Comments (3)
from react.
Hey there @PradeepNedun! 👋
I can't access the sandbox you linked to. Did you forget to set it to be publicly viewable?
Thanks! ❤️
from react.
@PradeepNedun I don't see anything wrong here. the memo re-render
log only fires when the dependencies of the useMemo changes (specifically only when the tab
changes, since todos
is created once in the module scope and never updated.
The memo value
log fires any time the TodoList
component renders (including when changing the theme) but that's because you're calling that function in render. So of course, if you call a function in render, then that function is called whenever the component renders.
To fix, you filter the todos and return them from useMemo
directly, instead of returning a function:
const filteredTodos = useMemo(() => {
return filterTodos(todos, tab);
}, [todos, tab]);
// ... => <div> ...</div>);
With this, the expensive filterTodos function will only run when either the todos
or tab
values change.
from react.
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