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alert-blocks's Introduction

Category of UIAlertView that offers a completion handler to listen to interaction. This avoids the need of the implementation of the delegate pattern.

Installation instructions

  1. Import UIAlertView+Blocks.h in the desired classes of your project.

  2. You has to create the alert the regular way

     UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Test alert view"
                                                     message:@"This is a test of an alert view with a completion block instead of the delegate pattern"
                                                    delegate:nil // Can be another value but will be overridden when showing with handler.
                                           otherButtonTitles:@"Button 1", @"Button 2", nil];
  3. Now you have a new method to show the alert that passes the completion handler

     [alert showWithHandler:^(UIAlertView *alertView, NSInteger buttonIndex) {
         if (buttonIndex == [alertView cancelButtonIndex]) {
             NSLog(@"You clicked the cancel button (index %i)", buttonIndex);
         } else {
             NSLog(@"You clicked the button at index %i", buttonIndex);
  4. There are some utility selectors to show common alerts.

     // Utility selector to show an alert with a title, a message and a button to dimiss.
     + (void)showWithTitle:(NSString *)title
                   message:(NSString *)message
     // Utility selector to show an alert with an "Error" title, a message and a button to dimiss.
     + (void)showErrorWithMessage:(NSString *)message
     // Utility selector to show an alert with a "Warning" title, a message and a button to dimiss.
     + (void)showWarningWithMessage:(NSString *)message
     // Utility selector to show a confirmation dialog with a title, a message and two buttons to accept or cancel.
     + (void)showConfirmationDialogWithTitle:(NSString *)title
                                     message:(NSString *)message
  5. You can see some examples in ViewController class.


Execute appledoc appledoc.plist in the root of the project path to generate documentation.

alert-blocks's People


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