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python-irodsclient's Issues

DataObjectDoesNotExist not raised when data object does not exist

Proposed patch:

(icenv)onottra558335x:python-irodsclient lewisct$ git diff 
diff --git a/irods/resource_manager/ b/irods/resource_manager/
index b5c5231..1d85148 100644
--- a/irods/resource_manager/
+++ b/irods/resource_manager/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class DataObjectManager(ResourceManager):
             .filter( == basename(path))\
             .filter(DataObject.collection_id ==
         results = query.all()
-        if len(results) < 0:
+        if len(results) <= 0:
             raise DataObjectDoesNotExist()
         return iRODSDataObject(self, parent, results)

Collection deletion fails

Mar 13 11:52:10 pid:17278 NOTICE: rsRmColl: Recursively removing /tempZone/home/rods/test_dir.
Mar 13 11:52:11 pid:17278 ERROR: svrSendCollOprStat: client reply 157 != 99999997.
Mar 13 11:52:11 pid:17278 ERROR: _rsPhyRmColl: svrSendCollOprStat failed for /tempZone/home/rods/test_dir. status = -313000 status = -313000 UNMATCHED_KEY_OR_INDEX
Mar 13 11:52:11 pid:17278 ERROR: [-]    iRODS/server/core/src/rsApiHandler.cpp:297:sendApiReply :  status [SYS_HEADER_WRITE_LEN_ERR]  errno [Broken pipe] -- message []
    [-] iRODS/lib/core/src/sockComm.cpp:1340:sendRodsMsg :  status [SYS_HEADER_WRITE_LEN_ERR]  errno [Broken pipe] -- message [failed to call 'write body']
        [-] libtcp.cpp:420:tcp_send_rods_msg :  status [SYS_HEADER_WRITE_LEN_ERR]  errno [Broken pipe] -- message [writeMsgHeader failed]
            [-] iRODS/lib/core/src/sockComm.cpp:461:writeMsgHeader :  status [SYS_HEADER_WRITE_LEN_ERR]  errno [Broken pipe] -- message []
                [-] libtcp.cpp:358:tcp_write_msg_header :  status [SYS_HEADER_WRITE_LEN_ERR]  errno [Broken pipe] -- message [wrote 0 expected 145]

Mar 13 11:52:11 pid:17278 ERROR: [-]    iRODS/server/core/src/rsApiHandler.cpp:475:readAndProcClientMsg :  status [SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR]  errno [] -- message []
    [-] iRODS/lib/core/src/sockComm.cpp:197:readMsgHeader :  status [SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR]  errno [] -- message [failed to call 'read header']
        [-] libtcp.cpp:256:tcp_read_msg_header :  status [SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR]  errno [] -- message [header length is out of range: 1011708775 expected >= 0 and < 1088]

Mar 13 11:52:11 pid:17278 NOTICE: Agent exiting with status = -4000
Mar 13 11:52:11 pid:21364 NOTICE: Agent process 17278 exited with status 24576
Mar 13 16:07:53 pid:21364 NOTICE: Agent process 19687 started for puser=rods and cuser=rods from
Mar 13 16:07:53 pid:19687 ERROR: [-]    iRODS/server/core/src/rsApiHandler.cpp:475:readAndProcClientMsg :  status [SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR]  errno [Resource temporarily unavailable] -- message []
    [-] iRODS/lib/core/src/sockComm.cpp:197:readMsgHeader :  status [SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR]  errno [Resource temporarily unavailable] -- message [failed to call 'read header']
        [-] libtcp.cpp:240:tcp_read_msg_header :  status [SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR]  errno [Resource temporarily unavailable] -- message [read 0 expected 4]

Mar 13 16:07:53 pid:19687 NOTICE: Agent exiting with status = -4011

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'MSG_WAITALL'

When attempting the examples in, an "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'MSG_WAITALL'" is generated.

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 4, in <module>
    coll = sess.collections.get('/TestZone01/projects')
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\irods\manager\", line 15, in get
    result =
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\irods\", line 217, in one
    results = self.execute()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\irods\", line 169, in execute
    with self.sess.pool.get_connection() as conn:
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\irods\", line 22, in get_connection
    conn = Connection(self, self.account)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\irods\", line 22, in __init__
    self._server_version = self._connect()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\irods\", line 82, in _connect
    version_msg = self.recv()
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\irods\", line 41, in recv
    msg = iRODSMessage.recv(self.socket)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\irods\message\", line 41, in recv
    rsp_header_size = _recv_message_in_len(sock, 4)
  File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\irods\message\", line 19, in _recv_message_in_len
    buf = sock.recv(size_left, socket.MSG_WAITALL)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'MSG_WAITALL'

Document functions

Not sure if this is the same as #21 but can we have sample code snippets and documentation for all the functions please? Both in README or similar and within code so the help(function) returns something useful.

checksum when sending "data object" to iRODS

Is there a way (using this python binding) to either

  • provide a checksum when sending an object to irods ?
  • once an object has been sent to irods, ask irods to compute (and store) a checksum ?

Using command line, there's an option to "iput" so that a checksum is computed at the origin, another one in irods, and they are compared. This enhance reliability of the transport inside irods from an external source.

It is possible the other way around, when getting an object. If a checksum is already computed/stored by irods, it is provided as ".checksum" on the python object, and we do already use this for checking the file integrity once received. What we are aiming here is to get the same level of reliability in the other direction.

Support for Python 3

This library does not seem to work with Python 3:

$ pip3 install --upgrade git+git://

$ python3

>>> from irods.session import iRODSSession
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/irods/", line 1, in <module>
    from irods.query import Query
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/irods/", line 5, in <module>
    from irods.message import (
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/irods/message/", line 7, in <module>
    from irods.message.message import Message
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/irods/message/", line 5, in <module>
    from irods.message.ordered import OrderedProperty, OrderedMetaclass, OrderedClass
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/irods/message/", line 23
    key = lambda (name, property): property._creation_counter,
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Are there any plan for adding it? I could give a hand if needed.


Segfault (overflow) when adding metadata with empty value

Hi there,

When using your python API, we hit a segfault in irodsAgent when trying to add metadata from a JSON snippet to a data_object, where the key is a valid string and the value is empty:

print("Adding %d bits of metadata to %s ..." % (len(misoobjjson), dobj.path))
for key, value in misoobjjson.iteritems():
  dobj.metadata.add(str(key).strip(), str(value).strip()) # where key is "foo" and value is ""

Attempting to add it causes:

Sep  8 18:10:41 v0594 kernel: irodsAgent[14416]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000784a36 sp 00007ffe29788f98 error 4 in irodsAgent[400000+5e6000]
Sep  8 18:10:41 v0594 abrt[9307]: Saved core dump of pid 14416 (/var/lib/irods/iRODS/server/bin/irodsAgent) to /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2016-09-08-18:10:41-14416 (13205504 bytes)
Sep  8 18:10:41 v0594 abrtd: Directory 'ccpp-2016-09-08-18:10:41-14416' creation detected
Sep  8 18:10:51 v0594 abrtd: Generating core_backtrace
Sep  8 18:10:51 v0594 abrtd: New problem directory /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2016-09-08-18:10:41-14416, processing
Sep  8 18:10:51 v0594 abrtd: Sending an email...
Sep  8 18:10:51 v0594 abrtd: Email was sent to: root@localhost

Ducking into the backtrace:

(gdb) bt full
#0  0x0000000000784a36 in overflow(char const*, int) ()
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x000000000078575b in computeExpressionWithParams(char const*, char const**, int, RuleExecInfo*, int, MsParamArray*, rError_t*, region*) ()
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x00000000007d0cce in applyRuleArgPA(char const*, char const**, int, MsParamArray*, RuleExecInfo*, int) ()
No symbol table info available.
#3  0x000000000068495b in _rsModAVUMetadata(rsComm_t*, modAVUMetadataInp_t*) ()
No symbol table info available.
#4  0x0000000000684e93 in rsModAVUMetadata(rsComm_t*, modAVUMetadataInp_t*) ()
No symbol table info available.
#5  0x000000000058d5af in rsApiHandler(rsComm_t*, int, BytesBuf*, BytesBuf*) ()
No symbol table info available.
#6  0x000000000058e2f5 in readAndProcClientMsg(rsComm_t*, int) ()
No symbol table info available.
#7  0x000000000049edc8 in agentMain(rsComm_t*) ()
No symbol table info available.
#8  0x00000000004a04db in main ()
No symbol table info available.

I think an exception being thrown in the API instead of the irodsAgent falling over would be preferable? :)



removing collections results in dropped connection and removal ultimately failing

We are using Robotframework for testing applications and have a library that uses the python-irodsclient

One of our keywords is for removing collections. This works just fine as long as the collection does not contain much data or collections. Once there is some data (our test is about 400MBs and 30+ subcollections) and it fails with a broken connection.

The full library is available at:

Here is the code for the "Delete a Collection" keyword:

    def delete_a_collection(self, path=None, recursive=True, force=False, alias="default_connection"):
        """ Delete an existing iRODS collection at the given path

            'path'      - the collection you want to delete (full path)
            'recursive' - boolean defaults to true
            'force'     - boolean defaults to false (all items sent to trash)
            'alias'     - Robotframework alias to identify the connection

        Example usage:
        | Delete A Collection | /tempZone/home/jdoe/NewCollectionName | connectionAlias
        | Log | ${output}
        | Should Not Contain | ${output} | error

        """'Delete a Collection : alias=%s, path=%s, recursive=%s, force=%s' % (alias, path, recursive, force))
        alias = str(alias)
        path = str(path)
        session = self._cache.switch(alias)
        coll = session.collections.remove(path, recursive, force)

iput-like command?


First congrats for this great work, I love this API!

I want to send a local file to iRODS using your API but I'm not sure how should I proceed. Using iCommand, I'd use the "iput" command for this purpose however I can't find a equivalent for "iput" on your API.

Am I missing something?

Thanks and best regards.


Broken backward compatibility with 3.3.1

As reported by Juan Luis Font:

I have been testing the latest version of python-irodsclient available on GitHub together with our iRODS server.

The client code I have been using is this on:

Regarding our iRODS server, this is part of the information provided by imiscsvrinfo


Due to some external requirements, we have to stay with iRODS 3.X (not sure if using the new python client together with the previous major release can the the source of the following problem).

I am running the proposed examples from my workstation (Debian machine with Python 2.7)

I have successfully executed the python-irodsclient examples for collections available on the GitHub wiki, so I assume that at least the session is properly working.

When I try to run the data object examples, I always get the following error:

from irods.session import iRODSSession
sess = iRODSSession(host='ourirodshost', port=1247,

user='XXXX', password='YYYY', zone='ourVZ')
obj = sess.data_objects.get("/ourVZ/ourFolder/pythontest/xkcd.gif")

CAT_UNKNOWN_TABLE                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-0bed36b25e13> in <module>()
----> 1 obj =

in get(self, path)
     23             .filter( == basename(path))\
     24             .filter(DataObject.collection_id ==
---> 25         results = query.all()
     26         if len(results) <= 0:
     27             raise DataObjectDoesNotExist()

/home/jlfont/repo/python-irodsclient/irods/query.pyc in all(self)
    141     def all(self):
--> 142         result_set = self.execute()
    143         if result_set.continue_index > 0:
    144             self.continue_index(result_set.continue_index).close()

/home/jlfont/repo/python-irodsclient/irods/query.pyc in execute(self)
    126             conn.send(message)
    127             try:
--> 128                 result_message = conn.recv()
    129                 results =
    130                 result_set = ResultSet(results)

/home/jlfont/repo/python-irodsclient/irods/connection.pyc in recv(self)
     37         msg = iRODSMessage.recv(self.socket)
     38         if msg.int_info < 0:
---> 39             raise get_exception_by_code(msg.int_info)
     40         return msg


The file I'm trying to use to run the above example is a valid one and I can manipulate it without problem using the icommands.
I have been surfing the documentation and the web, but I have not managed to find anything that can be helpful for my case.

Any comments and suggestions are more than welcome.

Improve data object I/O performance

From iRODS-Chat


I tried the python-irods-client.
Reading a simple 12 MB file like this, may take up to 200 seconds!

obj = sess.data_objects.get(mseedFile)
with'r+') as f:
        for line in f:
                print line
time ./ > output

I patched the irods/ file, to specify a big buffer:

<         return BufferedRandom(iRODSDataObjectFileRaw(conn, desc))

>         return BufferedRandom(iRODSDataObjectFileRaw(conn, desc),buffer_size=1000000)

Then, it took "only" 7 seconds to read the file. But it's still 10 times more than a simple iget.

Furthermore, if I use a library like "obspy" (, we are back to 200 seconds, even with this buffering trick.

What read/write performance are we suppose to expect using the irods api?

Best regards

PAM Auth

Logging in via PAM would be very useful. I think this will require overriding the _login method of connection, and using a different API call and response.

Register symbolic links

Being able to register data objects, particularly of slink or http type, would be very useful for dynamically aggregating collections.

pep8 compliance

At present, some of the code doesn't meet the PEP8 style guide, which means writing python using it often doesn't either which makes for IMHO less readable code and may also cause CI lint checkers to complain, if not outright reject the code.

Each login (standard authentication, using 'rods') causes an error message in rodsLog

python code:

sess = iRODSSession(iEnv_rodsHost, iEnv_rodsPort, iEnv_rodsUserName, iEnv_rodsZone, iEnv_rodsPassword)
irods_group_obj = sess.user_groups.get(groupname)


Oct 21 10:00:03 pid:20240 NOTICE: Agent process 20866 started for puser=rods and cuser=rods from
Oct 21 10:00:03 pid:20866 NOTICE: readAndProcClientMsg: received disconnect msg from client
Oct 21 10:00:03 pid:20866 NOTICE: Agent exiting with status = 0
Oct 21 10:00:03 pid:20748 ERROR: [-]    iRODS/server/core/src/rsApiHandler.cpp:470:readAndProcClientMsg :  status [SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR]  errno [Resource temporarily unavailable] -- message []
        [-]     iRODS/lib/core/src/sockComm.cpp:199:readMsgHeader :  status [SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR]  errno [Resource temporarily unavailable] -- message [failed to call 'read header']
                [-]     libtcp.cpp:240:tcp_read_msg_header :  status [SYS_HEADER_READ_LEN_ERR]  errno [Resource temporarily unavailable] -- message [read 0 expected 4]

Oct 21 10:00:03 pid:20748 NOTICE: Agent exiting with status = -4011
Oct 21 10:00:03 pid:20240 NOTICE: Agent process 20748 exited with status 21760
Oct 21 10:00:03 pid:20240 NOTICE: Agent process 20866 exited with status 0

This seems to be a general issue with the network protocol? Jargon can cause similar log messages, DICE-UNC/jargon#198

python3 support

Enhancement request: it would be great if the python-irodsclient worked with python 3 as well.

Setting handlers in logging root messes up applications

irods/ adds a specialized handler to the root logger which is then picked up by any application that loads irods.
This results in duplicate log entries for all that have already configured the loggers.

If you need to setup loggers, these should be left to the application or test environment and not be in the library.

`walk()` only returns 250 `iRODSDataObject`s per collection

We have a few hundred of files per collection and when I try to access the data objects within subcollections of a collection, I only get maximum 250 objects returned:

sess = iRODSSession(...)
coll = sess.collections.get('/a/path')
for collection, subcollections, data_objects in coll.walk():
    print len(data_objects)



although there are much more files in each subcollection.

API Keys

Would it be possible to implement the use of API keys with the python-irodsclient? Would it be very difficult to implement? The only reason I ask is because it makes it a lot easier to authenticate in irods when using it with third party applications, than using plain text passwords.

keep pip package up to date with git repo

Following on from the iRODS chat discussion, can we keep the pip package up to date with the git repo please? I understand that it may be desirable to keep a release schedule but the pip version is enough behind the curve that if the standard advice is to clone it from the repo, its probably too far out of date!

add query filter mode "like"

please add a "like" mode to the comparison types in (or, if it works out of the box somehow, please add a test case example on how to use it)

feature request: add rule execution

We are wondering if there is the possibility to execute a rule by the irods python client? Was this already implemented? I there some documentation on this?

Where would we have to look at if we would like to add this to the packages?


multiple data object reads fail

When reading the contents of iRODS data objects, the second read seems to always fail. The following code will always fail on the second file in the list. If I reorder the files it will still fail on the second one.



  1. If I have a third data object the read will succeed so on failure something is being cleaned up.
  2. If I instantiate a new session on each iteration I will not get a failure.
    files = ['/tempZone/home/rods/file1.csv',\

    for file in files:
        obj = sess.data_objects.get(file)
        with'r') as f:
                print 'exception read file ' + file + '\n\n'

Data object creation fails

I'm running @beppodb 's docker images here, and I spin up clean instances each time. Currently, data object creation fails with this type of construction:

import irods
from irods.session import iRODSSession
sess = iRODSSession(host='localhost', port=8547, user='rods', password='rods',
coll = sess.collections.get("/tempZone/home/rods")
for col in coll.subcollections:
    print col

for obj in coll.data_objects:
    print obj

coll = sess.collections.create("/tempZone/home/rods/testdir3")
print "Created collection",
obj = sess.data_objects.create("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
print "Created object"

The error message is suspiciously similar to the previous issue with data collection creation:

Created collection 10033
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 16, in <module>
    obj = sess.data_objects.create("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
  File "/home/mturk/yt-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/irods/resource_manager/", line 50, in create
  File "/home/mturk/yt-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/irods/", line 144, in close_file
    response = self.recv()
  File "/home/mturk/yt-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/irods/", line 38, in recv
    msg = iRODSMessage.recv(self.socket)
  File "/home/mturk/yt-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/irods/message/", line 24, in recv
    rsp_header_size = struct.unpack(">i", rsp_header_size)[0]
struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

I've been trying to see if there was a similar solution to PR #1 but after scouring the source of irods-php, irods, and the rest of the python client I'm not able to figure out what it is. irods lists the API numbers for DATA_OBJ_CLOSE_AN as being the original ones iniRODS/lib/api/include/apiNumber.hpp, but python-irodsclient lists them as the 201 variants. Regardless, I have been unable to fix it, although I have succeeded in being told I've mal-packed the struct.

A possibly related issue is that if I create the object and pass on any error returned, the object does show up, but if I try to get it:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 22, in <module>
    obj = sess.data_objects.get("/tempZone/home/rods/test1")
  File "/home/mturk/yt-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/irods/resource_manager/", line 20, in get
    parent = self.sess.collections.get(dirname(path))
  File "/home/mturk/yt-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/irods/resource_manager/", line 12, in get
    result =
  File "/home/mturk/yt-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/irods/", line 132, in one
    results = self.execute()
  File "/home/mturk/yt-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/irods/", line 121, in execute
    result_message = conn.recv()
  File "/home/mturk/yt-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/irods/", line 38, in recv
    msg = iRODSMessage.recv(self.socket)
  File "/home/mturk/yt-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/irods/message/", line 24, in recv
    rsp_header_size = struct.unpack(">i", rsp_header_size)[0]
struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 4

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