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Comments (14)

mviereck avatar mviereck commented on July 30, 2024 1

x11docker has a new option --lang to set language locales.
If you like to, you can run with --lang=zh_CN or with --lang=$LANG to get a chinese LXDE desktop.

from x11docker.

zw963 avatar zw963 commented on July 30, 2024 1

i tried again, after run CJK fonts installer, all fonts is show correct when install QQ, i think current issue is resolved completely.


from x11docker.

mviereck avatar mviereck commented on July 30, 2024

Can you tell me what you did?
Currently, x11docker sometimes uses xmessage, but no other dialog boxes.
Does xmessage "hello world" work for you, respective some chinese message?
Your screenshot does not look like xmessage. Maybe it is a message from an application in docker image? Then I assume the docker image needs chinese fonts to be installed in its Dockerfile.

from x11docker.

zw963 avatar zw963 commented on July 30, 2024

This is from a famous IM from china, following is a download link:

I installed it use wine, but run failed.

I think chinese fonts to be installed too, how to do this?


from x11docker.

mviereck avatar mviereck commented on July 30, 2024

The issue is within wine. The chinese font has to be enabled as default in wine.
wine uses a custom Tahoma font that does not support chinese.
Using "Droid Sans Fallback" instead works.

Save this as file chinese.reg:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink]

/* 平滑化(anti-alias) 備註 */
/* 如果覺得開了之後字體難看,把三個 Y 改成 N,有些字型要開啟平滑化才好看 */
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver]

/* 平滑字型 */
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

/* 替換字型1 */
/* 這裡以 Droid Sans Fallback 為例,請自行改成你要的字型名稱 */
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes]
"Arial Baltic,186"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Arial CE,238"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Arial CYR,204"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Arial Greek,161"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Arial TUR,162"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Courier New Baltic,186"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Courier New CE,238"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Courier New CYR,204"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Courier New Greek,161"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Courier New TUR,162"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Helv"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Helvetica"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"MS Shell Dlg"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"MS Shell Dlg 2"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"PMingLiU"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"新細明體"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Tahoma"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Times"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Times New Roman Baltic,186"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Times New Roman CE,238"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Times New Roman CYR,204"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Times New Roman Greek,161"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Times New Roman TUR,162"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Tms Rmn"="Droid Sans Fallback"

/* 替換字型2 */
@="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Arial"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Fixedsys"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Microsoft Sans Serif"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"MingLiU"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"MS UI Gothic"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"PMingLiU"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Simsun"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Songti"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"System"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Tahoma"="Droid Sans Fallback"
"Terminal"="Droid Sans Fallback"

/* 取代字型 */
"Microsoft Sans Serif"="DroidSansFallback.ttf,Droid Sans Fallback"
"SimSun"="DroidSansFallback.ttf,Droid Sans Fallback"
"Tahoma"="DroidSansFallback.ttf,Droid Sans Fallback"
"PMingLiU"="DroidSansFallback.ttf,Droid Sans Fallback"
"Lucida Sans Unicode"="DroidSansFallback.ttf,Droid Sans Fallback"

(If you get an error message about encoding, use encoding option UTF8 . Or remove all chinese entrys).

Run wine regedit and import this registry file.
Now it works!


Edit: It seems that with this solution only chinese works, but no latin chars anymore... there should be a solution to allow both of them. If you find a solution for this, please tell me! Then I could include it as default in x11docker/lxde-wine.

from x11docker.

mviereck avatar mviereck commented on July 30, 2024

Forget about the solution mentioned above. It is quite simple, just run

winetricks cjkfonts

and all is fine!
winetricks downloads the missing fonts and configures wine well.

The winetricks solution adds about 300 MB to the image, thus I won't include it as default.

The solution with "Droid Sans Fallback" uses an already given font; if it could be configured to display chinese and latin chars as well, I would like to include it in x11docker/lxde-wine.

from x11docker.

zw963 avatar zw963 commented on July 30, 2024

winetricks cjkfonts

and all is fine!

Cool, that worked, though because others reason, that app still not worked, but, all message displayed as chinese now.


from x11docker.

zw963 avatar zw963 commented on July 30, 2024

Cool, Thanks, will try it later

from x11docker.

zw963 avatar zw963 commented on July 30, 2024

hi, @mviereck , I want to try this again in another linux distro (Deepin 15.6), but got another error

╰─ $ 1  ./x11docker --desktop x11docker/xfce --verbose
x11docker: x11docker version 4.3.6 
docker version: Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40
Host system:    Deepin 15
Command:        ./x11docker --desktop x11docker/xfce --verbose
Parsed options:  --desktop --verbose -- 'x11docker/xfce'

Wanda the fish says: Install fortunes to find wisdom.

x11docker: Image name: x11docker/xfce

x11docker: Image command: 

x11docker note: Using X server option --xephyr

x11docker note: Xephyr is a quite stable nested X server.
  Less stable, but resizeable is nxagent with option --nxagent.

x11docker: Logfile: /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/x11docker.log
In container: /x11docker/x11docker.log
After finish: /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/x11docker.log

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log <==

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/stdout <==

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/stderr <==

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/xpraserver.log <==

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/xpraclient.log <==

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/xinit.log <==

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/compositor.log <==
x11docker: Virtual screen size: 1824x984

x11docker: Physical screen size: 
  Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 8192 x 8192

x11docker note: Xephyr not found. Fallback: using Xnest.
  Xnest is less stable and has less features than Xephyr.
  For example, it misses RandR and Composite extensions and fullscreen mode.
  It is recommended to install 'Xephyr'.

x11docker: X server command:
  /usr/bin/Xnest :200 -geometry 1824x984 -scrns 1 \
  -name 'x11docker/xfce on :200' \
  -nolisten tcp -dpms -s off -retro \
  +extension Composite +extension RANDR +extension RENDER +extension GLX \
  +extension XVideo +extension DOUBLE-BUFFER \
  -extension X-Resource +extension SECURITY +extension DAMAGE \
  -extension XINERAMA -xinerama -extension MIT-SHM \
  -auth /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/Xservercookie \
  -extension XTEST -tst -dpi 96 

x11docker: Environment variables: 
  DISPLAY=:200 XAUTHORITY=/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie XSOCKET=/tmp/.X11-unix/X200 XPRA_XSHM=0 X11DOCKER_CACHE=/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce

x11docker: Found tini binary: /home/zw963/Dropbox/linux/utils/docker/bin/docker-init

x11docker: Container name: x11docker_X200_57a700_x11docker-xfce

x11docker: docker command:
  docker run -d --tty --rm --name=x11docker_X200_57a700_x11docker-xfce \
  --user=1000:1000 --env USER=zw963 \
  --cap-drop ALL \
  --volume /home/zw963/Dropbox/linux/utils/docker/bin/docker-init:/x11docker/tini:ro \
  --security-opt no-new-privileges \
  --security-opt label=type:container_runtime_t \
  --group-add 29 \
  --group-add 44 \
  --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock \
  --entrypoint=env \
  --env container=docker \
  -v /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share:/x11docker:rw \
  -e DISPLAY=:200 -e XAUTHORITY=/x11docker/Xclientcookie \
  -v /tmp/.X11-unix/X200:/X200:rw \
  --workdir /tmp \
  -- x11docker/xfce /bin/sh - /x11docker/

x11docker: Users and terminal:
  x11docker was started by:                       zw963
  As host user serves (running X, storing cache): zw963
  Container user will be:                         zw963
  Container user password:                        x11docker
  Getting permission to run docker with:          bash -c sudo -E 
  Running X and other user commands with:         bash -c
  Terminal for password frontend:                 dbus-launch konsole --nofork -e
  Terminal to show docker pull progress:          dbus-launch konsole --nofork -e
  Running on console:                             no
  Running over SSH:                               no

x11docker: Generated
     1  #! /bin/sh
     2  # set up docker container as root before ongoing in unprivileged
     3  # commands in this script are executed as root in container
     6  warning() {
     7    echo "$*:WARNING"   >&3
     8  }
     9  note() {
    10    echo "$*:NOTE"      >&3
    11  }
    12  verbose() {
    13    echo "$*:VERBOSE"   >&3
    14  }
    15  debugnote() {
    16    echo "$*:DEBUGNOTE" >&3
    17  }
    18  error() {
    19    echo "$*:ERROR"     >&3
    20    exit 1
    21  }
    22  stdout() {
    23    echo "$*:STDOUT"    >&3
    24  }
    25  exec 3<>/x11docker/message.fifo
    27  verbose -d 'Running setup as root in container'
    28  ldd --version 2>&1 | grep -q 'musl libc' && Containerlibc='musl'
    29  ldd --version 2>&1 | grep -q -E 'GLIBC|GNU libc'  && Containerlibc='glibc'
    30  verbose -d "Container libc: $Containerlibc"
    32  # create some system dirs with needed permissions
    33  mkdir -v -p /var/lib/dbus /var/run/dbus
    34  mkdir -v -p -m 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix /tmp/.X11-unix /tmp/.font-unix
    35  chmod -c 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix /tmp/.X11-unix /tmp/.font-unix
    36  ln -s /X200 /tmp/.X11-unix/X200
    37  ls -l /tmp/.X11-unix/X200
    38  export DISPLAY=:200 XAUTHORITY=/x11docker/Xclientcookie
    40  [ ! -d /usr/share/zoneinfo ] && [ "$Containerlibc" = "glibc" ] && {
    41    mkdir -p /usr/share/zoneinfo
    42    cp '/x11docker/timezone'  '/usr/share/zoneinfo/PRC'
    43  }
    44  [ -e '/usr/share/zoneinfo/PRC' ] && ln -f -s '/usr/share/zoneinfo/PRC' /etc/localtime
    46  Containersystem=$(. /etc/os-release; echo $ID)
    47  verbose "Container system ID: $Containersystem"
    50  # create user entry in /etc/passwd (and delete possibly existing same uid)
    51  getent passwd | grep -v $(getent passwd 1000 || echo USERNOTFOUND) > /tmp/passwd
    52  # disable possible /etc/shadow passwords for other users
    53  sed -i s%:x:%:-:% /tmp/passwd
    54  echo zw963:x:1000:1000:zw963,,,:/fakehome/zw963:/bin/sh >> /tmp/passwd
    55  rm /etc/passwd
    56  mv /tmp/passwd /etc/passwd || warning 'Unable to change /etc/passwd. That may be a seurity risk.'
    58  # create password entry for container user in /etc/shadow
    59  rm -v /etc/shadow || warning 'Cannot change /etc/shadow. That may be a security risk.'
    60  echo "zw963:sac19FwGGTx/A:17293:0:99999:7:::" > /etc/shadow
    61  echo 'root:*:17219:0:99999:7:::' >> /etc/shadow
    63  # add user to groups video, audio, systemd-journal
    64  # replace container GIDs of video and audio with host GIDs
    65  Gidvideo=44
    66  Gidaudio=29
    67  [ "$Gidvideo" ] || Gidvideo=$(getent group video | cut -d: -f3)
    68  [ "$Gidaudio" ] || Gidaudio=$(getent group audio | cut -d: -f3)
    69  getent group | sed "s/^video.*/video:x:$Gidvideo:$(getent group video | cut -d: -f4 ),zw963/ ;
    70                       s/^audio.*/audio:x:$Gidaudio:$(getent group audio | cut -d: -f4 ),zw963/ ;
    71                       s/^systemd-journal.*/\0,zw963/ " | sed 's/:,/:/' > /tmp/group
    72  cp /tmp/group /etc/group
    74  # create user group entry (and delete possibly existing same gid)
    75  getent group | grep -v $(getent group 1000 || echo USERNOTFOUND) > /tmp/group
    76  echo zw963:x:1000: >> /tmp/group
    77  mv /tmp/group /etc/group
    79  mkdir -v -m 777 /fakehome
    81  # create /etc/sudoers, delete /etc/sudoers.d. Overwrite possible sudo setups in image.
    82  [ -e /etc/sudoers.d ] && rm -v -R /etc/sudoers.d
    83  [ -e /etc/sudoers ]   && rm -v /etc/sudoers
    84  echo '# /etc/sudoers created by x11docker' > /etc/sudoers
    85  echo 'root ALL=(ALL) ALL'                 >> /etc/sudoers
    87  # restrict PAM configuration of su and sudo
    88  echo 'auth sufficient' > /etc/pam.d/su  # allow root to switch user without a password
    89  [ -e /etc/pam.d/sudo ] && rm -v /etc/pam.d/sudo
    91  # disable getty in inittab
    92  [ -e /etc/inittab ] && sed -i 's/.*getty/##getty disabled by x11docker## \0/' /etc/inittab
    93  echo 'x11docker: Container root setup is ready'
    94  :> /x11docker.setupready

x11docker: Generated dockerrc:
     1  #! /bin/bash
     2  mkfile () 
     3  { 
     4      : > "${1:-}";
     5      chown $Hostuser "${1:-}";
     6      chgrp $Hostusergid "${1:-}";
     7      [ -n "${2:-}" ] && chmod ${2:-} "${1:-}" || :
     8  }
     9  rocknroll () 
    10  { 
    11      [ -s "$Timetosaygoodbye" ] && return 1;
    12      [ -e "$Timetosaygoodbye" ] || return 1;
    13      return 0
    14  }
    15  waitforfilecreation () 
    16  { 
    17      local Zeit= Warten= Dauer= Count=;
    18      Zeit=$(date +%s);
    19      verbose -d "Waiting for file creation of ${1:-}";
    20      case ${2:-} in 
    21          "")
    22              Warten=15
    23          ;;
    24          infinity | inf)
    25              Warten=32000
    26          ;;
    27          *)
    28              Warten=${2:-}
    29          ;;
    30      esac;
    31      while [ ! "$(find  "${1:-}" 2>/dev/null)" ]; do
    32          Count=$(( Count + 1 ));
    33          Dauer=$(( $(date +%s) - $Zeit ));
    34          sleep $(awk "BEGIN { print $Count * 0.1 }");
    35          [ $Warten -lt $Dauer ] && { 
    36              warning "Failed to wait for file creation of
    37    ${1:-}";
    38              return 1
    39          };
    40          verbose "Waiting since ${Dauer}s for ${1:-} to be created, will wait up to $Warten seconds.";
    41          rocknroll || { 
    42              verbose -d "Stopped waiting for ${1:-} due to terminating signal.";
    43              return 1
    44          };
    45      done;
    46      verbose "Found new created file $(ls ${1:-})";
    47      return 0
    48  }
    49  escapestring () 
    50  { 
    51      echo "${1:-}" | LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9,._+@=:/-]/\\&/g; 1{$s/^$/""/}; 1!s/^/"/; $!s/$/"/'
    52  }
    53  Hostuser=zw963
    54  Hostusergid=1000
    55  Timetosaygoodbye=/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/timetosaygoodbye
    57  warning() {
    58    echo "$*:WARNING"   >&3
    59  }
    60  note() {
    61    echo "$*:NOTE"      >&3
    62  }
    63  verbose() {
    64    echo "$*:VERBOSE"   >&3
    65  }
    66  debugnote() {
    67    echo "$*:DEBUGNOTE" >&3
    68  }
    69  error() {
    70    echo "$*:ERROR"     >&3
    71    exit 1
    72  }
    73  stdout() {
    74    echo "$*:STDOUT"    >&3
    75  }
    76  exec 3<>/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/message.fifo
    78  verbose -d 'Running dockerrc'
    79  Imagename="x11docker/xfce"
    80  Imagecommand=""
    82  # check whether docker daemon is running and refresh images.list for x11docker-gui
    83  docker images --format '{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}' >>/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/images.list 2>>/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log  || error "Calling docker daemon failed.
    84    Is docker daemon running at all?
    85    Try to start docker daemon with:
    86        systemctl start docker
    88    Last lines of log: 
    89  $(tail /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log)"
    90  mkfile /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/x11docker-gui/images.list
    91  while read -r Line ; do
    92    grep -q "<none>" <<<$Line || echo $Line >> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/x11docker-gui/images.list
    93  done < <(sort < /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/images.list)
    95  # check if image is available locally
    96  docker inspect --type=image x11docker/xfce >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
    97    export DISPLAY=:0 XAUTHORITY=/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/Xauthority-0 XSOCKET=/tmp/.X11-unix/X0 XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000
    98    dbus-launch konsole --nofork -e /bin/bash /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/pullrc
    99    waitforfilecreation /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/pullready
   100    docker inspect --type=image x11docker/xfce > /dev/null 2>&1 || error "Image 'x11docker/xfce' not found locally and not pulled from docker hub.
   102    Last lines of log: 
   103  $(tail /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log)"
   104  }
   105  # check CMD
   106  [ -z "$Imagecommand" ] && {
   107    # extract image command from image if not given on cli
   108    Imagecommand="$(docker inspect --format='{{.Config.Cmd}}' x11docker/xfce)"
   109    Imagecommand="${Imagecommand#[}"
   110    Imagecommand="${Imagecommand%]}"
   111    Imagecommand="${Imagecommand#/bin/sh -c }"
   112  }
   113  Tini="/x11docker/tini --"
   114  Exec=exec
   115  # check ENTRYPOINT
   116  Entrypoint=$(docker inspect --format='{{.Config.Entrypoint}}' x11docker/xfce)
   117  Entrypoint=${Entrypoint#[}
   118  Entrypoint=${Entrypoint#/bin/sh -c }
   119  Entrypoint=${Entrypoint%]}
   120  echo "$Entrypoint" | grep -qE '/tini|/init|/systemd' && {
   121    note "There seems to be an init system in ENTRYPOINT of image: 
   122      $Entrypoint
   123    x11docker will run this instead of tini from host.
   124    You can disable this ENTRYPOINT with option --no-entrypoint."
   125    Tini=
   126  }
   128  [ -z "$Imagecommand$Entrypoint" ] && warning 'No image command specified and no CMD or ENTRYPOINT found in image.'
   130  # create (shared with container and given as image command to docker run)
   131  { echo '#! /bin/sh'
   132    echo '# created startscript for docker run:'
   133    echo '# runs as unprivileged user in container'
   134    echo '
   135  warning() {
   136    echo "$*:WARNING"   >&3
   137  }
   138  note() {
   139    echo "$*:NOTE"      >&3
   140  }
   141  verbose() {
   142    echo "$*:VERBOSE"   >&3
   143  }
   144  debugnote() {
   145    echo "$*:DEBUGNOTE" >&3
   146  }
   147  error() {
   148    echo "$*:ERROR"     >&3
   149    exit 1
   150  }
   151  stdout() {
   152    echo "$*:STDOUT"    >&3
   153  }'
   154    echo 'exec 3<>/x11docker/message.fifo'
   155    echo ''
   156    echo '# wait for container setup script do be ready'
   157    echo 'Zeit=$(date +%s)'
   158    echo 'for Count in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50; do'
   159    echo '  [ -e /x11docker.setupready ] && break'
   160    echo '  verbose "Waiting since $(($(date +%s) - $Zeit))s for container setup to be ready"'
   161    echo '  sleep $(awk "BEGIN { print $Count*0.2 }")'
   162    echo 'done'
   163    echo ''
   164    echo 'verbose -d "Running unprivileged user commands in container"'
   165    echo ''
   166    echo Imagecommand="\"$Imagecommand\""
   167    echo Entrypoint="\"$Entrypoint\""
   168    echo ''
   169    echo 'verbose "Container system:'
   170    echo '$(cat /etc/os-release)"'
   171    echo ''
   172  } >> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/
   173  {
   174    echo ''
   175    echo '# x11docker variable settings'
   176    echo export USER="zw963"
   177    echo mkdir -p -v /fakehome/zw963
   178    echo 'export HOME="/fakehome/zw963"'
   179    echo 'export DISPLAY=:200'
   180    echo '[ -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X200 ] || ln -s /X200 /tmp/.X11-unix'
   181    echo 'export XAUTHORITY=/x11docker/Xclientcookie'
   182    echo 'verbose -d "Running dbus user session with: ${Dbus:-(none)}"'
   183    echo ''
   184    echo "[ -e \"\$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR\" ] || {"
   185    echo '  export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'
   186    echo '  mkdir -v -m 700 -p $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'
   187    echo '  export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'
   188    echo '}'
   189    echo ''
   190    echo 'export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11'
   191    echo ''
   192    echo ''
   193    echo '# xpra environment settings'
   194    echo 'export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= QT_X11_NO_NATIVE_MENUBAR=1 MWNOCAPTURE=true MWNO_RIT=true MWWM=allwm'
   195    echo 'export XPRA_XSHM=0'
   196    echo ''
   197    echo 'bash --version >/dev/null 2>&1 && export SHELL=/bin/bash || export SHELL=/bin/sh'
   198    echo 'export TERM=xterm'
   199    echo '[ -e /x11docker.LANG ] && export LANG="$(cat /x11docker.LANG)"'
   200    echo '[ -e "/usr/share/zoneinfo/PRC" ] || export TZ=UTC-08'
   201    echo '[ "$(date -Ihours)" != "2018-07-28T19+08:00" ] && export TZ=UTC-08'
   202    echo '[ "$DEBIAN_FRONTEND" = noninteractive ] && unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND'
   203    echo '[ "$DEBIAN_FRONTEND" = newt ]           && unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND'
   204    echo '# custom environment (--env)'
   205    echo ''
   206    echo 'env >> /x11docker/environment'
   207    echo 'sed -i "/\(PWD=\|_=\)/d" /x11docker/environment'
   208    echo 'verbose "Container environment:'
   209    echo '$(env | sort)"'
   210    echo 'verbose "Copy of environment stored in /x11docker/environment"'
   211    echo ''
   212    echo 'cd "$HOME"'
   213    Workdir=$(docker inspect --format='{{.Config.WorkingDir}}' x11docker/xfce)
   214    [ "$Workdir" ] && echo "[ -d \"$Workdir\" ] && cd \"$Workdir\"   # WORKDIR in image"
   215    echo ''
   216    echo verbose -d "Running image command: $Tini \$Dbus $Entrypoint $Imagecommand"
   217    echo "$Exec $Tini \$Dbus $Entrypoint $Imagecommand  >>/x11docker/stdout 2>>/x11docker/stderr"
   218    echo '# Ready for docker run'
   219  } >> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/
   221  nl -ba >> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/x11docker.log < /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/
   223  read Containerid < <(docker run -d --tty --rm --name=x11docker_X200_57a700_x11docker-xfce \
   224    --user=1000:1000 --env USER=zw963 \
   225    --cap-drop ALL \
   226    --volume /home/zw963/Dropbox/linux/utils/docker/bin/docker-init:/x11docker/tini:ro \
   227    --security-opt no-new-privileges \
   228    --security-opt label=type:container_runtime_t \
   229    --group-add 29 \
   230    --group-add 44 \
   231    --tmpfs /run --tmpfs /run/lock \
   232    --entrypoint=env \
   233    --env container=docker \
   234    -v /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share:/x11docker:rw \
   235    -e DISPLAY=:200 -e XAUTHORITY=/x11docker/Xclientcookie \
   236    -v /tmp/.X11-unix/X200:/X200:rw \
   237    --workdir /tmp \
   238    -- x11docker/xfce /bin/sh - /x11docker/ 2>>/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log)
   240  verbose -d "Container ID: $Containerid"
   241  [ "$Containerid" ] || error "Startup of docker failed. Did not receive a container ID.
   243    Last lines of container log:
   244  $(tail /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log)"
   245  echo $Containerid >> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/
   246  docker logs -f $Containerid >> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log 2>&1 &
   248  # wait for container to be ready
   249  for ((Count=1 ; Count<=20 ; Count++)); do
   250    docker exec x11docker_X200_57a700_x11docker-xfce sh -c : 2>>/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log && { verbose -d 'Container is up and running.' ; break ; } || verbose -d "Container not ready on $Count. attempt, trying again."
   251    sleep 0.2
   252  done
   253  Failure="$(cat /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log | grep -v grep | grep -E 'Error response from daemon|OCI runtime exec' ||:)"
   254  [ "$Failure" ] && {
   255    echo "$Failure" >>/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log
   256    error "Got error message from docker daemon:
   257  $Failure"
   258  }
   260  docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' x11docker_X200_57a700_x11docker-xfce >> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.ip
   261  verbose -d "Container IP: $(cat /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.ip)"
   263  docker inspect --format '{{.State.Pid}}' x11docker_X200_57a700_x11docker-xfce >> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.pid1pid
   264  verbose -d "Host PID of container PID 1: $(cat /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.pid1pid)"
   266  # get PID of container
   267  Containerpid=$(ps ax | grep $Containerid | grep -v grep | grep -v ' logs' | awk '{print $1}')
   268  verbose -d "Container PID: $Containerpid"
   269  echo $Containerpid >> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/
   271  docker exec --tty -u root x11docker_X200_57a700_x11docker-xfce /bin/sh /x11docker/ >>/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log 2>&1
   272  exit 0

x11docker: Generated xtermrc:
     1  #! /bin/bash
     2  touchxtermready() {
     3    bash -c 'touch /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/xtermready'
     4    trap - EXIT
     5    exit
     6  }
     7  trap touchxtermready EXIT
     8  export TERM=xterm SHELL=/bin/bash
     9  bash -c "sudo -E bash /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/dockerrc "
    10  exit

x11docker: Generated xinitrc:
     1  #! /bin/sh
     2  Timetosaygoodbye=/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/timetosaygoodbye
     3  Bgpidfile=/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/backgroundpids
     4  storepid () 
     5  { 
     6      echo ${1:-} ${2:-} >> $Bgpidfile;
     7      verbose -d "Stored background pid ${1:-} of ${2:-}";
     8      disown ${1:-} 2> /dev/null || :
     9  }
    10  rocknroll () 
    11  { 
    12      [ -s "$Timetosaygoodbye" ] && return 1;
    13      [ -e "$Timetosaygoodbye" ] || return 1;
    14      return 0
    15  }
    16  waitfortheend () 
    17  { 
    18      while rocknroll; do
    19          bash -c "read -n1 -t1 <&8 ||:";
    20      done
    21  }
    22  no_xhost () 
    23  { 
    24      local Line=;
    25      xhost;
    26      xhost | tail -n +2 /dev/stdin | while read -r Line; do
    27          xhost -$Line;
    28      done;
    29      xhost -;
    30      [ "$(xhost | wc -l)" -gt "1" ] && { 
    31          warning "Remaining xhost permissions found on display $DISPLAY
    32  $(xhost)";
    33          return 1
    34      };
    35      return 0
    36  }
    38  warning() {
    39    echo "$*:WARNING"   >&3
    40  }
    41  note() {
    42    echo "$*:NOTE"      >&3
    43  }
    44  verbose() {
    45    echo "$*:VERBOSE"   >&3
    46  }
    47  debugnote() {
    48    echo "$*:DEBUGNOTE" >&3
    49  }
    50  error() {
    51    echo "$*:ERROR"     >&3
    52    exit 1
    53  }
    54  stdout() {
    55    echo "$*:STDOUT"    >&3
    56  }
    57  exec 3<>/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/message.fifo
    59  verbose -d 'Running xinitrc'
    60  export DISPLAY=:200 XAUTHORITY=/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie XSOCKET=/tmp/.X11-unix/X200 XPRA_XSHM=0 X11DOCKER_CACHE=/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce
    61  # background color
    62  xsetroot -solid '#7F7F7F'
    63  # create new XAUTHORITY cookies
    64  :> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie
    65  verbose 'Requesting trusted cookie from X server'
    66  xauth -v -f /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie generate :200 . trusted timeout 3600
    67  export XAUTHORITY=/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie
    68  [ -s '/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie' ] || { 
    69    [ 'trusted' = 'untrusted' ] && note 'Could not create untrusted cookie. 
    70    Maybe your X server misses extension SECURITY.'
    71  }
    72  [ -s '/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie' ] || { 
    73    # still no cookie? try to create one without extension security
    74    verbose 'Failed to retrieve cookie from X server. Will bake one myself.'
    75    xauth -f /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie add :200 . 3b208de047954b800df24e98bbc9bf7d
    76  }
    77  # create prepared cookie with localhost identification disabled by ffff, needed if X socket is shared. ffff means 'familiy wild'
    78  Cookie=$(xauth -f /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie nlist | sed -e 's/^..../ffff/')
    79  echo $Cookie | xauth -v -f /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie nmerge -
    80  cp /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/Xservercookie
    81  [ -s '/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie' ] || warning 'Cookie creation failed!'
    82  verbose "Created cookie: $(xauth list)"
    83  chmod 644 /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie
    84  export XAUTHORITY=/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie
    85  [ 'yes' = 'no' ] || [ ! -s '/home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie' ] && unset XAUTHORITY && warning 'X server :200 runs without cookie authentication.'
    86  verbose 'Disabling any possible access to new X server possibly granted by xhost'
    87  no_xhost
    88  #
    89  # set keyboard layout on :200 to same as on host
    90  echo 'x11docker: keyboard layout:'
    91  cat /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/xkb_keymap
    92  xkbcomp /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/xkb_keymap :200
    93  getscreensize() {
    94    CurrentXaxis=$(xrandr | grep primary | cut -d' ' -f4 | cut -dx -f1 )
    95    CurrentYaxis=$(xrandr | grep primary | cut -d' ' -f4 | cut -dx -f2 | cut -d+ -f1)
    96  }
    97  checkscreensize() {
    98    getscreensize
    99    [ "$Xaxis" = "$CurrentXaxis" ] || return 1
   100    [ "$Yaxis" = "$CurrentYaxis" ] || return 1
   101    return 0
   102  }
   103  getprimary() {
   104    xrandr | grep -q primary || xrandr --output $(xrandr | grep ' connected' | head -n1 | cut -d' ' -f1) --primary
   105    echo $(xrandr | grep primary | cut -d' ' -f1)
   106  }
   107  Output=$(getprimary)
   108  verbose "Output of xrandr on :200
   109  $(xrandr)"
   110  touch /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/Xready
   111  waitfortheend

x11docker: Stored background pid 9509 of watchpidlist

x11docker: Stored background pid 9510 of watchmessagefifo

x11docker: Stored background pid 9512 of containershell

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/xinit.log <==

[mi] Extension "Composite" is not recognized
[mi] Only the following extensions can be run-time enabled:
[mi]    Generic Events
[mi]    DAMAGE
[mi]    GLX
[mi]    RANDR
[mi]    RENDER
[mi]    SECURITY
[mi]    X-Resource
[mi]    XFIXES
[mi]    XINERAMA
[mi]    SELinux
[mi]    XTEST
[mi]    XVideo
[mi] Extension "MIT-SHM" is not recognized
[mi] Only the following extensions can be run-time disabled:
[mi]    Generic Events
[mi]    DAMAGE
[mi]    GLX
[mi]    RANDR
[mi]    RENDER
[mi]    SECURITY
[mi]    X-Resource
[mi]    XFIXES
[mi]    XINERAMA
[mi]    SELinux
[mi]    XTEST
[mi]    XVideo
xinit: XFree86_VT property unexpectedly has 0 items instead of 1
Using authority file /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie
authorization id is 48
Writing authority file /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie
Using authority file /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie
1 entries read in:  0 new, 1 replacement
Writing authority file /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/Xclientcookie
access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
access control enabled, only authorized clients can connect
x11docker: Running xinitrc

x11docker: keyboard layout:
xkb_keymap {
        xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)" };
        xkb_types     { include "complete"      };
        xkb_compat    { include "complete"      };
        xkb_symbols   { include "pc+us+inet(evdev)"     };
        xkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc105)"     };
Warning:          Key <OUTP> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          Key <KITG> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          Key <KIDN> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          Key <KIUP> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          Key <RO> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          Key <I192> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          Key <I193> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          Key <I194> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          Key <I195> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          Key <I196> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          Key <I255> not found in evdev+aliases(qwerty) keycodes
                  Symbols ignored
Warning:          No symbols defined for <AB11> (keycode 97)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <JPCM> (keycode 103)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I120> (keycode 120)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <AE13> (keycode 132)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I149> (keycode 149)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I154> (keycode 154)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I168> (keycode 168)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I178> (keycode 178)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I183> (keycode 183)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I184> (keycode 184)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <FK19> (keycode 197)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <FK24> (keycode 202)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I217> (keycode 217)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I219> (keycode 219)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I221> (keycode 221)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I222> (keycode 222)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I230> (keycode 230)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I247> (keycode 247)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I248> (keycode 248)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I249> (keycode 249)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I250> (keycode 250)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I251> (keycode 251)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I252> (keycode 252)
Warning:          No symbols defined for <I253> (keycode 253)
x11docker: Requesting trusted cookie from X server

RandR extension missing
x11docker: Waiting since 0s for --xephyr to be ready.

RandR extension missing
x11docker: Created cookie: #ffff#7a773936332d5043#:200  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  ea08163bdab759f323aaeda90502d47b

RandR extension missing
RandR extension missing
x11docker: Disabling any possible access to new X server possibly granted by xhost

RandR extension missing
x11docker: Output of xrandr on :200

x11docker: Waiting since 0s for --xephyr to be ready.

x11docker: --xephyr is ready

x11docker: Stored background pid 9514 of xinit

x11docker: Stored background pid 9518 of Xserver

x11docker: Running dockerrc

     1  #! /bin/sh
     2  # created startscript for docker run:
     3  # runs as unprivileged user in container
     5  warning() {
     6    echo "$*:WARNING"   >&3
     7  }
     8  note() {
     9    echo "$*:NOTE"      >&3
    10  }
    11  verbose() {
    12    echo "$*:VERBOSE"   >&3
    13  }
    14  debugnote() {
    15    echo "$*:DEBUGNOTE" >&3
    16  }
    17  error() {
    18    echo "$*:ERROR"     >&3
    19    exit 1
    20  }
    21  stdout() {
    22    echo "$*:STDOUT"    >&3
    23  }
    24  exec 3<>/x11docker/message.fifo
    26  # wait for container setup script do be ready
    27  Zeit=$(date +%s)
    28  for Count in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50; do
    29    [ -e /x11docker.setupready ] && break
    30    verbose "Waiting since $(($(date +%s) - $Zeit))s for container setup to be ready"
    31    sleep $(awk "BEGIN { print $Count*0.2 }")
    32  done
    34  verbose -d "Running unprivileged user commands in container"
    36  Imagecommand="startxfce4"
    37  Entrypoint="/usr/local/bin/start"
    39  verbose "Container system:
    40  $(cat /etc/os-release)"
    43  # x11docker variable settings
    44  export USER=zw963
    45  mkdir -p -v /fakehome/zw963
    46  export HOME="/fakehome/zw963"
    47  export DISPLAY=:200
    48  [ -e /tmp/.X11-unix/X200 ] || ln -s /X200 /tmp/.X11-unix
    49  export XAUTHORITY=/x11docker/Xclientcookie
    50  verbose -d "Running dbus user session with: ${Dbus:-(none)}"
    52  [ -e "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" ] || {
    53    export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
    54    mkdir -v -m 700 -p $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
    55    export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
    56  }
    58  export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=x11
    61  # xpra environment settings
    63  export XPRA_XSHM=0
    65  bash --version >/dev/null 2>&1 && export SHELL=/bin/bash || export SHELL=/bin/sh
    66  export TERM=xterm
    67  [ -e /x11docker.LANG ] && export LANG="$(cat /x11docker.LANG)"
    68  [ -e "/usr/share/zoneinfo/PRC" ] || export TZ=UTC-08
    69  [ "$(date -Ihours)" != "2018-07-28T19+08:00" ] && export TZ=UTC-08
    70  [ "$DEBIAN_FRONTEND" = noninteractive ] && unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND
    71  [ "$DEBIAN_FRONTEND" = newt ]           && unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND
    72  # custom environment (--env)
    74  env >> /x11docker/environment
    75  sed -i "/\(PWD=\|_=\)/d" /x11docker/environment
    76  verbose "Container environment:
    77  $(env | sort)"
    78  verbose "Copy of environment stored in /x11docker/environment"
    80  cd "$HOME"
    82  verbose -d Running image command: /x11docker/tini -- $Dbus /usr/local/bin/start startxfce4
    83  exec /x11docker/tini -- $Dbus /usr/local/bin/start startxfce4  >>/x11docker/stdout 2>>/x11docker/stderr
    84  # Ready for docker run
x11docker: Container ID: 4d7d32a414daa7750444a94d95d0a67d84267923c74a80342ce07587c859f86a

x11docker: Waiting since 0s for container setup to be ready

x11docker: Container is up and running.

x11docker: Container IP:

x11docker: Host PID of container PID 1: 9903

x11docker: Container PID: 9874

x11docker: Waiting since 0s for container setup to be ready

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/container.log <==
mkdir: created directory '/var/run/dbus'
mkdir: created directory '/tmp/.ICE-unix'
mkdir: created directory '/tmp/.X11-unix'
mkdir: created directory '/tmp/.font-unix'
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Jul 28 11:46 /tmp/.X11-unix/X200 -> /X200
removed '/etc/shadow'
x11docker: Running setup as root in container

mkdir: created directory '/fakehome'
x11docker: Container root setup is ready
x11docker: Container libc: glibc

x11docker: Waiting for file creation of /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/xtermready

x11docker: Found new created file /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/xtermready

x11docker: Container system ID: debian

mkdir: created directory '/fakehome/zw963'
mkdir: created directory '/tmp/XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/share/stderr <==
/x11docker/tini: line 5: /x11docker/../bin.real/tini: No such file or directory
x11docker: Running unprivileged user commands in container

x11docker: Container system:
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

x11docker: Running dbus user session with: (none)

x11docker: Container environment:

x11docker: Copy of environment stored in /x11docker/environment

x11docker: Running image command: /x11docker/tini -- /usr/local/bin/start startxfce4

x11docker ERROR: Container startup seems to have failed! 

  Last lines of container.log:
mkdir: created directory '/var/run/dbus'
mkdir: created directory '/tmp/.ICE-unix'
mkdir: created directory '/tmp/.X11-unix'
mkdir: created directory '/tmp/.font-unix'
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Jul 28 11:46 /tmp/.X11-unix/X200 -> /X200
removed '/etc/shadow'
mkdir: created directory '/fakehome'
x11docker: Container root setup is ready
mkdir: created directory '/fakehome/zw963'
mkdir: created directory '/tmp/XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'

  Last lines of command stderr:
/x11docker/tini: line 5: /x11docker/../bin.real/tini: No such file or directory

  Last lines of command stdout:

  Type 'x11docker --help' for usage information
  For debugging, run x11docker in terminal and/or enable option '--verbose'
  or look afterwards at logfile /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/x11docker.log
  Please report issues at

Warning: Cannot convert string "vlines2" to type Pixmap
Warning: Missing charsets in String to FontSet conversion
x11docker: Terminating x11docker.

x11docker: time to say goodbye (finish-subshell)

==> /home/zw963/.cache/x11docker/X200-x11docker-xfce/xinit.log <==
xinit: connection to X server lost

waiting for X server to shut down x11docker: Terminating 9518 (Xserver) Xorg|Xephyr|Xvfb|Xwayland|nxagent:  9518 pts/5    00:00:00 Xnest <defunct>

x11docker: time to say goodbye (watchpidlist)

x11docker: time to say goodbye (xinit)

x11docker: Terminating x11docker.

x11docker: Terminating 9512 (containershell) x11docker:  9512 pts/5    00:00:00 x11docker

x11docker: Terminating 9510 (watchmessagefifo) x11docker:  9510 pts/5    00:00:00 x11docker

x11docker: time to say goodbye (finish)

x11docker: Exitcode 1

I think my docker config is correct, because i can run kcachegrind in my another own build images
with -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix.

I use v4.3.6 from git repo. thanks

from x11docker.

mviereck avatar mviereck commented on July 30, 2024

Can you please show me the output of:

ls -l /home/zw963/Dropbox/linux/utils/docker/bin/docker-init

The log shows an issue with init system tini, stored as docker-init on your system.
The resulting path in container /x11docker/../bin.real/tini does not make sense and causes the error.
Maybe the path /home/zw963/Dropbox/linux/utils/docker/bin/docker-init is a softlink and x11docker has to resolve it.

from x11docker.

zw963 avatar zw963 commented on July 30, 2024

@mviereck , thanks for quickly reply.

 ╰─ $ cat /home/zw963/Dropbox/linux/utils/docker/bin/docker-init

ROOT=$(dirname `readlink -e $0`)/..
name=$(basename $0)
exec -a $name $ROOT/bin.real/$name "$@"

Yes, it is a link, but not a softlink, just a wrapper for docker commends, following is my own
docker compiled docker work tree:

├── bin
│   ├── docker
│   ├── docker-compose
│   ├── docker-containerd
│   ├── docker-containerd-ctr
│   ├── docker-containerd-shim
│   ├── dockerd
│   ├── docker-detect
│   ├── docker-init
│   ├── docker-proxy
│   └── docker-runc
├── bin.real
│   ├── completion
│   │   ├── bash
│   │   │   └── docker
│   │   ├── fish
│   │   │   └──
│   │   └── zsh
│   │       └── _docker
│   ├── docker
│   ├── docker-compose
│   ├── docker-containerd
│   ├── docker-containerd-ctr
│   ├── docker-containerd-shim
│   ├── dockerd
│   ├── docker-init
│   ├── docker-proxy
│   └── docker-runc

What i run is bin/docker, or bin/dockerd, those bash script just load bin.real same name binary.

from x11docker.

zw963 avatar zw963 commented on July 30, 2024

After move bin.real/docker-init to bin/docker-init (in fact, this wrapper script is do nothing), i can enter GUI now, thanks.

from x11docker.

mviereck avatar mviereck commented on July 30, 2024

Did you write the wrapper yourself, or it is something commonly used?
If this setup is somehow common, I would develop a general solution.

I just checked x11docker code, it already resolves symlinks to docker-init. Instead of:

move bin.real/docker-init to bin/docker-init

you can set a symlink if you want to.

from x11docker.

zw963 avatar zw963 commented on July 30, 2024

Did you write the wrapper yourself, or it is something commonly used?

I don't think this pattern is common used by docker, though, i don't discuss what wrong with this.
in fact, why I do like this, just for my own purpose, e.g. following is my dockerd

exec -a dockerd sudo $ROOT/bin.real/dockerd \
     --data-root $docker_directory/containers \
     --userland-proxy=false \
     --registry-mirror= \

just for extra dockerd options is specified. docker-init no need for this, i think this just is a my own bug.


from x11docker.

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