Name: Domenico Monaco
Type: User
Company: @Tecnologie-per-Persone
Bio: I deal with #TechnologiesForPeople as I try to answer the fundamental question about life, the universe and everything _ #TecnologiePerPersone #Dev #UI #UX
Twitter: _domenicomonaco
Location: Milan
Domenico Monaco's Projects
Drupal Theme based on Ninesixty whit sub-theme collecting
Simple Statistic Library
Simple API to get BikeMi station informations
Codice in C con integrazione cUnit utilizzato a scopo puramente didattico per il corso di Laboratorio di Programmazione C presso l'università di Bari sede di Brindisi.
Fork of drupal module "custom_links" by Eaton, in this module I have added some usefull feature to manage $links variable in node.tpl.php
Simple mine sandbox to learn Dart
Click-Counter sample Polymer application Extedend
Dice Match (HTML-JS Template)
Docker compose with Flask and MongoDb with persistence of files
some small module and script for durpal
Example of Web Design Corporate Template with Wireframe, PSD and HTML/CSS
Informative GDPR e Privacy Policy semplificate liberamente utilizzabili e facili da applicare
A CSS framework that aims to cut down on your CSS development time. Forked from "blueprint-css"
Happy Hacking Project
minimal example for responsive layout
Php/XHTML Css interface for any custom php based functions
LaTeX sandbox
Boilerplate Teams App helps you kick-start build fast web apps for Microsoft Teams.
This is minimalist pug.js boilerplate
sandbox of MongoDb on Java by using Maven
Simple ad useful bar for Drupal