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Comments (40)

modernserf avatar modernserf commented on July 27, 2024 102

I regret bringing this to your attention.

from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024 26

I don’t think we want to support this. I would actually like to turn this feature off.

The reason is we might want to migrate away from webpack in the future. We’d need to make our CSS files are as vanilla CSS as possible (aside from minor stuff like relative dependency paths).

I would accept a PR that forbids extra features if possible.

from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024 24

(Btw I totally understand the benefits of local scoping. We just don’t think it’s a good default for people learning React, and it’s way too custom syntax that is incompatible with many other tools. We’d rather move into direction of encouraging CSS in JS for better encapsulation.)

from create-react-app.

fourcolors avatar fourcolors commented on July 27, 2024 19

I'd like to use CSS Modules... just saying...

from create-react-app.

geelen avatar geelen commented on July 27, 2024 16

By the way this whole topic lead me to write a pure JS version of CSS Modules (kinda) called Styled Components. I'm now using it with CRA in my own projects and it's ace. 👌

from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024 11

@modernserf I understand your frustration but it’s still better than if we change the bundler in a few months and all your styles would break. Having to back out of infrastructure changes (e.g. super fast new bundler) because people relied on webpack in ways like this would be super sad.

from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024 11

People will use it whether we document it or not, and then “create-react-app broke my app” will become the next javascript f*****e.

from create-react-app.

oscar-b avatar oscar-b commented on July 27, 2024 10

When we are ready to focus on figuring the best way to do styling in React apps (both externally and internally), we can revisit this decision. However I wouldn’t want the users’ apps to use inconsistent notations in .css files because they would be hard to codemod (if we ever provide that codemod of course).

@gaearon What do you mean with "inconsistent notations in .css files"? My .css files using CSS Modules are 100% vanilla CSS, the magic is done on the fly by webpack and not in the .css. Same thing as referencing an image with import, it just returns a string value pointing to the new unique class name. I would say that this way of treating css is much more consistent with the way create-react-app recommends handling images and fonts.

If you were to go away from using CSS Modules, it's not much that needs to change:

import styles from './Button.css';
<button className={styles.Button} />

would change into

import './Button.css';
<button className="Button" />

This is already dependent on custom behaviour of import by webpack, as noted in the docs.

I think CSS Modules are a much better way of handling css in React than the suggested way of manually namespacing your classes, especially for a newbie not realising that an imported css will be global to all components.

from create-react-app.

oscar-b avatar oscar-b commented on July 27, 2024 6

@odigity look at instead, thank me later ;)

from create-react-app.

geelen avatar geelen commented on July 27, 2024 5

Just chiming in here. I definitely agree the :local syntax should not be supported as it is. That was an early decision in CSS Modules land where I wanted to make the ?modules option to css-loader change as little as possible (it just enables one extra postcss transform that wraps everything that's not :global in :local). But that behaviour is pretty unexpected, and I'd be surprised if many people are making use of :local at all these days (CSS Modules feels like an all-or-nothing thing for most people). So I'd be in favour of removing :local altogether, but in the interests of expedience I think the linting rule is better.

The developer API for this stuff has never been great, but I've now dug myself out a few weeks to work on it so I'm looking at improving it now. That discussion probably should take place elsewhere though.

❤️❤️❤️ to this project, just quietly.

from create-react-app.

ro-savage avatar ro-savage commented on July 27, 2024 4

@gaearon @Timer
I know there has been gone through before, I personally use a fork of react-scripts to handle css modules.

However now v1.0.0 is out and using webpack 2.0 (e.g. not likely to change soon). I suggest revisiting CSS Modules.

My current config supports both

  • if the css file has .modules.css (/\.modules.css$/) then it's loaded as a CSS module,
  • if its anything else () it imported as regular css (/[^\.modules]\.css$/).

This allows both, its an extra only people who choose to use get, doesn't interfere with loading CSS from libs, with webpack2 now in place I don't think CSS Module support is going to die any time soon, and of course CSS Modules rocks according to stateofjs with 97% satisfaction.


from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024 4

Can you file a new issue about this? Let’s say I’m open to supporting it with an explicit filename suffix.

from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024 3

A semver-compatible patch update can literally break people’s builds because of it.

from create-react-app.

bondz avatar bondz commented on July 27, 2024 3

@geelen @oscar-b just checked out styled-components really cool. 👍

from create-react-app.

cr101 avatar cr101 commented on July 27, 2024 3

@DenisIzmaylov Since styled-components was your inspiration for PreJSS why didn't you make improvements to styled-components instead of creating yet another CSS plugin to style your components?
Also, what are the benefits of using PreJSS over styled-components?

from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024 2

Can you please explain this on an example? We don’t “officially” support advanced features but they indeed may work by accident 😄 . I don’t know enough about CSS modules to understand what you’re saying, but we’d rather not make them easier to use because we want to be sure that everybody has the same setup. Otherwise can’t just release updates that switch to another CSS solution, for example.

from create-react-app.

faceyspacey avatar faceyspacey commented on July 27, 2024 2

my 2 cents: to me the biggest thing is having cacheable traditional stylesheets and avoiding the render/runtime overhead of calculating styles in every render (which you need to do on both the client and server if doing SSR--not good). I avoid true css-in-js solutions for this precise reason.

So a solution that could be great for CRA--and one it doesn't need to implement itself--is a loader that removes css-in-js and converts it to stylesheets. That can be done far down the line in webpack land, long after you have ejected. Someone just needs to make this.

That way during development CRA doesn't need to support anything new. And that way developers can have the option to achieve optimum performance if they ever want it.

Static css-in-js--the new hotness lol

the one caveat is that your css-in-js would have to be static like regular css modules, but that's what you require for the aforementioned performance reasons anyway. This comes full circle coupled with code-splitting and multiple stylesheets, as ur also sending far less total bytes related to css then the css-in-js solutions du jour which ultimately incorporate both your styles in ur js chunks AND send render-path css.

from create-react-app.

odigity avatar odigity commented on July 27, 2024 1

I'm fairly new to React, and just learned about CSS Modules a few days ago, so I can't speak with great confidence, but it seems like CSS Modules is just obviously better than everything that has come before (much like React in the domain of UI frameworks).

I've been working on my first React app over the last week, a process made easier by the existence of create-react-app, but the inability to start using CSS Modules means I must now pause and learn how to operate Webpack and Babel myself so that I will no longer have to rely on CRA. I was hoping to put that off longer, and could have, if not for the lack of CSS Modules support.

I agree that automatically scoping plain CSS would be an unpleasant and confusing surprise to beginners, but if there's any way to avoid that while still making it accessible to those who want to opt-in (perhaps by using a different file extension like .csm), then I think it should be pursued.

from create-react-app.

mxstbr avatar mxstbr commented on July 27, 2024

True, very good catch @modernserf! I'm +1 for this change.

@gaearon css-loader supports the :local wrapper for class names to create localized classes. (i.e. css modules by effort)

// This is now usable like if it was CSS modules! 
:local(.button) {


We didn't specify how it should generate those classes, so they're quite ugly and unreadable – what @modernserf is suggesting is making them more readable.

from create-react-app.

corbanbrook avatar corbanbrook commented on July 27, 2024

Simply using [local]---[hash:base64:5] is nice solution. This will output classnames like button---2VzVQ. Including the path and filename is a tad excessive imo and just makes it difficult to grok when scanning over the outputted markup.

from create-react-app.

mxstbr avatar mxstbr commented on July 27, 2024

I think it's not possible to turn off local scope by default (ref webpack-contrib/css-loader#193), but we can simply set the generated name to whatever the name is anyway. Give me 5 minutes to try that.

from create-react-app.

mxstbr avatar mxstbr commented on July 27, 2024

I kind of agree with @modernserf though, this is a nice escape hatch for people to explicitly use CSS modules without needing to eject. It's not like we document or encourage this anywhere…

from create-react-app.

mxstbr avatar mxstbr commented on July 27, 2024

I still haven't found a way to disable it properly, it'll break peoples builds either way.

from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024

We can add a custom loader that throws on non-standard syntax.

from create-react-app.

mxstbr avatar mxstbr commented on July 27, 2024

Submitted #97 not in the hope of it getting merged but to have some code to talk about

Why would we not add that option to css-loader? That sounds easier than writing our own… (not 100% what css-loader actually does though)

from create-react-app.

slmgc avatar slmgc commented on July 27, 2024

@modernserf you could try, it's a similar solution which runs out of the box but also has many additional config options if you need them.

from create-react-app.

ForbesLindesay avatar ForbesLindesay commented on July 27, 2024

I would think we'd want to/be able to support css-modules in any future version of this tool even if we move away from webpack in the future.

from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024

I would think we'd want to/be able to support css-modules in any future version of this tool even if we move away from webpack in the future.

I’m not opposed to CSS modules in the future. I only think we need to let this tool live for a while with simple defaults (vanilla CSS is as unopinionated as we can be). When we are ready to focus on figuring the best way to do styling in React apps (both externally and internally), we can revisit this decision. However I wouldn’t want the users’ apps to use inconsistent notations in .css files because they would be hard to codemod (if we ever provide that codemod of course).

from create-react-app.

mxstbr avatar mxstbr commented on July 27, 2024

I would think we'd want to/be able to support css-modules in any future version of this tool even if we move away from webpack in the future.

Yeah, according a twitter poll I ran yesterday (130 RTs, 1600 respondents!) CSS Modules is almost as popular as plain CSS (inc. Sass/Less/…) and way more popular than inline styles and CSS-in-JS combined. (this is biased because it's my twitter followers, but 1600 respondents…)

That doesn't mean we should be implementing them, but it does mean that any new bundler that doesn't support them is going to have a hard time getting any traction at the moment. That might mean it's fine to leave them in, especially in combination with our "You never need to update create-react-app, whatever you version you're on works" Mantra.


When we are ready to focus on figuring the best way to do styling in React apps (both externally and internally), we can come revisit this decision.

Fair enough.

from create-react-app.

ForbesLindesay avatar ForbesLindesay commented on July 27, 2024

When we are ready to focus on figuring the best way to do styling in React apps (both externally and internally), we can come revisit this decision.

Maybe... I think the problem css modules solve is going to come up pretty quickly for users, but I do agree that css-modules don't seem hugely mature right now.

FWIW I much prefer the idea of something like .module.css rather than special :local syntax within the file. It also would be possible to codemod out in the future, albeit quite a lot of work.

from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024

FWIW I much prefer the idea of something like .module.css rather than special :local syntax within the file.

Agree that this seems better if we want to allow it.

from create-react-app.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on July 27, 2024

By “inconsistent notation” I mean extensions like composes and :global that are part of CSS Modules.

from create-react-app.

oscar-b avatar oscar-b commented on July 27, 2024

Oh yes, agree about those. Never used them.

from create-react-app.

craigcosmo avatar craigcosmo commented on July 27, 2024

@gaearon why do you want to migrate away from webpack in the future? What tool would help bundling code?

from create-react-app.

ddemolina avatar ddemolina commented on July 27, 2024

@Gaeron (Btw I totally understand the benefits of local scoping. We just don’t think it’s a good default >for people learning React, and it’s way too custom syntax that is incompatible with many other tools. >We’d rather move into direction of encouraging CSS in JS for better encapsulation.)

Is moving in that direction? Do you think is an alternative to use nowadays in CRA?

from create-react-app.

kurtharriger avatar kurtharriger commented on July 27, 2024

Personally I don't know enough about css modules to know if they are good or bad thing--but I do know that some third party libraries one might like to use, such as react-toolbox, require it to be enabled.

Thankfully there is the option to eject, but it would be nice if one could configure some sort of webpack config transform to allow replacing parts of the webpack config without fully ejecting perhaps these transforms could be plugins to allow one to enable things like sass or less if they want.

from create-react-app.

odigity avatar odigity commented on July 27, 2024

@oscar-b It's on my short-list of study topics for the next two days.

from create-react-app.

DenisIzmaylov avatar DenisIzmaylov commented on July 27, 2024

Last 3 years we've developed a lot of large projects for commercial and Enterprise segments using React. We've tried everything including LESS, Stylus, CSS modules, styled-components, SASS and we found that JSS have the best DX ever. With using react-jss by Dan.

With CSS you can control your styles by CSS class only while in JSS you can control every property, every value to reduce unused CSS as well as it possible.

But there is only one problem in JSS - is learning curve. It may be hard to switch from CSS notation to JSS in a few days or even couple weeks.

To solve this problem we've made PreJSS - universal CSS to CSS-in-JS adapter which is actually became platform and ecosystem like webpack or babel.

PreJSS have a three basic concepts PreJSS Styles Declarations, CSS Parser, PreJSS adapter.


  • PreJSS Styles Declarations - is CSS styles in Literal Template Strings like we love:

    import preJSS from 'prejss'
    const styles = preJSS`
      $fore-color: #fff;
      $bg-color: #444;
      .button {
        color: $fore-color;
        background: $bg-color;
        font-weight: ${props => props.isPrimary ? 'bold' : 'normal'};
  • CSS parser is an optional package with function which takes CSS/SCSS/any code and transforms it to JSS format. By default PreJSS uses PostCSS, but there is a lot of other nice CSS parsers.

  • CSS adapter is main abstraction, set of 3 independent functions - prepare (e.g. remove JS comments from your styles), parse (by CSS parser) and finalize to adopt JSS to any custom JSS library such as Radium, React Native, React Desktop, etc.

That's how PreJSS makes CSS world simpler:


from create-react-app.

czebe avatar czebe commented on July 27, 2024

@ro-savage thanks for your input, this sounds good, I'll try your config.

from create-react-app.

ro-savage avatar ro-savage commented on July 27, 2024

@gaearon @czebe
CSS Module Support: Issue #2278 and PR #2285

from create-react-app.

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