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circomlib's Issues

Possible Optimisation to IsZero

I understand how IsZero works, but why can't we just constrain a signal like s === 0? This would halve the number of constraints for checking that a value IsZero, and could pass on significant savings.

This should form a valid R1CS constraint. I.e., for a constraint $A*B=C$ of linear combinations $A,B,C$ we can make $A = s$ (by setting all consts to 0 except $s$'s), we can make $B = 1$ (by the same logic, since we include 1 in the linear combination as described in the Groth16 paper), and set $C = 0$ by making all the consts $0$.

Circuit for verifying ECDSA signatures


I am looking to build a circuit that verifies ECDSA signatures (NIST P-256 curve). Any pointers on how to proceed would be much appreciated.


PR for Merkle-friendly 32-byte Pedersen hash functions

Hi Jordi,

Would you be interested in a pull request to add new circuits and JS code for the following features?

All the code is here:

  1. PedersenHash circuit

    • 1 input signal: a 32-byte bigInt
    • 3 output signals:
      • x-output of a Pedersen circuit
      • y-output of a Pedersen circuit
      • 32-byte encoded-output of a new EncodePedersenPoint circuit
  2. EncodePedersenPoint circuit

    • 2 input signals: x and y (32-byte bigInts)
    • 1 output signal: the 256 bits of x, but its most significant 8 bits are the 8 most significant bits of y.
  3. JoinHashes circuit

    • 2 input signals: left and right
    • 1 input signal: the 128 LSBs of left concatenated with the 128 LSBs of right
  4. PedersenHashDouble circuit

    • 2 input signals: left and right, a 32-byte bigInt each
    • 2 output signals:
      • out[2]: the x- and y-outputs of a Pedersen circuit
      • 32-byte encoded-output of a new EncodePedersenPoint circuit

These circuits achieve two goals:

  1. Have an easy-to-use Pedersen hash circuit which outputs 32 bytes. Since the Pedersen hash function outputs a point on the BabyJub curve, which is symmetrical across the y-axis, the only relevant data is the x-value and the sign of the y-value. However, the babyJub.packPoint() function will cause an integer overflow within circom, so the next best option is to return 32 bytes consisting of the most significant 8 bits of y and the least significant 248 bits of x.

  2. Have an easy-to-use Pedersen hash circuit which can be plugged in to a Merkle tree validator circuit. Since it needs to hash two 32-byte values, it takes 16 bytes from each input and then pipes them into the Pedersen single-input hash circuit described above.

I'm curious about what you think. If you like the idea, I'm happy to package what I've written as a PR to circomlib and submit that. I'm also keen to improve EncodePedersenPoint and JoinHashes if they are incorrect or insecure.


ERROR: Sizes in assignment must be the same

// test.circom
include "../circomlib/circuits/bitify.circom";
include "../circomlib/circuits/escalarmulfix.circom";

template PublicKey() {
  signal private input in;
  signal output out[2];

  component privBits = Num2Bits(253); <== in;

  var BASE8 = [

  component mulFix = EscalarMulFix(253, BASE8);
  for (var i = 0; i < 253; i++) {
    mulFix.e[i] <== privBits.out[i];

  out[0] <== mulFix.out[0];
  out[1] <== mulFix.out[1];

component main = PublicKey();

I encountered the following problem, when I try to execute circom test.circom --r1cs --wasm --sym to compile the circuit above.

test.circom:11,2-14,3   Sizes in assignment must be the same
 "type": "OP",
 "op": "=",
 "values": [
   "type": "DECLARE",
   "declareType": "VARIABLE",
   "name": {
    "type": "VARIABLE",
    "name": "BASE8",
    "selectors": [],
    "first_line": 11,
    "first_column": 6,
    "last_line": 11,
    "last_column": 11
   "first_line": 11,
   "first_column": 2,
   "last_line": 11,
   "last_column": 11,
   "refId": 3
   "type": "ARRAY",
   "values": [
     "type": "NUMBER",
     "value": "5299619240641551281634865583518297030282874472190772894086521144482721001553",
     "first_line": 12,
     "first_column": 4,
     "last_line": 12,
     "last_column": 80
     "type": "NUMBER",
     "value": "16950150798460657717958625567821834550301663161624707787222815936182638968203",
     "first_line": 13,
     "first_column": 4,
     "last_line": 13,
     "last_column": 81
   "first_line": 11,
   "first_column": 14,
   "last_line": 14,
   "last_column": 3
 "first_line": 11,
 "first_column": 2,
 "last_line": 14,
 "last_column": 3

=========== environment ===========
circom: 0.5.45
node: V14.15.0

A detailed Circomlib Readme


I was thinking, would it be possible to improve the current in the circuits folder to explain what every single component does in better details, to facilitate easier user experience for new users?

Poseidon evm hasher optimizations for lower input widths

With lower values of t there are some tricks that can be applied to reduce gas cost.

  • Use add instead of addmod in mds multiplication and round constant phases. bn254 base field is suitable for deferred reductions upto 5 since 2**256 / Q ~= 5.29
  • Use stack intensively by storing some of matrix cells at stack.

Applying these for (3, 8, 55) setup, I'm observing reduction of gas cost from 35k to 21k. Here you can check the example.

Webassembly LinkError when running tests

Just cloned the repo, ran npm i, and mocha --grep "MiMC Circuit test" and getting

  MiMC Circuit test
    1) "before all" hook for "Should check constrain"

  0 passing (310ms)
  1 failing

  1) MiMC Circuit test
       "before all" hook for "Should check constrain":
     LinkError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): Import #1 module="runtime" function="printErrorMessage" error: function import requires a callable
      at builder (node_modules/circom_tester/wasm/witness_calculator.js:19:40)
      at async wasm_tester (node_modules/circom_tester/wasm/tester.js:60:16)
      at async Context.<anonymous> (test/mimccircuit.js:15:19)

Any idea what's happening? This is on a macbook pro m1.

Mux1.circom doesn't check that selector is either 0 or 1

In circomlib/circuits/mux1.circom it is possible to specify an input that is not equal 0 or 1 and get an arbitrary output instead of one of inputs. The following check should be added at line 24:

s * (1 - s) === 0

Possibly other multiplexer implementations are also affected

How can I modify the parameter p in circom?

Hi!I am a newbie here.
According to the description of the circom documentation webpage,the circom language is parametric to param p and param p can be changed without affecting the rest of the language using GLOBAL_FIELD_P. How can I use GLOBAL_FIELD_P to modify param p ?I don't know how to accomplish this.

Generated MiMC.sol 's solidity version

The contract generated by mimcsponge_gencontracts.js is quite cheap. But because it's an external library which uses public function we have to pay more than 1400 gas compared to when if we use internal function by including the library inside the contract.

Therefore it'll be really good if we have the solidity inline-assembly version of the MiMC.sol. It is hard to make other contracts include the library with only the asm.

Circuit for ED25519 not working due to Global_P

I am working on a circuit to verify ed25519 signatures. The problem I am facing is that the Global_P hardcoded in the compiler is set according to altbn128, which is different from the finite field prime used by ed25519. Circom applies a modulo Global_P for every operation which means I can't perform arithmetic operations according to ed25519.
Is there a workaround for this?

JAZ file for loop function is wrongly defined

Inside the SHA-256 > main.circom
There is a line - include "sha256_2.jaz";

And this is the code of sha256_2.jaz -

component num2bits[2] = Num2Bits(216);
component bits2num = Bits2Num(216);

num2bits[0].inp <== a;
num2bits[1].inp <== b;

component sha256compression = Sha256compression() ;

var i;

for (i=0; i<216; i++) {
    sha256compression.inp[i] <== num2bits[0].out[i];
    sha256compression.inp[i+216] <== num2bits[1].out[i];

[for (i=432; i<247; i++) {](
    sha256compression.inp[i] <== 0;


What is the use of second loop? Because by definition it does nothing.

Question: smtprocessor new1 state & fnc[1]

This is state change diagram in source file (smtprocessor.circom):

Insert to a used leaf.

  STATE                 OLD STATE                                       NEW STATE
  =====                 =========                                       =========

                         oldRoot                                          newRoot
                            ▲                                               ▲
                            │                                               │
          ┌───────┐     ┏━━━┻━━━┓                         ┌───────┐     ┏━━━┻━━━┓
   top    │Sibling├────▶┃ Hash  ┃◀─┐                    │Sibling├────▶┃ Hash  ┃◀─┐
          └───────┘     ┗━━━━━━━┛  │                      └───────┘     ┗━━━━━━━┛  │
                                   │                                               │
                                   │                                               │
                               ┏━━━┻━━━┓   ┌───────┐                           ┏━━━┻━━━┓   ┌───────┐
   top                  ┌─────▶┃ Hash  ┃◀──┤Sibling│                  ┌─────▶┃ Hash  ┃◀──┤Sibling│
                        │      ┗━━━━━━━┛   └───────┘                    │      ┗━━━━━━━┛   └───────┘
                        │                                               │
                        │                                               │
        ┌───────┐   ┏━━━┻━━━┓                           ┌───────┐   ┏━━━┻━━━┓
   top  │Sibling├──▶┃ Hash  ┃◀─────┐                  │Sibling├──▶┃ Hash  ┃◀─────┐
        └───────┘   ┗━━━━━━━┛      │                    └───────┘   ┗━━━━━━━┛      │
                                   │                                               │
                                   │                                               │
                              ┌────┴────┐                                      ┏━━━┻━━━┓   ┌───────┐
   bot                        │Old1Leaf │                               ┌─────▶┃ Hash  ┃◀──┼─  0   │
                              └─────────┘                               │      ┗━━━━━━━┛   └───────┘
                     ┏━━━━━━━┓                          ┌───────┐   ┏━━━┻━━━┓
   bot               ┃ Hash  ┃                          │   0  ─┼──▶┃ Hash  ┃◀─────┐
                     ┗━━━━━━━┛                          └───────┘   ┗━━━━━━━┛      │
                     ┏━━━━━━━┓                                                 ┏━━━┻━━━┓   ┌───────┐
   bot               ┃ Hash  ┃                                          ┌─────▶┃ Hash  ┃◀──│   0   │
                     ┗━━━━━━━┛                                          │      ┗━━━━━━━┛   └───────┘
                     ┏━━━━━━━┓                        ┌─────────┐   ┏━━━┻━━━┓   ┌─────────┐
  new1               ┃ Hash  ┃                        │Old1Leaf ├──▶┃ Hash  ┃◀──│New1Leaf │
                     ┗━━━━━━━┛                        └─────────┘   ┗━━━━━━━┛   └─────────┘

                     ┏━━━━━━━┓                                      ┏━━━━━━━┓
   na                ┃ Hash  ┃                                      ┃ Hash  ┃
                     ┗━━━━━━━┛                                      ┗━━━━━━━┛

                     ┏━━━━━━━┓                                      ┏━━━━━━━┓
   na                ┃ Hash  ┃                                      ┃ Hash  ┃
                     ┗━━━━━━━┛                                      ┗━━━━━━━┛

In bot state, Old1Leaf suddenly is suddenly changed to Hash of 0, and in new1 state, old1leaf value and new1leaf value are combined to hash.
In my understanding, when old1leaf is changed to new1leaf, new SMT root hash have to combined only with new1leaf and new child, comparing with previous old SMT root hash is combined only with old1leaf and old child.
Is this kind of insertion case? But why were nodes suddenly created and inserted in the middle of highest bot level and new1 level?
I need a little more explanation. I'm trying to utilize this in my rollup code, but I've been looking at the SMTprocessor code implementation for 3 days trying to understand the internals.

And refering to this code block:

component topSwitcher = Switcher();

    topSwitcher.sel <== fnc[0]*fnc[1];
    topSwitcher.L <== levels[0].oldRoot;
    topSwitcher.R <== levels[0].newRoot;

    component checkOldInput = ForceEqualIfEnabled();
    checkOldInput.enabled <== enabled;[0] <== oldRoot;[1] <== topSwitcher.outL;

Contrary to its initial intention, I think it does not seem for fnc[1] to be used very meaningfully.
Because I cannot find any DELETE mechanism described below block:

fnc[0]  fnc[1]
0       0             NOP
0       1             UPDATE
1       0             INSERT
1       1             DELETE

in this block:

    component keysOk = MultiAND(3);[0] <== 1-fnc[0];[1] <== fnc[1];[2] <== 1-areKeyEquals.out;

    keysOk.out === 0;

When fnc[0] == 0, fnc[1] == 1, areKeyEquals.out == 0, it will cause circuit error.
In other words, it appears to be code to check that the keys are not different from each other.
If the keys are the same, this constraint must pass. Even if the keys are different, (0,0) NOP, (1,0) INSERT, and (1,1) DELETE will pass.
Why did you create this constraint with MultiAND?
I looked and studied as much as I could, but I couldn't understand it in the end because I lacked understanding.
This is an amazing library, but it's unfortunate that the users like me are inexperienced... :(
Thank you for your work.

Num2Bits error

I'd like to convert my 256 bits data to bits array by Num2Bits. This is my input

// exact 256 bits length

My circom code,

template Example_Num2Bits(nBits) {
    signal input data

    component external_nullifier_bits = Num2Bits(nBits); <== data;
component main = Example_Num2Bits(256)

I got this error when calculating witness,

ERROR: Error: Constraint doesn't match main.external_nullifier_bits: /home/ubuntu/zk/circomlib/circuits/bitify.circom:35:4 -> 11901440800684906275936904733360789264129640796597335269879616357359416326755 != 77566169416202731942676121969132614529774733997845438300974228917086841813606

The value converted by Num2Bits is 11901440800684906275936904733360789264129640796597335269879616357359416326755
No idea what happened.

poseidon hash not equal


  • my circuit using poseidon hash
  • use -p bls12381 to compile the circuit with circom


Then i want to use my js to generate the witness, but it meets error, which is currentStateCommitmentHasher.hash === currentStateCommitment; my js code is using poseidon hash with poseidon([0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) like this call.

This error only happen in the case of using bls12381 to compile the circuit, but is normal in bn128. Also, i find the source code of poseidon in circomlib and it uses the const F = new ZqField(Scalar.fromString("21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617"));. I think it cause the error, So i want to know if there is an implement of bls12381 with poseidon?

Group overflow in EscalarMulFix

The template SegmentMulFix() computes in Montgomery form the point V*base where V = (3*nWindows-bit input_value) + 2^(3*nWindows+1)+2^(3*nWindows-3)+2^(3*nWindows-6)+..+1. Therefore, for nWindows>82 we can have input_value as big as 2^(249)-1 and the value of V exceeding 2^(250)+2^(249)+2^(246), which is bigger than the prime subgroup order, possibly causing an overflow and infinity point computation in Montgomery. For such inputs the template is satisfied for some invalid input-output tuples and thus is flawed. Thus the nWindow value should not exceed 82. Currently it is set to 83 for many inputs in EscalarMulFix.

The simplest way to fix it is to use at most 246-bit segments and thus at most 82 windows.

NOT template in Gate.circom

In this circom file , NOT gate is setting to be :

template NOT() {
signal input in;
signal output out;

out <== 1 + in - 2*in;


Why not just directly setting that as : out <== 1 - in ?

Pedersen tool in `circomlibjs` doesn't match the pedersen in `circom`

This is the version of the environment I am using:

Maybe I'm using the wrong method, the hash I generate with the pedersen tool in circomlibjs doesn't match the hash generated by pedersen in circom, so generating witness keeps failing.

This has been bothering me for a long time, I would like to ask for help, thank you very much!

circomlib: ^2.0.5
circomlibjs: ^0.1.7

I had some problems reproducing the Tornado Cash MerkleTree circom, So I first tested the pedersen hash circom and then ran into problems, here is the circom used for testing:

pragma circom 2.0.0;

include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/pedersen.circom";
include "../node_modules/circomlib/circuits/bitify.circom";

template CommitmentHasher() {
    signal input secret;
    signal input commitment;      // I change here `outpu => input` for test

    component hasher = Pedersen(248);
    component secretBits = Num2Bits(248); <== secret;

    for (var i = 0; i < 248; i++) {[i] <== secretBits.out[i];

    commitment === hasher.out[0];  // I change here `<== =>  ===` for test

This is the code I used to generate the test input.json file:

const crypto = require("crypto");
const { groth16 } = require("snarkjs");
const circomlibjs = require("circomlibjs");

/** Generate random buffer of specified byte length */
const rbuffer = (nbytes) => crypto.randomBytes(nbytes);

/** Compute pedersen hash */
async function pedersenHash(data) {
  let babyJub = await circomlibjs.buildBabyjub()
  let ph = await circomlibjs.buildPedersenHash()

  return babyJub.unpackPoint(ph.hash(data))[0];

function toBigIntLE(buf) {
  const reversed = Buffer.from(buf);
  const hex = reversed.toString("hex");
  if (hex.length === 0) {
    return BigInt(0);
  return BigInt(`0x${hex}`);

const rbuf = utils.rbuffer(31);

// generate circom input as follow
const secret = utils.toBigIntLE(rbuf).toString();  
const commitment = await utils.pedersenHash(rbuf);

EdDSA/Num2Bits error

Hi, I am getting the error below when trying to use the EdDSA and Num2Bits modules.

$ snarkjs calculatewitness
Error: Constraint doesn't match: 1 != 0


{ "M": 87521618088882671231069284
, "A": 55827404635365964770721635799969315856041517429760659189665076684285324169570
, "R": 103858265219596690085663683153809217622835068605340394886551250625399267718227
, "S": 11198587322283910980185217763598004772992920884777713219704247405759630588676


include "./circomlib/circuits/bitify.circom";
include "./circomlib/circuits/eddsa.circom";

template Test(n) {
  signal input M;
  signal input A;
  signal input R;
  signal input S;

  var i;
  component eddsaVer = EdDSAVerifier(n);
  component bM = Num2Bits(n);
  component bA = Num2Bits(256);
  component bR = Num2Bits(256);
  component bS = Num2Bits(256); <== M; <== A; <== R; <== S;

  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
    eddsaVer.msg[i] <== bM.out[i];

  for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
    eddsaVer.A[i]  <== bA.out[i];
    eddsaVer.R8[i] <== bR.out[i];
    eddsaVer.S[i]  <== bS.out[i];


component main = Test(88);

Error: eddsa.verifyMiMCSponge

When I run this script:

console.log(eddsa.verifyMiMCSponge(msgHash, signature, pubKey));

First problem would happen in 'bigInt' with 'ReferenceError: bigInt is not defined'


let Pright = babyJub.mulPointEscalar(A, hm.times(bigInt("8")));

After I change bigInt to BigInt, it would run error below:

    let Pright = babyJub.mulPointEscalar(A, hm.times(BigInt("8")));

TypeError: hm.times is not a function
    at Object.verifyMiMCSponge (/Users/howard/Desktop/circom-playground/node_modules/circomlib/src/eddsa.js:207:48)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/howard/Desktop/circom-playground/eddsa/js/index.js:28:19)

sorry, I can't really understand how these cryptography works under the hood.

Poseidon constants not reproduced

I was trying to reproduce the constants as described at the top here:

by running
sage generate_parameters_grain.sage 1 0 254 2 8 56 0x30644e72e131a029b85045b68181585d2833e84879b9709143e1f593f0000001

I see the discrepancy in the result, i.e. the 3rd constant that sage outputs is
whereas in your file it is

Could you pls explain how you obtained those constants? Thanks.

circuit to verify an ethereum signature - curve secp256k1

Hey folks,
I am looking for a zkp circuit to verify an ethereum signature. I think that's ECDSA - secp256k1? I need to use for my hackathon project. Is there a implementation for the same already available somewhere?

As a PoC I can use EdDSA signatures as well for my project, however the EdDSA test tests in this repo are failing. Can you help me fix them?

Thank you.

Tests fail on fresh setup

Steps to reproduce

git clone
cd circomlib
npm install
npm test

On the latest commit cff5ab6288b55ef23602221694a6a38a0239dcc0

Screen Shot 2022-11-07 at 3 10 00 PM

What is the \ operator and why is it used instead of / ?

26: var nexps = ((n-1) \ 250) + 1;

238: var nsegments = (n-1)\246 +1; // 249 probably would work. But I'm not sure and for security I keep 246
254: nWindows = ((nseg - 1)\3)+1;

81: var n1 = n\2;
82: var n2 = n-n\2;

192: var nSegments = ((n-1)\200)+1;
202: nWindows = ((nBits - 1)\4)+1;

135: var nsegments = (n-1)\148 +1;

16: nBlocks = ((nBits + 64)\512)+1;

Question about Num2Bits


template Num2Bits(n) {
    signal input in;
    signal output out[n];
    var lc1=0;

    var e2=1;
    for (var i = 0; i<n; i++) {
        out[i] <-- (in >> i) & 1;
        out[i] * (out[i] -1 ) === 0;
        lc1 += out[i] * e2;
        e2 = e2+e2;

    lc1 === in;

But I think the last check is not secure, since lc1 is not a singal.
A possible modification would be:

template Num2Bits(n) {
    signal input in;
    signal output out[n];
    signal lc1[n+1];
    lc1[0] <== 0;
    var e2 = 1;

    for (var i = 0; i<n; i++) {
        out[i] <-- (in >> i) & 1;
        out[i] * (out[i] -1 ) === 0;
        lc1[i+1] <== out[i] * e2 + lc1[i];
        e2 = e2 + e2;

    lc1[n] === in;

Question: is the circomlib2 branch safe to use?


Is the circomlib2 branch production-ready? I noticed it has a number of improvements over the master branch, and I was wondering if it's considered as safe for production as the master branch.


reading a signal file return an illogical array of bits

Let's see an example.
Using bitify & sha256 circuits.

sha256 circuit expects bit array input. In the array the lower index, 0, corresponds to the higher bit, the higher index, lets say 7th corresponds to lower bit.
237 (decimal) = 0xed = 11101101 (binay)
the input signal file would be:
{ "number" = ["1","1","1","0","1","1","0","1"] }
visually correct, but the mapping signal would be:
That does not match the array order in the JSON format. Anyway SAH256 accepts that order to compute the proper hash.

On the other hand Num2bits operation in bitify libray would do the follwing transformation:
What looks correct as the array index corresponds with the bit weigth in the binary form.

Unfortunatelly SHA256 expects bit input order in the signal as the reading order and not in the logical order (like Num2bits works) so <== num2bits.out

does not work, and it requires a bit swap.

Exception caused by invalid access

In this circuit:

pragma circom 2.0.0;
include "../circomlib/circuits/eddsamimc.circom";
include "../circomlib/circuits/mimc.circom";

template VerifyEdDSAMiMC(k) {
    signal input from_x;
    signal input from_y;
    signal input R8x;
    signal input R8y;
    signal input S;
    signal input preimage[k];

    // hash them inside the circuit
    component M = MultiMiMC7(k, 91);[0] <== preimage[0];[1] <== preimage[1];[2] <== preimage[2];
    component verifier = EdDSAMiMCVerifier();   
    verifier.enabled <== 1;
    verifier.Ax <== from_x;
    verifier.Ay <== from_y;
    verifier.R8x <== R8x;
    verifier.R8y <== R8y;
    verifier.S <== S;
    verifier.M <== M.out;

component main {public [from_x, from_y, R8x, R8y, S]} = VerifyEdDSAMiMC(3);

this error appears upon compilation:

error[T3001]: Exception caused by invalid access
   ┌─ "circuit.circom":27:20
27 │     verifier.M <== M.out;
   │                    ^^^^^ found here
   = call trace:

unless I add

    component M = MultiMiMC7(k, 91);[0] <== preimage[0];[1] <== preimage[1];[2] <== preimage[2];
    M.k <== 0; // THIS HERE

why is it so?

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