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Comments (18)

spacecowboy avatar spacecowboy commented on July 19, 2024 1

Easy peasy. Here's the docker-compose file I use:

version: '2'

    image: neo4j
      - "7474:7474"
      - basic-lan
      - NEO4J_AUTH=none

    image: neo4j
      - "7475:7474"
      - basic-lan
      - NEO4J_AUTH=none

    image: debian
      - basic-lan

        - subnet:

First, I get all the containers up and running:

docker-compose up

Then, I start a bash session in the web container

docker-compose run web bash

All the rest is typed into the bash session.

We need curl for the example:

apt-get update && apt-get install curl

Once done, let's create two nodes in the prod database:

curl -X POST -H Accept:application/json -v neo4j:7474/db/data/node
curl -X POST -H Accept:application/json -v neo4j:7474/db/data/node

and four in the test database (note host and port here):

curl -X POST -H Accept:application/json -v neo4j-test:7474/db/data/node
curl -X POST -H Accept:application/json -v neo4j-test:7474/db/data/node
curl -X POST -H Accept:application/json -v neo4j-test:7474/db/data/node
curl -X POST -H Accept:application/json -v neo4j-test:7474/db/data/node

Done. Open the browser and view the result:

Production (localhost:7474):


And Test (localhost:7475):


It is of course a trivial matter to replace the Curl statements with some actual code importing real data.

from docker-neo4j.

benbc avatar benbc commented on July 19, 2024

@igorescobar The bit of the docs that you mention is for running Neo4j clusters where the instances need to talk to each other. Is that what you are doing? If you are just running standalone instances there is certainly no need for Docker networks.

from docker-neo4j.

benbc avatar benbc commented on July 19, 2024

@igorescobar Assuming that you are running standalone instances, I don't understand the problem that you are facing. You should be able to use Docker's standard port mapping mechanism to publish Neo4j's default 7474 on any port you like within the Docker host.

You can expose Neo4j on the host's port 1234 like this using "raw" Docker:

docker run --publish=1234:7474 neo4j

Or like this using docker-compose:

  image: neo4j
    - "1234:7474"

Does that solve your problem?

from docker-neo4j.

spacecowboy avatar spacecowboy commented on July 19, 2024

@igorescobar here is a docker-compose file which works, and starts a 3-node HA-cluster. It essentially implements what @benbc suggests, and each instance's browser is available to look at 7474, 7475, and 7476, respectively.

I also had to turn off Use bolt by default in the browser for member1 , or expose the commented out port.

version: '2'

    image: neo4j
      - "7474:7474"
      #- "7687:7687"
      - basic-lan
      - NEO4J_SERVER_ID=1
      - NEO4J_HA_ADDRESS=member1
      - NEO4J_PUBLIC_HOST=member1
      - NEO4J_AUTH=none
      - NEO4J_INITIAL_HOSTS=member1:5001,member2:5001,member3:5001

    image: neo4j
      - "7475:7474"
      - basic-lan
      - NEO4J_SERVER_ID=2
      - NEO4J_HA_ADDRESS=member2
      - NEO4J_PUBLIC_HOST=member2
      - NEO4J_AUTH=none
      - NEO4J_INITIAL_HOSTS=member1:5001,member2:5001,member3:5001

    image: neo4j
      - "7476:7474"
      - basic-lan
      - NEO4J_SERVER_ID=3
      - NEO4J_HA_ADDRESS=member3
      - NEO4J_PUBLIC_HOST=member3
      - NEO4J_AUTH=none
      - NEO4J_INITIAL_HOSTS=member1:5001,member2:5001,member3:5001

        - subnet:

The docker network settings are unnecessarily specific with regards to ip-subnet and so forth so change those however you like.

from docker-neo4j.

igorescobar avatar igorescobar commented on July 19, 2024

@spacecowboy Thanks for sharing your docker-compose-yml with me! I will for sure keep it to use in a future but as I said... for now I think it is a bit too much for testing/development.

@benbc and thanks for your prompt answer, very appreciated!

Your solution works fine if you are only using docker and creating standalone containers. When we are working with docker-compose we sort of compose our environments with another containers and their are able to communicate with other using their internal ports.

The following recipe is using the suggestion you did:

  image: postgres:9.4.5
    - "5432"
  image: neo4j
    - "7474:7474"
    NEO4J_AUTH: none
  image: neo4j
    - "7475:7474"
    NEO4J_AUTH: none
  image: redis:2.8.23
    - "6379"
  build: .
  command: bundle exec rails s -p 9000 -b ''
    PORT: 9000
    - db:db
    - neo4j:neo4j
    - neo4j-test:neo4j-test
    - redis:redis
    - "9000:9000"
    - ./:/usr/src/app
    - ./vendor/bundle:/bundle

This is the command I use to run it:
docker-compose run --rm --service-ports web bash

And what happens is:

  • Externally I can access both neo4j containers just fine, I opened the browser and everything is there...
  • BUT from inside of your application container the port 7574 doesn't exist.

For example, my host has the IP: I can only access my second container from that ip, like: but from the inside of the container all communication goes via: tcp:// I could explicitly tells my container use the host´s IP instead of the local IP but it would be a little hacky because docker-compose not even inject a environment variable to be used by our containers so that would be a little weird because would need a pre-setup before running the docker-compose.yml.

If I could choose those before neo4j starts, as proposed, this problem wouldn't happen and everything would work without previous setup.

from docker-neo4j.

benbc avatar benbc commented on July 19, 2024

@igorescobar Why do you need to access Neo4j from within its own container?

from docker-neo4j.

igorescobar avatar igorescobar commented on July 19, 2024

@benbc this is my neo4j.yml:

  type: server_db
  url: http://neo4j:7474

  type: server_db
  url: http://neo4j-test:7475

Which means that when my env variable looks like RAILS_ENV=development I will be connected to the container neo4j:7474 and when I ran my suit tests like bundle exec rspec it will be connected to the container neo4j-test:7475. The major problem in sharing the same container is that I don't want to mix both data. For the same reasons you have a db_development and a db_test inside of your application. This is a pretty common use case for any kind of service like redis, memcached, postgres and so on... And also... this is pretty much the main reason why would would use docker-compose instead of pure docker commands.

from docker-neo4j.

igorescobar avatar igorescobar commented on July 19, 2024

@benbc In order to understand a little better what docker-compose help us... its pretty much like this.. when you compose your application environment it injects hosts in your /etc/hosts like:
screen shot 2016-05-25 at 12 06 50

Also inject environment variables so you can use them from inside of your application container:
screen shot 2016-05-25 at 12 07 05

from docker-neo4j.

spacecowboy avatar spacecowboy commented on July 19, 2024

@igorescobar I am a bit confused as to why you need to change the port for the test database.

Inside your web container, the test database is available at neo4j-test and the production db at neo4j, which resolve to different containers with different ip addresses.

Can your app not simply use different hostnames depending on prod/test environment?

from docker-neo4j.

igorescobar avatar igorescobar commented on July 19, 2024

@spacecowboy it looks like they are different but at the bottom they are the same. it still being redirect to the same container in the end, same container, same port, same host, same partition, same everything.

from docker-neo4j.

igorescobar avatar igorescobar commented on July 19, 2024

But I guess I was wrong... maybe it is harder that it looks to choose which port to start the server... 😞

from docker-neo4j.

spacecowboy avatar spacecowboy commented on July 19, 2024

@igorescobar It's not that choosing which port to start is hard (you can just add a config volume and specify it to your liking), but I think that's solving the wrong problem here.

it looks like they are diffrent but at the bottom they are the same

They should most definitely not be the same. What is the "bottom" we are talking about here? I'd be happy to try some stuff out locally and give you a working config if I have some more details on how your app tries to connect to neo4j in prod/test.

from docker-neo4j.

igorescobar avatar igorescobar commented on July 19, 2024

@spacecowboy its pretty simple. I want to be able to have different data in my development environment and my testing environment. Pretty much the same outcome as using a postgres database, where my connection URL would be like: postgres://postgres@db/myDb_development and postgres://postgres@db/myDb_test... In that case we are using the same postgres but there is no data being shared between those environments.

Imagine the following docker-compose file:

  image: neo4j
    - "7474:7474"
    NEO4J_AUTH: none
  image: neo4j
    - "7475:7474"
    NEO4J_AUTH: none
  build: .
    - neo4j:neo4j
    - neo4j-test:neo4j-test
    - "9000:9000"
    - ./:/usr/src/app
    - ./vendor/bundle:/bundle

Run docker-compose run --rm --service-ports web bash.

if you were able to get inside of the web container, import data X into 7474 neo4j container... and import data Y into 7475 container in which DATA X can not exists inside of 7475 and Y can not exists into 7474 (without using the external IP). This means that you succeed in this quest. :)

from docker-neo4j.

igorescobar avatar igorescobar commented on July 19, 2024

@spacecowboy thanks for your help. It does work for me. But, maybe you guys should think about my suggestion (or not :P). Would be a lot more easy (and natural at least for me). Thanks you all guys.

Saved as a gist for me:

from docker-neo4j.

nwshane avatar nwshane commented on July 19, 2024

@spacecowboy Thanks for walking us through your docker-compose setup! This is exactly what I needed. My only comment is that it took me a few hours and a lot of internet searches to stumble on this. If you were to write this up as a blog post, or a docker + neo4j tutorial, I think people would appreciate it.

I do have one question: I haven't tried using docker for my neo4j-based app in production yet, but I plan to do so (if possible). When I run docker-compose up on production, is there a way I can avoid running the neo4j-test service? Or should I just create a separate docker-compose-production.yml file for production?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

from docker-neo4j.

igorescobar avatar igorescobar commented on July 19, 2024

@nwshane I suggest you to open a new issue and reference this one.

from docker-neo4j.

spacecowboy avatar spacecowboy commented on July 19, 2024

@nwshane A separate compose file is required for production with this kind of compose setup. This is because docker-compose does not allow you to start only some of the containers using up.

On the other hand, I wouldn't recommend using docker-compose at all in production, this limitation being one specific reason why. Instead, I would place each container in its own specific SystemD-service file. But that's just me perhaps.

Anyway, such a service set up could look like this:

  • testdb.service
Description=Test database

# Requirements

# Dependency ordering

# This is the name we give the docker container
# This is the image we will run
# Let processes take awhile to start up (for first run Docker containers)

# Change killmode from "control-group" to "none" to let Docker remove
# work correctly.

# Pre-start and Start
## Directives with "=-" are allowed to fail without consequence
## Try to create a docker network, in case one doesn't exist.
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker network create --driver bridge mynet
## Just to be thorough, kill and remove container each restart.
## Save any data you have to a volume
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill {NAME}
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm ${NAME}
# Allow this to fail to allow it to start even when offline
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker pull ${IMAGE}
# And actually start container
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --net=mynet --name ${NAME} \
              -p 7475:7474 -e NEO4J_AUTH=none \
# Stop container
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop ${NAME}

# Set up a dependency to the web frontend
  • prod.service
Description=Production database

# Requirements

# Dependency ordering

# This is the name we give the docker container
# This is the image we will run
# Let processes take awhile to start up (for first run Docker containers)

# Change killmode from "control-group" to "none" to let Docker remove
# work correctly.

# Pre-start and Start
## Directives with "=-" are allowed to fail without consequence
## Try to create a docker network, in case one doesn't exist.
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker network create --driver bridge mynet
## Just to be thorough, kill and remove container each restart.
## Save any data you have to a volume
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill {NAME}
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm ${NAME}
# Allow this to fail to allow it to start even when offline
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker pull ${IMAGE}
# And actually start container
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --net=mynet --name ${NAME} \
              -p 7474:7474 -e NEO4J_AUTH=none \
# Stop container
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop ${NAME}

# Set up a dependency to the web frontend
  • web.service
Description=Web frontend (whatever that is for you)

# Requirements

# Dependency ordering

# This is the name we give the docker container
# This is the image we will run, change this to whatever you use
# Let processes take awhile to start up (for first run Docker containers)

# Change killmode from "control-group" to "none" to let Docker remove
# work correctly.

# Pre-start and Start
## Directives with "=-" are allowed to fail without consequence
## Try to create a docker network, in case one doesn't exist.
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker network create --driver bridge mynet
## Just to be thorough, kill and remove container each restart.
## Save any data you have to a volume
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill {NAME}
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm ${NAME}
# Allow this to fail to allow it to start even when offline
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker pull ${IMAGE}
# And actually start container, add whatever ports and volumes you need
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --rm --net=mynet --name ${NAME} \
              -p 80:80 \
# Stop container
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop ${NAME}

# Start on boot

And you would do this to make it all go:

cp *.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl enable web.service proddb.service
systemctl start web.service # Will start proddb.service too, because it is "wanted"

Note that I did not enable the test db. That is only used to get something to auto-start. You can now manually bring your test db up/down via

systemctl start testdb.service
systemctl stop testdb.service

without messing with the lifecycle of proddb or web. Rebooting your computer will also automatically start those two, but not testdb (unless you enable it). You can of course also start any docker container and interact with proddb/testdb simply by specifying --net mynet as in the service files. (but not from inside a docker-compose file, since compose will add a prefix to network names to make sure they are unique).

from docker-neo4j.

nwshane avatar nwshane commented on July 19, 2024

@spacecowboy Fantastic! I'll try this out and ask for help if I get stuck on something.

from docker-neo4j.

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