Comments (5)
Thanks for reporting and the detailed sandbox. This is a bug fixed in React 19.
To show what's happening, I updated your sandbox with some profiling markers and delays:
React 18 Timeline
Here's the timeline for 18:
Here you can see that the first update is scheduled (as a default priority), then the microtask is scheduled (for the await). The microtask is fired by the browser, which schedules the second update (which is sync priority).
In React 18, we did not batch default and sync lane updates together even though they are both sync updates. Since the sync priority update is given higher priority than the default priority, it is flushed and committed first (that's why you see a flash of this state). Then we render the default priority update. Since it was interrupted by the lower priority update, we rebase it on top of the sync update, and render the result of both state updates together (that's why you see both state updaters run in the last render).
So the final committed state is correct (as long as you're using a reducer / state updater), but there's a flash of incorrect state in between.
React 19 Timeline
Here's the timeline for 19:
Here you can see both updates are scheduled the same as before, but now there is a single render with both updates included. This avoids the flash of intermediate state.
Shout out @tyao1 and @acdlite for working on this with for 19: #25700
from react.
The changes to fix this are significant and not something we can backport. So unfortunately this fix will be 19 only.
from react.
To fix this issue, you can leverage the functional form of setState, which allows React to ensure that state updates are applied in order. Here’s how you can modify your code
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
setStateA((prev) => "foo"); // Using the functional form of setState
await someAsyncFunctionThatReturnsImmediately();
setStateA((prev) => "bar"); // Using the functional form of setState
}, []);
from react.
Thank you very much for the detailed explanation of what's going on under the hood, and the confirmation that this is indeed fixed in React 19.
Do you happen to know if there will be a React 18 release that includes this fix?
from react.
No problem. Thanks for the info.
from react.
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