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Prebuild fails on Ubuntu 18 about dokku-solr HOT 9 CLOSED

dokku avatar dokku commented on September 2, 2024
Prebuild fails on Ubuntu 18

from dokku-solr.

Comments (9)

josegonzalez avatar josegonzalez commented on September 2, 2024

Can you show the output of a deploy both before and after running dokku trace on?

from dokku-solr.

dfurber avatar dfurber commented on September 2, 2024

Sure. Here is the before:

Enumerating objects: 11, done.
Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 482 bytes | 482.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
-----> Cleaning up...
-----> Building production from dockerfile...
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to '[email protected]:production'

After coming soon...

from dokku-solr.

dfurber avatar dfurber commented on September 2, 2024

And with dokku trace on, with sensitive ENV vars removed:

+ export DOKKU_HOST_ROOT=/home/dokku
+ DOKKU_HOST_ROOT=/home/dokku
++ . /etc/os-release
++ echo ubuntu
+ export DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ export DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ export PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ export PLUGIN_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/available
+ PLUGIN_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/available
+ export PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled
+ PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled
+ export PLUGIN_CORE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins
+ PLUGIN_CORE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins
+ export PLUGIN_CORE_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available
+ PLUGIN_CORE_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available
+ export PLUGIN_CORE_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/enabled
+ PLUGIN_CORE_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/enabled
+ export DOKKU_SYSTEM_GROUP=dokku
+ export DOKKU_SYSTEM_USER=dokku
+ export DOKKU_LOGS_DIR=/var/log/dokku
+ DOKKU_LOGS_DIR=/var/log/dokku
+ export DOKKU_EVENTS_LOGFILE=/var/log/dokku/events.log
+ DOKKU_EVENTS_LOGFILE=/var/log/dokku/events.log
+ export DOKKU_GLOBAL_RUN_ARGS=--label=dokku
+ DOKKU_GLOBAL_RUN_ARGS=--label=dokku
+ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
++ set -eo pipefail
++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++ set -x
+ parse_args git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ declare 'desc=top-level cli arg parser'
+ local next_index=1
+ local skip=false
+ args=("$@")
+ local args
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ case "$arg" in
+ next_index=2
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ case "$arg" in
+ next_index=3
+ return 0
+ args=("$@")
+ skip_arg=false
+ [[ git-receive-pack =~ ^--.* ]]
+ has_tty
+ declare 'desc=return 0 if we have a tty'
++ /usr/bin/tty
++ true
+ [[ not a tty == \n\o\t\ \a\ \t\t\y ]]
+ return 1
++ id -un
+ [[ dokku != \d\o\k\k\u ]]
+ [[ git-receive-pack =~ ^plugin:.* ]]
+ [[ git-receive-pack == \s\s\h\-\k\e\y\s\:\a\d\d ]]
+ [[ -n git-receive-pack 'production' ]]
+ [[ git-receive-pack =~ config-* ]]
+ [[ git-receive-pack =~ docker-options* ]]
+ set -f
+ /usr/bin/dokku git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ export DOKKU_HOST_ROOT=/home/dokku
+ DOKKU_HOST_ROOT=/home/dokku
++ . /etc/os-release
++ echo ubuntu
+ export DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
+ export DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
+ export PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
+ export PLUGIN_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/available
+ PLUGIN_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/available
+ export PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled
+ PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled
+ export PLUGIN_CORE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins
+ PLUGIN_CORE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins
+ export PLUGIN_CORE_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available
+ PLUGIN_CORE_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available
+ export PLUGIN_CORE_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/enabled
+ PLUGIN_CORE_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/enabled
+ export DOKKU_SYSTEM_GROUP=dokku
+ export DOKKU_SYSTEM_USER=dokku
+ export DOKKU_LOGS_DIR=/var/log/dokku
+ DOKKU_LOGS_DIR=/var/log/dokku
+ export DOKKU_EVENTS_LOGFILE=/var/log/dokku/events.log
+ DOKKU_EVENTS_LOGFILE=/var/log/dokku/events.log
+ export DOKKU_GLOBAL_RUN_ARGS=--label=dokku
+ DOKKU_GLOBAL_RUN_ARGS=--label=dokku
+ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
++ set -eo pipefail
++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++ set -x
+ parse_args git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ declare 'desc=top-level cli arg parser'
+ local next_index=1
+ local skip=false
+ args=("$@")
+ local args
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ case "$arg" in
+ next_index=2
+ for arg in "$@"
+ [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
+ case "$arg" in
+ next_index=3
+ return 0
+ args=("$@")
+ skip_arg=false
+ [[ git-receive-pack =~ ^--.* ]]
+ has_tty
+ declare 'desc=return 0 if we have a tty'
++ /usr/bin/tty
++ true
+ [[ not a tty == \n\o\t\ \a\ \t\t\y ]]
+ return 1
++ id -un
+ [[ dokku != \d\o\k\k\u ]]
+ [[ git-receive-pack =~ ^plugin:.* ]]
+ [[ git-receive-pack == \s\s\h\-\k\e\y\s\:\a\d\d ]]
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ dokku_auth git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ declare 'desc=calls user-auth plugin trigger'
+ export SSH_USER=dokku
+ SSH_USER=dokku
+ export SSH_NAME=web-admin1
+ SSH_NAME=web-admin1
+ plugn trigger user-auth dokku web-admin1 git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
++ set -eo pipefail
++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++ set -x
+ [[ ! -n '' ]]
+ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
++ set -eo pipefail
++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++ set -x
+ [[ git-receive-pack =~ (ssh-keys:add|ssh-keys:remove) ]]
+ return 0
+ case "$1" in
+ execute_dokku_cmd git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ declare 'desc=executes dokku sub-commands'
+ local PLUGIN_NAME=git-receive-pack
+ local PLUGIN_CMD=git-receive-pack
+ local implemented=0
+ local script
+ argv=("$@")
+ local argv
+ case "$PLUGIN_NAME" in
++ readlink -f /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git-receive-pack
+ [[ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git-receive-pack == *core-plugins* ]]
+ [[ -x /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git-receive-pack/subcommands/default ]]
+ [[ -x /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git-receive-pack/subcommands/git-receive-pack ]]
+ [[ -x /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git-receive-pack/subcommands/git-receive-pack ]]
+ [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/00_dokku-standard/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/20_events/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/apps/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/certs/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/checks/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/config/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/docker-options/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/domains/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/enter/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/git/functions
++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
+++ set -eo pipefail
+++ [[ -n 1 ]]
+++ set -x
++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/property-functions
+++ set -eo pipefail
+++ [[ -n 1 ]]
+++ set -x
++ source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/apps/functions
+++ set -eo pipefail
+++ [[ -n 1 ]]
+++ set -x
+++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
++++ set -eo pipefail
++++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++++ set -x
+++ source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/functions
++++ set -eo pipefail
++++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++++ set -x
++++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
+++++ set -eo pipefail
+++++ [[ -n 1 ]]
+++++ set -x
++ source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/functions
+++ set -eo pipefail
+++ [[ -n 1 ]]
+++ set -x
+++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
++++ set -eo pipefail
++++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++++ set -x
++ set -eo pipefail
++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++ set -x
+ source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/git/internal-functions
++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
+++ set -eo pipefail
+++ [[ -n 1 ]]
+++ set -x
++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/property-functions
+++ set -eo pipefail
+++ [[ -n 1 ]]
+++ set -x
++ set -eo pipefail
++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++ set -x
+ case "$1" in
+ git_glob_cmd git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ declare 'desc=catch-all for any other git-* commands'
+ local 'cmd=git-*'
++ sed 's/\\'\''/'\''/g'
++ sed 's/^\///g'
++ echo ''\''production'\'''
++ perl -pe 's/(?<!\\)'\''//g'
+ local APP=production
+ local APP_PATH=/home/dokku/production
+ is_valid_app_name production
+ declare 'desc=verify app name format'
+ local APP=production
+ [[ ! -n production ]]
+ [[ production =~ ^[a-z].* ]]
+ [[ ! production =~ [A-Z] ]]
+ [[ ! production =~ [:] ]]
+ return 0
+ [[ git-receive-pack == \g\i\t\-\r\e\c\e\i\v\e\-\p\a\c\k ]]
+ [[ ! -d /home/dokku/production/refs ]]
+ [[ git-receive-pack == \g\i\t\-\r\e\c\e\i\v\e\-\p\a\c\k ]]
+ local 'args=git-receive-pack '\''/home/dokku/production'\'''
+ git-shell -c 'git-receive-pack '\''/home/dokku/production'\'''
Enumerating objects: 11, done.
Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
Delta compression using up to 12 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 482 bytes | 482.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: + export DOKKU_HOST_ROOT=/home/dokku
remote: + DOKKU_HOST_ROOT=/home/dokku
remote: + export DOKKU_DISTRO
remote: ++ . /etc/os-release
remote: ++ echo ubuntu
remote: + DOKKU_DISTRO=ubuntu
remote: + export DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
remote: + DOKKU_IMAGE=gliderlabs/herokuish
remote: + export DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
remote: + DOKKU_LIB_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku
remote: + export PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
remote: + PLUGIN_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins
remote: + export PLUGIN_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/available
remote: + PLUGIN_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/available
remote: + export PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled
remote: + PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled
remote: + export PLUGIN_CORE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins
remote: + PLUGIN_CORE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins
remote: + export PLUGIN_CORE_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available
remote: + PLUGIN_CORE_AVAILABLE_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available
remote: + export PLUGIN_CORE_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/enabled
remote: + PLUGIN_CORE_ENABLED_PATH=/var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/enabled
remote: + export DOKKU_SYSTEM_GROUP=dokku
remote: + DOKKU_SYSTEM_GROUP=dokku
remote: + export DOKKU_SYSTEM_USER=dokku
remote: + DOKKU_SYSTEM_USER=dokku
remote: + export DOKKU_API_VERSION=1
remote: + export DOKKU_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_EXIT=10
remote: + export DOKKU_VALID_EXIT=0
remote: + DOKKU_VALID_EXIT=0
remote: + export DOKKU_LOGS_DIR=/var/log/dokku
remote: + DOKKU_LOGS_DIR=/var/log/dokku
remote: + export DOKKU_EVENTS_LOGFILE=/var/log/dokku/events.log
remote: + DOKKU_EVENTS_LOGFILE=/var/log/dokku/events.log
remote: + export DOKKU_CONTAINER_LABEL=dokku
remote: + export DOKKU_GLOBAL_RUN_ARGS=--label=dokku
remote: + DOKKU_GLOBAL_RUN_ARGS=--label=dokku
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + parse_args git-hook production
remote: + declare 'desc=top-level cli arg parser'
remote: + local next_index=1
remote: + local skip=false
remote: + args=("$@")
remote: + local args
remote: + for arg in "$@"
remote: + [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
remote: + case "$arg" in
remote: + next_index=2
remote: + for arg in "$@"
remote: + [[ false == \t\r\u\e ]]
remote: + case "$arg" in
remote: + next_index=3
remote: + return 0
remote: + args=("$@")
remote: + skip_arg=false
remote: + [[ git-hook =~ ^--.* ]]
remote: + has_tty
remote: + declare 'desc=return 0 if we have a tty'
remote: ++ /usr/bin/tty
remote: ++ true
remote: + [[ not a tty == \n\o\t\ \a\ \t\t\y ]]
remote: + return 1
remote: ++ id -un
remote: + [[ dokku != \d\o\k\k\u ]]
remote: + [[ git-hook =~ ^plugin:.* ]]
remote: + [[ git-hook == \s\s\h\-\k\e\y\s\:\a\d\d ]]
remote: + [[ -n '' ]]
remote: + dokku_auth git-hook production
remote: + declare 'desc=calls user-auth plugin trigger'
remote: + export SSH_USER=dokku
remote: + SSH_USER=dokku
remote: + export SSH_NAME=web-admin1
remote: + SSH_NAME=web-admin1
remote: + plugn trigger user-auth dokku web-admin1 git-hook production
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + [[ ! -n '' ]]
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + [[ git-hook =~ (ssh-keys:add|ssh-keys:remove) ]]
remote: + return 0
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + execute_dokku_cmd git-hook production
remote: + declare 'desc=executes dokku sub-commands'
remote: + local PLUGIN_NAME=git-hook
remote: + local PLUGIN_CMD=git-hook
remote: + local implemented=0
remote: + local script
remote: + argv=("$@")
remote: + local argv
remote: + case "$PLUGIN_NAME" in
remote: ++ readlink -f /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git-hook
remote: + [[ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git-hook == *core-plugins* ]]
remote: + [[ -x /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git-hook/subcommands/default ]]
remote: + [[ -x /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git-hook/subcommands/git-hook ]]
remote: + [[ -x /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git-hook/subcommands/git-hook ]]
remote: + [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]
remote: + for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/00_dokku-standard/commands git-hook production
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/20_events/commands git-hook production
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/apps/commands git-hook production
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/certs/commands git-hook production
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/checks/commands git-hook production
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/config/commands git-hook production
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/docker-options/commands git-hook production
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/domains/commands git-hook production
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/enter/commands git-hook production
remote: + exit_code=10
remote: + set -e
remote: + [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
remote: + continue
remote: + for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
remote: + set +e
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/git/commands git-hook production
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/git/functions
remote: ++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: +++ set -eo pipefail
remote: +++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: +++ set -x
remote: ++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/property-functions
remote: +++ set -eo pipefail
remote: +++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: +++ set -x
remote: ++ source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/apps/functions
remote: +++ set -eo pipefail
remote: +++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: +++ set -x
remote: +++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++++ set -x
remote: +++ source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/functions
remote: ++++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++++ set -x
remote: ++++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: +++++ set -eo pipefail
remote: +++++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: +++++ set -x
remote: ++ source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/functions
remote: +++ set -eo pipefail
remote: +++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: +++ set -x
remote: +++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++++ set -x
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/git/internal-functions
remote: ++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: +++ set -eo pipefail
remote: +++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: +++ set -x
remote: ++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/property-functions
remote: +++ set -eo pipefail
remote: +++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: +++ set -x
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + case "$1" in
remote: + git_hook_cmd git-hook production
remote: + declare 'desc=kick off receive-app trigger from git prereceive hook'
remote: + local cmd=git-hook
remote: + local APP=production
remote: + local DOKKU_DEPLOY_BRANCH
remote: + is_valid_app_name production
remote: + declare 'desc=verify app name format'
remote: + local APP=production
remote: + [[ ! -n production ]]
remote: + [[ production =~ ^[a-z].* ]]
remote: + [[ ! production =~ [A-Z] ]]
remote: + [[ ! production =~ [:] ]]
remote: + return 0
remote: ++ git_deploy_branch production
remote: ++ declare 'desc=retrieve the deploy branch for a given application'
remote: ++ local cmd=git-hook
remote: ++ local APP=production
remote: +++ fn-plugin-property-get git production deploy-branch ''
remote: +++ declare 'desc=returns the property store value for an app'
remote: +++ declare PLUGIN=git APP=production KEY=deploy-branch DEFAULT=
remote: +++ local CONFIG_VALUE
remote: +++ [[ -z git ]]
remote: +++ [[ -z production ]]
remote: +++ [[ -z deploy-branch ]]
remote: ++++ fn-plugin-property-read git production deploy-branch
remote: ++++ declare 'desc=read a key from the property store for an app'
remote: ++++ declare PLUGIN=git APP=production KEY=deploy-branch
remote: ++++ [[ -z git ]]
remote: ++++ [[ -z production ]]
remote: ++++ [[ -z deploy-branch ]]
remote: ++++ [[ ! -f /var/lib/dokku/config/git/production/deploy-branch ]]
remote: ++++ return 1
remote: ++++ true
remote: +++ CONFIG_VALUE=
remote: +++ [[ -z '' ]]
remote: +++ CONFIG_VALUE=
remote: +++ echo ''
remote: ++ local DOKKU_DEPLOY_BRANCH=
remote: +++ fn-plugin-property-get git --global deploy-branch ''
remote: +++ declare 'desc=returns the property store value for an app'
remote: +++ declare PLUGIN=git APP=--global KEY=deploy-branch DEFAULT=
remote: +++ local CONFIG_VALUE
remote: +++ [[ -z git ]]
remote: +++ [[ -z --global ]]
remote: +++ [[ -z deploy-branch ]]
remote: ++++ fn-plugin-property-read git --global deploy-branch
remote: ++++ declare 'desc=read a key from the property store for an app'
remote: ++++ declare PLUGIN=git APP=--global KEY=deploy-branch
remote: ++++ [[ -z git ]]
remote: ++++ [[ -z --global ]]
remote: ++++ [[ -z deploy-branch ]]
remote: ++++ [[ ! -f /var/lib/dokku/config/git/--global/deploy-branch ]]
remote: ++++ return 1
remote: ++++ true
remote: +++ CONFIG_VALUE=
remote: +++ [[ -z '' ]]
remote: +++ CONFIG_VALUE=
remote: +++ echo ''
remote: ++ [[ -n '' ]]
remote: ++ [[ -n '' ]]
remote: ++ echo master
remote: + DOKKU_DEPLOY_BRANCH=master
remote: + git check-ref-format --branch master
remote: + local oldrev newrev refname
remote: + read -r oldrev newrev refname
remote: + [[ refs/heads/master = \r\e\f\s\/\h\e\a\d\s\/\m\a\s\t\e\r ]]
remote: + git_receive_app production 398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + declare 'desc=git receive-app plugin trigger'
remote: + declare APP=production REV=398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + [[ ! -d /home/dokku/production/refs ]]
remote: + acquire_app_deploy_lock production exclusive
remote: + declare 'desc=acquire advisory lock for use in git/tar deploys'
remote: + local APP=production
remote: + verify_app_name production
remote: + declare 'desc=verify app name format and app existence'
remote: + local APP=production
remote: + is_valid_app_name production
remote: + declare 'desc=verify app name format'
remote: + local APP=production
remote: + [[ ! -n production ]]
remote: + [[ production =~ ^[a-z].* ]]
remote: + [[ ! production =~ [A-Z] ]]
remote: + [[ ! production =~ [:] ]]
remote: + return 0
remote: + [[ ! -d /home/dokku/production ]]
remote: + return 0
remote: + local LOCK_TYPE=exclusive
remote: + local APP_DEPLOY_LOCK_FD=200
remote: + local APP_DEPLOY_LOCK_FILE=/home/dokku/production/.deploy.lock
remote: + local 'LOCK_WAITING_MSG=production currently has a deploy lock in place. Waiting...'
remote: + local 'LOCK_FAILED_MSG=production currently has a deploy lock in place. Exiting...'
remote: + local SHOW_MSG=true
remote: + eval 'exec 200>/home/dokku/production/.deploy.lock'
remote: ++ exec
remote: + [[ exclusive == \w\a\i\t\i\n\g ]]
remote: + flock -n 200
remote: + git_build production 398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + declare 'desc=setup and call git_build_app_repo'
remote: + local APP=production REV=398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + [[ 2 -ge 2 ]]
remote: ++ fn-plugin-property-get git production rev-env-var
remote: ++ declare 'desc=returns the property store value for an app'
remote: ++ declare PLUGIN=git APP=production KEY=rev-env-var DEFAULT=
remote: ++ local CONFIG_VALUE
remote: ++ [[ -z git ]]
remote: ++ [[ -z production ]]
remote: ++ [[ -z rev-env-var ]]
remote: +++ fn-plugin-property-read git production rev-env-var
remote: +++ declare 'desc=read a key from the property store for an app'
remote: +++ declare PLUGIN=git APP=production KEY=rev-env-var
remote: +++ [[ -z git ]]
remote: +++ [[ -z production ]]
remote: +++ [[ -z rev-env-var ]]
remote: +++ [[ ! -f /var/lib/dokku/config/git/production/rev-env-var ]]
remote: +++ return 1
remote: +++ true
remote: ++ CONFIG_VALUE=
remote: ++ [[ -z '' ]]
remote: ++ CONFIG_VALUE=
remote: ++ echo ''
remote: + ENV_VAR_NAME=
remote: + [[ -z '' ]]
remote: + fn-plugin-property-exists git production rev-env-var
remote: + declare 'desc=returns whether the property store has a value for an app'
remote: + declare PLUGIN=git APP=production KEY=rev-env-var DEFAULT=
remote: + local CONFIG_VALUE
remote: + [[ -z git ]]
remote: + [[ -z production ]]
remote: + [[ -z rev-env-var ]]
remote: + [[ ! -f /var/lib/dokku/config/git/production/rev-env-var ]]
remote: + return 1
remote: + [[ -n GIT_REV ]]
remote: + config_set --no-restart production GIT_REV=398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + declare 'desc=set value of given config var'
remote: + config_sub set --no-restart production GIT_REV=398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + declare 'desc=executes a config subcommand'
remote: + local name=set
remote: + shift
remote: + /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/subcommands/set config:set --no-restart production GIT_REV=398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + [[ ! -n '' ]]
remote: + local REF=398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + git_build_app_repo production 398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + declare 'desc=builds local git app repo for app'
remote: + declare APP=production REV=398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + verify_app_name production
remote: + declare 'desc=verify app name format and app existence'
remote: + local APP=production
remote: + is_valid_app_name production
remote: + declare 'desc=verify app name format'
remote: + local APP=production
remote: + [[ ! -n production ]]
remote: + [[ production =~ ^[a-z].* ]]
remote: + [[ ! production =~ [A-Z] ]]
remote: + [[ ! production =~ [:] ]]
remote: + return 0
remote: + [[ ! -d /home/dokku/production ]]
remote: + return 0
remote: ++ mktemp -d /tmp/dokku_git.XXXX
remote: + local GIT_BUILD_APP_REPO_TMP_WORK_DIR=/tmp/dokku_git.kxi6
remote: + trap 'rm -rf "$GIT_BUILD_APP_REPO_TMP_WORK_DIR" > /dev/null' RETURN INT TERM EXIT
remote: + local TMP_TAG=dokku/398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + chmod 755 /tmp/dokku_git.kxi6
remote: + unset GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE
remote: + apps_exists production
remote: + use_git_worktree
remote: + declare 'desc=detects whether to use git worktree'
remote: ++ git --version
remote: ++ awk '{split($0,a," "); print a[3]}'
remote: + GIT_VERSION=2.17.1
remote: ++ echo 2.17.1
remote: ++ awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[1]}'
remote: + MAJOR_VERSION=2
remote: ++ echo 2.17.1
remote: ++ awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[2]}'
remote: + MINOR_VERSION=17
remote: + [[ 2 -ge 3 ]]
remote: + [[ 2 -eq 2 ]]
remote: + [[ 17 -ge 11 ]]
remote: + return 0
remote: + pushd /home/dokku/production
remote: + suppress_output env -u GIT_QUARANTINE_PATH git worktree add /tmp/dokku_git.kxi6 398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + declare 'desc=suppress all output from a given command unless there is an error'
remote: + local TMP_COMMAND_OUTPUT
remote: ++ mktemp /tmp/suppress_output.XXXX
remote: + TMP_COMMAND_OUTPUT=/tmp/suppress_output.VQbZ
remote: + trap 'rm -rf "$TMP_COMMAND_OUTPUT" > /dev/null' RETURN INT TERM EXIT
remote: + env -u GIT_QUARANTINE_PATH git worktree add /tmp/dokku_git.kxi6 398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + return 0
remote: ++ rm -rf /tmp/suppress_output.VQbZ
remote: + popd
remote: + pushd /tmp/dokku_git.kxi6
remote: + suppress_output env -u GIT_QUARANTINE_PATH git submodule update --init --recursive
remote: + declare 'desc=suppress all output from a given command unless there is an error'
remote: + local TMP_COMMAND_OUTPUT
remote: ++ mktemp /tmp/suppress_output.XXXX
remote: + TMP_COMMAND_OUTPUT=/tmp/suppress_output.fseV
remote: + trap 'rm -rf "$TMP_COMMAND_OUTPUT" > /dev/null' RETURN INT TERM EXIT
remote: + env -u GIT_QUARANTINE_PATH git submodule update --init --recursive
remote: + return 0
remote: ++ rm -rf /tmp/suppress_output.fseV
remote: + find . -name .git -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' ';'
remote: + use_git_worktree
remote: + declare 'desc=detects whether to use git worktree'
remote: ++ git --version
remote: ++ awk '{split($0,a," "); print a[3]}'
remote: + GIT_VERSION=2.17.1
remote: ++ awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[1]}'
remote: ++ echo 2.17.1
remote: + MAJOR_VERSION=2
remote: ++ echo 2.17.1
remote: ++ awk '{split($0,a,"."); print a[2]}'
remote: + MINOR_VERSION=17
remote: + [[ 2 -ge 3 ]]
remote: + [[ 2 -eq 2 ]]
remote: + [[ 17 -ge 11 ]]
remote: + return 0
remote: + pushd /home/dokku/production
remote: + git worktree prune
remote: + popd
remote: ++ config_get production DOKKU_DISABLE_ANSI_PREFIX_REMOVAL
remote: ++ declare 'desc=get value of given config var'
remote: ++ config_sub get production DOKKU_DISABLE_ANSI_PREFIX_REMOVAL
remote: ++ declare 'desc=executes a config subcommand'
remote: ++ local name=get
remote: ++ shift
remote: ++ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/subcommands/get config:get production DOKKU_DISABLE_ANSI_PREFIX_REMOVAL
remote: ++ true
remote: ++ config_get --global DOKKU_DISABLE_ANSI_PREFIX_REMOVAL
remote: ++ declare 'desc=get value of given config var'
remote: ++ config_sub get --global DOKKU_DISABLE_ANSI_PREFIX_REMOVAL
remote: ++ declare 'desc=executes a config subcommand'
remote: ++ local name=get
remote: ++ shift
remote: ++ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/subcommands/get config:get --global DOKKU_DISABLE_ANSI_PREFIX_REMOVAL
remote: ++ true
remote: + [[ '' == \t\r\u\e ]]
remote: + git_trigger_build production /tmp/dokku_git.kxi6 398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + declare 'desc=triggers the actual build process for a given app within a directory at a particular revision'
remote: + declare APP=production TMP_WORK_DIR=/tmp/dokku_git.kxi6 REV=398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + plugn trigger post-extract production /tmp/dokku_git.kxi6 398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + [[ ! -n '' ]]
remote: + [[ -f Dockerfile ]]
remote: ++ [[ -f .env ]]
remote: ++ echo 1
remote: + [[ 1 != \0 ]]
remote: + [[ ! -f .buildpacks ]]
remote: ++ config_get production BUILDPACK_URL
remote: ++ declare 'desc=get value of given config var'
remote: ++ config_sub get production BUILDPACK_URL
remote: ++ declare 'desc=executes a config subcommand'
remote: ++ local name=get
remote: ++ shift
remote: ++ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/subcommands/get config:get production BUILDPACK_URL
remote: ++ true
remote: + [[ -z '' ]]
remote: + plugn trigger pre-receive-app production dockerfile /tmp/dokku_git.kxi6 398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + [[ ! -n '' ]]
remote: + dokku_receive production dockerfile /tmp/dokku_git.kxi6
remote: + declare 'desc=receives an app kicks off deploy process'
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: ++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: +++ set -eo pipefail
remote: +++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: +++ set -x
remote: + local APP=production
remote: ++ get_app_image_name production
remote: ++ declare 'desc=return image identifier for a given app, tag tuple. validate if tag is presented'
remote: ++ local APP=production
remote: ++ local IMAGE_TAG=
remote: ++ IMAGE_REPO=
remote: ++ is_valid_app_name production
remote: ++ declare 'desc=verify app name format'
remote: ++ local APP=production
remote: ++ [[ ! -n production ]]
remote: ++ [[ production =~ ^[a-z].* ]]
remote: ++ [[ ! production =~ [A-Z] ]]
remote: ++ [[ ! production =~ [:] ]]
remote: ++ return 0
remote: ++ [[ -z '' ]]
remote: +++ get_app_image_repo production
remote: +++ declare 'desc=central definition of image repo pattern'
remote: +++ local APP=production
remote: +++ local IMAGE_REPO=dokku/production
remote: +++ is_valid_app_name production
remote: +++ declare 'desc=verify app name format'
remote: +++ local APP=production
remote: +++ [[ ! -n production ]]
remote: +++ [[ production =~ ^[a-z].* ]]
remote: +++ [[ ! production =~ [A-Z] ]]
remote: +++ [[ ! production =~ [:] ]]
remote: +++ return 0
remote: +++ echo dokku/production
remote: ++ IMAGE_REPO=dokku/production
remote: ++ [[ -n '' ]]
remote: ++ local IMAGE=dokku/production:latest
remote: ++ echo dokku/production:latest
remote: + local IMAGE=dokku/production:latest
remote: + local IMAGE_SOURCE_TYPE=dockerfile
remote: + local TMP_WORK_DIR=/tmp/dokku_git.kxi6
remote: ++ config_get production DOKKU_SKIP_CLEANUP
remote: ++ declare 'desc=get value of given config var'
remote: ++ config_sub get production DOKKU_SKIP_CLEANUP
remote: ++ declare 'desc=executes a config subcommand'
remote: ++ local name=get
remote: ++ shift
remote: ++ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/subcommands/get config:get production DOKKU_SKIP_CLEANUP
remote: ++ true
remote: + local DOKKU_SKIP_CLEANUP=
remote: + docker_cleanup production
remote: + declare 'desc=cleans up all exited/dead containers and removes all dangling images'
remote: + declare APP=production FORCE_CLEANUP=
remote: + local DOKKU_APP_SKIP_CLEANUP
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: ++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: +++ set -eo pipefail
remote: +++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: +++ set -x
remote: + [[ '' != \t\r\u\e ]]
remote: + [[ -z production ]]
remote: + [[ -n '' ]]
remote: + [[ -n '' ]]
remote: + dokku_log_info1 'Cleaning up...'
remote: + declare 'desc=log info1 formatter'
remote: + echo '-----> Cleaning up...'
remote: + local DOKKU_SCHEDULER=docker-local
remote: + [[ -n production ]]
-----> Cleaning up...
remote: ++ config_get production DOKKU_SCHEDULER
remote: ++ declare 'desc=get value of given config var'
remote: ++ config_sub get production DOKKU_SCHEDULER
remote: ++ declare 'desc=executes a config subcommand'
remote: ++ local name=get
remote: ++ shift
remote: ++ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/subcommands/get config:get production DOKKU_SCHEDULER
remote: ++ echo docker-local
remote: + DOKKU_SCHEDULER=docker-local
remote: + plugn trigger scheduler-docker-cleanup docker-local production ''
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + [[ ! -n '' ]]
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + scheduler-docker-local-scheduler-docker-cleanup docker-local production ''
remote: + declare 'desc=scheduler-docker-local scheduler-docker-cleanup plugin trigger'
remote: + declare 'trigger=scheduler-docker-local scheduler-docker-cleanup'
remote: + declare DOKKU_SCHEDULER=docker-local APP=production FORCE_CLEANUP=
remote: + [[ docker-local != \d\o\c\k\e\r\-\l\o\c\a\l ]]
remote: ++ docker ps -a -f status=exited -f label=dokku -q
remote: + docker rm
remote: + true
remote: ++ docker ps -a -f status=dead -f label=dokku -q
remote: + docker rm
remote: + true
remote: ++ docker images -f dangling=true -q
remote: ++ docker ps -a -f status=exited -f label=dokku -q
remote: + docker rmi
remote: + docker rm
remote: + true
remote: ++ docker ps -a -f status=dead -f label=dokku -q
remote: + docker rm
remote: + true
remote: + dokku_log_info1 'Building production from dockerfile...'
remote: + declare 'desc=log info1 formatter'
remote: + echo '-----> Building production from dockerfile...'
remote: + config_set --no-restart production DOKKU_APP_TYPE=dockerfile
-----> Building production from dockerfile...
remote: ++ docker images -f dangling=true -q
remote: + docker rmi
remote: + dokku_build production dockerfile /tmp/dokku_git.kxi6
remote: + declare 'desc=build phase'
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: ++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: +++ set -eo pipefail
remote: +++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: +++ set -x
remote: + local APP=production
remote: + local IMAGE_SOURCE_TYPE=dockerfile
remote: + local TMP_WORK_DIR=/tmp/dokku_git.kxi6
remote: ++ get_app_image_name production
remote: ++ declare 'desc=return image identifier for a given app, tag tuple. validate if tag is presented'
remote: ++ local APP=production
remote: ++ local IMAGE_TAG=
remote: ++ IMAGE_REPO=
remote: ++ is_valid_app_name production
remote: ++ declare 'desc=verify app name format'
remote: ++ local APP=production
remote: ++ [[ ! -n production ]]
remote: ++ [[ production =~ ^[a-z].* ]]
remote: ++ [[ ! production =~ [A-Z] ]]
remote: ++ [[ ! production =~ [:] ]]
remote: ++ return 0
remote: ++ [[ -z '' ]]
remote: +++ get_app_image_repo production
remote: +++ declare 'desc=central definition of image repo pattern'
remote: +++ local APP=production
remote: +++ local IMAGE_REPO=dokku/production
remote: +++ is_valid_app_name production
remote: +++ declare 'desc=verify app name format'
remote: +++ local APP=production
remote: +++ [[ ! -n production ]]
remote: +++ [[ production =~ ^[a-z].* ]]
remote: +++ [[ ! production =~ [A-Z] ]]
remote: +++ [[ ! production =~ [:] ]]
remote: +++ return 0
remote: +++ echo dokku/production
remote: ++ IMAGE_REPO=dokku/production
remote: ++ [[ -n '' ]]
remote: ++ local IMAGE=dokku/production:latest
remote: ++ echo dokku/production:latest
remote: + local IMAGE=dokku/production:latest
remote: + local cid
remote: + verify_app_name production
remote: + declare 'desc=verify app name format and app existence'
remote: + local APP=production
remote: + is_valid_app_name production
remote: + declare 'desc=verify app name format'
remote: + local APP=production
remote: + [[ ! -n production ]]
remote: + [[ production =~ ^[a-z].* ]]
remote: + [[ ! production =~ [A-Z] ]]
remote: + [[ ! production =~ [:] ]]
remote: + return 0
remote: + [[ ! -d /home/dokku/production ]]
remote: + return 0
remote: + local DOKKU_APP_CACHE_DIR=/home/dokku/production/cache
remote: + local DOKKU_APP_HOST_CACHE_DIR=/home/dokku/production/cache
remote: ++ config_export app production
remote: ++ declare 'desc=returns export command for config variable of specified type (app/global)'
remote: ++ local CONFIG_TYPE=app
remote: ++ shift
remote: ++ local APP=production
remote: ++ [[ app == \g\l\o\b\a\l ]]
remote: ++ shift
remote: ++ config_sub export production
remote: ++ declare 'desc=executes a config subcommand'
remote: ++ local name=export
remote: ++ shift
remote: ++ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/config/subcommands/export config:export production
remote: ++ return 0
remote: export DOKKU_APP_RESTORE='\''1'\''
remote: export DOKKU_APP_TYPE='\''dockerfile'\''
remote: export DOKKU_PROXY_PORT='\''80'\''
remote: export DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP='\''http:80:5000 https:443:5000'\''
remote: export DOKKU_PROXY_SSL_PORT='\''443'\''
remote: export GIT_REV='\''398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873'\''
remote: export RACK_ENV='\''production'\''
remote: export RAILS_ENV='\''production'\''
remote: export RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT='\''1'\''
remote: export RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES='\''1'\''
remote: ++ export DOKKU_APP_RESTORE=1
remote: ++ DOKKU_APP_RESTORE=1
remote: ++ export DOKKU_APP_TYPE=dockerfile
remote: ++ DOKKU_APP_TYPE=dockerfile
remote: ++ export DOKKU_PROXY_PORT=80
remote: ++ DOKKU_PROXY_PORT=80
remote: ++ export 'DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP=http:80:5000 https:443:5000'
remote: ++ DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP='http:80:5000 https:443:5000'
remote: ++ export DOKKU_PROXY_SSL_PORT=443
remote: ++ DOKKU_PROXY_SSL_PORT=443
remote: ++ export GIT_REV=398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: ++ GIT_REV=398f6ea82cede4921f95117098934cf83d3ba873
remote: ++ export RACK_ENV=production
remote: ++ RACK_ENV=production
remote: ++ export RAILS_ENV=production
remote: ++ RAILS_ENV=production
remote: ++ export RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=1
remote: ++ RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=1
remote: ++ export RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=1
remote: + pushd /tmp/dokku_git.kxi6
remote: + case "$IMAGE_SOURCE_TYPE" in
remote: ++ get_dockerfile_exposed_ports Dockerfile
remote: ++ declare 'desc=return all exposed ports from passed file path'
remote: +++ egrep '^EXPOSE ' Dockerfile
remote: +++ xargs
remote: +++ awk '{ print $2 }'
remote: ++ local DOCKERFILE_PORTS=
remote: ++ echo ''
remote: + local DOCKERFILE_PORTS=
remote: + [[ -n '' ]]
remote: ++ extract_directive_from_dockerfile Dockerfile ENTRYPOINT
remote: ++ declare 'desc=return requested directive from passed file path'
remote: ++ local FILE_PATH=Dockerfile
remote: +++ egrep '^ENTRYPOINT ' Dockerfile
remote: +++ tail -n1
remote: ++ local FOUND_LINE=
remote: ++ echo ''
remote: + [[ -n '' ]]
remote: ++ extract_directive_from_dockerfile Dockerfile CMD
remote: ++ declare 'desc=return requested directive from passed file path'
remote: ++ local FILE_PATH=Dockerfile
remote: ++ local SEARCH_STRING=CMD
remote: +++ tail -n1
remote: +++ egrep '^CMD ' Dockerfile
remote: ++ local FOUND_LINE=
remote: ++ echo ''
remote: + local DOCKERFILE_CMD=
remote: + [[ -n '' ]]
remote: + plugn trigger pre-build-dockerfile production
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + [[ ! -n '' ]]
remote: + source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
remote: ++ set -eo pipefail
remote: ++ [[ -n 1 ]]
remote: ++ set -x
remote: + solr-pre-build production
remote: + declare APP=production
remote: ++ solr-linked-services production
remote: ++ declare APP=production
remote: +++ ls /var/lib/dokku/services/solr
remote: ++ SERVICES=production
remote: ++ for SERVICE in $SERVICES
remote: ++ SERVICE_ROOT=/var/lib/dokku/services/solr/production
remote: ++ LINKS_FILE=/var/lib/dokku/services/solr/production/LINKS
remote: ++ grep -Fxq production /var/lib/dokku/services/solr/production/LINKS
remote: ++ echo -n 'production '
+ exit_code=0
+ set -e
+ [[ 0 -eq 10 ]]
+ implemented=1
+ [[ 0 -ne 0 ]]
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/letsencrypt/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/logs/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
remote: + LINKED_SERVICES='production '
remote: + [[ -z production  ]]
remote: ++ mktemp -d
remote: + TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp.mp916UkEAz
remote: + trap 'rm -rf "$TMP_WORK_DIR" > /dev/null' RETURN
remote: + cd /tmp/tmp.mp916UkEAz
remote: + git clone -q /home/dokku/production repo
remote: + rm -rf ''
remote: + exit_code=128
remote: + set -e
remote: + [[ 128 -eq 10 ]]
remote: + implemented=1
remote: + [[ 128 -ne 0 ]]
remote: + exit 128
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/maintenance/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/network/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/nginx-vhosts/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/plugin/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/postgres/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/proxy/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/ps/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/redis/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/repo/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/scheduler-docker-local/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ source /var/lib/dokku/plugins/available/scheduler-docker-local/internal-functions
++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/functions
+++ set -eo pipefail
+++ [[ -n 1 ]]
+++ set -x
++ source /var/lib/dokku/core-plugins/available/common/property-functions
+++ set -eo pipefail
+++ [[ -n 1 ]]
+++ set -x
++ set -eo pipefail
++ [[ -n 1 ]]
++ set -x
+ case "$1" in
+ exit 10
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/shell/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/solr/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/ssh-keys/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/storage/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/tags/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ for script in $PLUGIN_ENABLED_PATH/*/commands
+ set +e
+ /var/lib/dokku/plugins/enabled/tar/commands git-receive-pack ''\''production'\'''
+ exit_code=10
+ set -e
+ [[ 10 -eq 10 ]]
+ continue
+ [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
+ set +f
+ exit 0
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)

from dokku-solr.

josegonzalez avatar josegonzalez commented on September 2, 2024

Got it. This can probably be moved to a post-extract hook instead, which won't need the git clone that is failing due to a change in git around interacting with repositories when they have in-flight commits.

from dokku-solr.

dfurber avatar dfurber commented on September 2, 2024

That sounds good to me. Also would be nice to document what the pre-build hook does - and how to install your own solr config xml. I found it while troubleshooting a broken deploy, having already figured out how to put my solr config directly into the /var/lib/dokku/services folder, which felt dirty but got the job done.

from dokku-solr.

josegonzalez avatar josegonzalez commented on September 2, 2024

I don't have much time to dig into this plugin, so if you can make a pull request to move it around, that would be excellent.

from dokku-solr.

dfurber avatar dfurber commented on September 2, 2024

from dokku-solr.

josegonzalez avatar josegonzalez commented on September 2, 2024


from dokku-solr.

josegonzalez avatar josegonzalez commented on September 2, 2024

Closed by #8, thanks for the pull request!

from dokku-solr.

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