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genemuformbundle's Issues

problem with installing

I am trying to run Your GenemuFormBundle, because that is exaclty the things i need in my project but I stacked.

This is configuration I have:

In Kernel
new Genemu\Bundle\FormBundle\GenemuFormBundle(),

in autoload
'Genemu' => DIR.'/../vendor/bundles',

In config:
date: ~
script_url: '/tinymce/jquery.tinymce.js'
image: ~
uploader: /uploadify/uploadify.swf

In sonata news:

public function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
->add('title', NULL, array (), array ())
->add('description1', 'genemu_tinymce', array (), array ())
->add('image', 'genemu_jqueryimage', array (), array ())
->add('createdAt', 'genemu_jquerydate')

In layout:
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery-ui-1.8.17.custom.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('tinymce/tiny_mce.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/uploadify/jquery.uploadify.v2.1.4.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/uploadify/swfobject.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery.Jcrop.min.js') }}"></script>

There is no error, but I don’t see any tinymce and other stuff.

JQueryAutocompleterType should have no parent if using Ajaxautoloading


I opened an other issue because this time it's no more a feature request.

So the issue is regarding this code (on symfony2.0.4) :

$builder->add('lieux', 'genemu_jqueryautocompleter', array(
        'route_name' => 'lieu_request',
        'multiple' => true,

lieux is a manyToMany association in my entity and lieu_request is a valid route.
This leads me to this error :

Expected argument of type "array", "Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection" given
in vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Form/Extension/Core/DataTransformer/ArrayToChoicesTransformer.php at line 34

This means the ArrayToChoicesTransformer is called, and this is because the parent class of JQueryAutocompleterType is given by:

public function getParent(array $options)
    return $options['widget'];

and due to the default $options['widget'] is choice, the parent is the choice type.
This is good if there is no ajax autoloading, but in this case I think it's not wanted.

Maybe it's again a mistake from my part ^^

Impossible to configure Thumbnails

By default, the bundle generate 4 bundles: small, medium, large, extra.

I would like to use only one thumbnail so I tried to set the config file as follow:
large: [300,300]
filters: ['bw', 'negative', 'crop']

Unfortunately, it gives the error :
InvalidTypeException: Invalid type for path "genemu_form.image.thumbnails.large". Expected scalar, but got array.

I am not really used to the configuration stuff, so I can't help you any further for the moment.
Any fix would be appreciated.


Note: This was tested on the 2.0 branch

Failed to load resource (swf)

I'm trying to use you bundle in my project to upload an image to the server.

# config.yml
        enabled:  true
        uploader: /static/uploadify/uploadify.swf
# routing.yml
    resource: "@GenemuFormBundle/Controller/UploadController.php"
    type:     annotation
// FormType.php
public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
    $builder->add('image', 'genemu_jqueryfile');
{# in my form file #}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ asset('/static/uploadify/uploadify.css') }}" />
{{ form_stylesheet(form) }}

<script src="{{ asset('/static/uploadify/jquery.uploadify.js') }}" type="text/javascript"></script>
{{ form_javascript(form) }}

When I load the page it shows the SELECT FILES button, but the SWF isn't loaded. When I check my developer console I see the following error:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error). The resource is the uploadify.swf, but it's trying to load it from app_dev.php/route/uploadify.swf instead of app_dev.php/static/uploadify/uploadify.swf

tinymce script_url should be an asset path

The script_url setting should be processed by asset(), so the real path will not be dependent on the projects path.

Suggested fix in fields.html.twig at line 5:

jQuery('#{{ id }}').tinymce({{ configs|merge({'script_url': asset(configs['script_url'])})|json_encode|raw }});


file Genemu\Bundle\FormBundle\Resources\config\jquery.xml (line 14):

<parameter key="genemu.form.file.upload_dir">%genemu.from.file.root_dir%/upload</parameter>

from => form

Hi, I have a error


Fatal error: Declaration of Genemu\Bundle\FormBundle\Form\JQuery\Type\AutocompleterType::buildForm() must be compatible with that of Symfony\Component\Form\FormTypeInterface::buildForm() in /home/www/integral/src/Genemu/Bundle/FormBundle/Form/JQuery/Type/AutocompleterType.php on line 137

form type:

    ->add('Cliente','genemu_jqueryautocompleter_entity', array(
//                          'route_name' => 'cliente_ajax',
        'class' => 'Area4/ContableBundle/Entity/Cliente',

My english is bad, sorry.

ReCaptcha is not visible

File: Genemu\Bundle\FormBundle\Resources\views\Form\div_layout.html.twig
Line: 13, 18
Iframe with Re-Captcha not visible in my form, because tags hide it. Maybe this tag should be deleted.

Captcha configuration


I've successfully added captcha type ito my form.
Now I'd like to make some customizations (in the config.yml) regarding:

enabled: true
background_color: 'FFFFFF'
border_color: 'FFFFFF'

which doesn't seem to give any effect (defaults colors used)


enabled: true
fonts: ['akbar.ttf']

which throws:
InvalidTypeException: Invalid type for path "genemu_form.captcha.fonts.0". Expected array, but got string

Hope that can be fixed :)

best regards,

Launch javascript script on select an entity with genemu_jqueryautocompleter

Hi all,
is it possible to launch a javascript when I select an entity with jqueryautocompleter?
I want to launch a jquery script when I select a product that fills others field of my form.
For example: Suppose that we have an order form with:

  • a jqueryautocompleter widget of products;
  • a money widget with the product price (initially blank)
  • other fields...

Now I want to call a javascript when I select a particular product in the jqueryautocompleter widget. Then the javascript loads the price field (with an Ajax call to a php page that gets the product's price from the products table of the data base). For this pourpose I need to retrieve also the id (or the complete entity) of the products I have selected.

Is it possible?
Thank you so much!


ServiceNotFoundException: dependency on "doctrine"

I would like to use your bundle but not for the "genemu.form.entity.type.ajaxentity" as I don't use doctrine. But actually there is a dependency with doctrine (just for this field type.

How can I avoid this problem?

Chosen + Autocompleter

I try to use a FormType with a route_name parameter.

I think it would be great to do something to avoid these behaviors :

  • the choices are loaded when rendering the element. Only the ajax request should be used
  • when performing a second search, the choices should be cleared, waiting for the Ajax Request

I have add a new parameter (ids) to the JqueryAutocompleterType, used to add parameters to the Ajax Request. It would be great to also have it here.

Autocompleter generated


Today after the daily update i do, my form fields using "genemu_jqueryautocompleter_entity" have changed...

Here is my code :
->add('motcle', 'genemu_jqueryautocompleter_entity', array
'route_name' => 'ajax_mots_cle',
'class' => 'PathToMyEntityFolder\Entity\MotsCle',
'property' => 'titre',
'label' => 'Mots clés libres',

And a selet field is generated in html...any solution?
I'm using the dev-master version & sf2.1.*

'error' always returned when uploading a file


I am sorry if it is just a misconfiguration from my side, but I have tried again and again to understand what could be wrong.

I have setup an autoupload file component, but once I have selected the files, I have a straight up "error" alert. Firebug does not show any HTTP request sent but the one for the image cancel.png...

I have set up the File component as described in the doc:


resource: "@GenemuFormBundle/Controller/ImageController.php"
type: annotation

resource: "@GenemuFormBundle/Controller/UploadController.php"
type: annotation


enabled: true
filters: ['rotate', 'bw', 'negative', 'sepia', 'crop']
enabled: true
cancel_img: '/images/cancel.png'
folder: '/uploads'
uploader: '/uploadify/uploadify.allglyphs.swf'

My form contains only the genemu_jqueryfile field:
$builder->add('auto_download', 'genemu_jqueryfile', array(
'configs' => array(
'auto' => true

And the view contains (simplified version):
{% block stylesheets %}
{% spaceless %}
{{ parent() }}

    {{ form_stylesheet(form) }}
{% endspaceless %}

{% endblock %}

{% block javascripts %}
{{ parent() }}
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery.uploadify.v2.1.4.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/swfobject.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ asset('js/jquery.Jcrop.min.js') }}"></script>

{{ form_javascript(form) }}

{% endblock %}

{{ form_errors(form) }}
    {{ form_rest(form) }}

    <input type="submit" class="btn primary" value="{{ 'update'|trans }}">


Any help / clarifications would be greatly appreciated

EDIT: I use the 2.0 branch and I should mention that the files seem to be correctly uploaded.


what should I use instead of 'ids' in 2.0 version?

auto-submit with autocomplete input


I would like my form that uses the autocomplete function of the bundle to be submitted as soon as someone selects a value in the form.

Instead, right now, people have to click (or press enter) twice : one for selecting the value and one for submitting.

Is there any way to do this with this bundle ? (even if I have to modify myself the code of the bundle on my server)


Request feature : ajax loading


Thank you mister for you super bundle which I already use !

I was wondering if one could add ajax autoloading for the genemu_jqueryautocompleter widget.
Or at least show me the path to implement it.


Is this bundle still maintained??


Some PR have been made quite some time ago now. As I can obvisouly understand that you are not dedicated to this project, it is also hard for us to know whether we should keep working on this Bundle and commit new PR.

It is ok if you need more time, but can you please let us know whether you will be maintaining this Bundle, or should we create another one ?

Thank you for your answer (and thanks again for the job you made! don't take me wrong).

Jquery Autocomplete from Entity and custom values

I tried to setup an autocomplete field, which takes its values from a doctrine Entity with the following code:

->add('name', 'genemu_jqueryautocompleter', array(
                        'label'         => 'name',
                        'class'         => 'FooBundle:Bar',
                        'widget'        => 'entity',
                        'query_builder' => function (EntityRepository $er) use ($founderId) {
                            return $er->createQueryBuilder('b')
                                        ->where('b.founder = :founderId')
                                        ->orderBy('', 'ASC')
                                        ->setParameter('founderId', $founderId);
                        'property'      => 'name',

As the field correctly displays the values referenced by the entity, it does not work properly when I enter free text.
For instance, if my entity contains "name1" and "name2" and that I type "NewName", it does not work as the form object will be either contain an invalid value (the last value selected from the list) or will be uninitialized if I have never selected a specific value from the list.

Am I doing something wrong here ? Or is it something else?

EDIT: It seems that playing with the change event would work but then I get an error with my form validation... I would really appreciate help on this topic.

JQueryFile does not work within a collection

When creating a form that contains a dynamic subform (collection), the jqueryfile element does not work.
Basically, the button is not displayed, but it seems that the data-prototype does not include the necessary code.

Impossible to install GenemuFormBundle on Symfony2.0.8


I have been unable to install the bundle onto SF2.0.8 as it breaks the console, somehow.
When running any command with the console, I always get the error :
Format png does not supported.

Basically, what I did was:
1- update the deps file and run php bin/vendors install
2- clear the cache with php app/console cache:clear (works fine)
3- update AppKernel.php and autoload.php with the given values in the doc

Then if you run any command in the console (like clearing the cache for instance) you get the error I mentioned earlier.

Any clue ?

By the way, here is my deps file if needed :

If I remove the configuration of the bundle in autoload and AppKernel, then the console works again.

JQueryAutocomplete works fine but relation won't be saved

Hi, thank you so much for this bundle.
In my localhost installation all works fine, both JQueryAutocompleter and data persist.
My classType is:

class ClientType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
           //I put only interesting field. Other ones works properly
           $builder->add('City', 'genemu_jqueryautocompleter', array(
                'route_name' => 'city_ajaxloader',
                'widget' => 'entity',

I have uploaded on an hosting server all the code I have in my local installation. All works fine, but when I persist my client entity, city entity don't be saved. In my local installation all goes right, but in my remote hosting not. source codes are the same.
I've tried to go to the SymfonyProfiler (both in local that in remote installation) and in "Request POST Parameters" I have noticed that the double quote of the "stringfied" json element is interpreted in different ways:

MyBundle_clienttype %array% { name: 'John', last_name: Smith, ....., Cyty: '{"label":"CROTONE|KR","value":3236}' }

MyBundle_clienttype %array% { name: 'John', last_name: Smith, ....., City: '{"label":"ORLANDO|FL","value":3236}' }

In the Symfonyprofiler also I have noticed that Symfony does not made the query for retrieving city id in the remote installation:

//In local installation
SELECT AS id1 FROM City t0 WHERE = ?
Parameters: ['3236']

and consequently city id does not be saved in the client.city_id column.
Seems that Sympony2 does not see that i've changed the city field.

I'm not sure that is a AjaxAutoloader problem (I'm sure), but I can't find any solution for this.
Do you have any suggestion?
Many thanks!

extending fosuserbundle

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('choices', 'genemu_jquerychosen_choice', array(
'choices' => array(
'foo' => 'Foo',
'bar' => 'Bar')));


{% block stylesheets %}

{{ form_stylesheet(form) }}

{% endblock %}

{% block javascripts %}
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/mymain/js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/mymain/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js') }}"></script>
{{ form_javascript(form) }}
{% endblock %}

{{ form_widget(form) }}

doesnt work as expected, data are loaded in select but no css style and an javascript error "$field.chosen is not a function"

thank you

PHP template support

I am not using twig for my projects and I noticed that there is no helper for PHP template engine.
Using for example renderJavascripts() method from php template view is not possible.
Can helper for php views can be addes to bundle code?

autocompleter non-existent value

Hey! I got one issue. I need a text field that includes something like google suggest. For example I'm using autocompliter with choices
->add('title', 'genemu_jqueryautocompleter', array(
'choices' => array(
'blabla' => 'blabla' ,

If I enter non-existent value then nothing happen. For my case I need to allow non-existent values in this field in order to persist it to database. Can you give me advice how to do that. And i think that it'll be more logical to display an error if I've entered non-existent value in standard case instead of ignoring it.

multiple colorpickers in form doesnt work

each colorpicker set the value in the last defined field.

I fix this temporary in /../vendor/bundles/Genemu/Bundle/FormBundle/Resources/views/Form/jquery_layout.html.twig line 144:

- $field = $('#{{ id }}');
+ var $field = $('#{{ id }}');

javascript and css files

HI I am trying to install your bundle but I need some help

the section in the documentation called "Add form_javascript and form_stylesheet to view"

none of these files appear to exist within the bundle. Are they supposed to or am I supposed to go and download them all?

For now I am only trying to use tinymce but I plan on using a lot of the other bits soon.


JQueryAutocomplete doctrine dependancy


I have not looked at why the dependency exists but is there any way to remove this or at the very least disable this part of the bundle.

I am not using doctrine I am using propel.

For now I would be more than happy to just be able to disable the auto complete feature so it does not try to load its dependencies.


Rating demo links to dead website

So I'm not sure what was used for the ratings, if it was a jQuery plugin, but then it seems there's a lot of them.
Could you update the link to where we can download the actual javascript rating lib?

Getting uploadify.swf in wrong path

I put uploadify.swf into web/swf/

In my config file, I put :

  image: ~
    uploader: /swf/uploadify.swf

I added 'genemu_jqueryimage' in my form model and include all stylesheets ans javascript, when I try to load profile_edit page, I have the uploadify image input, but I can do nothing and I have this error into the console :

GET 404 (Not Found)

So, the browser did'nt try to get uploadify.swl in /web/swf...

I did something wrong ?

Thanks for help.

Unterminated comment starting line 11

PHP Warning:  Unterminated comment starting line 11 in /opt/www/drivenicely/ on line 64

Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 11 in /opt/www/drivenicely/ on line 64

using image

Item "uploader" for "Array" does not exist in GenemuFormBundle:Form:jquery_layout.html.twig at line 521

in my config.xml i did

image: ~

and in my form type i did

$builder->add('cover', 'genemu_jqueryimage');

Captcha GD + IE 6 problems

Ie6 doesnt work with inline images.
Looks like some "compatibility" mode need to be added in order to solve this problem (possibly store captcha in session and return it using some unique id)

Using ajax autoloader still makes the query

Hi, it's me again !

I'm using this in my form builder :

        ->add('lieux', 'genemu_jqueryautocompleter', array(
            'route_name' => 'lieu_request',
            'multiple' => true,
            'widget' => 'entity',
            'class' => 'Kieski\LieuBundle\Entity\Lieu',

With this in my entity :

     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Kieski\LieuBundle\Entity\Lieu")
     * @Assert\NotNull(message="error.lieux.blank")
    protected $lieux;

Ajax autoloading works great, sumbmission and validation works too, but the problem is that the query to fetch all Kieski\LieuBundle\Entity\Lieu entites is still used while the page is loading.

I'm maybe misusing your bundle again, but I still can't figure what is this going on,

DatePicker Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'regional' of undefined

I'm trying to use your Bundle for jquery datepicker, and I get this error:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var $configs = $.extend({
minDate: new Date(2007, 0, 1),
maxDate: new Date(2017, 11, 31)
}, $.datepicker.regional['ca_ES'] ,{"dateFormat":"yy-mm-dd","showOn":"button"});

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'regional' of undefined

I have added in the template:
{{ form_stylesheet(form) }}
{{ form_javascript(form) }}

And this is how I add the jquerydate to the form field:

What's wrong?

object passed to __construct instead of array

I get this error after installation:

Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\FormExtension::__construct() must be an array, object given, called in /path/to/symfony/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line 1339 and defined in /path/to/symfony/vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Bridge/Twig/Extension/FormExtension.php line 34

Any clues?

JQuery Autocomplete from Entity

I work with the 2.0 branch.
I have an UnexpectedTypeException with any genemu_jqueryautocompleter from entity :
UnexpectedTypeException: Expected argument of type "array or \Closure", "NULL" given

I try with basic configuration (class and widget parameters), and also with property and query_builder parameters.

            ->add('organism', 'genemu_jqueryautocompleter', array(
                    'class' => 'AppliDocEntitiesBundle:DocOrganism',
                    'widget' => 'entity',
                    'property' => 'labelLong',
                    'query_builder' => function (DocOrganismRepository $er) {
                            return $er->searchByLabelLong('FRA');

Am I doing something wrong or is there anything to fix ?

I managed to do what I wanted, using the Choices Ajax configuration. I don't see the gain of using Entity Ajax configuration instead of Choices Ajax.

jQueryUIAutocomplete and Form validation

Hi, I think that I found a bug or I do something incorrectly ...
According instructions, I put into my form builder this code:

->add('name', 'genemu_jqueryautocompleter', array(
    'label' => '{LABEL}',
    'route_name' => '{ROUTE}))

Form also uses data_class (Doctrine entity):

public function getDefaultOptions(array $options)
    return array(
        'data_class' => 'App\MyBundle\Entity\{ENTITY_NAME}',
        'validation_groups' => array( '{GROUP_NAME}' ),
    ) + $options;

Validators are in validation.xml file. For this property, as example, I added NotBlank validator.
name value is not bind when $form->bindRequest($request) is called. $form->isValid() returns FALSE. In $form->getData() name is NULL. But in request form_name and its value exists. Probably, it may be as result of text to hidden transformation in view and real and submitted field types are different.

PS. Symfony 2.0.9, Doctrine 2.1.5

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