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This project forked from ffmpeg/ffmpeg

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License: Other

Shell 0.08% Ruby 0.01% C++ 0.20% Python 0.01% Perl 0.04% C 90.34% Objective-C 0.15% Verilog 0.01% Assembly 7.75% Awk 0.01% Cuda 0.12% Makefile 1.30% HTML 0.01% Metal 0.01% Roff 0.01%

ffmpeg's Introduction


FFmpeg is a collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata.


  • libavcodec provides implementation of a wider range of codecs.
  • libavformat implements streaming protocols, container formats and basic I/O access.
  • libavutil includes hashers, decompressors and miscellaneous utility functions.
  • libavfilter provides means to alter decoded audio and video through a directed graph of connected filters.
  • libavdevice provides an abstraction to access capture and playback devices.
  • libswresample implements audio mixing and resampling routines.
  • libswscale implements color conversion and scaling routines.


  • ffmpeg is a command line toolbox to manipulate, convert and stream multimedia content.
  • ffplay is a minimalistic multimedia player.
  • ffprobe is a simple analysis tool to inspect multimedia content.
  • Additional small tools such as aviocat, ismindex and qt-faststart.


The offline documentation is available in the doc/ directory.

The online documentation is available in the main website and in the wiki.


Coding examples are available in the doc/examples directory.


FFmpeg codebase is mainly LGPL-licensed with optional components licensed under GPL. Please refer to the LICENSE file for detailed information.


Patches should be submitted to the ffmpeg-devel mailing list using git format-patch or git send-email. Github pull requests should be avoided because they are not part of our review process and will be ignored.

ffmpeg's People


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