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Comments (21)

jeanmarc77 avatar jeanmarc77 commented on July 16, 2024

I am not the author of 'aurora' com app. You need to have a wh precision.
What aurora -b -a2 -c -T -d0 -e -3 /dev/ttyXXX return ?

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ aurora -b -a2 -c T -d0 -e -3 /dev/ttyUSB0

aurora -b -a2 -c T -d0 -e -3 /dev/ttyUSB0

szttyDevice: T
yDelay: 1
yTimeout 0 mS
yMaxRunTime ~
devLCKfile: <(null)>
devLCKfileNew: <(null)>
Got Params

RunTime 20221127-07:36:46 v1.9.4
Endian : Little
tm_gmtoff : yes
PID : 13051

Attempting to get lock on Serial Port T...

20221127-07:36:46: aurora: Problem locking serial device, can't open lock file: (null) for write.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo aurora -b -a2 -c T -d0 -e -3 /dev/ttyUSB0

aurora -b -a2 -c T -d0 -e -3 /dev/ttyUSB0

szttyDevice: T
yDelay: 1
yTimeout 0 mS
yMaxRunTime ~
devLCKfile: <(null)>
devLCKfileNew: <(null)>
Got Params

RunTime 20221127-07:37:06 v1.9.4
Endian : Little
tm_gmtoff : yes
PID : 14165

Attempting to get lock on Serial Port T...

20221127-07:37:06: aurora: Problem locking serial device, can't open lock file: (null) for write.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ aurora -b -a2 -c -T -d0 -e -3 /dev/ttyUSB0

aurora -b -a2 -c -T -d0 -e -3 /dev/ttyUSB0

szttyDevice: /dev/ttyUSB0
yDelay: 1
yTimeout 0 mS
yMaxRunTime ~
devLCKfile: </var/lock/LCK..ttyUSB0>
devLCKfileNew: </var/lock/LCK..ttyUSB0.16281>
Got Params

RunTime 20221127-07:37:43 v1.9.4
Endian : Little
tm_gmtoff : yes
PID : 16281

Attempting to get lock on Serial Port /dev/ttyUSB0...
Checking for lock
PID: 16281 COMMAND: "aurora" LckPID: 16281 LckCOMMAND: "aurora" LckPIDcommand "aurora" = me
Appears we got the lock.

Opening Serial Port /dev/ttyUSB0... Serial Port /dev/ttyUSB0 successfully opened.
Configuring serial device... Flushing unread data first... Success!
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!

Comm Check: Let's see if the Aurora is listening...
Elapsed time since last comm 0 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3a 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 b7
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 16199/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (58) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (6a) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (4e) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (4e) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (e2) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (fd) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 58 6a 4e 4e e2 fd
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK fde2
Transmission State Check: 0
Model ID "X" qMultiplier -1.0000000 -- PVI-10.0-OUTD --
Comm Check: OK

Elapsed time since last comm 309 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 04 00 00 00 00 00 78 38
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 14479/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (42) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (47) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (f6) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (c9) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (b0) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (1a) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 42 47 f6 c9 b0 1a
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 1ab0
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 49.991001 0x4247f6c9
value 49.991001

Elapsed time since last comm 223 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 01 00 00 00 00 00 ff 2c
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 16259/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (43) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (60) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (f7) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (8f) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (df) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (b7) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 43 60 f7 8f df b7
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK b7df
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 224.967026 0x4360f78f
value 224.967026

Elapsed time since last comm 177 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 02 00 00 00 00 00 82 20
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 15556/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (3f) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (23) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (e2) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (68) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (24) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (eb) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 3f 23 e2 68 24 eb
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK eb24
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 0.640173 0x3f23e268
value 0.640173

Elapsed time since last comm 173 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 03 00 00 00 00 00 a9 24
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 16256/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (42) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (d2) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (ed) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (9a) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (53) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (bb) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 42 d2 ed 9a 53 bb
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK bb53
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 105.464066 0x42d2ed9a
value 105.464066

Elapsed time since last comm 42 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 17 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 17 00 00 00 00 00 b5 76
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 12824/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (43) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (d2) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (cc) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (e6) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (e8) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (24) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 43 d2 cc e6 e8 24
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 24e8
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 421.600769 0x43d2cce6
value 421.600769

Elapsed time since last comm 188 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 19 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 19 00 00 00 00 00 17 4f
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 12326/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (3d) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (25) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (00) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (00) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (ec) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (31) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 3d 25 00 00 ec 31
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 31ec
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 0.040283 0x3d250000
value 0.040283

Elapsed time since last comm 45 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 1a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 1a 00 00 00 00 00 6a 43
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 14030/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (43) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (d3) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (5c) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (81) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (d0) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (70) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 43 d3 5c 81 d0 70
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 70d0
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 422.722687 0x43d35c81
value 422.722687

Elapsed time since last comm 54 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 1b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 1b 00 00 00 00 00 41 47
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 12576/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (3e) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (54) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (d0) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (00) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (1e) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (91) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 3e 54 d0 00 1e 91
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 911e
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 0.207825 0x3e54d000
value 0.207825

Elapsed time since last comm 39 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 15 00 00 00 00 00 e3 7e
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 15059/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (41) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (65) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (34) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (00) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (29) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (2b) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 41 65 34 00 29 2b
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 2b29
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 14.325195 0x41653400
value 14.325195

Elapsed time since last comm 47 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 16 00 00 00 00 00 9e 72
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 13806/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (41) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (4b) waited/max 9/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (56) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (00) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (ec) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (6e) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 41 4b 56 00 ec 6e
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 6eec
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 12.708496 0x414b5600
value 12.708496

Attempting to get Partial Energy value
Elapsed time since last comm 309 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 4e 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 4e 06 00 00 00 00 00 c1 d1
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 17321/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (05) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (d3) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (d6) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (b0) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (4b) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (7c) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 05 d3 d6 b0 4b 7c
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 7c4b
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtLong 97769136 0x05d3d6b0
value 97769136

Elapsed time since last comm 60 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 4e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 4e 00 00 00 00 00 00 3b c9
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 38675/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (00) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (00) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (00) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (16) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (a0) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (b9) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 00 00 00 16 a0 b9
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK b9a0
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtLong 22 0x00000016
value 22

Elapsed time since last comm 50 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 4e 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 4e 01 00 00 00 00 00 10 cd
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 18268/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 8/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (00) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (00) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (00) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (16) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (a0) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (b9) waited/max 7/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 00 00 00 16 a0 b9
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK b9a0
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtLong 22 0x00000016
value 22

Elapsed time since last comm 51 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 4e 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 4e 03 00 00 00 00 00 46 c5
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 13060/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (00) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (07) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (27) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (37) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (15) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (6b) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 00 07 27 37 15 6b
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 6b15
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtLong 468791 0x00072737
value 468791

Elapsed time since last comm 31 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 4e 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 4e 04 00 00 00 00 00 97 d9
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 14272/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (00) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (9f) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (23) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (ea) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (a6) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (4e) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 00 9f 23 ea a6 4e
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 4ea6
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtLong 10429418 0x009f23ea
value 10429418

Elapsed time since last comm 35 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 4e 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 4e 05 00 00 00 00 00 bc dd
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 17788/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (05) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (d3) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (d7) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (b0) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (93) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (65) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 05 d3 d7 b0 93 65
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 6593
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtLong 97769392 0x05d3d7b0
value 97769392

Elapsed time since last comm 64 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 1f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 1f 00 00 00 00 00 ed 57
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 14247/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (44) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (14) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (37) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (19) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (52) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (38) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 44 14 37 19 52 38
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 3852
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 592.860901 0x44143719
value 592.860901

Elapsed time since last comm 46 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 26 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 26 00 00 00 00 00 4e b5
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 12777/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (00) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (00) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (00) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (00) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (17) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (cc) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 00 00 00 00 17 cc
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK cc17
szCvrtFloat 0.000000 0x00000000
value 0.000000

Elapsed time since last comm 31 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 3d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 3d 00 00 00 00 00 db da
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 14213/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (43) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (60) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (f3) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (49) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (85) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (73) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 43 60 f3 49 85 73
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 7385
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 224.950333 0x4360f349
value 224.950333

Elapsed time since last comm 41 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 3e 00 00 00 00 00 a6 d6
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 24500/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (43) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (5c) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (0e) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (c6) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (07) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (e0) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 43 5c 0e c6 07 e0
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK e007
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 220.057709 0x435c0ec6
value 220.057709

Elapsed time since last comm 41 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 3f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 3f 00 00 00 00 00 8d d2
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 14930/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (43) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (5f) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (4a) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (ca) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (09) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (e4) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 43 5f 4a ca 09 e4
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK e409
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 223.292145 0x435f4aca
value 223.292145

Elapsed time since last comm 43 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 27 00 00 00 00 00 65 b1
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 13859/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (3f) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (23) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (e2) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (68) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (24) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (eb) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 3f 23 e2 68 24 eb
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK eb24
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 0.640173 0x3f23e268
value 0.640173

Elapsed time since last comm 40 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 28 00 00 00 00 00 ec 8c
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 19546/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (3f) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (97) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (ba) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (3b) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (2e) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (7f) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 3f 97 ba 3b 2e 7f
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 7f2e
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 1.185371 0x3f97ba3b
value 1.185371

Elapsed time since last comm 42 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 29 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 29 00 00 00 00 00 c7 88
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 13087/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (3f) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (cf) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (c2) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (ea) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (0f) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (c3) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 3f cf c2 ea 0f c3
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK c30f
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 1.623136 0x3fcfc2ea
value 1.623136

Elapsed time since last comm 39 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 2a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 2a 00 00 00 00 00 ba 84
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 16755/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 6/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (42) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (47) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (f6) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (c9) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (b0) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (1a) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 42 47 f6 c9 b0 1a
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 1ab0
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 49.991001 0x4247f6c9
value 49.991001

Elapsed time since last comm 46 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 2b 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 2b 00 00 00 00 00 91 80
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 13507/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (42) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (47) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (f6) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (c9) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (b0) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (1a) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 42 47 f6 c9 b0 1a
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 1ab0
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 49.991001 0x4247f6c9
value 49.991001

Elapsed time since last comm 42 us
Attempt 1
Clearing read buffer Success!
szSerBufferSave OK! 02 3b 2c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
command: 02 3b 2c 00 00 00 00 00 40 9c
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Sending command... sent 10 characters
Draining serial device buffer... Success!
Cleared data buffer: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Read char #1 RC=1 (00) waited/max 12774/1000000 uS
Read char #2 RC=1 (06) waited/max 5/1000000 uS
Read char #3 RC=1 (42) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #4 RC=1 (47) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #5 RC=1 (f6) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #6 RC=1 (c9) waited/max 3/1000000 uS
Read char #7 RC=1 (b0) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
Read char #8 RC=1 (1a) waited/max 4/1000000 uS
answer: 00 06 42 47 f6 c9 b0 1a
received 8 characters
CRC receive OK 1ab0
Transmission State Check: 0
szCvrtFloat 49.991001 0x4247f6c9
value 49.991001
20221127-07:37:43 421.600769 0.040283 16.983429 422.722687 0.207825 87.852219 224.967026 0.640173 105.464066 49.991001 100.599434 14.325195 12.708496 0.022 0.022 0.000 468.791 10429.418 97769.392 97769.136 0.000000 224.950333 220.057709 223.292145 0.640173 1.185371 1.623136 49.991001 49.991001 49.991001 OK

rc: 0

Restoring Serial Port settings /dev/ttyUSB0... Success!
Flushing serial device buffer... Success!
Closing Serial Port /dev/ttyUSB0... Success!

devLCKfile: </var/lock/LCK..ttyUSB0>
devLCKfileNew: </var/lock/LCK..ttyUSB0.16281>
Clearing Serial Port Lock (16281)... done.

Complete 20221127-07:37:43

from 123solar.

jeanmarc77 avatar jeanmarc77 commented on July 16, 2024

97769.392 is your total kWh counter, it is precise enough. You mean: if it's under 1kWh a day, it dosen't count properly ?

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

My problem is the instant production when the production is less then 1 kwh

from 123solar.

jeanmarc77 avatar jeanmarc77 commented on July 16, 2024

Check in help and debugger the 123s_LIVEMEMORY.json values when it happen

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

Ok, later when it will happen i'll check it

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

This is the problem

from 123solar.

jeanmarc77 avatar jeanmarc77 commented on July 16, 2024

which version do you use ?
Please report 123s_LIVEMEMORY.json

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

Screenshot_20221127-173042_Samsung Internet
I use the

from 123solar.

jeanmarc77 avatar jeanmarc77 commented on July 16, 2024

yeah but when it happen, here your logger are asleep
Did you set "three phase" in configuration ?

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

#* 29/11/2022 15:16:09 Stopping 123Solar debug (16831)

#* 29/11/2022 15:16:12 Starting 123Solar debug (27993)

{"info":"no active devices to send to","status":1,"request":"346fe3ea-f598-4b42-9227-0c81a36a2778"}{"token":"invalid","errors":["application token is invalid"],"status":0,"request":"67b40bdd-a8b6-4ac1-b541-09ee3ef27d1a"}{"info":"no active devices to send to","status":1,"request":"e26f6190-52b1-49e1-bf71-54a37a0adedf"}{"token":"invalid","errors":["application token is invalid"],"status":0,"request":"5db82480-3996-4ae2-a5fc-778bb8f46cf4"}{"token":"invalid","errors":["application token is invalid"],"status":0,"request":"ad24337c-4374-4e2c-9995-43c23b07e3c4"}{"info":"no active devices to send to","status":1,"request":"9deafc04-99bc-4a08-98d7-6d37032eec29"}{"token":"invalid","errors":["application token is invalid"],"status":0,"request":"ec614a7f-7776-4c6e-bfac-b71eca6de82a"}

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

yes i set it

from 123solar.

jeanmarc77 avatar jeanmarc77 commented on July 16, 2024

Which protocol are you using ? And, please report 123s_LIVEMEMORY.json

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

I'm using the aurora protocol with options -Y6 -I5
do you want a copy of 123s_LIVEMEMORY.json?

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

Why have you close?

from 123solar.

jeanmarc77 avatar jeanmarc77 commented on July 16, 2024

can't debug without details

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

what details you need?

from 123solar.

jeanmarc77 avatar jeanmarc77 commented on July 16, 2024

GxPx values when that happen

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

where i can find?

from 123solar.

Alexandros89 avatar Alexandros89 commented on July 16, 2024

i have found the problem, the wrong read is because 123solar use the grid values that is not real in the early morning, the correct read is the arrays values

from 123solar.

jeanmarc77 avatar jeanmarc77 commented on July 16, 2024

If the values returned are not correct i can't do much about it.
You can contact Curt from aurora if he know how to fix that but i am aware some inverters report wrong values.

from 123solar.

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