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Basic use flow fails about eksctl HOT 9 CLOSED

eksctl-io avatar eksctl-io commented on June 29, 2024
Basic use flow fails

from eksctl.

Comments (9)

erez-rabih avatar erez-rabih commented on June 29, 2024 1

I wanted to update I found the problem: Apparently Fn::GetAZs return only AZs that have a default subnet in the default VPC of that region (
I created default subnets for all AZs on us-west-2 and I don't get that error anymore.

from eksctl.

errordeveloper avatar errordeveloper commented on June 29, 2024 1

@erez-rabih thanks for resolving this, I'd like to still consider if we can fix this in the feature – #101.

from eksctl.

errordeveloper avatar errordeveloper commented on June 29, 2024

Thanks for reporting this! Could you please run the same command with --verbose=4 and paste the output here?

from eksctl.

erez-rabih avatar erez-rabih commented on June 29, 2024

The error is on the creation of the Cloudformation Amazon EKS Sample VPC stack
It fails creating the subnets for some reason

from eksctl.

errordeveloper avatar errordeveloper commented on June 29, 2024

So looks like Subnet01 gets created, while Subnet02 and Subnet03 fail.

So this implies that Fn::GetAZs: {Ref: AWS::Region} evaluates to an array with only one element, and I'm not sure how that could be possible, if you are using either of the supported regions – us-west-2 or us-east-1.

@christopherhein would you have any idea of what could be happening here?

from eksctl.

errordeveloper avatar errordeveloper commented on June 29, 2024

I'd like to get some idea as of why this could happen.

from eksctl.

christopherhein avatar christopherhein commented on June 29, 2024

@erez-rabih is there any chance you can provide more information about the region you are trying to deploy into, also try rerunning using --verbose=4

from eksctl.

erez-rabih avatar erez-rabih commented on June 29, 2024

The region is the default one (I have not set it explicitly) us-west-2

from eksctl.

erez-rabih avatar erez-rabih commented on June 29, 2024

full log:

$ eksctl create cluster --verbose=4
2018-06-24T10:26:55+03:00 [▶]  role ARN for the current session is "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
2018-06-24T10:26:56+03:00 [ℹ]  importing SSH public key "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" as "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216"
2018-06-24T10:26:57+03:00 [▶]  cfg = &eks.ClusterConfig{Region:"us-west-2", Profile:"", ClusterName:"scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216", NodeAMI:"", NodeType:"m5.large", Nodes:2, MinNodes:0, MaxNodes:0, SSHPublicKeyPath:"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", SSHPublicKey:[]uint8{XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}, keyName:"EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216", clusterRoleARN:"", securityGroup:"", subnetsList:"", clusterVPC:"", nodeInstanceRoleARN:"", MasterEndpoint:"", CertificateAuthorityData:[]uint8(nil)}
2018-06-24T10:26:57+03:00 [ℹ]  creating EKS cluster "scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216" in "us-west-2" region
2018-06-24T10:26:57+03:00 [▶]  waiting for 2 tasks to complete
2018-06-24T10:26:57+03:00 [▶]  task "createStackVPC" started
2018-06-24T10:26:57+03:00 [ℹ]  creating VPC stack "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-VPC"
2018-06-24T10:26:57+03:00 [▶]  task "createStackServiceRole" started
2018-06-24T10:26:57+03:00 [ℹ]  creating ServiceRole stack "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-ServiceRole"
2018-06-24T10:26:57+03:00 [▶]  input = {
  Capabilities: ["CAPABILITY_IAM"],
  StackName: "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-ServiceRole",
  Tags: [{
      Key: "",
      Value: "scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216"
  TemplateBody: "---\nAWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'\nDescription: 'Amazon EKS Service Role'\n\n\nResources:\n\n  AWSServiceRoleForAmazonEKS:\n    Type: AWS::IAM::Role\n    Properties:\n      AssumeRolePolicyDocument:\n        Version: '2012-10-17'\n        Statement:\n        - Effect: Allow\n          Principal:\n            Service:\n            -\n          Action:\n          - sts:AssumeRole\n      ManagedPolicyArns:\n        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSServicePolicy\n        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy\n\nOutputs:\n\n  RoleArn:\n    Description: The role that EKS will use to create AWS resources for Kubernetes clusters\n    Value: !GetAtt AWSServiceRoleForAmazonEKS.Arn\n    Export:\n      Name: !Sub \"${AWS::StackName}-RoleArn\"\n\n"
2018-06-24T10:26:57+03:00 [▶]  input = {
  StackName: "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-VPC",
  Tags: [{
      Key: "",
      Value: "scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216"
  TemplateBody: "---\nAWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'\nDescription: 'Amazon EKS Sample VPC'\n\nParameters:\n\n  VpcBlock:\n    Type: String\n    Default:\n    Description: The CIDR range for the VPC. This should be a valid private (RFC 1918) CIDR range.\n\n  Subnet01Block:\n    Type: String\n    Default:\n    Description: CidrBlock for subnet 01 within the VPC\n\n  Subnet02Block:\n    Type: String\n    Default:\n    Description: CidrBlock for subnet 02 within the VPC\n\n  Subnet03Block:\n    Type: String\n    Default:\n    Description: CidrBlock for subnet 03 within the VPC\n\nMetadata:\n  AWS::CloudFormation::Interface:\n    ParameterGroups:\n      -\n        Label:\n          default: \"Worker Network Configuration\"\n        Parameters:\n          - VpcBlock\n          - Subnet01Block\n          - Subnet02Block\n          - Subnet03Block\n\nResources:\n  VPC:\n    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC\n    Properties:\n      CidrBlock:  !Ref VpcBlock\n      EnableDnsSupport: true\n      EnableDnsHostnames: true\n      Tags:\n      - Key: Name\n        Value: !Sub '${AWS::StackName}-VPC'\n\n  InternetGateway:\n    Type: \"AWS::EC2::InternetGateway\"\n\n  VPCGatewayAttachment:\n    Type: \"AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment\"\n    Properties:\n      InternetGatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway\n      VpcId: !Ref VPC\n\n  RouteTable:\n    Type: AWS::EC2::RouteTable\n    Properties:\n      VpcId: !Ref VPC\n      Tags:\n      - Key: Name\n        Value: Public Subnets\n      - Key: Network\n        Value: Public\n\n  Route:\n    DependsOn: VPCGatewayAttachment\n    Type: AWS::EC2::Route\n    Properties:\n      RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTable\n      DestinationCidrBlock:\n      GatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway\n\n  Subnet01:\n    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet\n    Metadata:\n      Comment: Subnet 01\n    Properties:\n      AvailabilityZone:\n        Fn::Select:\n        - '0'\n        - Fn::GetAZs:\n            Ref: AWS::Region\n      CidrBlock:\n        Ref: Subnet01Block\n      VpcId:\n        Ref: VPC\n      Tags:\n      - Key: Name\n        Value: !Sub \"${AWS::StackName}-Subnet01\"\n\n  Subnet02:\n    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet\n    Metadata:\n      Comment: Subnet 02\n    Properties:\n      AvailabilityZone:\n        Fn::Select:\n        - '1'\n        - Fn::GetAZs:\n            Ref: AWS::Region\n      CidrBlock:\n        Ref: Subnet02Block\n      VpcId:\n        Ref: VPC\n      Tags:\n      - Key: Name\n        Value: !Sub \"${AWS::StackName}-Subnet02\"\n\n  Subnet03:\n    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet\n    Metadata:\n      Comment: Subnet 03\n    Properties:\n      AvailabilityZone:\n        Fn::Select:\n        - '2'\n        - Fn::GetAZs:\n            Ref: AWS::Region\n      CidrBlock:\n        Ref: Subnet03Block\n      VpcId:\n        Ref: VPC\n      Tags:\n      - Key: Name\n        Value: !Sub \"${AWS::StackName}-Subnet03\"\n\n  Subnet01RouteTableAssociation:\n    Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation\n    Properties:\n      SubnetId: !Ref Subnet01\n      RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTable\n\n  Subnet02RouteTableAssociation:\n    Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation\n    Properties:\n      SubnetId: !Ref Subnet02\n      RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTable\n\n  Subnet03RouteTableAssociation:\n    Type: AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation\n    Properties:\n      SubnetId: !Ref Subnet03\n      RouteTableId: !Ref RouteTable\n\n  ControlPlaneSecurityGroup:\n    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup\n    Properties:\n      GroupDescription: Cluster communication with worker nodes\n      VpcId: !Ref VPC\n\nOutputs:\n\n  SubnetIds:\n    Description: All subnets in the VPC\n    Value: !Join [ \",\", [ !Ref Subnet01, !Ref Subnet02, !Ref Subnet03 ] ]\n\n  SecurityGroups:\n    Description: Security group for the cluster control plane communication with worker nodes\n    Value: !Join [ \",\", [ !Ref ControlPlaneSecurityGroup ] ]\n\n  VpcId:\n    Description: The VPC Id\n    Value: !Ref VPC\n"
2018-06-24T10:26:58+03:00 [▶]  stack = {
  StackId: "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:322616481813:stack/EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-ServiceRole/d00bb420-777f-11e8-81d0-503acbd4dc29"
2018-06-24T10:26:58+03:00 [▶]  stack = {
  StackId: "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:322616481813:stack/EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-VPC/d0645b70-777f-11e8-95a5-02d9246c1c5a"
2018-06-24T10:27:18+03:00 [▶]  stack = {
  Capabilities: ["CAPABILITY_IAM"],
  CreationTime: 2018-06-24 07:25:46.99 +0000 UTC,
  Description: "Amazon EKS Service Role",
  DisableRollback: false,
  EnableTerminationProtection: false,
  Outputs: [{
      Description: "The role that EKS will use to create AWS resources for Kubernetes clusters",
      ExportName: "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-ServiceRole-RoleArn",
      OutputKey: "RoleArn",
      OutputValue: "arn:aws:iam::322616481813:role/EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1-AWSServiceRoleForAmazonE-1LRHAMKBZ2FQK"
  RollbackConfiguration: {

  StackId: "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:322616481813:stack/EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-ServiceRole/d00bb420-777f-11e8-81d0-503acbd4dc29",
  StackName: "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-ServiceRole",
  StackStatus: "CREATE_COMPLETE",
  Tags: [{
      Key: "",
      Value: "scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216"
2018-06-24T10:27:18+03:00 [▶]  created ServiceRole stack "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-ServiceRole" – processing outputs
2018-06-24T10:27:18+03:00 [▶]  clusterConfig = &eks.ClusterConfig{Region:"us-west-2", Profile:"", ClusterName:"scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216", NodeAMI:"", NodeType:"m5.large", Nodes:2, MinNodes:0, MaxNodes:0, SSHPublicKeyPath:"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", SSHPublicKey:[]uint8{XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}, keyName:"EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216", clusterRoleARN:"arn:aws:iam::322616481813:role/EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1-AWSServiceRoleForAmazonE-1LRHAMKBZ2FQK", securityGroup:"", subnetsList:"", clusterVPC:"", nodeInstanceRoleARN:"", MasterEndpoint:"", CertificateAuthorityData:[]uint8(nil)}
2018-06-24T10:27:18+03:00 [✔]  created ServiceRole stack "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-ServiceRole"
2018-06-24T10:27:18+03:00 [▶]  task "createStackServiceRole" returned without errors
2018-06-24T10:27:19+03:00 [▶]  stack = {
  CreationTime: 2018-06-24 07:25:47.57 +0000 UTC,
  Description: "Amazon EKS Sample VPC",
  DisableRollback: false,
  EnableTerminationProtection: false,
  Parameters: [
      ParameterKey: "Subnet01Block",
      ParameterValue: ""
      ParameterKey: "VpcBlock",
      ParameterValue: ""
      ParameterKey: "Subnet03Block",
      ParameterValue: ""
      ParameterKey: "Subnet02Block",
      ParameterValue: ""
  RollbackConfiguration: {

  StackId: "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:322616481813:stack/EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-VPC/d0645b70-777f-11e8-95a5-02d9246c1c5a",
  StackName: "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-VPC",
  StackStatus: "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS",
  Tags: [{
      Key: "",
      Value: "scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216"
2018-06-24T10:27:39+03:00 [▶]  stack = {
  CreationTime: 2018-06-24 07:25:47.57 +0000 UTC,
  DeletionTime: 2018-06-24 07:26:09.936 +0000 UTC,
  Description: "Amazon EKS Sample VPC",
  DisableRollback: false,
  EnableTerminationProtection: false,
  Parameters: [
      ParameterKey: "Subnet01Block",
      ParameterValue: ""
      ParameterKey: "VpcBlock",
      ParameterValue: ""
      ParameterKey: "Subnet03Block",
      ParameterValue: ""
      ParameterKey: "Subnet02Block",
      ParameterValue: ""
  RollbackConfiguration: {

  StackId: "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:322616481813:stack/EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-VPC/d0645b70-777f-11e8-95a5-02d9246c1c5a",
  StackName: "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-VPC",
  Tags: [{
      Key: "",
      Value: "scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216"
2018-06-24T10:27:39+03:00 [▶]  stack = {
  CreationTime: 2018-06-24 07:25:47.57 +0000 UTC,
  DeletionTime: 2018-06-24 07:26:09.936 +0000 UTC,
  Description: "Amazon EKS Sample VPC",
  DisableRollback: false,
  EnableTerminationProtection: false,
  Parameters: [
      ParameterKey: "Subnet01Block",
      ParameterValue: ""
      ParameterKey: "VpcBlock",
      ParameterValue: ""
      ParameterKey: "Subnet03Block",
      ParameterValue: ""
      ParameterKey: "Subnet02Block",
      ParameterValue: ""
  RollbackConfiguration: {

  StackId: "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:322616481813:stack/EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-VPC/d0645b70-777f-11e8-95a5-02d9246c1c5a",
  StackName: "EKS-scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216-VPC",
  Tags: [{
      Key: "",
      Value: "scrumptious-unicorn-1529825216"

from eksctl.

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