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DHGNN: Dynamic Hypergraph Neural Networks

Created by Jianwen Jiang, Yuxuan Wei, Yifan Feng, Jingxuan Cao and Yue Gao from Tsinghua University and Xiamen University. framework


This work has been published in IJCAI 2019.
Dynamic Hypergraph Neural Networks (DHGNN) is a kind of neural networks modeling dynamically evolving hypergraph structures, which is composed of the stacked layers of two modules: dynamic hypergraph construction (DHG) and hypergrpah convolution (HGC). Considering initially constructed hypergraph is probably not a suitable representation for data, the DHG module dynamically updates hypergraph structure on each layer. Then hypergraph convolution is introduced to encode high-order data relations in a hypergraph structure. The HGC module includes two phases: vertex convolution and hyperedge convolution, which are designed to aggregate feature among vertices and hyperedges, respectively. We have evaluated our method on standard datasets, the Cora citation network and Microblog dataset. Detailed introduction can be found in the original paper.
In this repository, we release the code for train and test DHGNN on Cora citation dataset.


  title={Dynamic Hypergraph Neural Networks},
  author={Jianwen Jiang, Yuxuan Wei, Yifan Feng, Jingxuan Cao and Yue Gao},
  booktitle={Proceedings of International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence},


The code has been tested with Python 3.6, CUDA 9.0 on Ubuntu 16.04. GPU is needed to run the code. You can install all the requirements by pip install -r requirements.txt.
Requirements list:

  • alabaster==0.7.10
  • asn1crypto==0.24.0
  • astroid==1.6.3
  • astropy==3.0.2
  • attrs==18.1.0
  • Babel==2.5.3
  • backcall==0.1.0
  • backports.shutil-get-terminal-size==1.0.0
  • beautifulsoup4==4.6.0
  • bitarray==0.8.1
  • bkcharts==0.2
  • blaze==0.11.3
  • bleach==2.1.3
  • bokeh==0.12.16
  • boto==2.48.0
  • Bottleneck==1.2.1
  • certifi==2018.4.16
  • cffi==1.11.5
  • chardet==3.0.4
  • click==6.7
  • cloudpickle==0.5.3
  • clyent==1.2.2
  • colorama==0.3.9
  • conda==4.5.4
  • conda-build==3.10.5
  • conda-verify==2.0.0
  • contextlib2==0.5.5
  • cryptography==2.2.2
  • cycler==0.10.0
  • Cython==0.28.2
  • cytoolz==
  • dask==0.17.5
  • datashape==0.5.4
  • decorator==4.3.0
  • distributed==1.21.8
  • docutils==0.14
  • entrypoints==0.2.3
  • et-xmlfile==1.0.1
  • fastcache==1.0.2
  • filelock==3.0.4
  • Flask==1.0.2
  • Flask-Cors==3.0.4
  • gevent==1.3.0
  • glob2==0.6
  • gmpy2==2.0.8
  • greenlet==0.4.13
  • h5py==2.7.1
  • heapdict==1.0.0
  • html5lib==1.0.1
  • idna==2.6
  • imageio==2.3.0
  • imagesize==1.0.0
  • ipdb==0.12.3
  • ipykernel==4.8.2
  • ipython==6.4.0
  • ipython-genutils==0.2.0
  • ipywidgets==7.2.1
  • isort==4.3.4
  • itsdangerous==0.24
  • jdcal==1.4
  • jedi==0.12.0
  • jieba==0.39
  • Jinja2==2.10
  • jsonschema==2.6.0
  • jupyter==1.0.0
  • jupyter-client==5.2.3
  • jupyter-console==5.2.0
  • jupyter-core==4.4.0
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  • jupyterlab-launcher==0.10.5
  • kiwisolver==1.0.1
  • lazy-object-proxy==1.3.1
  • llvmlite==0.23.1
  • locket==0.2.0
  • lxml==4.2.1
  • MarkupSafe==1.0
  • matplotlib==2.2.2
  • mccabe==0.6.1
  • mistune==0.8.3
  • mkl-fft==1.0.0
  • mkl-random==1.0.1
  • more-itertools==4.1.0
  • mpmath==1.0.0
  • msgpack-python==0.5.6
  • multipledispatch==0.5.0
  • navigator-updater==0.2.1
  • nbconvert==5.3.1
  • nbformat==4.4.0
  • networkx==1.11
  • nltk==3.3
  • nose==1.3.7
  • notebook==5.5.0
  • numba==0.38.0
  • numexpr==2.6.5
  • numpy==1.14.3
  • numpydoc==0.8.0
  • odo==0.5.1
  • olefile==0.45.1
  • openpyxl==2.5.3
  • packaging==17.1
  • pandas==0.23.0
  • pandocfilters==1.4.2
  • parso==0.2.0
  • partd==0.3.8
  • pathlib2==2.3.2
  • patsy==0.5.0
  • pep8==1.7.1
  • pexpect==4.5.0
  • pickleshare==0.7.4
  • Pillow==5.1.0
  • pkginfo==1.4.2
  • pluggy==0.6.0
  • ply==3.11
  • prompt-toolkit==1.0.15
  • psutil==5.4.5
  • ptyprocess==0.5.2
  • py==1.5.3
  • pycodestyle==2.4.0
  • pycosat==0.6.3
  • pycparser==2.18
  • pycrypto==2.6.1
  • pycurl==
  • pyflakes==1.6.0
  • Pygments==2.2.0
  • pylint==1.8.4
  • pyodbc==4.0.23
  • pyOpenSSL==18.0.0
  • pyparsing==2.2.0
  • PySocks==1.6.8
  • pytest==3.5.1
  • pytest-arraydiff==0.2
  • pytest-astropy==0.3.0
  • pytest-doctestplus==0.1.3
  • pytest-openfiles==0.3.0
  • pytest-remotedata==0.2.1
  • python-dateutil==2.7.3
  • pytz==2018.4
  • PyWavelets==0.5.2
  • PyYAML==3.12
  • pyzmq==17.0.0
  • QtAwesome==0.4.4
  • qtconsole==4.3.1
  • QtPy==1.4.1
  • requests==2.18.4
  • rope==0.10.7
  • ruamel-yaml==0.15.35
  • scikit-image==0.13.1
  • scikit-learn==0.19.1
  • scipy==1.1.0
  • seaborn==0.8.1
  • Send2Trash==1.5.0
  • simplegeneric==0.8.1
  • singledispatch==
  • six==1.11.0
  • snowballstemmer==1.2.1
  • sortedcollections==0.6.1
  • sortedcontainers==1.5.10
  • Sphinx==1.7.4
  • sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.0.1
  • spyder==3.2.8
  • SQLAlchemy==1.2.7
  • statsmodels==0.9.0
  • sympy==1.1.1
  • tables==3.4.3
  • tblib==1.3.2
  • terminado==0.8.1
  • testpath==0.3.1
  • thop==0.0.31.post1909230639
  • toolz==0.9.0
  • torch==0.4.1
  • torchvision==0.2.1
  • tornado==5.0.2
  • traitlets==4.3.2
  • typing==3.6.4
  • unicodecsv==0.14.1
  • urllib3==1.22
  • wcwidth==0.1.7
  • webencodings==0.5.1
  • Werkzeug==0.14.1
  • widgetsnbextension==3.2.1
  • wrapt==1.10.11
  • xlrd==1.1.0
  • XlsxWriter==1.0.4
  • xlwt==1.3.0
  • zict==0.1.3


Data Preparation

Github repo of - planetoid (Zhilin Yang, William W. - Cohen, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Revisiting Semi-Supervised Learning with Graph Embeddings, ICML 2016) provided a preprocessed Cora dataset and a fixed splitting. After downloading the Cora dataset, put it - under path $data_root/$citation_root, where $data_root and $citation_root is configured - in config/config.yaml. Make sure to edit these two properties of configuration before - running the code.

  • Train and Test Model

You can run the model by the following command:

python --gpu_id $GPU_ID --model_version DHGNN_v1


Our code is released under MIT License (see LICENSE file for details).

dhgnn's People


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dhgnn's Issues

About the DHGNN model

I was wondering where is the code for DHGNN model, maybe you forget releasing the part of this. I only found the HGNN model, and still don't know the type of G in models/ line821, it seems not like the egde_dict in other models like DynamicGCN, could you add some annotation about this.
Best wishes!



  1. 不同于cora数据,情感分析任务中的数据本身不存在图结构(把每一篇推文看作一个节点的话,节点之间是没有关联的)。所以我很好奇,针对情感分析任务,输入数据是不存在结构(edge_dict节点仅自相关),还是说对数据做了预处理,节点之间构建了关联并将其作为先验知识输入模型。如果做了预处理,是怎么样做的?
  2. 关于训练数据,不知道我理解有没有偏差,我没有在代码中看到batch_size的设置,模型似乎是针对所有训练数据进行建模的。我看到论文里介绍的推文数据量是5550条,如果数据量较大,例如有20万条推文,该方法是否可行?有哪些应对方法?(我看到代码中有矩阵H和G计算,节点数量到十万量级那么矩阵计算代价会非常恐怖)

The problem about DHGNN on citation network

The paper claims that it can jointly learn embeddings from given graph structure and a hypergraph structure from feature space. I am confused about this process since the paper did not clearly explain this.







The problem about train

Hi, I want to ask about that when I try to run, something is wrong. It shows the 'G has no attribute adjacency_list()'in the Can you give me some advice for this


代码中关于任意划分cora数据集的函数是cora.py中的load_cora_data(cfg, add_self_path=True)函数,其中idx_features_labels = np.genfromtxt(cfg['cora_ft'], dtype=np.dtype(str))一行中的cfg['cora_ft']参数是什么意思,在config_cora.yaml文件中并未见到,希望能指点一下,非常感谢。




There are so many problems with the requirements.txt file, which doesn't install packages in google colab. Some package's version don't match. Could you please update this for colab, or can you test the requirements.txt file on google colab

关于 _structure_select 的问题

您好,请问 _structure_select 的意义是利用初始的构图信息吗,模型会同时利用生成的新超图和初始的旧超图?
完整的 hyperedge set 是不是包括
1、使用 K-means 生成的 n_cluster 个簇中离节点 u 最近的 n_center 个簇形成的 n_center(也即论文中的S-1) 超边
2、以节点 u 为中心使用k-nn 算法生成的一个超边
3、使用原始构图信息(edge_dict)选出 k_structured 个和节点 u 邻接的节点组成的另一个超边
所以完整的 hyperedge set 其实包括 S+1 个超边?



Confusion about some code tricks

Hi !
I have been focus on your team's work for about one year.Thank you for your amazing idea and your hypergraph learning team!
I am a little confused about some details in code,and are they created for better experiment results?:

  1. Warm-up parameters: does the warm-up procedure really work?

2.HGNN_CONV / GRAPH_CONV before DHGlayer module: I have no idea about why graph convolution operation is conducted before dynamic graph convolution.

3.Sample selection: I am unfamiliar with graph structure data, and if I use DHGNN for image data, should the sample selection be discarded?

4._structure_select funtcion : Similar to previous question,if I use DHGNN for image data, should the structure selection be discarded? Because I think edge_dict is not a priori knowledge for image data.
I am an undergrate without a lot of experience in the hypergraph filed,maybe these questions are a little inaccurate.Thank you a lot for your kindness!
Best Wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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