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analyze-npm's Issues

Graph is empty

curl > ./data/

Doesn't download anything

Request: analyse npm run scripts


I thought it might be insightful to parse npm run scripts in a package.json to figure out the most used tools.

If that is do-able, it would make for some beautiful data.

Index on typings

Neat site!

Not sure if this is the best place to request this, but it would also be extremely helpful for TypeScript developers to be able to search for npm packages with a typings property in their package.json. This indicates that the package includes type declarations.

ESM packages that don't specify "module"

Now when Node has support for modules, some packages started to care about ESM version.

It turns out the "module" field isn't always the best solution, because of webpack.
See for example this PR where it was decided to remove it: markedjs/marked#1571 (comment)

Also I found this article relevant:

@FredKSchott would you consider adding more ways to discover ESM packages?

This is important for me as a library maintainer: I was hoping to get @pika/web and CDN support when upgrading to ESM version of dependency, but so far I'm out of luck.

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