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Comments (4)

MeerArsalanAli27 avatar MeerArsalanAli27 commented on January 23, 2025

It seems that mobile browsers have a different approach to handling focus and blur events, which is causing this inconsistent re-rendering behavior when you click a button while still typing in the input field. A simple yet effective fix is to use setTimeout to briefly delay the onClick event, allowing the re-rendering to complete before the event is triggered. This ensures a seamless user experience across all devices.

from react.

CSalih avatar CSalih commented on January 23, 2025

Thanks for the suggestion, but using setTimeout is a workaround which doesn't feel like a good solution to this problem. While it might temporarily address the re-rendering issue, it introduces a delay in the user experience and relies on an arbitrary timeout value.

Ideally, we need to figure out why React's handling of focus and blur events differs between desktop and mobile Safari and find a way to ensure consistent behavior across all platforms. There seems to be a similar issue reported in the Preact project (preactjs/preact#3792) which has been resolved.

from react.

github-actions avatar github-actions commented on January 23, 2025

This issue has been automatically marked as stale. If this issue is still affecting you, please leave any comment (for example, "bump"), and we'll keep it open. We are sorry that we haven't been able to prioritize it yet. If you have any new additional information, please include it with your comment!

from react.

CSalih avatar CSalih commented on January 23, 2025


from react.

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