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lightpath's Introduction

LightPath CDN Nginx Module

Version: 1.0.0-beta

Notice: Rework In Progress

I'm currently working on making this project more user friendly. There is a list of upcoming features below!

You can view progress in the "dev" branch and projects dashboard "beta". All new code will remain opensource as always.

Upcoming Features:

  • Server cluster management
  • Dashboard & API
  • Analytics via Clickhouse and Kafka
  • Load balancing
  • Automatic SSL certificates via Let's Encrypt
  • Web Application Firewall with ModSecurity ruleset support
  • Rate limiting
  • Captcha Support (Hcaptcha, Recaptcha, Geetest)
  • Custom block pages
  • Javascript bot verification
  • DNS management via third party services


CDN, content delivery network, written in Lua using Openresty (Nginx). Website configurations (backend, cache rules, edge rules, etc) are stored in Redis.

If there is interest I will add proper documentation in the future. This project was made public because I don't personally have the time and money to make this into an actual company. A docker file is provided so you can build this into a docker image.


There is one software that is not included called Ambassador. Ambassador is a custom SSL certificate manager modeled after Netflix's Lemur. You can easily replace it for Lemur in the ssl.lua file.

The module also makes heavy usage of Hashicorp Vault to store secret keys for Ambassador and the JWT token which is used to authenticate to the cache purge api. If you are unable to modify the source code to bypass these requirements, open an issue and I'll try my best to work with you.


  • Edge caching
    • Byte range caching (Videos or large files)
    • Sorted query string
    • Ignore query string
    • Respect origin cache headers
    • Bypass edge cache
  • Edge rules - Block or allow by
    • URL path
    • HTTP Referral (Hotlink protection)
    • IP Address and Range
    • Country
    • ASN
    • Force HTTPS
    • Hot linking protection
    • Set edge cache TTL
    • Enforce CORS headers
    • Strip cookies from origin
  • Purge cache (Supports wildcard paths)
  • Error logging via Sentry
  • Remote access logs (Change in log.lua)
  • Ability to use SSL certificates stored remotely
  • SSL termination
  • Gzip and Brotli compression

Use Cases

  • Running your own CDN network
  • Dynamically serve client websites like Netlify and Vercel


  • Lua module - /src/lua/ (Install in your lua lib path)
  • Nginx Configuration - /src/nginx/nginx.conf


  • Redis
  • Openresty (Nginx 1.17.8)
  • Openresty OpenSSL 1.1.1g
  • Openresty PCRE 8.44
  • LuaJIT 5.1
  • libmaxminddb

Nginx Modules

Lua Dependencies

lightpath's People


taythebot avatar

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