid": "Exn9FcP4u", "created_at": "2017-02-26 23:00:00", "geo": null, "ip_location": null, "reposts_count": 0, "comments_count": 0, "attitudes_count": 0, "source": "微博", "content": "等等病了,爸爸平均一个小时要问800次,要不要去医院,而妈妈呢,就一直强调,问过医生了,说没事,就让他自愈吧?喝水,喝小米汤就好,相比之下我觉得我不像个亲妈 ", "pic_urls": [], "pic_num": 0, "isLongText": false, "is_retweet": false, "user": {"_id": "6043349284", "avatar_hd": ",tva&Expires=1707849535&ssig=SfPw%2FK2U2h", "nick_name": "VPN造型-波比", "verified": false, "mbrank": 0, "mbtype": 0}, "url": "", "keyword": "一个", "crawl_time": 1707838735}
{"_id": "4079206151405243", "mblogid": "ExevR5Tzd", "created_at": "2017-02-26 00:59:57", "geo": null, "ip_location": null, "reposts_count": 0, "comments_count": 0, "attitudes_count": 0, "source": "OPPO R9", "content": "凤九与帝君的爱情就是再说,爱一个值得爱的人,明知无缘无分也要拼尽全力要和你在一起,就算三生石上没有你我的名字!#凤九断尾##三生三世十里桃花电视剧#  ", "pic_urls": [], "pic_num": 0, "isLongText": false, "is_retweet": false, "user": {"_id": "3506662794", "avatar_hd": ",tva&Expires=1707849538&ssig=6J2LK5NhAm", "nick_name": "多阅DooYea", "verified": true, "mbrank": 0, "mbtype": 0, "verified_type": 2}, "url": "", "keyword": "一个", "crawl_time": 1707838738}
{"_id": "4079432643780585", "mblogid": "ExkpafRvb", "created_at": "2017-02-26 15:59:57", "geo": null, "ip_location": null, "reposts_count": 1, "comments_count": 3, "attitudes_count": 1, "source": "微博", "content": "很炫的机车,更炫的改装车,漂亮的老婆~就一个字:小编很羡慕~#长沙婚纱照# #长沙摄影工作室# #长沙情侣照# ", "pic_urls": ["", "", "", ""], "pic_num": 4, "isLongText": false, "is_retweet": false, "user": {"_id": "5619759506", "avatar_hd": ",tva&Expires=1707849540&ssig=hm2CzUS0Xb", "nick_name": "长沙V格摄婚纱摄影", "verified": true, "mbrank": 7, "mbtype": 2, "verified_type": 2}, "url": "", "keyword": "一个", "crawl_time": 1707838740}
{"_id": "4079206147533843", "mblogid": "ExevQvBTB", "created_at": "2017-02-26 00:59:56", "geo": null, "ip_location": null, "reposts_count": 0, "comments_count": 0, "attitudes_count": 0, "source": "HUAWEI G9 青春版", "content": "//@小螃蟹喵:Forever Love KARRY //@王俊凯的凯喵战队:#王俊凯的小棉袄# &#王俊凯# 从《摩天轮的思念》《树读》到现在的《小棉袄》王俊凯的每一首歌都有自己独特的风格,唱功也是发挥到了极致,期待歌手王俊凯的下一个作品[鼓掌]@TFBOYS-王俊凯", "pic_urls": [], "pic_num": 0, "isLongText": false, "is_retweet": true, "user": {"_id": "5596052053", "avatar_hd": ",tva&Expires=1707849542&ssig=dYB6yngJr0", "nick_name": "小螃蟹喵", "verified": true, "mbrank": 7, "mbtype": 12, "verified_type": 0}, "url": "", "retweet_id": "4007589602317195", "keyword": "一个", "crawl_time": 1707838742}
{"_id": "4079206138619088", "mblogid": "ExevPAady", "created_at": "2017-02-26 00:59:54", "geo": null, "ip_location": null, "reposts_count": 0, "comments_count": 0, "attitudes_count": 1, "source": "皮皮时光机", "content": "这一切悲剧随生命终结的时候,萧红才31岁,而我们每一个人31岁时,还在犯着多少愚蠢的错误。即使在今天,**的女儿们仍然背负着重重历史债务。自由从来不容易,不是一个姿态,一个手势,自由是永恒的克服重力,挣扎着向上飞行。——郭玉洁《众声》 ", "pic_urls": [""], "pic_num": 1, "isLongText": false, "is_retweet": false, "user": {"_id": "5278229399", "avatar_hd": ",tva&Expires=1707849544&ssig=SoKeL7ux1P", "nick_name": "语录颂", "verified": true, "mbrank": 1, "mbtype": 2, "verified_type": 0}, "url": "", "keyword": "一个", "crawl_time": 1707838744}

from weibospider.

pxaklbe avatar pxaklbe commented on June 4, 2024


from weibospider.

pxaklbe avatar pxaklbe commented on June 4, 2024

Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 15 19 16

from weibospider.

gitlGl avatar gitlGl commented on June 4, 2024

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from weibospider.

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