Comments (2)
Duplicate #48186
from typescript.
Related Issues (20)
- Importing causes side effect of changing module resolution for transitive dependencies for other imports in 5.6 HOT 1
- Object mistyped as Array when Array is spread into Object HOT 7
- Create flag strictVariableInitialization HOT 5
- After the syntax tree is parsed incrementally, the identifiers content is lost. HOT 2
- Property noCheck is absent from type ts.CompilerOptions
- Request: An alternative type syntax that better resembles TS code HOT 2
- `<>`-style type assertion represented by `JsxElement` HOT 1
- Incomplete typecheck when assigning to a mapped object type with remapped keys
- NoInfer does not work in function parameters HOT 10
- Array.includes() should accept any arg that extends the array's type HOT 3
- Using `import type...` generates `export {};` into the JS file HOT 4
- Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'T extends T ? null : Omit<T, keyof T>' HOT 2
- Inferred type changes from 5.5 to 5.6 HOT 5
- Add HOT 1
- Fixing
- autoImportSpecifierExcludeRegexes needs a window refresh for changes to take effect HOT 5
- Exception on getPasteEdits between on disk file and unsaved file
- missing used props type in generated d.ts file when generate typs from JavaScript HOT 2
- Shared generics allow optional value for a required field HOT 2
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from typescript.