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Comments (12)

yjfnypeu avatar yjfnypeu commented on May 21, 2024


from updateplugin.

xiaolongyuan avatar xiaolongyuan commented on May 21, 2024


from updateplugin.

xiaolongyuan avatar xiaolongyuan commented on May 21, 2024


from updateplugin.

yjfnypeu avatar yjfnypeu commented on May 21, 2024


from updateplugin.

xiaolongyuan avatar xiaolongyuan commented on May 21, 2024

方便邮箱? 我发给你

from updateplugin.

xiaolongyuan avatar xiaolongyuan commented on May 21, 2024
* has leaked: 
* GC ROOT static org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.UpdateConfig.config 
* references org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.UpdateConfig.checkWorker 
* references 
* references org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.callback.DefaultCheckCB.checkCB 
* references$1.this$0 (anonymous class implements org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.callback.UpdateCheckCB) 
* references 
* references com.zhy.autolayout.AutoLinearLayout.mContext 
* leaks instance 

* Reference Key: 69cacf0c-cd63-4e11-80df-fa3fc1dbc3af 
* Device: ZTE ZTE ZTE Grand S II LTE P897A20 
* Android Version: 5.1 API: 22 LeakCanary: 1.3.1 
* Durations: watch=5021ms, gc=163ms, heap dump=5623ms, analysis=24571ms 

* Details: 
* Class org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.UpdateConfig 
|   static $staticOverhead = byte[] [id=0x12c12c01;length=16;size=32] 
|   static $change = null 
|   static config = org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.UpdateConfig [id=0x12c61f80] 
* Instance of org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.UpdateConfig 
|   static $staticOverhead = byte[] [id=0x12c12c01;length=16;size=32] 
|   static $change = null 
|   static config = org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.UpdateConfig [id=0x12c61f80] 
|   checkCB = null 
|   checkWorker = [id=0x132de420] 
|   context = [id=0x12c0e3a0] 
|   downloadCB = null 
|   downloadDialogCreator = null 
|   downloadWorker = null 
|   fileCreator = null 
|   installDialogCreator = null 
|   jsonParser =$1 [id=0x12d45720] 
|   strategy = null 
|   updateDialogCreator = null 
|   url = java.lang.String [id=0x12c08ae0] 
* Instance of 
|   static $staticOverhead = byte[] [id=0x12e98881;length=8;size=24] 
|   static $change = null 
|   checkCB = org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.callback.DefaultCheckCB [id=0x13367d80] 
|   parser =$1 [id=0x12d45720] 
|   url = java.lang.String [id=0x12c08ae0] 
* Instance of org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.callback.DefaultCheckCB 
|   static $staticOverhead = byte[] [id=0x12fcec81;length=8;size=24] 
|   static $change = null 
|   actRef = java.lang.ref.WeakReference [id=0x13367da0] 
|   builder = org.lzh.framework.updatepluginlib.UpdateBuilder [id=0x12c61e80] 
|   checkCB =$1 [id=0x12f27e40] 
* Instance of$1 
|   static $staticOverhead = byte[] [id=0x134f4e21;length=8;size=24] 
|   static $change = null 
|   this$0 = [id=0x12f7b400] 
* Instance of 
|   static $staticOverhead = byte[] [id=0x1341ec01;length=8;size=24] 
|   static $change = null 
|   layoutDesc = null 
|   tvCurrentVersion = null 
|   lifecycleSubject = rx.subjects.BehaviorSubject [id=0x12ffa160] 
|   mActivity = null 
|   navigator = [id=0x12e4b420] 
|   rootView = com.zhy.autolayout.AutoLinearLayout [id=0x13143000] 
|   toolbarTitleView = null 
|   toolbarView = null 
|   presenterDelegate = nucleus.view.PresenterLifecycleDelegate [id=0x12fe5060] 
|   mAdded = false 
|   mAllowEnterTransitionOverlap = null 
|   mAllowReturnTransitionOverlap = null 
|   mAnimatingAway = null 
|   mArguments = android.os.Bundle [id=0x12ffa2e0] 
|   mBackStackNesting = 0 
|   mCalled = true 
|   mCheckedForLoaderManager = false 
|   mChildFragmentManager = null 
|   mContainer = null 
|   mContainerId = 0 
|   mDeferStart = false 
|   mDetached = false 
|   mEnterTransition = null 
|   mEnterTransitionCallback = null 
|   mExitTransition = null 
|   mExitTransitionCallback = null 
|   mFragmentId = 0 
|   mFragmentManager = null 
|   mFromLayout = false 
|   mHasMenu = true 
|   mHidden = false 
|   mHost = null 
|   mInLayout = false 
|   mIndex = -1 
|   mInnerView = null 
|   mLoaderManager = null 
|   mLoadersStarted = false 
|   mMenuVisible = true 
|   mNextAnim = 0 
|   mParentFragment = null 
|   mReenterTransition = java.lang.Object [id=0x130881a0] 
|   mRemoving = false 
|   mRestored = false 
|   mRetainInstance = false 
|   mRetaining = false 
|   mReturnTransition = java.lang.Object [id=0x130881a0] 
|   mSavedFragmentState = null 
|   mSavedViewState = null 
|   mSharedElementEnterTransition = null 
|   mSharedElementReturnTransition = java.lang.Object [id=0x130881a0] 
|   mState = 0 
|   mStateAfterAnimating = 0 
|   mTag = null 
|   mTarget = null 
|   mTargetIndex = -1 
|   mTargetRequestCode = 0 
|   mUserVisibleHint = true 
|   mView = null 
|   mWho = null 
* Instance of com.zhy.autolayout.AutoLinearLayout 
|   static $staticOverhead = byte[] [id=0x12f29001;length=8;size=24] 
|   static $change = null 
|   mHelper = com.zhy.autolayout.utils.AutoLayoutHelper [id=0x12f80a50] 
|   mBaselineAligned = true 
|   mBaselineAlignedChildIndex = -1 
|   mBaselineChildTop = 0 
|   mDivider = null 
|   mDividerHeight = 0 
|   mDividerPadding = 0 
|   mDividerWidth = 0 
|   mGravity = 8388659 
|   mMaxAscent = null 
|   mMaxDescent = null 
|   mOrientation = 1 
|   mShowDividers = 0 
|   mTotalLength = 1845 
|   mUseLargestChild = false 
|   mWeightSum = -1.0 
|   mAnimationListener = null 
|   mCachePaint = null 
|   mChildAcceptsDrag = false 
|   mChildCountWithTransientState = 0 
|   mChildTransformation = null 
|   mChildren = android.view.View[] [id=0x13117b40;length=12] 
|   mChildrenCount = 2 
|   mCurrentDrag = null 
|   mCurrentDragView = null 
|   mDisappearingChildren = null 
|   mDragNotifiedChildren = null 
|   mFirstHoverTarget = null 
|   mFirstTouchTarget = null 
|   mFocused = null 
|   mGroupFlags = 2244691 
|   mHoveredSelf = false 
|   mInvalidateRegion = null 
|   mInvalidationTransformation = null 
|   mLastTouchDownIndex = 1 
|   mLastTouchDownTime = 5267793 
|   mLastTouchDownX = 660.69666 
|   mLastTouchDownY = 1120.665 
|   mLayoutAnimationController = null 
|   mLayoutCalledWhileSuppressed = false 
|   mLayoutMode = -1 
|   mLayoutTransitionListener = android.view.ViewGroup$3 [id=0x12f80710] 
|   mLocalPoint = null 
|   mNestedScrollAxes = 0 
|   mOnHierarchyChangeListener = null 
|   mPersistentDrawingCache = 2 
|   mPreSortedChildren = null 
|   mSuppressLayout = false 
|   mTempPoint = float[] [id=0x13367900;length=2;size=24] 
|   mTransition = null 
|   mTransitioningViews = null 
|   mVisibilityChangingChildren = null 
|   mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 
|   mAccessibilityDelegate = null 
|   mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 
|   mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 
|   mAccessibilityViewId = -1 
|   mAnimator = null 
|   mAttachInfo = null 
|   mAttributes = null 
|   mBackground = null 
|   mBackgroundRenderNode = null 
|   mBackgroundResource = 0 
|   mBackgroundSizeChanged = true 
|   mBackgroundTint = null 
|   mBottom = 1845 
|   mCachingFailed = false 
|   mClipBounds = null 
|   mContentDescription = null 
|   mContext = [id=0x13626380] 
|   mCurrentAnimation = null 
|   mDrawableState = null 
|   mDrawingCache = null 
|   mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 
|   mFloatingTreeObserver = null 
|   mGhostView = null 
|   mHasPerformedLongPress = false 
|   mID = -1 
|   mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null 
|   mKeyedTags = null 
|   mLabelForId = -1 
|   mLastIsOpaque = false 
|   mLayerPaint = null 
|   mLayerType = 0 
|   mLayoutInsets = null 
|   mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams [id=0x131b4900] 
|   mLeft = 0 
|   mLeftPaddingDefined = false 
|   mListenerInfo = null 
|   mMatchIdPredicate = null 
|   mMatchLabelForPredicate = null 
|   mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray [id=0x132d5920] 
|   mMeasuredHeight = 1845 
|   mMeasuredWidth = 1080 
|   mMinHeight = 0 
|   mMinWidth = 0 
|   mNestedScrollingParent = null 
|   mNextFocusDownId = -1 
|   mNextFocusForwardId = -1 
|   mNextFocusLeftId = -1 
|   mNextFocusRightId = -1 
|   mNextFocusUpId = -1 
|   mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073743669 
|   mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742904 
|   mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1 [id=0x70506228] 
|   mOverScrollMode = 1 
|   mOverlay = null 
|   mPaddingBottom = 0 
|   mPaddingLeft = 0 
|   mPaddingRight = 0 
|   mPaddingTop = 0 
|   mParent = null 
|   mPendingCheckForLongPress = null 
|   mPendingCheckForTap = null 
|   mPerformClick = null 
|   mPrivateFlags = 18877616 
|   mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112 
|   mPrivateFlags3 = 0 
|   mRecreateDisplayList = false 
|   mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode [id=0x131b6b80] 
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources [id=0x12c09a60] 
|   mRight = 1080 
|   mRightPaddingDefined = false 
|   mScrollCache = null 
|   mScrollX = 0 
|   mScrollY = 0 
|   mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null 
|   mSendViewStateChangedAccessibilityEvent = null 
|   mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false 
|   mStateListAnimator = null 
|   mSystemUiVisibility = 0 
|   mTag = null 
|   mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null 
|   mTop = 0 
|   mTouchDelegate = null 
|   mTouchSlop = 24 
|   mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo [id=0x132d88e0] 
|   mTransientStateCount = 0 
|   mTransitionName = null 
|   mUnscaledDrawingCache = null 
|   mUnsetPressedState = null 
|   mUserPaddingBottom = 0 
|   mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 
|   mUserPaddingLeft = 0 
|   mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 
|   mUserPaddingRight = 0 
|   mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 
|   mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 
|   mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 
|   mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 
|   mViewFlags = 939524224 
|   mWindowAttachCount = 1 
* Instance of 
|   static $staticOverhead = byte[] [id=0x12ec4001;length=16;size=32] 
|   static $change = null 
|   static FRAGMENT_TAG = java.lang.String [id=0x12fff8c0] 
|   overrideTheme = -1 
|   accountManager = null 
|   accountType = null 
|   accounts = null 
|   fragmentRefs = java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap [id=0x12f1f400] 
|   lifecycleSubject = rx.subjects.BehaviorSubject [id=0x12f56e20] 
|   navigator = [id=0x12e4b420] 
|   rootView = com.zhy.autolayout.AutoFrameLayout [id=0x13141400] 
|   tokenType = null 
|   toolbarTitleView = null 
|   toolbarView = null 
|   presenterDelegate = nucleus.view.PresenterLifecycleDelegate [id=0x12f56480] 
|   mDelegate = [id=0x13287900] 
|   mEatKeyUpEvent = false 
|   mResources = null 
|   mThemeId = 2131427473 
|   mCreated = true 
|   mFragments = [id=0x12f7f100] 
|   mHandler =$1 [id=0x12f56460] 
|   mMediaController = null 
|   mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0 
|   mOptionsMenuInvalidated = false 
|   mPendingFragmentActivityResults = [id=0x12ffe6e0] 
|   mReallyStopped = true 
|   mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false 
|   mResumed = false 
|   mRetaining = false 
|   mStartedActivityFromFragment = false 
|   mStopped = true 
|   mActionBar = null 
|   mActivityInfo = [id=0x12cb8400] 
|   mActivityTransitionState = [id=0x12c76840] 
|   mAllLoaderManagers = android.util.ArrayMap [id=0x131b02a0] 
|   mApplication = [id=0x12c0e3a0] 
|   mCalled = true 
|   mChangeCanvasToTranslucent = false 
|   mChangingConfigurations = false 
|   mCheckedForLoaderManager = true 
|   mComponent = android.content.ComponentName [id=0x12f274c0] 
|   mConfigChangeFlags = 0 
|   mContainer =$1 [id=0x12f7f0a0] 
|   mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration [id=0x12eb2510] 
|   mDecor = null 
|   mDefaultKeyMode = 0 
|   mDefaultKeySsb = null 
|   mDestroyed = true 
|   mDoReportFullyDrawn = false 
|   mEmbeddedID = null 
|   mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false 
|   mEnterTransitionListener =$1 [id=0x70503608] 
|   mExitTransitionListener =$1 [id=0x70503608] 
|   mFinished = true 
|   mFragments = [id=0x12e9ec10] 
|   mHandler = android.os.Handler [id=0x12f56440] 
|   mIdent = 169397097 
|   mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker [id=0x12f7f0e0] 
|   mInstrumentation = [id=0x12cbb150] 
|   mIntent = android.content.Intent [id=0x12cb9200] 
|   mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null 
|   mLoaderManager = null 
|   mLoadersStarted = false 
|   mMainThread = [id=0x12c39100] 
|   mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList [id=0x12f56420] 
|   mManagedDialogs = null 
|   mMenuInflater = null 
|   mParent = null 
|   mReferrer = java.lang.String [id=0x12fbcb80] 
|   mResultCode = 0 
|   mResultData = null 
|   mResumed = false 
|   mSearchManager = null 
|   mStartedActivity = false 
|   mStopped = true 
|   mTemporaryPause = false 
|   mTitle = java.lang.String [id=0x12de1740] 
|   mTitleColor = 0 
|   mTitleReady = true 
|   mToken = android.os.BinderProxy [id=0x12f5b2a0] 
|   mTranslucentCallback = null 
|   mUiThread = java.lang.Thread [id=0x738d3000] 
|   mVisibleBehind = false 
|   mVisibleFromClient = true 
|   mVisibleFromServer = true 
|   mVoiceInteractor = null 
|   mWindow = [id=0x12da4300] 
|   mWindowAdded = true 
|   mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl [id=0x12fbf300] 
|   mInflater = [id=0x12fcf370] 
|   mOverrideConfiguration = null 
|   mResources = android.content.res.Resources [id=0x12c09a60] 
|   mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme [id=0x12fbfba0] 
|   mThemeResource = 2131427473 
|   mBase = [id=0x12d18600] 

from updateplugin.

yjfnypeu avatar yjfnypeu commented on May 21, 2024

嗯。邮箱[email protected].多谢了

from updateplugin.

xiaolongyuan avatar xiaolongyuan commented on May 21, 2024

fix 了么?

from updateplugin.

yjfnypeu avatar yjfnypeu commented on May 21, 2024


from updateplugin.

yjfnypeu avatar yjfnypeu commented on May 21, 2024

新版本上传了。现在改用jcenter仓库了。compile 'org.lzh.nonview.updateplugin:UpdatePlugin:0.4'

from updateplugin.

xiaolongyuan avatar xiaolongyuan commented on May 21, 2024


from updateplugin.

yjfnypeu avatar yjfnypeu commented on May 21, 2024


from updateplugin.

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