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formula1-app's Introduction

The Formula 1 Menu-Driven Console App 🏎️


  • This is a Menu-Driven App made on the topic of Formula 1, that includes a CRUD methods for adding a Driver, it's Achievements and Team. It uses a menu which the user can select from as a way to create their own personalized driver or team. Using XML and JSON the data gets kept inside a XML file using Persistence so that data doesn't get lost. To conclude the app uses JUnit5 Tests as a way to test that methods & data are consistent.

Table of Contents πŸ’‘

  1. Features
  2. Technologies Used
  3. Contact

Features πŸ“œ

  • CRUD Method for Driver and Team.
  • Counting methods for number of Drivers, Teams & Achievements in the system.
  • Search & Report methods for finding the driver by nationality and Team in the system.
  • Used lambda for some listing and counting methods for the DX appearance

Technologies Used πŸ’»

  • This program has been made on the language Kotlin.
  • I've used various Java Libraries as a way to facilitate the UserInput, ArrayList , Peristance elements and many more.
  • β€œJUnit 5”
  • Attempted to use linting for certain aspects

For linting the project

Contact πŸ“ž

formula1-app's People


filippodm7 avatar filippo-dimarzio avatar sdrohan avatar



formula1-app's Issues

Fixed errors and bugs in Formula1API

determined that formula1API in lowercase was the instance while the uppercase was the class name, which was causing an error while doing the list methods in main.kt

A collection of driver needs to be added to the App

The collection will be an ArrayList

The model will be called Driver and the field will be below

  • driverName (String) - max 20 chars
  • driverTeam (String) - max 20 chars
  • driverNationality (String) - max 15 chars
  • careerLength (Int) - values 1 - 10

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