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Comments (69)

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024 2

Totally! The htpasswd-auth-server is meant to be more of a demo authentication server, just to help get up and running, the idea is you can swap in nearly anything for authentication.

Now, that covers the "is it possible" part, but the "how" is really up in the air / up to you. I have a different auth server that uses LDAP, for example - so you could setup LDAP and a web interface for it (like PHPLdapAdmin), and manage users that way. That's a bit of a steep learning curve but really nice once you get it up and running.

Or if you know any web programming - PHP, Python, whatever, it's not too hard to write your own. The overall idea is like, most people likely already have something that stores users, whether it's a WordPress install, or a mail server, or whatever. So Multistreamer doesn't store any passwords, it just checks against some other service.

But yeah, the only 3 that I've written are the htpasswd one, redis, and the LDAP one, none have any kind of management interface or anything like that.

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024 1

Looks like the readme for htpasswd-auth-server was out of date - it also requires the lecho lua module. I just updated the README for it, let me know if that works!

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024 1

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Thank you very so much. Works now. able to add users :)

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Also for some reason when i'm trying to install the lua moduels in the miltistreamer part of the video. This is happening. I honestly don't know what i'm doing wrong. Feel like i'm going in circles ahaha. Thank you for all the help.


from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Also having this problem too. Do you do a installing service ahaha

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

For your first screenshot - it looks like luarocks isn't in your PATH, try calling it as /opt/openresty-rtmp/bin/luarocks

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

For your second screenshot, what does ls -lh /root/htpasswd-auth-server/etc show? Did the htpasswd file get created with some weird permissions? Also do cat /root/htpasswd-auth-server/etc/htpasswd

It looks like you're running as root so it should be able to read it. I usually don't run as root, though. It wouldn't surprise if nginx is dropping privileges to some fallback user, I'd really recommend switching to some other account for all of this.

Docker's my recommended way to install this nowadays - you can run the Docker image directly, or use docker-compose to spin up Multistreamer, Postgres, and Redis all in one easy-to-use command

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

For your first reply. About calling 'luarocks' i don't understand what you mean by that.

Here is the htpasswd stuff.

Also yeah i understand that the docker way of doing all this would be way faster. But i don't have a clue about docker at all. and i want this to be installed on a VPS i have hence why i'm doing it this way. This side of things i'm very new too. I've managed to install nginx and the rtmp moduel and then edit the nginx.conf to push to twitch. But that's as far as my interlect will take me.

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

I think i've found the problem. The VPS i have is made using somthing called OpenVZ and the kernal is below 3.10. So one of the libre things doesn't install correctly? Looks like i need to find another VPS provider. Do you suggest any?

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

Unfortunately, a lot of VPS providers use OpenVZ which won't work with Docker - you typically need a KVM.

Let me see if I can whip up a Ubuntu 16.04 install script, it shouldn't be too hard to do.

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Yeah that's what i've seemt o of found out. Arhh right i see.

Oh thank you very much :)

EDIT: I may be able to use docker + digitalocean?

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

Try this out

Make sure you wipe out things you've already put into /opt before running

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Thank you so much :). Trying it out now

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Everything seems to be working fine. added user etc. Now when i run the multistreamer -e prod initdb command this happens.

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

`local config = require('lapis.config').config

config({'development','production'}, {
-- name of the cookie used to store session data
session_name = 'multistreamer',

-- key for encrypting session data
secret = 'CHANGEME',

-- whether to log queries and requests
logging = {
queries = true,
requests = true,

-- if deploying somewhere other than the root of a domain,
-- set this to your prefix (ie, '/multistreamer')
http_prefix = '',

-- set an rtmp prefix
-- note: this can only be a single string,
-- no slashes etc
-- defaults to 'multistreamer' if unset
rtmp_prefix = 'multistreamer',

-- path to your nginx+lua+rtmp binary
nginx = '/opt/openresty-',

-- path to psql
psql = '/usr/bin/psql',

-- path to ffmpeg
ffmpeg = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg',

-- set your logging level
log_level = 'debug',

-- setup your external urls (without prefixes)
public_http_url = '',
public_rtmp_url = 'rtmp://',

-- setup your private (loopback) urls (without prefixes)
private_http_url = '',
private_rtmp_url = 'rtmp://',

-- setup your public IRC hostname, for the web
-- interface
public_irc_hostname = '',
-- setup your public IRC port, to report in the
-- web interface
public_irc_port = '7000',
-- set to true if you've setup an SSL terminator in front
-- of multistreamer
public_irc_ssl = true,

-- configure streaming networks/services
-- you'll need to register a new app with each
-- service and insert keys/ids in here

-- 'rtmp' just stores RTMP urls and has no config,
networks = {
-- mixer = {
-- client_id = 'client_id',
-- client_secret = 'client_secret',
-- ingest_server = 'rtmp://somewhere',
-- },
-- twitch = {
-- client_id = 'client_id',
-- client_secret = 'client_secret',
-- ingest_server = 'rtmp://somewhere', -- see
-- for a list of endpoints
-- },
-- facebook = {
-- app_id = 'app_id',
-- app_secret = 'app_secret',
-- },
-- youtube = {
-- client_id = 'client_id',
-- client_secret = 'client_secret',
-- country = 'us', -- 2-character country code, used for listing available categories
-- },
rtmp = true,

-- postgres connection settings
postgres = {
host = '',
user = 'multistreamer',
password = 'multistreamer',
database = 'multistreamer'

-- nginx http "listen" directive, see
http_listen = '',

-- nginx rtmp "listen" directive, see
-- default: listen on all ipv6 addresses (which includes all ipv4 addresses, too)
rtmp_listen = '[::]:1935'',

-- nginx irc "listen" directive, see
-- default: listen on all ipv6 addresses (which includes all ipv4 addresses, too)
irc_listen = '[::]:6667',

-- set the IRC hostname reported by the server
irc_hostname = 'localhost',

-- should users be automatically brought into chat rooms when
-- their streams go live? (default false)
-- this is handy for clients like Adium, Pidgin, etc that don't
-- have a great IRC interface
irc_force_join = false,

-- number of worker processes
worker_processes = 1,

-- http auth endpoint
-- multistreamer will make an HTTP request with the 'Authorization'
-- header to this URL when a user logs in
-- see
-- see for an LDAP implementation
auth_endpoint = '',

-- redis host
redis_host = '',

-- prefix for redis keys
redis_prefix = 'multistreamer/',

-- path to trusted ssl certificate store
ssl_trusted_certificate = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt',

-- dns resolver
dns_resolver = '',

-- maximum ssl verify depth
ssl_verify_depth = 5,

-- sizes for shared dictionaries (see
lua_shared_dict_streams_size = '10m',
lua_shared_dict_writers_size = '10m',

-- specify the run directory to hold temp files etc,
-- defaults to $HOME/.multistreamer if not set
-- work_dir = '/path/to/some/folder',

-- set the path to sockexec's socket
-- see for installation details
-- sockexec_path = '/tmp/exec.sock',

-- allow/disallow transcoding (default: true)
-- allow_transcoding = true,

-- allow/disallow creating pullers (default: true)
-- allow_custom_puller = true,


That's what it is. and now i get this

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

It looks like I've had a bad line in my example config file!!

rtmp_listen = '[::]:1935'',

That should be:

rtmp_listen = '[::]:1935',

(the example had an extra apostrophe).

Also, the path to nginx needs to be the full path to the program, and I'd recommend using /opt/openresty-rtmp, that's a symlink that (if you use the installer script) will always point to the latest version

nginx = '/opt/openresty-rtmp/nginx/sbin/nginx',

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Thanks you for all the help. I really do appreatie all of this.

Done the fixes you've said. Now i get this.

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

I just now noticed you're typing "prod" instead of "production" - try it with -e production

I'll have to find places where I used -e prod and replace it with -e production. I know a while ago I had spots where I used production and spots where I used prod, I'm guessing my installation video used prod still? Sorry about that, that's my fault for not being consistent

Oh, and the setting for sockexec path was commented out, make sure to change that to:

sockexec_path = '/tmp/exec.sock',

(in Lua, the -- is a comment marker)

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Right done all that :)

Now to set up the psql /usr/bin/psql: No such file or directory

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

Yeah, you'll have to install the redis-server and postgresql packages, then create the database and user

So run apt-get install redis-server postgresql, then check out - that's where I create the postgres user and password

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Yeah i'm at that point in the video now :)

I don't think this wants to work at all for me.

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

Or (so you don't have to watch that chunk of the video)

sudo su - postgres
create user multistreamer with password 'multistreamer';
create database multistreamer with owner multistreamer;

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Thank you :) Getting there now :)

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

Whoops, didn't mean to close it, haha

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Right got all that done. I've done the run command.


from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

You should be up and running, then!

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

What's happening when you go to

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

I get a user/password prompt - I'm guessing that's going to the htpasswd-auth-server

By default, multistreamer only listens on the loopback device on port 8081 - you're supposed to put a reverse proxy in front of it, it's not meant to listen on the internet directly.

If you want to make port 8081 available you can do so - change

http_listen = '',


http_listen = '[::]:8081',

But I really, really stress that should only be temporary, and you should have apache or nginx ahead of it providing SSL

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

As you may tell i'm new to this hole. I'll have todo some research on how you do the reverse proxy.

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

I just seem to be going around and around in circles with no sucsess.

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

It looks like you have multiple things using port 8080. You should only have one thing per-port, like htpasswd-auth-server should use port 8080, multistreamer should use port 8081

Now that we've gotten all the lua/multistreamer-specific stuff installed and running I don't know how much more I can help, setting up reverse proxies, ssl etc is all outside the scope of this

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

When i go to here ( i get a

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

I think your port 8080 is the htpasswd-auth-server, which you don't want/need exposed to the public internet anyway. Make sure it's running, but there's no reason to have it listening on an external interface, it should only use the loopback

port 8081 is what you have multistreamer listening on. I think you changed the http_listen line for the wrong program, double check that you have htpasswd-auth-server listening to and multistreamer listening to [::]:8081

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Right.. So i've done a clean install and even done the http_listen = '[::]:8081', part for now. But still nothing is loading. Don't understand.


from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

What does ss -tulpn show?

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024


from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

Looks like Multistreamer is still listening on

check /opt/multistreamer/config.lua , and try restarting multistreamer. What's in your /opt/multistreamer/config.lua ?

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

How do i restart multistreamer?

`local config = require('lapis.config').config

config({'development','production'}, {
-- name of the cookie used to store session data
session_name = 'multistreamer',

-- key for encrypting session data
secret = 'obinx',

-- whether to log queries and requests
logging = {
queries = true,
requests = true,

-- if deploying somewhere other than the root of a domain,
-- set this to your prefix (ie, '/multistreamer')
http_prefix = '',

-- set an rtmp prefix
-- note: this can only be a single string,
-- no slashes etc
-- defaults to 'multistreamer' if unset
rtmp_prefix = 'multistreamer',

-- path to your nginx+lua+rtmp binary
nginx = '/opt/openresty-rtmp/nginx/sbin/nginx',

-- path to psql
psql = '/usr/bin/psql',

-- path to ffmpeg
ffmpeg = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg',

-- set your logging level
log_level = 'debug',

-- setup your external urls (without prefixes)
public_http_url = '',
public_rtmp_url = 'rtmp://',

-- setup your private (loopback) urls (without prefixes)
private_http_url = '',
private_rtmp_url = 'rtmp://',

-- setup your public IRC hostname, for the web
-- interface
public_irc_hostname = '',
-- setup your public IRC port, to report in the
-- web interface
public_irc_port = '7000',
-- set to true if you've setup an SSL terminator in front
-- of multistreamer
public_irc_ssl = true,

-- configure streaming networks/services
-- you'll need to register a new app with each
-- service and insert keys/ids in here

-- 'rtmp' just stores RTMP urls and has no config,
networks = {
-- mixer = {
-- client_id = 'client_id',
-- client_secret = 'client_secret',
-- ingest_server = 'rtmp://somewhere',
-- },
-- twitch = {
-- client_id = 'client_id',
-- client_secret = 'client_secret',
-- ingest_server = 'rtmp://somewhere', -- see
-- for a list of endpoints
-- },
-- facebook = {
-- app_id = 'app_id',
-- app_secret = 'app_secret',
-- },
-- youtube = {
-- client_id = 'client_id',
-- client_secret = 'client_secret',
-- country = 'us', -- 2-character country code, used for listing available categories
-- },
rtmp = true,

-- postgres connection settings
postgres = {
host = '',
user = 'multistreamer',
password = 'multistreamer',
database = 'multistreamer'

-- nginx http "listen" directive, see
http_listen = '[::]:8081',

-- nginx rtmp "listen" directive, see
-- default: listen on all ipv6 addresses (which includes all ipv4 addresses, too)
rtmp_listen = '[::]:1935',

-- nginx irc "listen" directive, see
-- default: listen on all ipv6 addresses (which includes all ipv4 addresses, too)
irc_listen = '[::]:6667',

-- set the IRC hostname reported by the server
irc_hostname = 'localhost',

-- should users be automatically brought into chat rooms when
-- their streams go live? (default false)
-- this is handy for clients like Adium, Pidgin, etc that don't
-- have a great IRC interface
irc_force_join = false,

-- number of worker processes
worker_processes = 1,

-- http auth endpoint
-- multistreamer will make an HTTP request with the 'Authorization'
-- header to this URL when a user logs in
-- see
-- see for an LDAP implementation
auth_endpoint = '',

-- redis host
redis_host = '',

-- prefix for redis keys
redis_prefix = 'multistreamer/',

-- path to trusted ssl certificate store
ssl_trusted_certificate = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt',

-- dns resolver
dns_resolver = '',

-- maximum ssl verify depth
ssl_verify_depth = 5,

-- sizes for shared dictionaries (see
lua_shared_dict_streams_size = '10m',
lua_shared_dict_writers_size = '10m',

-- specify the run directory to hold temp files etc,
-- defaults to $HOME/.multistreamer if not set
-- work_dir = '/path/to/some/folder',

-- set the path to sockexec's socket
-- see for installation details
sockexec_path = '/tmp/exec.sock',

-- allow/disallow transcoding (default: true)
-- allow_transcoding = true,

-- allow/disallow creating pullers (default: true)
-- allow_custom_puller = true,


from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

I'm legitimately stumped. With that http_listen set it should be listening on all IP addresses.

At startup an nginx config file is generated, try rm /root/.multistreamer/nginx.production.conf and try restarting, maybe for some reason it didn't get rewritten out?

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

Oh I missed where you asked how to restart it.

When you're running it interactively, just hit Ctrl-C

When you're running it as a service - service multistreamer restart

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Yeah i'm complety stumped too. still nothing after running what you;ve posted. I did have it working. And for some reason now it won't.

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

Try rebooting your VPS

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Done that. What would i do now?

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

If you want to email me a username/password I'll take a quick look

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Okay yeah can do :)

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Sent a email :)

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

Figured it out, making a note here for reference:

In the nginx RTMP module, listening on all ipv6 addresses includes all ipv4 addresses as well, but the HTTP and TCP modules do not do this, you have to pass a the ipv6only=off flag.

On my setups, I've always had the HTTP and TCP modules bound to, and have a reverse proxy in front of it (and my reverse proxies don't listen to all interfaces, they listen to specific, listed interfaces). I figured the RTMP module's listen behavior would be the same as the HTTP and TCP modules.

I'm going to update the example config to add the ipv6only=off flag to the RTMP/IRC listeners

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Thank you ever so much for all the help you have provided me. Just setting up the twitch etc.

One more question. If you don't mind that is. Is this.

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

change your public_http_url to and restart multistreamer service multistreamer restart

You'll also need to login to twitch, pull up your app's settings, and change the redirect uri to

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Thank you so much :)

Do you have a video that covers the setting up side of multistreamer once it's installed? Looked on your YouTube. May of missed it.

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

Sure do -

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Right got it all set up and trying it with OBS now. When i click the start stream it shows this.

Sorry for pestering you like i am.

EDIT: My fault. Didn't set up the information correct. Works now. Ahah :)

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

There's a slight bug I'm trying to figure out, it has to do with the timing of launching the server-side ffmpeg.

The workaround: in Multistreamer, go to the stream General Settings (from the main page: click Dashboard, then General) and change "Require Preview" to "yes"

Now when you start streaming from OBS, it should be OK and not show any errors.

Then, back in Multistreamer, pull up your Dashboard, you should see a button that says "go live" (if it's disabled, try refreshing). Click that, and everything should work

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

I've been thinking about making that preview option the default, since it's generally a good idea anyway - you can see what Multistreamer is receiving and make sure everything looks alright before actually going live on Twitch etc. But anyways, setting "require preview before going live" also makes troubleshooting a lot easier.

As you saw, OBS can only say "oh, it broke." If you require the preview, then when you click the "Go Live" button, Multistreamer can tell you what the actual, specific problem is.

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Yeah having that as default would be a good idea.

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Also about the reverse proxy. You set on up in this video

using nginx-light

is that correct?

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

I've done that but the darn "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page" is showing instead of multistreamer

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Right so the reverse proxy system looks like it works. Because when i change the config.lua to the way the reverse proxy is. multistreamer doesn't show up on the port. But the darn "Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page" is showing instead.

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Just looking now to see what code i need to remove so that the shared streams don't display.

from multistreamer.

jprjr avatar jprjr commented on July 20, 2024

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Thank you. Just having massive trouble with the hole YouTube api set up now. So confised ahaha.

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Well i've uninstalled apache. Tried to restart nginx using the nginx restart command. and just nothing.

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Think i'm going to have to rebuild the VPS. and then untill apache and reboot the server the do the install for Multistreamer

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Arhh right i see. Well i'll do that and look into it. And yeah i understand about the helping side. You have spent a lot of your free time helping me. Witch i do appreatie very much 👍 :)

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Can i ask a question. Instead of using the htpasswd-auth-server add command. Is it possible to make a website side file that i can go to to add users instead of having to use the command line?

from multistreamer.

liamgreen avatar liamgreen commented on July 20, 2024

Arhh right i see. I'm glad it's possiable. And right will get looking into all this. All i want is to be able to add users to the file via a simple form. Don't want to be able to manage users etc. can do that via the WinSCP remove them that way. All i want is like i say a simple from to just add the username and password to the htpasswd file then go to and login

from multistreamer.

danraf77 avatar danraf77 commented on July 20, 2024

Hello jprjr:
Grear Job.
A have a problem.
./bin/multistreamer -l /opt/openresty-rtmp/luajit/bin/luajit -e production run
[error] 9379#9379: init_worker_by_lua error: ./multistreamer/config.lua:1: module 'lapis.config' not found:
thank you

from multistreamer.

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