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Luci6n's Projects

cinema-ticketing-system icon cinema-ticketing-system

The GSB Cinema Ticketing System is a comprehensive application developed in C++ to manage cinema operations efficiently. This system provides distinct functionalities for both users and administrators, ensuring a smooth and streamlined experience for booking and managing movie tickets.

frontend-assignment icon frontend-assignment

This project is a responsive, user-friendly fitness website designed to help users on their health journey. It offers personalized workout plans, nutritious food recommendations, and tools like a health calculator and gym locator. The site also features product recommendations and a membership program to kee

library-management-system icon library-management-system

The Library Management System is a C++ project designed to store and manage student information and the books they borrow from the library. This system uses a linked list data structure to handle dynamic and efficient data storage.

theme-park-management-database-system icon theme-park-management-database-system

Welcome to the Big Dipper Theme Park Management System project repository. This project is developed for Western Euro, a leading conglomerate in South-East Asia. The Big Dipper theme park is a significant venture for Western Euro, featuring 67 attractions, 5 restaurants, and 37 shops. The system is designed to streamline operations, improve efficie

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  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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