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Comments (11)

andrewhoplife avatar andrewhoplife commented on June 9, 2024


buildPack: none
        - name: pr-checks
              name: ""
              resources: {}
              - mountPath: /builder/home/.jx/localSecrets/currentCluster
                name: local-secrets
                readOnly: true
            - name: local-secrets
                optional: true
                secretName: local-param-secrets
          - args:
            - step
            - verify
            - values
            - --values-file=parameters.yaml
            - --schema-file=parameters.tmpl.schema.json
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/env
            name: verify-parameters
          - args:
            - build
            command: make
            dir: /workspace/source/env
            name: lint-env-helm
        - name: DEPLOY_NAMESPACE
          value: jx
        - name: release
              name: ""
              resources: {}
              - mountPath: /builder/home/.jx/localSecrets/currentCluster
                name: local-secrets
                readOnly: true
            - name: local-secrets
                optional: true
                secretName: local-param-secrets
          - args:
            - step
            - git
            - validate
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/env
            name: validate-git
          - args:
            - step
            - verify
            - preinstall
            - --provider-values-dir="kubeProviders"
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source
            name: verify-preinstall
          - args:
            - upgrade
            - crd
            command: jx
            name: install-jx-crds
          - args:
            - step
            - helm
            - apply
            - --boot
            - --remote
            - --no-vault
            - --name
            - velero
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/systems/velero
            - name: DEPLOY_NAMESPACE
              value: velero
            name: install-velero
          - args:
            - step
            - helm
            - apply
            - --boot
            - --remote
            - --no-vault
            - --name
            - velero-backups
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/systems/velero-backups
            - name: DEPLOY_NAMESPACE
              value: velero
            name: install-velero-backups
          - args:
            - step
            - helm
            - apply
            - --boot
            - --remote
            - --no-vault
            - --name
            - jxing
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/systems/jxing
            - name: DEPLOY_NAMESPACE
              value: kube-system
            name: install-nginx-controller
          - args:
            - step
            - create
            - install
            - values
            - -b
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/env
            name: create-install-values
          - args:
            - step
            - helm
            - apply
            - --boot
            - --remote
            - --no-vault
            - --name
            - exdns
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/systems/external-dns
            name: install-external-dns
          - args:
            - apply
            - --wait
            - --validate=false
            - -f
            command: kubectl
            dir: /workspace/source
            - name: DEPLOY_NAMESPACE
              value: cert-manager
            name: install-cert-manager-crds
          - args:
            - step
            - helm
            - apply
            - --boot
            - --remote
            - --no-vault
            - --name
            - cm
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/systems/cm
            - name: DEPLOY_NAMESPACE
              value: cert-manager
            name: install-cert-manager
          - args:
            - step
            - helm
            - apply
            - --boot
            - --remote
            - --no-vault
            - --name
            - acme
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/systems/acme
            name: install-acme-issuer-and-certificate
          - args:
            - step
            - boot
            - vault
            - --provider-values-dir
            - ../../kubeProviders
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/systems/vault
            name: install-vault
          - args:
            - step
            - create
            - values
            - --name
            - parameters
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/env
            name: create-helm-values
          - args:
            - step
            - create
            - templated
            - --parameters-file=../../env/parameters.yaml
            - --requirements-dir=../../
            - --template-file=jx-auth-configmap.tmpl.yaml
            - --config-file=templates/jx-auth-configmap.yaml
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/systems/jx-auth
            name: create-jx-auth-config
          - args:
            - step
            - helm
            - apply
            - --boot
            - --remote
            - --no-vault
            - --name
            - jx-auth
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/systems/jx-auth
            name: install-jx-auth-config
          - args:
            - step
            - helm
            - apply
            - --boot
            - --remote
            - --name
            - jenkins-x
            - --provider-values-dir
            - ../kubeProviders
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/env
            name: install-jenkins-x
          - args:
            - step
            - verify
            - env
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source
            name: verify-jenkins-x-environment
          - args:
            - step
            - helm
            - apply
            - --boot
            - --name
            - repos
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/repositories
            name: install-repositories
          - args:
            - step
            - scheduler
            - config
            - apply
            - --direct=true
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/prowConfig
            name: install-pipelines
          - args:
            - update
            - webhooks
            - --verbose
            - --warn-on-fail
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/repositories
            name: update-webhooks
          - args:
            - step
            - verify
            - install
            - --pod-wait-time
            - 30m
            command: jx
            dir: /workspace/source/env
            name: verify-installation

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

ankitm123 avatar ankitm123 commented on June 9, 2024

Do you have the core-dns pods running (most probably a dns resolution issue, kubernetes cannot discover those pods by the dns names)? Any logs from the vault/core-dns pods?

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

andrewhoplife avatar andrewhoplife commented on June 9, 2024

The only vault/core-dns pods I have is named below. What I think is happening is that a route53 record is not getting created as needed. All that gets created in my subdomain is a SOA and NS record. The documentation does not mention what it is supposed to be but I expect a wildcard for vault-jx that is an A or cname to point to the eks cluster. I tried creating one manually and it does not work.

kubectl describe pod exdns-external-dns-7c686cd8d6-bx7ck                                                         
Name:           exdns-external-dns-7c686cd8d6-bx7ck
Namespace:      jx
Priority:       0
Node:           ip-10-0-1-154.ec2.internal/
Start Time:     Thu, 04 Jun 2020 15:21:16 -0500
Annotations: eks.privileged
Status:         Running
IPs:            <none>
Controlled By:  ReplicaSet/exdns-external-dns-7c686cd8d6
    Container ID:  docker://3a4f8fbaeb48124cbabddc28b257ec8bed0cef04a49279c1751d06dec901f3f2
    Image ID:      docker-pullable://bitnami/external-dns@sha256:47bb59cbe19611d9c474b387a1533ea80d4cb56aa33b8fb3c60c7086dc316f50
    Port:          7979/TCP
    Host Port:     0/TCP
    State:          Running
      Started:      Thu, 04 Jun 2020 15:21:24 -0500
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
    Liveness:       http-get http://:http/healthz delay=10s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=2
    Readiness:      http-get http://:http/healthz delay=5s timeout=5s period=10s #success=1 #failure=6
      AWS_DEFAULT_REGION:           us-east-1
      AWS_ROLE_ARN:                 arn:aws:iam::535580006495:role/tf-hl-jx-sa-role-external_dns-0WyhSGT3
      AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE:  /var/run/secrets/
      /var/run/secrets/ from aws-iam-token (ro)
      /var/run/secrets/ from exdns-external-dns-token-zj8dk (ro)
  Type              Status
  Initialized       True 
  Ready             True 
  ContainersReady   True 
  PodScheduled      True 
    Type:                    Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
    TokenExpirationSeconds:  86400
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  exdns-external-dns-token-zj8dk
    Optional:    false
QoS Class:       BestEffort
Node-Selectors:  <none>
Tolerations: for 300s
        for 300s
  Type    Reason     Age    From                                 Message
  ----    ------     ----   ----                                 -------
  Normal  Scheduled  9m12s  default-scheduler                    Successfully assigned jx/exdns-external-dns-7c686cd8d6-bx7ck to ip-10-0-1-154.ec2.internal
  Normal  Pulling    9m10s  kubelet, ip-10-0-1-154.ec2.internal  Pulling image ""
  Normal  Pulled     9m5s   kubelet, ip-10-0-1-154.ec2.internal  Successfully pulled image ""
  Normal  Created    9m4s   kubelet, ip-10-0-1-154.ec2.internal  Created container external-dns
  Normal  Started    9m4s   kubelet, ip-10-0-1-154.ec2.internal  Started container external-dns

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

joebertj avatar joebertj commented on June 9, 2024

https://vault-jx.snipv1/sys/health?drsecondarycode=299&performancestandbycode=299&sealedcode=299&standbycode=299&uninitcode=299: dial tcp: lookup vault-jx.snip on snip:53

I think this is misconfiguration on your side. vault-jx.snipv1 should be vault-jx.snip**/*v1

What you can do is spawn a pod and try to access that URL given that it is not a vaild public DNS.

And you are using https which is not possible to do automatic certificate for since you are using a private local DNS.

Disable DNS for now in your jx-requirements.yaml so you will use

  domain: ""
  ignoreLoadBalancer: true
  externalDNS: false

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

andrewhoplife avatar andrewhoplife commented on June 9, 2024

I think this is misconfiguration on your side. vault-jx.snipv1 should be vault-jx.snip**/*v1

I am pretty sure that is just a typo in my writeup. Thank you for the disable dns idea will try that today.

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

andrewhoplife avatar andrewhoplife commented on June 9, 2024

Yeah same result with externaldns set to false. The URL is unavailable on public internet. Pods display no error messages. The only other relevant setting I can think of is ignoreLoadBalancer: true but I don't think that should matter.

STEP: install-vault command: /bin/sh -c jx step boot vault --provider-values-dir ../../kubeProviders in dir: /Users/a/code/jxmanage/jenkins-x-boot-config/systems/vault

? Do you want Jenkins X to create and manage Vault? Yes

Installing vault-operator operator with helm values: [image.repository=banzaicloud/vault-operator image.tag=0.5.3]

Vault operator installed in namespace jx
Applying vault ingress in namespace jx for vault name jx-vault-tf-jx-pumped
ingress.extensions/jx-vault-tf-jx-pumped created
Vault 'jx-vault-tf-jx-pumped' in namespace 'jx' created 

STEP: create-helm-values command: /bin/sh -c jx step create values --name parameters in dir: /Users/a/code/jxmanage/jenkins-x-boot-config/env

defaulting to secret storage scheme vault found from requirements file at /Users/a/code/jxmanage/jenkins-x-boot-config/jx-requirements.yml
defaulting to secret base path to the cluster name tf-jx-pumped-whale found from requirements file at /Users/a/code/jxmanage/jenkins-x-boot-config/jx-requirements.yml
generated schema file /Users/a/code/jxmanage/jenkins-x-boot-config/env/parameters.schema.json from template /Users/a/code/jxmanage/jenkins-x-boot-config/env/parameters.tmpl.schema.json
Waiting for vault to be initialized and unsealed...

error: creating system vault URL client: wait for vault to be initialized and unsealed: reading vault health: Get https://vault-jx.snip/v1/sys/health?drsecondarycode=299&performancestandbycode=299&sealedcode=299&standbycode=299&uninitcode=299: dial tcp: lookup vault-jx.snip on snip:53: server misbehaving
error: failed to interpret pipeline file /Users/a/code/jxmanage/jenkins-x-boot-config/jenkins-x.yml: failed to run '/bin/sh -c jx step create values --name parameters' command in directory '/Users/a/code/jxmanage/jenkins-x-boot-config/env', output: ''

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

andrewhoplife avatar andrewhoplife commented on June 9, 2024

A dns record is active for vault-jx pointing to the EKS resource. This happens with Vault.AutoCreate set to either true or false. The correct env variable for vault_user_secret and vault_user_id is set.

using version 2.1.62 of jx
CLI packages kubectl, git, helm seem to be setup correctly
NAME               VERSION
jx                 2.1.62
Kubernetes cluster v1.15.11-eks-af3caf
kubectl            v1.13.2
git                2.23.0
? Do you want Jenkins X to create and manage Vault? Yes

Installing vault-operator operator with helm values: [image.repository=banzaicloud/vault-operator image.tag=0.5.3]

Vault operator installed in namespace jx
Applying vault ingress in namespace jx for vault name jx-vault-tf-jx-welcome
ingress.extensions/jx-vault-tf-jx-welcome unchanged
WARNING: Vault.AutoCreate is false but required property secretAccessKey is missing
Some of the required provided values are empty - We will create all resources
Creating vault resources with following values, us-east-1, jenkins-x-vault, vault-data, vault-unseal-tf-jx-welcomed-weevil-20200609175638948300000006
Vault CloudFormation stack created
You can watch progress in the CloudFormation console:
error: unable to create/update Vault: unable to set cloud provider specific Vault configuration: unable to apply cloud provider config: an error occurred while creating the vaultCRD resources: executing the Vault CloudFormation : unable to create vault prerequisite resources: ResourceNotReady: failed waiting for successful resource state
error: failed to interpret pipeline file /Users/a/code/jxmanage/jenkins-x-boot-config/jenkins-x.yml: failed to run '/bin/sh -c jx step boot vault --provider-values-dir ../../kubeProviders' command in directory '/Users/a/code/jxmanage/jenkins-x-boot-config/systems/vault', output: ''

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

jenkins-x-bot avatar jenkins-x-bot commented on June 9, 2024

Issues go stale after 90d of inactivity.
Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle stale.
Stale issues rot after an additional 30d of inactivity and eventually close.
If this issue is safe to close now please do so with /close.
Provide feedback via
/lifecycle stale

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

jenkins-x-bot avatar jenkins-x-bot commented on June 9, 2024

Stale issues rot after 30d of inactivity.
Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle rotten.
Rotten issues close after an additional 30d of inactivity.
If this issue is safe to close now please do so with /close.
Provide feedback via
/lifecycle rotten

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

jenkins-x-bot avatar jenkins-x-bot commented on June 9, 2024

Rotten issues close after 30d of inactivity.
Reopen the issue with /reopen.
Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle rotten.
Provide feedback via

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

jenkins-x-bot avatar jenkins-x-bot commented on June 9, 2024

@jenkins-x-bot: Closing this issue.

In response to this:

Rotten issues close after 30d of inactivity.
Reopen the issue with /reopen.
Mark the issue as fresh with /remove-lifecycle rotten.
Provide feedback via

Instructions for interacting with me using PR comments are available here. If you have questions or suggestions related to my behavior, please file an issue against the jenkins-x/lighthouse repository.

from terraform-aws-eks-jx.

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