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Comments (5)

sbryngelson avatar sbryngelson commented on June 11, 2024

For example, see this

subroutine s_write_probe_files(t_step, q_cons_vf, accel_mag) ! -----------
integer, intent(IN) :: t_step
type(scalar_field), dimension(sys_size), intent(IN) :: q_cons_vf
real(kind(0d0)), dimension(0:m, 0:n, 0:p), intent(IN) :: accel_mag
real(kind(0d0)), dimension(-1:m) :: distx
real(kind(0d0)), dimension(-1:n) :: disty
real(kind(0d0)), dimension(-1:p) :: distz
! The cell-averaged partial densities, density, velocity, pressure,
! volume fractions, specific heat ratio function, liquid stiffness
! function, and sound speed.
real(kind(0d0)) :: lit_gamma, nbub
real(kind(0d0)) :: rho
real(kind(0d0)), dimension(num_dims) :: vel
real(kind(0d0)) :: pres
real(kind(0d0)) :: ptilde
real(kind(0d0)) :: ptot
real(kind(0d0)) :: alf
real(kind(0d0)) :: alfgr
real(kind(0d0)), dimension(num_fluids) :: alpha
real(kind(0d0)) :: gamma
real(kind(0d0)) :: pi_inf
real(kind(0d0)) :: c
real(kind(0d0)) :: M00, M10, M01, M20, M11, M02
real(kind(0d0)) :: varR, varV
real(kind(0d0)), dimension(Nb) :: nR, R, nRdot, Rdot
real(kind(0d0)) :: nR3
real(kind(0d0)) :: accel
real(kind(0d0)) :: int_pres
real(kind(0d0)) :: max_pres
real(kind(0d0)), dimension(2) :: Re
real(kind(0d0)) :: E_e
real(kind(0d0)), dimension(6) :: tau_e
integer :: i, j, k, l, s !< Generic loop iterator
real(kind(0d0)) :: nondim_time !< Non-dimensional time
real(kind(0d0)) :: tmp !<
!! Temporary variable to store quantity for mpi_allreduce
real(kind(0d0)) :: blkmod1, blkmod2 !<
!! Fluid bulk modulus for Woods mixture sound speed
integer :: npts !< Number of included integral points
real(kind(0d0)) :: rad, thickness !< For integral quantities
logical :: trigger !< For integral quantities
! Non-dimensional time calculation
if (time_stepper == 23) then
nondim_time = mytime
if (t_step_old /= dflt_int) then
nondim_time = real(t_step + t_step_old, kind(0d0))*dt
nondim_time = real(t_step, kind(0d0))*dt !*1.d-5/10.0761131451d0
end if
end if
do i = 1, num_probes
! Zeroing out flow variables for all processors
rho = 0d0
do s = 1, num_dims
vel(s) = 0d0
end do
pres = 0d0
gamma = 0d0
pi_inf = 0d0
c = 0d0
accel = 0d0
nR = 0d0; R = 0d0
nRdot = 0d0; Rdot = 0d0
nbub = 0d0
M00 = 0d0
M10 = 0d0
M01 = 0d0
M20 = 0d0
M11 = 0d0
M02 = 0d0
varR = 0d0; varV = 0d0
alf = 0d0
do s = 1, (num_dims*(num_dims + 1))/2
tau_e(s) = 0d0
end do
! Find probe location in terms of indices on a
! specific processor
if (n == 0) then ! 1D simulation
if ((probe(i)%x >= x_cb(-1)) .and. (probe(i)%x <= x_cb(m))) then
do s = -1, m
distx(s) = x_cb(s) - probe(i)%x
if (distx(s) < 0d0) distx(s) = 1000d0
end do
j = minloc(distx, 1)
if (j == 1) j = 2 ! Pick first point if probe is at edge
k = 0
l = 0
! Computing/Sharing necessary state variables
call s_convert_to_mixture_variables(q_cons_vf, j - 2, k, l, &
rho, gamma, pi_inf, &
Re, G, fluid_pp(:)%G)
do s = 1, num_dims
vel(s) = q_cons_vf(cont_idx%end + s)%sf(j - 2, k, l)/rho
end do
if (model_eqns == 4) then
lit_gamma = 1d0/fluid_pp(1)%gamma + 1d0
!Tait pressure from density
pres = (pref + pi_inf)*( &
(q_cons_vf(1)%sf(j - 2, k, l)/ &
(rhoref*(1.d0 - q_cons_vf(4)%sf(j - 2, k, l))) &
)**lit_gamma) &
- pi_inf
else if (hypoelasticity) then
! calculate elastic contribution to Energy
E_e = 0d0
do s = stress_idx%beg, stress_idx%end
if (G > 0) then
E_e = E_e + ((q_cons_vf(stress_idx%beg)%sf(j - 2, k, l)/rho)**2d0) &
! Additional terms in 2D and 3D
if ((s == stress_idx%beg + 1) .or. &
(s == stress_idx%beg + 3) .or. &
(s == stress_idx%beg + 4)) then
E_e = E_e + ((q_cons_vf(stress_idx%beg)%sf(j - 2, k, l)/rho)**2d0) &
end if
end if
end do
tau_e(1) = q_cons_vf(s)%sf(j - 2, k, l)/rho
pres = ( &
q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(j - 2, k, l) - &
0.5d0*(q_cons_vf(mom_idx%beg)%sf(j - 2, k, l)**2.d0)/rho - &
pi_inf - E_e &
else if (model_eqns == 2 .and. (bubbles .neqv. .true.)) then
!Stiffened gas pressure from energy
pres = ( &
q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(j - 2, k, l) - &
0.5d0*(q_cons_vf(2)%sf(j - 2, k, l)**2.d0)/q_cons_vf(1)%sf(j - 2, k, l) - &
pi_inf &
!Stiffened gas pressure from energy with bubbles
pres = ( &
(q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(j - 2, k, l) - &
0.5d0*(q_cons_vf(mom_idx%beg)%sf(j - 2, k, l)**2.d0)/rho)/ &
(1.d0 - q_cons_vf(alf_idx)%sf(j - 2, k, l)) - &
pi_inf &
end if
if (bubbles) then
alf = q_cons_vf(alf_idx)%sf(j - 2, k, l)
if (num_fluids == 3) then
alfgr = q_cons_vf(alf_idx - 1)%sf(j - 2, k, l)
end if
do s = 1, nb
nR(s) = q_cons_vf(bub_idx%rs(s))%sf(j - 2, k, l)
nRdot(s) = q_cons_vf(bub_idx%vs(s))%sf(j - 2, k, l)
end do
!call s_comp_n_from_cons(alf, nR, nbub)
nR3 = 0d0
do s = 1, nb
nR3 = nR3 + weight(s)*(nR(s)**3d0)
end do
nbub = DSQRT((4.d0*pi/3.d0)*nR3/alf)
if (DEBUG) print *, 'In probe, nbub: ', nbub
if (qbmm) then
M00 = q_cons_vf(bub_idx%moms(1, 1))%sf(j - 2, k, l)/nbub
M10 = q_cons_vf(bub_idx%moms(1, 2))%sf(j - 2, k, l)/nbub
M01 = q_cons_vf(bub_idx%moms(1, 3))%sf(j - 2, k, l)/nbub
M20 = q_cons_vf(bub_idx%moms(1, 4))%sf(j - 2, k, l)/nbub
M11 = q_cons_vf(bub_idx%moms(1, 5))%sf(j - 2, k, l)/nbub
M02 = q_cons_vf(bub_idx%moms(1, 6))%sf(j - 2, k, l)/nbub
M10 = M10/M00
M01 = M01/M00
M20 = M20/M00
M11 = M11/M00
M02 = M02/M00
varR = M20 - M10**2d0
varV = M02 - M01**2d0
end if
R(:) = nR(:)/nbub
Rdot(:) = nRdot(:)/nbub
ptilde = ptil(j - 2, k, l)
ptot = pres - ptilde
end if
! Compute mixture sound speed
if (alt_soundspeed) then
do s = 1, num_fluids
alpha(s) = q_cons_vf(E_idx + s)%sf(j - 2, k, l)
end do
blkmod1 = ((fluid_pp(1)%gamma + 1d0)*pres + &
blkmod2 = ((fluid_pp(2)%gamma + 1d0)*pres + &
c = (1d0/(rho*(alpha(1)/blkmod1 + alpha(2)/blkmod2)))
c = (((gamma + 1d0)*pres + pi_inf)/(gamma*rho))
end if
if (mixture_err .and. c < 0d0) then
c = sgm_eps
c = sqrt(c)
end if
accel = accel_mag(j - 2, k, l)
end if
elseif (p == 0) then ! 2D simulation
if ((probe(i)%x >= x_cb(-1)) .and. (probe(i)%x <= x_cb(m))) then
if ((probe(i)%y >= y_cb(-1)) .and. (probe(i)%y <= y_cb(n))) then
do s = -1, m
distx(s) = x_cb(s) - probe(i)%x
if (distx(s) < 0d0) distx(s) = 1000d0
end do
do s = -1, n
disty(s) = y_cb(s) - probe(i)%y
if (disty(s) < 0d0) disty(s) = 1000d0
end do
j = minloc(distx, 1)
k = minloc(disty, 1)
if (j == 1) j = 2 ! Pick first point if probe is at edge
if (k == 1) k = 2 ! Pick first point if probe is at edge
l = 0
! Computing/Sharing necessary state variables
call s_convert_to_mixture_variables(q_cons_vf, j - 2, k - 2, l, &
rho, gamma, pi_inf, &
Re, G, fluid_pp(:)%G)
do s = 1, num_dims
vel(s) = q_cons_vf(cont_idx%end + s)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)/rho
end do
if (model_eqns == 4) then
lit_gamma = 1d0/fluid_pp(1)%gamma + 1d0
!Tait pressure from density
pres = (pref + pi_inf)*( &
(q_cons_vf(1)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)/ &
(rhoref*(1.d0 - q_cons_vf(4)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l))) &
)**lit_gamma) &
- pi_inf
else if (hypoelasticity) then
! calculate elastic contribution to Energy
E_e = 0d0
do s = stress_idx%beg, stress_idx%end
if (G > 0) then
E_e = E_e + ((q_cons_vf(stress_idx%beg)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)/rho)**2d0) &
! Additional terms in 2D and 3D
if ((s == stress_idx%beg + 1) .or. &
(s == stress_idx%beg + 3) .or. &
(s == stress_idx%beg + 4)) then
E_e = E_e + ((q_cons_vf(stress_idx%beg)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)/rho)**2d0) &
end if
end if
end do
do s = 1, 3
tau_e(s) = q_cons_vf(s)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)/rho
end do
pres = ( &
q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l) - &
0.5d0*(q_cons_vf(mom_idx%beg)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)**2.d0)/rho - &
pi_inf - E_e &
else if (model_eqns == 2 .and. (bubbles .neqv. .true.)) then
!Stiffened gas pressure from energy
pres = ( &
q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l) - &
0.5d0*((q_cons_vf(2)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)**2.d0 + &
q_cons_vf(3)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)**2.d0)/q_cons_vf(1)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)) - &
pi_inf &
!Stiffened gas pressure from energy with bubbles
pres = ( &
(q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l) - &
0.5d0*(q_cons_vf(2)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)**2.d0 + q_cons_vf(3)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)**2.d0) &
/q_cons_vf(1)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l))/ &
(1.d0 - q_cons_vf(alf_idx)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)) - &
pi_inf &
end if
if (bubbles) then
alf = q_cons_vf(alf_idx)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)
do s = 1, nb
nR(s) = q_cons_vf(bub_idx%rs(s))%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)
nRdot(s) = q_cons_vf(bub_idx%vs(s))%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)
end do
!call s_comp_n_from_cons(alf, nR, nbub)
nR3 = 0d0
do s = 1, nb
nR3 = nR3 + weight(s)*(nR(s)**3d0)
end do
nbub = DSQRT((4.d0*pi/3.d0)*nR3/alf)
R(:) = nR(:)/nbub
Rdot(:) = nRdot(:)/nbub
end if
! Compute mixture sound speed
if (alt_soundspeed) then
do s = 1, num_fluids
alpha(s) = q_cons_vf(E_idx + s)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l)
end do
blkmod1 = ((fluid_pp(1)%gamma + 1d0)*pres + &
blkmod2 = ((fluid_pp(2)%gamma + 1d0)*pres + &
c = (1d0/(rho*(alpha(1)/blkmod1 + alpha(2)/blkmod2)))
c = (((gamma + 1d0)*pres + pi_inf)/(gamma*rho))
end if
if (mixture_err .and. c < 0d0) then
c = sgm_eps
c = sqrt(c)
end if
accel = accel_mag(j - 2, k - 2, l)
end if
end if
else ! 3D simulation
if ((probe(i)%x >= x_cb(-1)) .and. (probe(i)%x <= x_cb(m))) then
if ((probe(i)%y >= y_cb(-1)) .and. (probe(i)%y <= y_cb(n))) then
if ((probe(i)%z >= z_cb(-1)) .and. (probe(i)%z <= z_cb(p))) then
do s = -1, m
distx(s) = x_cb(s) - probe(i)%x
if (distx(s) < 0d0) distx(s) = 1000d0
end do
do s = -1, n
disty(s) = y_cb(s) - probe(i)%y
if (disty(s) < 0d0) disty(s) = 1000d0
end do
do s = -1, p
distz(s) = z_cb(s) - probe(i)%z
if (distz(s) < 0d0) distz(s) = 1000d0
end do
j = minloc(distx, 1)
k = minloc(disty, 1)
l = minloc(distz, 1)
if (j == 1) j = 2 ! Pick first point if probe is at edge
if (k == 1) k = 2 ! Pick first point if probe is at edge
if (l == 1) l = 2 ! Pick first point if probe is at edge
! Computing/Sharing necessary state variables
call s_convert_to_mixture_variables(q_cons_vf, j - 2, k - 2, l - 2, &
rho, gamma, pi_inf, &
Re, G, fluid_pp(:)%G)
do s = 1, num_dims
vel(s) = q_cons_vf(cont_idx%end + s)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l - 2)/rho
end do
pres = (q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l - 2) - 0.5d0*rho*dot_product(vel, vel) - pi_inf)/gamma
! Compute mixture sound speed
if (alt_soundspeed) then
do s = 1, num_fluids
alpha(s) = q_cons_vf(E_idx + s)%sf(j - 2, k - 2, l - 2)
end do
blkmod1 = ((fluid_pp(1)%gamma + 1d0)*pres + &
blkmod2 = ((fluid_pp(2)%gamma + 1d0)*pres + &
c = (1d0/(rho*(alpha(1)/blkmod1 + alpha(2)/blkmod2)))
c = (((gamma + 1d0)*pres + pi_inf)/(gamma*rho))
end if
if (mixture_err .and. c < 0d0) then
c = sgm_eps
c = sqrt(c)
end if
accel = accel_mag(j - 2, k - 2, l - 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if

from mfc.

sbryngelson avatar sbryngelson commented on June 11, 2024

and this

do j = 0, m
call s_convert_to_mixture_variables(q_cons_vf, j, 0, 0, rho, gamma, pi_inf, Re, &
G, fluid_pp(:)%G)
lit_gamma = 1d0/gamma + 1d0
if (((i >= cont_idx%beg) .and. (i <= cont_idx%end)) &
.or. &
((i >= adv_idx%beg) .and. (i <= adv_idx%end)) &
) then
write (2, FMT) x_cb(j), q_cons_vf(i)%sf(j, 0, 0)
else if (i == mom_idx%beg) then !u
write (2, FMT) x_cb(j), q_cons_vf(mom_idx%beg)%sf(j, 0, 0)/rho
else if (i == stress_idx%beg) then !tau_e
write (2, FMT) x_cb(j), q_cons_vf(stress_idx%beg)%sf(j, 0, 0)/rho
else if (i == E_idx) then !p
if (model_eqns == 4) then
!Tait pressure from density
write (2, FMT) x_cb(j), &
(pref + pi_inf)*( &
(q_cons_vf(1)%sf(j, 0, 0)/ &
(rhoref*(1.d0 - q_cons_vf(4)%sf(j, 0, 0))) &
)**lit_gamma) &
- pi_inf
else if (hypoelasticity) then
! elastic contribution to energy
E_e = 0d0
do k = stress_idx%beg, stress_idx%end
if (G > 1000) then
E_e = E_e + ((q_cons_vf(stress_idx%beg)%sf(j, 0, 0)/rho)**2d0) &
! Additional terms in 2D and 3D
if ((k == stress_idx%beg + 1) .or. &
(k == stress_idx%beg + 3) .or. &
(k == stress_idx%beg + 4)) then
E_e = E_e + ((q_cons_vf(stress_idx%beg)%sf(j, 0, 0)/rho)**2d0) &
end if
end if
end do
write (2, FMT) x_cb(j), &
( &
q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(j, 0, 0) - &
0.5d0*(q_cons_vf(mom_idx%beg)%sf(j, 0, 0)**2.d0)/rho - &
pi_inf - E_e &
else if (model_eqns == 2 .and. (bubbles .neqv. .true.)) then
!Stiffened gas pressure from energy
write (2, FMT) x_cb(j), &
( &
q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(j, 0, 0) - &
0.5d0*(q_cons_vf(mom_idx%beg)%sf(j, 0, 0)**2.d0)/rho - &
pi_inf &
!Stiffened gas pressure from energy with bubbles
write (2, FMT) x_cb(j), &
( &
(q_cons_vf(E_idx)%sf(j, 0, 0) - &
0.5d0*(q_cons_vf(mom_idx%beg)%sf(j, 0, 0)**2.d0)/rho)/ &
(1.d0 - q_cons_vf(alf_idx)%sf(j, 0, 0)) - &
pi_inf &
end if

from mfc.

anshgupta1234 avatar anshgupta1234 commented on June 11, 2024

Update: s_compute_speed_of_sound has now been implemented on anshgupta1234/fix_48. Now moving on to refactoring for new variable conversion

from mfc.

anshgupta1234 avatar anshgupta1234 commented on June 11, 2024

This should perhaps be closed now?

from mfc.

sbryngelson avatar sbryngelson commented on June 11, 2024

closed with #86

from mfc.

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