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This project forked from johnfercher/maroto

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A maroto way to create PDFs. Maroto is inspired in Bootstrap and uses gofpdf. Fast and simple.

Home Page:

License: MIT License

Shell 0.26% Go 99.14% Makefile 0.60%

maroto's Introduction

Maroto V2

GoDoc Go Report Card Mentioned in Awesome Go
CI Lint Codecov Visits Badge Stars Badge

A Maroto way to create PDFs. Maroto is inspired in Bootstrap and uses Gofpdf. Fast and simple.


Maroto definition: Brazilian expression, means an astute/clever/intelligent person. Art by @marinabankr

You can write your PDFs like you are creating a site using Bootstrap. A Row may have many Cols, and a Col may have many components. Besides that, pages will be added when content may extrapolate the useful area. You can define a header which will be added always when a new page appear, in this case, a header may have many rows, lines or tablelist.

Maroto v2.1.2 is here! Try out:

  • Installation withgo get:
go get[email protected]
  • You can see the full v2 documentation here.
  • The v1 still exists in this branch, and you can see the doc here.



Command Description Dependencies
make build Build project go
make test Run unit tests go
make fmt Format files gofmt, gofumpt and goimports
make lint Check files golangci-lint
make dod (Definition of Done) Format files and check files Same as make build, make test, make fmt and make lint
make install Install all dependencies go, curl and git
make examples Run all examples go
make mocks Generate mocks go and mockery
make docs Run docsify docs server local docsify
make godoc Run godoc server local godoc

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time

maroto's People


johnfercher avatar suddengunter avatar fernando-hub527 avatar kmpm avatar happsie avatar f-amaral avatar soulspark666 avatar manoelstilpen avatar apissurno avatar miguelbernadi avatar pedrosolbm avatar pensu avatar stanleynguyen avatar tantatorn-dev avatar ankur263 avatar dependabot[bot] avatar houseme avatar balajitechs avatar lynch-ai avatar robertocommit avatar ruzmuh avatar mxsg avatar mgorb avatar kazuhirodk avatar jfelipearaujo avatar hintay avatar fjogeleit avatar lkds avatar basiam avatar arianeasa avatar

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