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Comments (3)

eps1lon avatar eps1lon commented on January 23, 2025

You probably have different versions of React installed. Or a 3rd party library is bundling the JSX runtime of a different React version.

The repro is too big for us to check out. Can you trim it down to something minimal?

from react.

SukkaW avatar SukkaW commented on January 23, 2025

You probably have different versions of React installed

I don't know. Since it is using Next.js Pages Router, Next.js would most likely not use its bundled version of React.

Or a 3rd party library is bundling the JSX runtime of a different React version.

No, we do not use any CSS-in-JS that requires non-React jsx runtime. It uses style9, a similar AoT CSS-in-JS approach to Facebook's stylex.

The repro is too big for us to check out. Can you trim it down to something minimal?

Lemme give it a shot!

from react.

SukkaW avatar SukkaW commented on January 23, 2025


I know what happened and it is not an issue of React.

So the serialization assumes the $$typeof would most likely be Symbol.for('react.element'), which is true in 2018 (when Dan implements that serialization process for the

Years later, the coming React 19 is introducing new shapes of react element (#28813), and therefore objects with Symbol.for('react.transitional.element') are produced. The serialization process doesn't handle Symbol.for('react.transitional.element'), hence the crash.

Also, because the original $$typeof information is lost during the serialization process, the error A React Element from an older version of React was rendered was never reported.

from react.

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