Comments (7)
No worries :-) Thanks for your help.
from create-react-app.
I’ll close because we can always incrementally improve.
from create-react-app.
I’ll probably work on this now because we plan to release tomorrow.
from create-react-app.
Sounds good! I ran out of time, hence the issue :)
from create-react-app.
Okay, I added some info:
More ideas welcome.
from create-react-app.
👍 I'll comb through it see if I have any feedback!
from create-react-app.
Looks good! Found a typo but it looks like you fixed it before I could mention it. :P
It seems pretty good, a lot of good information and I especially like linking to blog articles, very nice.
from create-react-app.
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from create-react-app.