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This project forked from vesoft-inc/nebula

0.0 2.0 0.0 44.66 MB

A high performance distributed Graph Database

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CMake 3.10% C++ 90.24% Thrift 1.34% Yacc 1.43% Lex 0.68% Shell 0.64% Java 0.21% C 0.07% Scala 2.30%

nebula's Introduction

English | δΈ­ζ–‡
A distributed, scalable, lighting-fast graph database
build and test workflow build docker image workflow make nebula packages workflow nebula star nebula fork

Nebula Graph

Nebula Graph is the only solution in the world capable of hosting graphs with dozens of billions of vertices (nodes) and trillions of edges, while still only having milliseconds of latency.

Nebula Graph's goal is to provide reading, writing, and computing with high concurrency and low latency for super large scale graphs. Nebula Graph is an open source project and we are looking forward to working with the community to popularize and promote the graph database.

As a graph database, Nebula Graph has these features:

  • Symmetrically distributed
  • Highly scalable
  • Fault tolerant
  • Strong data consistency
  • SQL-like query language
  • Role-based access control
  • Support multiple storage engines

How Can I Get Nebula Graph

Apart from installing from source code, you can use the docker image and develop.

How to Use Nebula Graph

See manual or download the pdf.

How Can I Contribute

As the team behind Nebula Graph, we fully commit to the community and all-in to the open source project. All the core features are and will be implemented in the open source repository.

We also encourage the community to be involved in the project. There are a few ways you can contribute:

  • You can download and try Nebula Graph, and provide us feedbacks
  • You can submit your feature requirements and bug reports
  • You can improve documentation
  • You can fix bugs or implement features. More details on how to build the project and submit the Pull Requests click how-to-contribute.


Nebula Graph is under Apache 2.0 license, so you can freely download, modify, and deploy the source code to meet your needs. You can also freely deploy Nebula Graph as a back-end service to support your SaaS deployment.

In order to prevent cloud providers monetizing from the project without contributing back, we added Commons Clause 1.0 to the project. As mentioned above, we fully commit to the open source community. We would love to hear your thoughts on the licensing model and are willing to make it more suitable for the community.


nebula's People


dutor avatar dangleptr avatar amber-moe avatar darionyaphet avatar laura-ding avatar sherman-the-tank avatar critical27 avatar cpwstatic avatar monadbobo avatar boshengchen avatar yixinglu avatar ayyt avatar whitewum avatar zlcook avatar zhangguoqing avatar jude-zhu avatar shylock-hg avatar wilsonyou avatar jievince avatar bright-starry-sky avatar spacewalkman avatar wadeliuyi avatar boyuanfang avatar 0xflotus avatar bradybromley avatar nianiajr avatar w41ter avatar liuyu85cn avatar moneytoyang avatar lilydjwg avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar

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