David Colgan's Projects
The official website of The AC Neel
Scripts for doing Linuxy things
Choose your own binary adventure story engine thingy
The Official Web Comic of Dain van Epps
Optional strong typing in Javascript without precompiling! Created before Typescript existed.
Helpers for creating high-level functional tests in Django, with a unified API for WebTest and Selenium tests.
My configuration files for easy access on new computers.
DVColgan: Independent Full Stack Web Developer since 2011 specializing in Django and React.
My foray in the world of Entity Component System Engine design.
My computer science senior research project comparing C, Python, Clojure, Haskell, and Factor.
A custom gamejam management platform.
My very first entry for Ludum Dare
My entry for Ludum Dare 25
Entry for Ludum Dare 26
My starting code and also entry in Ludum Dare 27
A PhaserJS game made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 28. Timelapse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLYY74i9Ark
Repo for my Ludum Dare 29 entry, this time with ECS and ThreeJS
Collaboration with Atmospherium and Rectangular Tim for Ludum Dare 30
My entry with Andrew Neel and Dain van Epps for Ludum Dare 33
The official entry of David Colgan and Dain van Epps for Ludum Dare 35, the real entry is in the rockpaperscissors branch
Collaboration with Atmospherium for LookWhatIMadeWeekend 6
A Neurodivergence-Focused tool for managing life
User guides for the Phoenix web development framework.
A clone of hacker news powered by React.js and Redux