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This project forked from kyechan99/capsule-render

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🌈 Dynamic Coloful Image Render

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License: MIT License

Shell 0.33% JavaScript 92.90% CSS 2.93% HTML 3.84%

capsule-render's Introduction

English · 한국어 . Français . Deutsch . 简体中文 . 繁體中文 . 繁體粤语

Looking for someone to translate this README.

Supports simple Generator. However, we recommend reading the README for more detailed adjustments.


  1. How to Use
  2. Types
  3. Color
  4. Custom Color List
  5. Section
  6. Reversal
  7. Height
  8. Text
  9. Desc
  10. Text Background
  11. Text Animation
  12. Font Color
  13. Font Size
  14. Font Align - X
  15. Font Align - Y
  16. Desc Size
  17. Desc Align - X
  18. Desc Align - Y
  19. Rotate
  20. Demo

Any of Idea -> Idea-Issue or PR

How to Use

Just write query parameter end of this url. Like this




<img src="" />


Type data makes to change Background Image.

Write &type= on the URL



Change Background Image!

  • &color=auto : Proven random color. List are here
  • &color=timeAuto : Proven random color, but is decided by time.
  • &color=random : Really random color. I don't know what colors are showing.
  • &color=gradient : Proven random gradient. List are here
  • &color=timeGradient : Proven random gradient, but is decided by time.
  • &color=_hexcode : default(#B897FF)
  • &color=_custom_gradient : Custom gradient. If write as &color=0:EEFF00,100:a82da8, it will be converted to { 0%: 'EEFF00', 100%: 'a82da8' }. (e.g. DEMO)

If you use auto mode. no need to change fontColor. auto also change fontColor auto.


If you use static color. Do not write '#'

When use timeAuto and timeGradient?

Used section header and footer at the same time.

Custom Color List

You can customize the list of colors that will appear randomly only for &color=auto and &color=gradient.

Write &customColorList= on the URL.

Pick the color patterns you want and remember the idx value.

For example, if the idx values ​​are 0, 2, and 3, write: &customColorList=0,2,3

If you want to make many apperances of idx=2, you can write them repeatedly. (e.g. &customColorList=0,2,2,2,2,3)



You can use the specified combination using theme=.

Even if color and fontColor are used, theme has the highest priority.

Check the list of available themes at pallete_theme.json.


I'm currently adding combinations from the Link:theme little by little.


Section data makes reverse Background Image.

  • &section=header : (default)
  • &section=footer

Write &section= on the URL



Reverse the image left and right. (Color at the same time)

  • &reversal=false : (default)
  • &reversal=true


Change Image Size. Default value is 120.

Write &height= on the URL


Do not write px


Input text over the Image.

Write Something &text= .


You can't use some Special Characters. Like '#', '&', '/' ...

It makes confused API

It is recommended to use %20 (blank) and -nl- (new line) only


Input desc over the Image.

Write Something &desc= .


You can't use some Special Characters. Like '#', '&', '/' ...

It makes confused API

It is recommended to use %20 (blank) only

Text Background

Background of Text.

Write &textBg=true to active.

If you want to increase background-size, add %20 between text values. This is because background-size depends on the length of the english-text. (%20 means spacing)


Text Animation

Make the text dynamic.

Write &animation= , if you want to use.

  • fadeIn : fadeIn 1.2s
  • scaleIn : scaleIn .8s
  • blink : blink .6s
  • blinking : blinking 1.6s
  • twinkling : twinkling 4s


Change text color. Default value is 000000.

Value should be Hex code with erased '#'

Write &fontColor= behind Text query



Change text font size. Default value is 70.

Write &fontSize= behind Text query


Do not write px


Change text horizontal-align (x). write number between 0~100

&fontAlign= : Default value is 50. center of image

In case there are multiple lines in &text= (-nl-), providing multiple &fontAlign= will apply different horizontal-align to each line individually.



Change text vertical-align (y). write number between 0~100

&fontAlignY= : Default value for one line is 50 (center of image). For multiple lines (separated by -nl-), default will be calculated to get lines stacked on top of each other and centered.

In case there are multiple lines in &text= (-nl-), providing multiple &fontAlignY= will apply different vertical-align to each line individually.



Change desc font size. Default value is 20.

Write &descSize= behind desc query


Do not write px


Change desc horizontal-align (x). write number between 0~100

&descAlign= : Default value is 50. center of image



Change text vertical-align (y). write number between 0~100

&descAlignY= : Default value is 60. center of image



Usage &rotate= , to rotate text.

You can also use negative number.

Recommend number arrange. ☞ 0 ~ 360, 0 ~ -360.



Change text stroke.

Write &stroke= behind query

Value should be Hex code with erased '#'


Recommended to use with strokeWidth.

When used alone, strokeWidth defaults to 1.


Change text stroke width.

Write &strokeWidth= behind stroke query

Value must be greater than or equal to 0.


Recommended to use with stroke.

When used alone, stroke defaults to 'B897FF'.
























capsule-render's People


kyechan99 avatar renovate[bot] avatar chanmeng666 avatar kauer3 avatar dependabot[bot] avatar 98whiskers avatar alexandergullen avatar yehwankim23 avatar

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