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🧑‍🔬 verify your TEAL program by experiment and observation

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<!-- markdownlint-disable no-inline-html --> <!-- markdownlint-disable ol-prefix --> # GRAVITON (aka the TEAL Blackbox Toolkit): Program Reporting and Testing via Dry Runs <img width="345" alt="" src=""> **NOTE: to get math formulas to render here using Chrome, add the [xhub extension]( and reload** **DISCLAIMER**: Graviton is subject to change and makes no backwards compatability guarantees. ## Blackbox Testing Howto ### What is TEAL Blackbox Testing? TEAL Blackbox Testing lets you gain confidence that your Algorand smart contracts are correct by writing assertions and and analyzing results via dry runs. ### Why Blackbox Testing? Here are some use cases: * by allowing you to assert that certain invariants hold over a large set of inputs you gain greater confidence that your TEAL programs and AVM smart contracts work as designed * when tweaking, refactoring or optimizing your TEAL source, ensure that no regressions have occured * allows AVM developers to practice the art of TTDD (TEAL Test Driven Development) ## Simple TEAL Blackbox Toolkit Example: Program for $`x^2`$ Consider this [TEAL program](./tests/teal/lsig_square.teal) for computing $`x^2`$: ```plain #pragma version 6 arg 0 btoi callsub square_0 return // square square_0: store 0 load 0 pushint 2 // 2 exp retsub ``` We'd like to write some unit tests to validate its correctness and make **assertions** about the: * program's opcode cost * program's stack * stack's height * scratch variables * final log message (this is especially useful for [ABI-compliant programs]( * status (**PASS** or **REJECT**) * error conditions that are and aren't encountered Even better, before making fine-grained assertions we'd like to get a sense of what the program is doing on a large set of inputs and discover _experimentally_ these **program invariants**. Let's go through how we can do this: * start by making basic assertions and validate them using dry runs (see "**Basic Assertions**" section below) * execute the program on a sequence of inputs and explore the results (see "**EDRA: Exploratory Dry Run Analysis**" section below) * create invariants for the entire sequence and assert that the invariants hold (see "**Advanced: Asserting Invariants on a Dry Run Sequence**" section below) > Becoming a TEAL Blackbox Toolkit Ninja involves 10 steps as described below ### Dry Run Environment Setup **STEP 1**. Start with a running local node and make note of Algod's port number (for our [standard sandbox]( this is `4001`) **STEP 2**. Set the `ALGOD_PORT` value in [tests/](./tests/ to this port number. (The port is already pre-set to `4001` because [graviton]('s [CI process]( uses the standad sandbox) ### TEAL Program for Testing: Logic Sig v. App **STEP 3**. Next, you'll need to figure out if your TEAL program should be a Logic Signature or an Application. Each of these program _modes_ has its merits, but we won't get into the pros/cons here. From a Blackbox Test's perspective, the main difference is how external arguments are handled. Logic sigs rely on the [arg opcode]( while apps rely on [txna ApplicationArgs i]( In our $`x^2`$ **logic sig** example, you can see on [line 2](./tests/teal/lsig_square.teal#L2) that the `arg` opcode is used. Because each argument opcode (`arg` versus `ApplicationArgs`) is mode-exclusive, any program that takes input will execute succesfully in _one mode only_. **STEP 4**. Write the TEAL program that you want to test. You can inline the test as described here or follow the approach of `./tests/integration/` and save under `./tests/teal`. So following the inline appraoch we begin our TEAL Blackbox script with an <a name="teal">inline teal source variable</a>: ```python teal = """#pragma version 6 arg 0 btoi callsub square_0 return // square square_0: store 0 load 0 pushint 2 // 2 exp retsub""" ``` ### The TEAL Blackbox Toolkit's Utitlity Classes The TEAL Blackbox Toolkit comes with the following main classes: * `DryRunExecutor` - executes dry run's for apps and logic sigs for one or more inputs * `DryRunInspector` - encapsulates a dry run's result for a single input and allows inspecting and making assertions about it * `Invariant` - class for asserting invariants about a _sequence_ of dry run executions in a declarative fashion ### Basic Assertions When executing a dry run using `DryRunExecutor` you'll get back `DryRunInspector` objects. Such objects have **assertable properties** which can be used to validate the dry run. **STEP 4**. Back to our $`x^2`$ example, and assuming the `teal` variable is defined [as above](#teal). You can run the following: ```python from graviton.blackbox import DryRunExecutor from tests.clients import get_algod algod = get_algod() x = 9 args = (x,) inspector = DryRunExecutor.dryrun_logicsig(algod, teal, args) assert inspector.status() == "PASS" assert inspector.stack_top() == x**2 ``` Here we have executed a dry run on input $`x=9`$, then asserted that: * the program status was `PASS` * the program exited with the top of its stack containing $`x^2 = 9^2 = 81`$ Some available _assertable properties_ are: * `stack_top()` * `last_log()` * `cost()` * `status()` * `final_scratch()` * `error()` * `max_stack_height()` See the [DryRunInspector class comment](./graviton/ for more assertable properties and details. ### Printing out the TEAL Stack Trace for a Failing Assertion **STEP 5**. The `DryRunInspector`'s `report()` method lets you print out a handy report in the case of a failing assertion. Let's intentionally break the test case above by claiming that $`x^2 = x^3`$ for $`x=2`$ and print out this _report_ when our silly assertion fails. ```python from graviton.blackbox import DryRunExecutor from tests.clients import get_algod algod = get_algod() x = 2 args = (x,) inspector = DryRunExecutor.dryrun_logicsig(algod, teal, args) # This one's ok expected, actual = "PASS", inspector.status() assert expected == actual, args, f"expected {expected} but got {actual}" ) # This one's absurd! x^3 != x^2 expected, actual = x**3, inspector.stack_top() assert expected == actual, args, f"expected {expected} but got {actual}" ) ``` If we run the test (e.g. with `pytest`) we'll see a printout such as: ```sh AssertionError: =============== <<<<<<<<<<<expected 8 but got 4>>>>>>>>>>> =============== App Trace: step | PC# | L# | Teal | Scratch | Stack --------+-------+------+-------------------+-----------+---------------------- 1 | 1 | 1 | #pragma version 6 | | [] 2 | 2 | 2 | arg_0 | | [0x0000000000000002] 3 | 3 | 3 | btoi | | [2] 4 | 7 | 6 | label1: | | [2] 5 | 9 | 7 | store 0 | 0->2 | [] 6 | 11 | 8 | load 0 | | [2] 7 | 13 | 9 | pushint 2 | | [2, 2] 8 | 14 | 10 | exp | | [4] 9 | 6 | 4 | callsub label1 | | [4] 10 | 15 | 11 | retsub | | [4] =============== MODE: ExecutionMode.Signature TOTAL COST: None =============== FINAL MESSAGE: PASS =============== Messages: ['PASS'] Logs: [] =============== -----BlackBoxResult(steps_executed=10)----- TOTAL STEPS: 10 FINAL STACK: [4] FINAL STACK TOP: 4 MAX STACK HEIGHT: 2 FINAL SCRATCH: {0: 2} SLOTS USED: [0] FINAL AS ROW: {'steps': 10, ' top_of_stack': 4, 'max_stack_height': 2, 's@000': 2} =============== Global Delta: [] =============== Local Delta: [] =============== TXN AS ROW: {' Run': 0, ' cost': None, ' last_log': '`None', ' final_message': 'PASS', ' Status': 'PASS', 'steps': 10, ' top_of_stack': 4, 'max_stack_height': 2, 's@000': 2, 'Arg_00': 2} =============== <<<<<<<<<<<expected 8 but got 4>>>>>>>>>>> =============== assert 8 == 4 ``` In particular, we can: * Track the program execution by viewing its **App Trace** * 2 was assigned to **scratch slot #0** at step 5 * the stack ended up with **4** on top * the run **PASS**'ed * Read the message parameter that was provided and which explains in English what went wrong: `expected 8 but got 4` ### EDRA: Exploratory Dry Run Analysis Let's expand our investigation from a single dry-run to multiple runs or a **run sequence**. We'll observe how _assertable properties_ depend on inputs and conjecture some program invariants. To aid in the investigation we'll generate a report in CSV format (Comma Separated Values) where: * columns represent _assertable properties_ of dry-runs, and * rows represents dry-run executions for specific inputs **STEP 6**. Back to our $`x^2`$ example, here's how to generate a report with 1 row for each of the inputs `0, 1, ... , 15`: ```python from graviton.blackbox import DryRunExecutor, DryRunInspector from tests.clients import get_algod algod = get_algod() inputs = [(x,) for x in range(16)] run_results = DryRunExecutor.dryrun_logicsig_on_sequence(algod, teal, inputs) csv = DryRunInspector.csv_report(inputs, run_results) print(csv) ``` Note that each element in the `inputs` array `(x,)` is itself a tuple as `args` given to a dry run execution need to be of type `Sequence` (remember, that these will be passed to a TEAL program which may take one, several, or no inputs at all). At this point, you'll be able to look at your [dry run sequence results](./graviton/ and conduct some analysis. For the $`x^2`$ example, after loading the CSV in Google sheets and reformating a bit it will look like: <img width="465" alt="image" src=""> Pointing out some interesting results: * column `D` **Arg 00** has the input $`x`$ (it's the argument at index 0) * column `A` contains the **Run** number * column `E` **top of stack** is the value at program's termination, i.e. $`x^2`$ * column `B` **Status** of each runs **PASS**es _except for **Run 1** with **Arg 00** = 0_. (The first run **REJECT**s because $`0^2 = 0`$ and TEAL programs reject when the top of the stack is 0) * column `G` shows scratch slot **s@000** which stores the value of $`x`$ (except for the case $`x = 0`$ in which appears empty; in fact, slots always default to the zero value and an **<a name="0val-artifact">artifact</a>** of dry-runs is that they do not report when 0-values get stored into previously empty slots as no state change actually occurs) * column `F` **max stack height** is always 2. The final observation makes sense because there is no branching or looping in the program. **STEP 7**. We can re-cast the observed effects in `Columns E, B, G, F` as **invariants** written in Python as follows: * `inspector.stack_top() == x ** 2` * `inspector.max_stack_height() == 2` * `inspector.status() == ("REJECT" if x == 0 else "PASS")` * `inspector.final_scratch() == ({} if x == 0 else {0: x})` ### Advanced: Asserting Invariants on a Dry Run Sequence The final and most advanced topic we'll cover is how to assert that invariants hold on a sequence of inputs. Lets take the information we gleaned in our EDRA CSV report, and create an integration test out of it. There are two ways to achieve this goal: * Procedural invariant assertions * Declarative invariant assertions #### Procedural Blackbox Dry Run Sequence Assertions **STEP 8**. The procedural approach takes the _invariants_ and simply asserts them inside of a for loop that iterates over the inputs and dry runs. One can call each dry run execution independently, or use `DryRunExecutor`'s convenience methods `dryrun_app_on_sequence()` and `dryrun_logicsig_on_sequence()`. For example, let's assert that the above invariants hold for all $`x \leq 100`$: ```python from graviton.blackbox import DryRunExecutor from tests.clients import get_algod algod = get_algod() inputs = [(x,) for x in range(101)] dryrun_results = DryRunExecutor.dryrun_logicsig_on_sequence(algod, teal, inputs) for i, inspector in enumerate(dryrun_results): args = inputs[i] x = args[0] assert inspector.stack_top() == x**2 assert inspector.max_stack_height() == 2 assert inspector.status() == ("REJECT" if x == 0 else "PASS") assert inspector.final_scratch() == ({} if x == 0 else {0: x}) ``` #### Declarative Blackbox Dry Run Sequence Assertions **STEP 9**. The TEAL Blackbox Toolkit also allows for declarative style test writing. Let's define some invariants for a particular sequence of `lsig_square` TEAL program dry runs: ```python scenario = { "inputs": [(i,) for i in range(100)], "invariants": { DRProp.stackTop: lambda args: args[0] ** 2, DRProp.maxStackHeight: 2, DRProp.status: lambda i: "REJECT" if i[0] = 0 else "PASS", DRProp.finalScratch: lambda args: ({} if args[0] else {0: args[0]}), }, } ``` In the parlance of the TEAL Blackbox Toolkit, a set of such declarative assertions is called a **test scenario**. Scenarios are dict's containing two keys `inputs` and `invariants` and follow [certain conventions](./graviton/ In particular: * **inputs** gives a list of tuples, each tuple representing the `args` to be fed into a single dry run execution * **invariants** gives a dict that maps [DryRunProperty](./graviton/'s to an invariant _predicate_ In English, letting $`x`$ be the input variable for our square function, the above **test scenario**: * provides a list of 100 tuples of the form $`(x)`$ that will serve as args. * IE: $`(0), (1), (2), ... , (99)`$ * establishes 4 different _invariants_ as follows: * the **stack's top** will contain $`x^2`$ * the **max stack height** during execution is always 2 * the executions' **status** is **PASS** except for the case $`x=0`$ * the **final scratch** will have $`x`$ stored at slot `0` except for that strange $`x=0`$ case (recall the [0-val scratch slot artifact](#0val-artifact)) Declarative invariants make use of the following: * `DryRunProperty` (aka `DRProp`): an enum that acts as a key in a scenario's assertions dict * class `Invariant` * its constructor takes in a predicate (there are [4 kinds of predicates](#predicate)) and returns a callable that is used for runtime assertions * method `inputs_and_assertions()` validates a scenario and extracts out its assertions * method `dryrun_assert()` evaluates the dry-run sequence using the constructed `SequenceAssertion` To employ the declarative test scenario above write the following: ```python from graviton.blackbox import ( DryRunExecutor, DryRunProperty as DRProp, ExecutionMode, ) from graviton.invariant import Invariant from tests.clients import get_algod algod = get_algod() scenario = { "inputs": [(i,) for i in range(100)], "invariants": { DRProp.stackTop: lambda args: args[0] ** 2, DRProp.maxStackHeight: 2, DRProp.status: lambda args: "REJECT" if args[0] == 0 else "PASS", DRProp.finalScratch: lambda args: ({0: args[0]} if args[0] else {}), }, } # Validate the scenario and dig out inputs/invariants: inputs, invariants = Invariant.inputs_and_invariants( scenario, ExecutionMode.Signature ) # Execute the dry runs and obtain a sequence of DryRunInspectors: inspectors = DryRunExecutor.dryrun_logicsig_on_sequence(algod, teal, inputs) # Invariant assertions on sequence: for dr_property, invariant in invariants.items(): invariant.validates(dr_property, inputs, inspectors) ``` **STEP 10**. _**Deep Dive into Invariants via Exercises**_ Four kinds of <a name="predicate">predicates</a> are used to define _invariants_: 1. _simple python types_ - these are useful in the case of _constant_ invariants. In the above `maxStackHeight` is asserted to _**ALWAYS**_ equal 2 by using `2` in the declaration: `DRProp.maxStackHeight: 2` 2. _1-variable functions_ -these are useful when you have a python "simulator" for the invariant. In the above `stackTop` is asserted to be $`x^2`$ by using a lambda expression for $`x^2`$ in the declaration: `DRProp.stackTop: lambda args: args[0] ** 2` 3. _dictionaries_ of type `Dict[Tuple, Any]` - these are useful when you want to assert a discrete set of input-output pairs. For example, if you have 4 inputs that you want to assert are being squared, you could use ```python DRProp.stackTop: { (2,): 4, (7,): 49, (13,): 169, (11,): 121, } ``` >Note that this case illustrates why each `args` container should be a tuple intead of a list. In order to specify a map from args to expected, we need to make `args` a key in a dictionary. Python dictionary keys must be hashable and lists are _not hashable_ while tuples _are_ hashable, hence the tuple-requirement. 4. _2-variable functions_ -these are useful when your assertion is more subtle than out-and-out equality. For example, suppose you want to assert that the `cost` of each run is _between_ $`2n \pm 5`$ where $`n`$ is the first arg of the input. Then you could declare: `DRProp.cost: lambda args, actual: 2*args[0] - 5 <= actual <= 2*args[0] + 5` #### **EXERCISE A** Convert each of the lambda expressions used above to dictionaries that assert the same thing. #### **EXERCISE B** Use 2-variable functions in order to _ignore_ the weird $`x=0`$ cases above. #### _PARTIAL SOLUTIONS to EXERCISES_ **Exercise A Partial Solution**. For `DRProp.status`'s declaration you could define the `dict` using dictionary comprehension syntax as follows: ```python DRProp.status: {(x,): "PASS" if x else "REJECT" for x in range(100)}, ``` **Exercise B Partial Solution**. For `DRProp.status`'s declaration you could ignore the case $`x=0`$ as follows: ```python DRProp.status: lambda args, actual: "PASS" == actual if args[0] else True, ``` ## Slow and Bad Fibonacci - Another Example Report [This]( is an example of `app_slow_fibonacci.teal`'s Dryrun stats: <img width="1231" alt="image" src=""> A few items to take note of: * $`n`$ is given by **Arg_00** * the app was **REJECT**ed for $`n = 0`$ because `fibonacci(0) == 0` is left at the top of the stack * the app was **REJECT**ed for $`n > 7`$ because of exceeding budget * the app **errored** only for $`n > 16`$ because of exceeding _dynamic_ budget * the **cost** is growing exponentially (poor algorithm design) * the **top of stack** contains `fibonacci(n)` except in the error case * the **final_log** contains `hex(fibonacci(n))` except in the error and reject cases * **max stack height** is $`2n`$ except for $`n=0`$ and the error case * you can see the final values of scratch slots **s@000** and **s@001** which are respectively $`n`$ and `fibonacci(n)` Here's an example of how [invariants can be asserted]( on this function.

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