This fork is based on micromark/micromark-extension-mdx-jsx by the original author Titus Wormer.
The purpose of this fork is to provide extended MDX/JSX syntax support for the Astro website build tool. If you're not using Astro, you should probably use the original extension instead of this fork.
The original code always treated colons inside JSX tags as a separator between a primary name and a local name, even if there was whitespace before the colon. Our forked version starts an attribute name instead of a local name if there is whitespace before the colon.
This leads to the following changes:
- The syntax
<input :placeholder="...">
is now treated as aninput
element with an attribute named:placeholder
.- The original code treated this like
, resulting in an element namedinput:placeholder
being the local name of the element), and a syntax error due to the following unexpected value assignment="..."
- The original code treated this like
- The syntax
<input disabled :placeholder="...">
is now treated as aninput
element with two attributes nameddisabled
.- The original code treated this like
<input disabled:placeholder="...">
, resulting in aninput
element with only one attribute nameddisabled:placeholder
- The original code treated this like
As a result, these AlpineJS examples now work as expected:
<input type="text" :placeholder="placeholder">
<input type="text" disabled :placeholder="placeholder">
<div :class="open ? '' : 'hidden'">Test</div>
<div :style="true && { color: 'red' }">Test</div>
The original code did not allow attribute names to start with @
. Our forked version allows this.
As a result, these examples using the AlpineJS shorthand syntax for x-on:
now work as expected:
<button @click="handleClick">Test</button>
The original code did not allow attribute names to contain dots. Our forked version allows this.
As a result, in combination with our change that allows @
to start attribute names, these AlpineJS examples now work as expected:
<button @click.once="console.log('I will only log once')">Test</button>
<input @input.debounce="fetchResults">
<input @input.debounce.500ms="fetchResults">
<div @keyup.escape.window="...">Test</div>
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