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Comments (13)

Wikunia avatar Wikunia commented on June 10, 2024 2

Currently svg isn't directly supported but simply because we didn't find a good way to make use of it in animations. It would be fairly simple though to render the single images as svgs as it's supported by Luxor. You can search for PNG inside Javis and replace it with SVG. That should be all there is to it if you are only interested in the single frames in the temporary directory

from javis.jl.

ArbitRandomUser avatar ArbitRandomUser commented on June 10, 2024 1

Currently svg isn't directly supported but simply because we didn't find a good way to make use of it in animations. It would be fairly simple though to render the single images as svgs as it's supported by Luxor. You can search for PNG inside Javis and replace it with SVG. That should be all there is to it if you are only interested in the single frames in the temporary directory

Simply changing to .png might not quite work like how they want exactly ...right ? , by the time we call to save it to tempdir we have already rasterized the image into frame_image, i dont know if will convert it back to svg , but even if it does you wont get the original vector image as you would have got if Luxor wrote the svg.

from javis.jl.

gpucce avatar gpucce commented on June 10, 2024

Hi @aburousan changing

act!(circles[i], Action(1:1, anim_translate(circles[i-1])))


act!(circles[i], Action(1:1, anim_translate(O, circles[i-1])))

Should fix the error, could you check if it does?

from javis.jl.

aburousan avatar aburousan commented on June 10, 2024

It's rendering but now it's showing new error

E:\>julia fourier.jl
#points: 643
TSP cost: 1851.3679707085373
Rendering frames...100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:28
ERROR: LoadError: failed process: Process(`'C:\Users\Syeda Spandita Zaman\.julia\artifacts\ecb81e6429c089c1da802644fae337754832d534\bin\ffmpeg.exe' -loglevel panic -framerate 30 -i 'C:\Users\SYEDAS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\jl_t5RcVi/%10d.png' -i 'C:\Users\SYEDAS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\jl_t5RcVi/palette.png' -lavfi paletteuse -y 'E:\gifs/julia_logo_dft.gif'`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]

  [1] pipeline_error
    @ .\process.jl:531 [inlined]
  [2] run(::Cmd; wait::Bool)
    @ Base .\process.jl:446
  [3] run
    @ .\process.jl:444 [inlined]
  [4] (::FFMPEG.var"#4#6"{Cmd})(command_path::String)
    @ FFMPEG C:\Users\Syeda Spandita Zaman\.julia\packages\FFMPEG\OUpap\src\FFMPEG.jl:112
  [5] (::JLLWrappers.var"#2#3"{FFMPEG.var"#4#6"{Cmd}, String})()
    @ JLLWrappers C:\Users\Syeda Spandita Zaman\.julia\packages\JLLWrappers\QpMQW\src\runtime.jl:49
  [6] withenv(f::JLLWrappers.var"#2#3"{FFMPEG.var"#4#6"{Cmd}, String}, keyvals::Pair{String, String})
    @ Base .\env.jl:172
  [7] withenv_executable_wrapper(f::Function, executable_path::String, PATH::String, LIBPATH::String, adjust_PATH::Bool, adjust_LIBPATH::Bool)
    @ JLLWrappers C:\Users\Syeda Spandita Zaman\.julia\packages\JLLWrappers\QpMQW\src\runtime.jl:48
  [8] #invokelatest#2
    @ .\essentials.jl:716 [inlined]
  [9] invokelatest
    @ .\essentials.jl:714 [inlined]
 [10] #ffmpeg#3
    @ C:\Users\Syeda Spandita Zaman\.julia\packages\JLLWrappers\QpMQW\src\products\executable_generators.jl:21 [inlined]
 [11] ffmpeg
    @ C:\Users\Syeda Spandita Zaman\.julia\packages\JLLWrappers\QpMQW\src\products\executable_generators.jl:21 [inlined]
 [12] #exe#2
    @ C:\Users\Syeda Spandita Zaman\.julia\packages\FFMPEG\OUpap\src\FFMPEG.jl:111 [inlined]
 [13] ffmpeg_exe
    @ C:\Users\Syeda Spandita Zaman\.julia\packages\FFMPEG\OUpap\src\FFMPEG.jl:123 [inlined]
 [14] render(video::Video; framerate::Int64, pathname::String, liveview::Bool, streamconfig::Nothing, tempdirectory::String, ffmpeg_loglevel::String, rescale_factor::Float64, postprocess_frames_flow::typeof(identity), postprocess_frame::typeof(Javis.default_postprocess))
    @ Javis C:\Users\Syeda Spandita Zaman\.julia\packages\Javis\TCcr1\src\Javis.jl:350
 [15] animate_fourier(options::NamedTuple{(:npoints, :nplay_frames, :nruns, :nend_frames, :width, :height, :shape_scale, :tsp_quality_factor, :filename), Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Int64, Float64, Int64, String}})
    @ Main E:\\fourier.jl:146
 [16] main()
    @ Main E:\\fourier.jl:185
 [17] top-level scope
    @ E:\\fourier.jl:188
in expression starting at E:\fourier.jl:188

from javis.jl.

gpucce avatar gpucce commented on June 10, 2024

Hi, this I believe might depend on the pathname you used but I can't find this out without seeing your code.

Could you share the exact code you use?

from javis.jl.

Wikunia avatar Wikunia commented on June 10, 2024

Basically the last line with render as I assume everything else is from our Fourier example.

from javis.jl.

aburousan avatar aburousan commented on June 10, 2024

This is the code

using Javis, FFTW, FFTViews
using TravelingSalesmanHeuristics

function ground(args...)

function circ(; r = 10, vec = O, action = :stroke, color = "white")
    circle(O, r, action)
    my_arrow(O, vec)
    return vec

function my_arrow(start_pos, end_pos)
        linewidth = distance(start_pos, end_pos) / 100,
        arrowheadlength = 7,
    return end_pos

function draw_line(
    p1 = O,
    p2 = O;
    color = "white",
    action = :stroke,
    edge = "solid",
    linewidth = 3,
    line(p1, p2, action)

function draw_path!(path, pos, color)

    push!(path, pos)
    return draw_line.(path[2:end], path[1:(end - 1)]; color = color)

function get_points(npoints, options)
    Drawing() # julialogo needs a drawing
    julialogo(; action = :path, centered = true)
    shapes = pathtopoly()
    new_shapes = shapes[1:6]
    last_i = 1
    # the circles in the JuliaLogo are part of a single shape
    # this loop creates new shapes for each circle
    for shape in shapes[7:7]
        max_dist = 0.0
        for i in 2:length(shape)
            d = distance(shape[i - 1], shape[i])
            if d > 3
                push!(new_shapes, shape[last_i:(i - 1)])
                last_i = i
    push!(new_shapes, shapes[7][last_i:end])
    shapes = new_shapes
    for i in 1:length(shapes)
        shapes[i] .*= options.shape_scale

    total_distance = 0.0
    for shape in shapes
        total_distance += polyperimeter(shape)
    parts = []
    points = Point[]
    start_i = 1
    for shape in shapes
        len = polyperimeter(shape)
        portion = len / total_distance
        nlocalpoints = floor(Int, portion * npoints)
        new_points = [
            Javis.get_polypoint_at(shape, i / (nlocalpoints - 1)) for
            i in 0:(nlocalpoints - 1)
        append!(points, new_points)
        new_i = start_i + length(new_points) - 1
        push!(parts, start_i:new_i)
        start_i = new_i
    return points, parts

c2p(c::Complex) = Point(real(c), imag(c))

remap_idx(i::Int) = (-1)^i * floor(Int, i / 2)
remap_inv(n::Int) = 2n * sign(n) - 1 * (n > 0)

function animate_fourier(options)
    npoints = options.npoints
    nplay_frames = options.nplay_frames
    nruns = options.nruns
    nframes = nplay_frames + options.nend_frames

    # obtain points from julialogo
    points, parts = get_points(npoints, options)
    npoints = length(points)
    println("#points: $npoints")
    # solve tsp to reduce length of extra edges
    distmat = [distance(points[i], points[j]) for i in 1:npoints, j in 1:npoints]

    path, cost = solve_tsp(distmat; quality_factor = options.tsp_quality_factor)
    println("TSP cost: $cost")
    points = points[path] # tsp saves the last point again

    # optain the fft result and scale
    x = [p.x for p in points]
    y = [p.y for p in points]

    fs = FFTView(fft(complex.(x, y)))
    # normalize the points as fs isn't normalized
    fs ./= npoints
    npoints = length(fs)

    video = Video(options.width, options.height)
    Background(1:nframes, ground)

    circles = Object[]

    for i in 1:npoints
        ridx = remap_idx(i)

        push!(circles, Object((args...) -> circ(; r = abs(fs[ridx]), vec = c2p(fs[ridx]))))

        if i > 1
            # translate to the tip of the vector of the previous circle
            act!(circles[i], Action(1:1, anim_translate(O, circles[i-1])))
        ridx = remap_idx(i)
        act!(circles[i], Action(1:nplay_frames, anim_rotate(0.0, ridx * 2π * nruns)))

    trace_points = Point[]
    Object(1:nframes, (args...) -> draw_path!(trace_points, pos(circles[end]), "red"))

    return render(video; pathname = joinpath(@__DIR__, options.filename))

function main()
    hd_options = (
        npoints = 3001, # rough number of points for the shape => number of circles
        nplay_frames = 1200, # number of frames for the animation of fourier
        nruns = 2, # how often it's drawn
        nend_frames = 200,  # number of frames in the end
        width = 1920,
        height = 1080,
        shape_scale = 2.5, # scale factor for the logo
        tsp_quality_factor = 50,
        filename = "julia_hd.mp4",

    fast_options = (
        npoints = 1001, # rough number of points for the shape => number of circles
        nplay_frames = 600, # number of frames for the animation of fourier
        nruns = 1, # how often it's drawn
        nend_frames = 200,  # number of frames in the end
        width = 1000,
        height = 768,
        shape_scale = 1.5, # scale factor for the logo
        tsp_quality_factor = 40,
        filename = "julia_fast.mp4",

    gif_options = (
        npoints = 651, # rough number of points for the shape => number of circles
        nplay_frames = 600, # number of frames for the animation of fourier
        nruns = 2, # how often it's drawn
        nend_frames = 0,  # number of frames in the end
        width = 350,
        height = 219,
        shape_scale = 0.8, # scale factor for the logo
        tsp_quality_factor = 80,
        filename = "gifs/julia_logo_dft.gif",
    return animate_fourier(gif_options)


from javis.jl.

gpucce avatar gpucce commented on June 10, 2024

Hi, you need to change this line:

return render(video; pathname = joinpath(@__DIR__, options.filename))

with something like

return render(video; pathname = "path2gif.gif")

Can you tell if this does it?

from javis.jl.

aburousan avatar aburousan commented on June 10, 2024

Thanks ... Now it's working like a charm...
If you don't mind, I have another question.
How can we save a particular frame of the animation as svg? And how can we make a Fourier plot for any random word(text)?

from javis.jl.

ArbitRandomUser avatar ArbitRandomUser commented on June 10, 2024

running `render(video,tempdirecory='moviedir',pathname="") will save each frame as .png in moviedir

as of now there is seems to be no way to get svg of a frame from render , the frame is returned rasterized for render to stitch it.
(someone who knows the innards of Javis better than me plis confirm)

from javis.jl.

gpucce avatar gpucce commented on June 10, 2024

Hi, I also don't think it is possible right away, perhaps playing a bit with Javis code.

@aburousan would like to try and open a PR to fix the example? If you don't no worries I will do it! :)

from javis.jl.

aburousan avatar aburousan commented on June 10, 2024


from javis.jl.

Wikunia avatar Wikunia commented on June 10, 2024

Ah you're right I think before we added layer functionality this was actually as simple as I described but now it would be a bit more involved.

from javis.jl.

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