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minter-php-sdk's Introduction


This is a pure PHP SDK for working with Minter blockchain


composer require minter/minter-php-sdk

Using MinterAPI

You can get all valid responses and full documentation at Minter Node Api

Create MinterAPI instance

use Minter\MinterAPI;

$nodeUrl = ''; // example of a node url

$api = new MinterAPI($nodeUrl);


Returns coins list, balance and transaction count (for nonce) of an address.

getBalance(string $minterAddress, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


// {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "balance": { ... }, "transaction_count": "0"}}


Returns next transaction number (nonce) of an address.

getNonce(string $minterAddress): int



Returns the result of sending signed tx.

send(string $tx): \stdClass



Returns node status info.

getStatus(): \stdClass


Returns list of active validators.

getValidators(?int $height = null): \stdClass


Return estimate of buy coin transaction.

estimateCoinBuy(string $coinToSell, string $valueToBuy, string $coinToBuy, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Return estimate of sell coin transaction.

estimateCoinSell(string $coinToSell, string $valueToSell, string $coinToBuy, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns information about coin. Note: this method does not return information about base coins (MNT and BIP).

getCoinInfo(string $coin, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns block data at given height.

getBlock(int $height): \stdClass


Returns events at given height.

getEvents(int $height): \stdClass


Returns transaction info.

getTransaction(string $hash): \stdClass


Returns candidate’s info by provided public_key. It will respond with 404 code if candidate is not found.

getCandidate(string $publicKey, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns list of candidates.

$height is optional parameter.

getCandidates(?int $height = null, ?bool $includeStakes = false): \stdClass


Return estimate of transaction.

estimateTxCommission(string $tx): \stdClass


Return transactions by query.

getTransactions(string $query, ?int $page = null, ?int $perPage = null): \stdClass


Returns unconfirmed transactions.

getUnconfirmedTxs(?int $limit = null): \stdClass


Returns current max gas price.

getMaxGasPrice(?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns current min gas price.

getMinGasPrice(): \stdClass


Returns missed blocks by validator public key.

getMissedBlocks(string $pubKey, ?int $height = null): \stdClass

Error handling

Example of how you can handle errors and get the response body.

use Minter\MinterAPI;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;

// create instance
$api = new MinterAPI('node url here');

try {
    // success response
    $response = $api->send('signed tx here');
} catch(RequestException $exception) {
    // short exception message
    $message = $exception->getMessage();
    // error response in json
    $content = $exception->getResponse()
    // error response as array
    $error = json_decode($content, true);                

Using MinterSDK

Sign transaction

Returns a signed tx.

  • Sign the SendCoin transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSendCoinTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterSendCoinTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
        'coin' => 'MNT',
        'to' => 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee99',
        'value' => '10'
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the SellCoin transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSellCoinTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterSellCoinTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
         'coinToSell' => 'MNT',
         'valueToSell' => '1',
         'coinToBuy' => 'TEST',
         'minimumValueToBuy' => 1
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the SellAllCoin transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSellAllCoinTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterSellAllCoinTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
         'coinToSell' => 'TEST',
         'coinToBuy' => 'MNT',
         'minimumValueToBuy' => 1
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the BuyCoin transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterBuyCoinTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterBuyCoinTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
         'coinToBuy' => 'MNT',
         'valueToBuy' => '1',
         'coinToSell' => 'TEST',
         'maximumValueToSell' => 1
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the CreateCoin transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterCreateCoinTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterCreateCoinTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
        'name' => 'TEST COIN',
        'symbol' => 'TEST',
        'initialAmount' => '100',
        'initialReserve' => '10',
        'crr' => 10
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the DeclareCandidacy transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterDeclareCandidacyTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterDeclareCandidacyTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
        'address' => 'Mxa7bc33954f1ce855ed1a8c768fdd32ed927def47',
        'pubkey' => 'Mp023853f15fc1b1073ad7a1a0d4490a3b1fadfac00f36039b6651bc4c7f52ba9c02',
        'commission' => 10,
        'coin' => 'MNT',
        'stake' => '5'
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the Delegate transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterDelegateTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterDelegateTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
        'pubkey' => 'Mp0eb98ea04ae466d8d38f490db3c99b3996a90e24243952ce9822c6dc1e2c1a43',
        'coin' => 'MNT',
        'stake' => '5'
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the SetCandidateOn transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSetCandidateOnTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterSetCandidateOnTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
        'pubkey' => 'Mp0eb98ea04ae466d8d38f490db3c99b3996a90e24243952ce9822c6dc1e2c1a43'
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the SetCandidateOff transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSetCandidateOffTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterSetCandidateOffTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
        'pubkey' => 'Mp0eb98ea04ae466d8d38f490db3c99b3996a90e24243952ce9822c6dc1e2c1a43'
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the RedeemCheck transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterRedeemCheckTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterRedeemCheckTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
        'check' => 'your check',
        'proof' => 'created by MinterCheck proof'
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the Unbond transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterUnbondTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterUnbondTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
        'pubkey' => 'Mp....',
        'coin' => 'MNT',
        'value' => '1'
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the MultiSend transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterMultiSendTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterMultiSendTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
        'list' => [
                'coin' => 'MNT',
                'to' => 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee99',
                'value' => '10'
            ], [
                'coin' => 'MNT',
                'to' => 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee92',
                'value' => '15'
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the EditCandidate transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterEditCandidateTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'gasPrice' => 1,
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
    'type' => MinterEditCandidateTx::TYPE,
    'data' => [
        'pubkey' => 'candidate public key',
        'reward_address' => 'Minter address for rewards',
        'owner_address' => 'Minter address of owner'
    'payload' => '',
    'serviceData' => '',
    'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE

$tx->sign('your private key')

Get fee of transaction

  • Calculate fee of transaction. You can get fee AFTER signing or decoding transaction.
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([....]);
$sign = $tx->sign('your private key');


Get hash of transaction

  • Get hash of encoded transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;

$tx = new MinterTx([....]);
$sign = $tx->sign('your private key');

$hash = $tx->getHash();
  • Get hash of decoded transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;

$tx = new MinterTx('Mx....');

$hash = $tx->getHash();

Decode transaction

Returns an array with transaction data.

  • Decode transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;

$tx = new MinterTx('string tx');

// $tx->from, $tx->data, $tx->nonce ...

Create Minter Check

  • Create check
use Minter\SDK\MinterCheck;

$check = new MinterCheck([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'dueBlock' => 999999,
    'coin' => 'MNT',
    'value' => '10'
], 'your pass phrase');

echo $check->sign('your private key here'); 

// Mc.......
  • Create proof
use Minter\SDK\MinterCheck;

$check = new MinterCheck('your Minter address here', 'your pass phrase');

echo $check->createProof(); 
  • Decode check
use Minter\SDK\MinterCheck;

$check = new MinterCheck('your Minter check here');

$check->getBody();  // check body

$check->getOwnerAddress(); // check owner address

Minter Wallet

  • Create wallet. This method returns generated seed, private key, public key, mnemonic and Minter address.
use Minter\SDK\MinterWallet;

$wallet = MinterWallet::create();
  • Generate mnemonic.
use Minter\SDK\MinterWallet;

$mnemonic = MinterWallet::generateMnemonic();
  • Get seed from mnemonic.
use Minter\SDK\MinterWallet;

$seed = MinterWallet::mnemonicToSeed($mnemonic);
  • Get private key from seed.
use Minter\SDK\MinterWallet;

$privateKey = MinterWallet::seedToPrivateKey($seed);
  • Get public key from private key.
use Minter\SDK\MinterWallet;

$publicKey = MinterWallet::privateToPublic($privateKey);
  • Get Minter address from public key.
use Minter\SDK\MinterWallet;

$address = MinterWallet::getAddressFromPublicKey($publicKey);


To run unit tests:

vendor/bin/phpunit tests

minter-php-sdk's People


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