Default Community Health Files for the Microsoft organization on GitHub
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License: MIT License
Default Community Health/Policy Files for the Microsoft organization on GitHub
License: MIT License
the vs code is not running when i run the http-server and now is not opennig at the moment plaese help me
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I have always been interested in technology and programming, and I'm eager to learn more about the latest trends and techniques in this rapidly evolving field. I'm also excited about the opportunity to work on projects that have a real-world impact, whether it's developing open-source software, building websites, or creating apps that solve important problems.
In this proposed we considering to many things in the process and implments
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The windows-rs repo has a in the .github folder, but the bot is not finding it.
This repository is currently missing a LICENSE.MD file outlining its license. A license helps users understand how to use your project in a compliant manner. You can find the standard MIT license text at the Microsoft repo templates LICENSE file:
If you would like to learn more about open source licenses, please visit the document at
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