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.github's Introduction

NeoSPCC GitHub

This repository contains an organization-wide profile README as well as a set of policies describing how organization works and what it expects from its contributors. Generic workflows reused by multiple other repositories in the organization are also stored here.

Table of Contents

  • Profile - Discover the NeoSPCC team, focused on the development of NeoFS and NeoGo, contributing significantly to advancements in decentralized storage technologies and the Neo blockchain platform.
  • Git - Learn about requirements and techniques related to how we use Git and manage repositories.
  • Go - Dive into the Go version updates with a guide.
  • Labels - Understand how to use labels effectively in issue tracking to organize tasks, bugs, and features.
  • Project Management - Explore the essentials of organization project management, including versioning, milestones, assignments, PR discussions, issue closure, and documentation.
  • Contributing - We welcome contributions! Please take a look if you have suggestions, corrections, or documents to add.

.github's People


roman-khimov avatar mike-petrov avatar annashaleva avatar carpawell avatar tatiana-nspcc avatar 532910 avatar



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