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Comments (26)

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024 1

@spdomin Good idea, I'd like to participate in that.

from nalu.

spdomin avatar spdomin commented on June 15, 2024 1

I may not have 20 minutes at the next stand-up. Perhaps a dedicated meeting might be in order? We can chat about it at the next stand-up.

from nalu.

jrood-nrel avatar jrood-nrel commented on June 15, 2024 1

No stress. I have something prepared whenever it makes sense to go over it and we can talk about it at the stand-up.

from nalu.

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024

Hmm, I cannot assign labels, or even self-assign for the issue.

from nalu.

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024

I am close to finishing building TPLs in Docker. I have been ironing bugs in Spack as that is a tool with a lot of potential to simplify our TPLs management. Spack is also part of some ECP projects.

I'm currently fixing the netcdf shared library issue with Spack, but it's close. Once that's done I'll have two layers in Docker: base and TPLs. Next layer would be Trilinos, and then Nalu.

from nalu.

spdomin avatar spdomin commented on June 15, 2024

Okay, let me know how it turns out. I am aware of Spack (as I was about Docker). The real test would be how does it handle a cray build? Do you have access to Cori?

from nalu.

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024

Do you have access to Cori?

I'll have to check. I used to have access to edison, but haven't used that for a while.

from nalu.

jrood-nrel avatar jrood-nrel commented on June 15, 2024

Hello my name is Jon. I have just begun working on a project with Nalu at NREL. My first order of business is to get Nalu building with Spack and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with that idea. I previously lead the project to use Spack on the machines at NERSC. I am using the Peregrine machine at NREL at the moment and am trying to iron out issues with all the dependencies I am experiencing thus far. I would be curious if you had any notes of problems you have worked around and what machine you are using.

from nalu.

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024

@jrood-nrel I have had few troubles with Spack. I'm currently trying to install it in a Docker container with the latest Fedora image. The install image is very minimal, and I just install a stock compiler there which is pretty new (gcc 6.2.1).

I'm trying to use the exact versions of TPLs as specified on this page. Here is my current spack script (the RUN command is from Dockerfile, you can ignore it):

RUN spack spec -I gcc       @4.8.5~binutils && \
    spack install gcc       @4.8.5~binutils
RUN spack compiler find /home/nalu/spack/opt/spack/linux-fedora24-x86_64/**/*

RUN spack spec -I openmpi           @1.8.8                              %[email protected] && \
    spack install openmpi           @1.8.8                              %[email protected]
RUN spack spec -I zlib              @1.2.8                              %[email protected] && \
    spack install zlib              @1.2.8                              %[email protected]
RUN spack spec -I libxml2           @2.9.2      -python                 %[email protected]  ^[email protected] && \
    spack install libxml2           @2.9.2      -python                 %[email protected]  ^[email protected]
RUN spack spec -I boost             @1.55.0     +mpi                    %[email protected]  ^[email protected] && \
    spack install boost             @1.55.0     +mpi                    %[email protected]  ^[email protected]

#RUN spack spec -I hdf5              @1.8.12     +mpi -fortran           %[email protected]  ^[email protected]  ^[email protected] && \
#    spack install hdf5              @1.8.12     +mpi -fortran           %[email protected]  ^[email protected]  ^[email protected]
#RUN spack spec -I parallel-netcdf   @1.6.1      -fortran                %[email protected]  ^[email protected] && \
#    spack install parallel-netcdf   @1.6.1      -fortran                %[email protected]  ^[email protected]

#RUN spack spec -I netcdf            @    +mpi +parallel-netcdf -shared   %[email protected]  ^[email protected] ^[email protected] ^[email protected] && \
#    spack install --no-checksum
                  netcdf            @    +mpi +parallel-netcdf -shared   %[email protected]  ^[email protected] ^[email protected] ^[email protected]

#RUN spack spec -I cmake     @3.1.0                                      %[email protected] && \
#    spack install --no-checksum \
#                  cmake     @3.1.0                                      %[email protected]

Some things to notice here:

  1. The current cmake in Spack has to be patched to allow 3.1.0 (see spack/spack#2312).
  2. gcc 4.8.5 has to have ~binutils flags, otherwise it fails to compile (see spack/spack#2301).
  3. I create a file ~/.spack/packages.yaml to guide the specialization with the following content:
        variants: -fortran 
        variants: -fortran 

This way I don't have to specify hdf5 and parallel-netcdf explicitly.
4. I currently have a patched version of netcdf (see aprokop/spack.git netcdf_fix branch). It adds a parallel-netcdf variant.
5. I currently have trouble installing netcdf, as it fails due to not being able to find -lpnetcdf. I think this is a shared/static libraries issue but I have trouble resolving it. I'll have to dig deeper.
6. Some packages (cmake, netcdf) have to be run with --no-checksum as they don't currently have the proper hash for the version we want in the spack repo.

from nalu.

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024

OK, with some wizardry and hacking I was able to build TPLs' docker image. Now trying to build Trilinos with it.

from nalu.

spdomin avatar spdomin commented on June 15, 2024

Sounds good. Progress at NREL with Spack as wel..

from nalu.

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024

Here is the list of TPLs issues this far: spack/spack#2312, spack/spack#2342, spack/spack#2301, spack/spack#2360

from nalu.

jrood-nrel avatar jrood-nrel commented on June 15, 2024

Thanks. I am currently up to the linking process for Nalu. My approach is a little different however. I have started by using newer versions of TPLs and then moving backwards if I encounter problems like API changes, etc. I am using GCC 5.2 and CMake 3.6.1, HDF5 1.8.16, Boost 1.62.0, netcdf 4.4.1 and maybe some other differences. I still need to get past the Nalu linking phase, then test the binaries. Then I will iron out my install commands since they are cobbled together at the moment. I will report back again when I at least have a tested build of Nalu using Spack. I will be trying to essentially end up with 'spack install binutils && spack load binutils && spack install nalu' for our Peregrine machine, with only a custom Trilinos package file and custom packages.yaml, compilers.yaml and config.yaml. I have created package files for yaml 0.5.3 and for Nalu and I can commit them to my fork of Spack if you would like them.

from nalu.

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024

My approach is a little different however. I have started by using newer versions of TPLs and then moving backwards if I encounter problems like API changes, etc.

That is a viable and I think faster approach. I think most of the issues I encountered happened because I was trying to reproduce the standard environment exactly. I'm still dreading the NaLu compilation.

I have created package files for yaml 0.5.3 and for Nalu and I can commit them to my fork of Spack if you would like them.

Yes, that would be nice, I think we should do PR for upstream. At the moment, I keep yaml-cpp external to spack and run the following command in Dockerfile_tpls:

RUN export YAML_URL="" && \
    export YAML_HOME=${HOME}/yaml-cpp && \
    export YAML_SOURCE=${YAML_HOME}/source && \
    export YAML_BUILD=${YAML_HOME}/build && \
    export YAML_INSTALL=${HOME}/opt/yaml-cpp && \
    git clone --depth=1 ${YAML_URL} ${YAML_SOURCE} && \
    mkdir -p ${YAML_BUILD} && \
    cd ${YAML_BUILD} && \
    source ${HOME}/.bashrc && \
    spack load cmake && \
    spack load openmpi && \
    make && \
    make install && \
    rm -rf ${YAML_HOME}

from nalu.

jrood-nrel avatar jrood-nrel commented on June 15, 2024

I have committed my Nalu, yaml, and custom Trilinos package files as they are right now to my Spack repo. I can't claim they work at all, but they are what I am mainly developing at the moment.

from nalu.

jrood-nrel avatar jrood-nrel commented on June 15, 2024

I believe I have Nalu building with Spack and some of the tests pass, but some of them look like they can't find input files or something and it may be I have my testing environment not complete since Nalu does not have a 'make install' process and I am installing it manually and then modifying the test scripts, but I am assuming my binaries work from this:

Rtest Begin: 
..quad9HC..................... PASSED:  37.7  s
..steadyTaylorVortex.......... PASSED:  64.6  s
ERROR: Unable to open input exodus decomposed database files:

My install script looks like this at the moment for our Peregrine machine, but I will encode most of it into the Nalu package file as dependencies and specs. I erased everything and ran this script and ended up with the build that gave me the test output above:

#!/bin/bash -l
set -e
#spack install [email protected]
#yes | spack module refresh
spack load binutils
#module list
spack install [email protected]
spack install [email protected]
#spack install [email protected] #need to add build capability of superlu 4.3 to spack
spack install [email protected] ^[email protected]
spack install [email protected] ^[email protected]
spack install [email protected] ^[email protected] ^[email protected]
spack install [email protected] ^[email protected]
spack install [email protected] ^[email protected]
spack install trilinos@master~hypre~mumps~suite-sparse~superlu-dist~metis+superlu+boost+hdf5@12.8.1 ^[email protected] ^[email protected] ^[email protected]
spack install nalu ^trilinos@master~hypre~mumps~suite-sparse~superlu-dist~metis+superlu+boost+hdf5@12.8.1 ^[email protected] ^[email protected] ^[email protected]

Things I still need to do are add the ability to build Superlu 4.3 to Spack since 5.2.1 breaks the API, and generalize the Yaml, Trilinos, and Nalu package files a bit better. Then I will organize everything I have done to make it usable at NREL first and I can try to help with generalizing it more for other facilities after that.

My spack repo is fully up-to-date with where I'm at for the moment regarding the yaml-cpp, trilinos, and nalu package files if you want to reference them.

from nalu.

jrood-nrel avatar jrood-nrel commented on June 15, 2024

Quick note. I have a pull request to add my SuperLU package file to Spack which builds version 4.3 required for Trilinos. Next I will submit my yaml-cpp package file. Then I will only need a custom Trilinos package file and Nalu package file. I haven't decided whether or not to try to get a Nalu package file approved since it depends on such a customized Trilinos build.

from nalu.

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024

@jrood-nrel Good job, your SuperLU (spack/spack#2390) and yaml-cpp (spack/spack#2399) packages been merged to the spack master.

In the meantime, I've been able to compile Trilinos and Nalu using the older versions of the packages. I've been able to do a shared build with static versions of TPLs (which required some updates to spack packages to support "-fPIC"). I've also examined the shared versions of TPLs but at the moment it's getting stuck on the fact that parallel-netcdf does not allow for a shared build, and because of that netcdf shared also fails to build. I'm going to update my hdf5 and zlib spack PRs now that the pic_flag compilers option in spack has been merged, and hopefully finish dealing with spack that way.

The current versions of docker containers is available online. One can do a docker pull aprokop/nalu_tpls to get the container. I have not currently put the configuration scripts in, but will do it at the first opportunity.

I'm not sure where to put the configuration scripts. I feel that it may be beneficial to have NaLu/docker or something similar, in case people want to rebuild the images.

from nalu.

spdomin avatar spdomin commented on June 15, 2024

@NaluCFD/core, let's talk about the Docker/Spack path forward in a stand-up tomorrow.

from nalu.

jrood-nrel avatar jrood-nrel commented on June 15, 2024

I joined the stand-up late and it sounded like the time was taken up by other topics so I didn't want to make the call go long, so maybe we can discuss this in another stand-up. Sorry about that.

Anyway, I have some documentation at that describes my process for installing Nalu with Spack on NREL's Peregrine machine. These instructions should be quite relevant to other sites as well. When using the official Spack repo, I have only our own custom nalu and nalu-trilinos package files that are necessary for Nalu that need to be copied into Spack. All its dependency requirements (at least beginning with NREL) have been pushed into the official Spack repo. The most difficult thing I feel going forward would be getting the Spack compiler.yaml and packages.yaml configuration files ironed out for your particular machine. Though once that is taken care of, I think the ability to build through a package manager is very useful going forward for people new to the project, and for project members who may find themselves with access to new machines, i.e. blank slates, and to also be able to quickly test options in dependencies that may require rebuilding, and to be able to test newer versions of dependencies quickly as well so that the software stack doesn't get stale.

Next, I think it would be great to have a 'make install' option for Nalu for portability/standardization in its future distribution. However, I was able to check out the Nalu repo and copy my Spack-generated binaries to the build directory and ran the tests that way, so if it would involve a large effort with the way it is organized, this was not that much effort:

Rtest Begin:
..periodic3dElemNp1........... PASSED: 6.1 s
..periodic3dElemNp4........... PASSED: 2.5 s
..periodic3dElemNp8........... PASSED: 1.6 s
..periodic3dEdgeNp1........... PASSED: 2.4 s
..periodic3dEdgeNp4........... PASSED: 1.4 s
..periodic3dEdgeNp8........... PASSED: 1.1 s
..quad9HC..................... PASSED: 36.4 s
..steadyTaylorVortex.......... PASSED: 64.6 s

Next I will try building with the Intel compiler and Marc and I are working to implement the Spack build to hopefully simplify some scripts underneath the CDash tests.

After that I will move on to other things, but I would always be very interested in helping to implement the automatization of building the Nalu software stack at any other sites.

from nalu.

spdomin avatar spdomin commented on June 15, 2024

@jrood-nrel, if you are up to it, let's have you drive a parking lot discussion on using Spack for a sample build. Let's make sure that you are able to share your screen...

from nalu.

jrood-nrel avatar jrood-nrel commented on June 15, 2024

@spdomin @aprokop Sure, I think it would be helpful to give a live tutorial on using Spack in general first and then I can have a video prepared of the entire process I use to build Nalu where I can cut out the build times. Maybe 20 minutes in total?

from nalu.

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024

I had a brief chat with a few local folks managing Titan and their experiences with Spack. In summary: it's complicated due to different machines having different custom Cray environments. They have some code that has not been pushed to mainline yet. But the good news is that we have local resources (at least in ORNL) to help if we want to run on Titan/Summit using Spack.

from nalu.

aprokop avatar aprokop commented on June 15, 2024

My docker scripts and Spack configs are now available here.

from nalu.

michaelasprague avatar michaelasprague commented on June 15, 2024

@aprokop @jrood-nrel Can we close this issue, given both your efforts and the current status of the Spack implementation?

from nalu.

jrood-nrel avatar jrood-nrel commented on June 15, 2024

That's fine with me.

from nalu.

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