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jianefreldionaldo / pinpark-parking-management-system Goto Github PK

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Modernize parking management. Track entries, exits, and capacity efficiently for enhanced security and user convenience. Automate fee calculations for seamless operations.

License: MIT License

PHP 30.90% CSS 15.68% JavaScript 50.20% Hack 3.23%

pinpark-parking-management-system's Introduction

Pinpark - Vehicle-Parking-management-System

Simplify parking operations with our intuitive Parking Management System. Seamlessly track vehicle entry, exit, and capacity, leveraging advanced technologies for enhanced efficiency and security. Automate fee calculation based on duration, ensuring a smooth parking experience for users.

To Get Started

Required Technologies:

  • PHP - Note: This is optional to download.
  • MySQL - Note: This is optional to download.
  • Xampp - This include the PHP, MySQL and Apache server.
  • Bootstrap - CSS library a powerful feature-packed frontend toolkit.
  • Node.JS - JavaScript Runtime invironment used to install npm packages.
# NPM Initilizer
npm init

# NPM initializer without having it ask questions.
npm init -y

# Dependencies installation
npm install

# Or - To install all dependencies (packages)
npm i


Starting at version 1.0.0 - Pinpark - Vehicle-Parking-management-System is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

pinpark-parking-management-system's People


jianefreldionaldo avatar



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