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Gregory Malecha's Projects

bbv icon bbv

Bedrock Bit Vector Library

category-theory icon category-theory

A formalization of category theory in Coq for personal study and practical work

ceps icon ceps

Coq Enhancement Proposals

charge icon charge

Higher-order separation logic framework in Coq

clang icon clang

Mirror of official clang git repository located at Updated every five minutes.

compdata icon compdata

Haskell library implementing "Data Types a la Carte"

coq icon coq

Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs.

coq-apply-any icon coq-apply-any

An extension to eauto that allows you to apply an arbitrary lemma from a hint database

coq-checkless icon coq-checkless

Coq plugin for refine which does not perform type checking.

coq-gc icon coq-gc

Coq plugin to force garbage collection

coq-interaction-trees icon coq-interaction-trees

Co-inductive interaction trees provide a way to represent (potentially) non-terminating programs with I/O behavior.

coq-k icon coq-k

Some formalization of the K framework in Coq

coq-refinement icon coq-refinement

Relational refinements in Coq based on the work of Maxime Denes.

coq-seal icon coq-seal

Implementation of sealing in Coq with macros for generation

coq-temporal icon coq-temporal

An implementation of temporal logic in Coq using Charge!

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  • Machine learning

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  • Game

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