Fredy Rogez's Projects
Plateforme de diffusion de vidéos de formation en ligne en streaming. Back : Java, Spring, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Ubuntu, NGINX. Front : Angular.
Modern C++ Cheatsheet
CSS Cheat Sheet is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.
:octocat: git and git flow cheat sheet
Global gitignore - Mac + PC
A simple "Hello World" example NPM package. Publish your package to the NPM registry
JavaScript cheatsheet
Petit jeu où vous devez faire atterrir votre "lander" sur la plateforme verte.
Jeu vidéo inspiré de "Missile Command" développé pour une game jam en Lua avec le framework LÖVE.
The React Framework
A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming
Raylib 4.0 Template C (C17 64 bits) for Visual Studio Code & MinGW-w64
Raylib 4.0 Template C++ (C++17 64 bits) for Visual Studio Code & MinGW-w64
raylib projects templates.
Raylib Visual Studio Code C Template
The library for web and native user interfaces.
A framework for building native applications using React
SDL 2 projects templates.
Template SFML/C++ - Visual Studio 2019. Permet de démarrer un projet rapidement.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.